I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 56

Sword Shop Alone (55)

The Night of the Dead

Sigh, sigh.

Lee Steel asked unexpectedly.

“…… What are you going to do? ”

“Do you understand?”

“The machines are complicated these days, so I don’t really know, but I get it. ”

Normal people would flip their eyes, but Lee Steel was calm.

“This document is null and void unless you pay me the gold ingot you promised me. ”

“Yes, but you can’t pay someone who’s already dead. ”

With the death of Flight, the shares of Hansan Group that he handed over will be returned to Lee Steel.

On the other hand, if Lee Steel dies, there is no need to pay for the looting with gold.

Dowol said.

“Winner only, you didn’t think the old man would want my head? ”

“I thought my heart would run if I knew it with my head. Because……. ”

One trillion shares a day. Who wouldn’t be delighted?

But Dowol knew from the beginning that this was the Holy Grail of Poison.

“This is just a procedure for both of us to aim for each other’s necks at ease. ”

“Yes, it is. But what the……. ”

At that time, Jinho Jung approached Dowol and whispered.

“Here we go.”

He nodded.

Lee Steel had not fully understood the situation.

Of course they’re after each other’s lives. But why is the email…….

Lee steel’s face hardened.

“…… No way. ”

“The Cinemarring offices have been ambushed. ”

I did not believe Lee Steel.

A moment later, the Cinemarring Clan member approaches and whispers to Lee Steel.

Lee Steel bites his lips tightly.

“…… I see. That’s what it was.”

“Yes, at least no one will help Cinemarring tonight. Rather, it’s a good thing we didn’t raid them on the sly. ”

During the encounter with Lee Steel, the prosecutors of Mt. Jangdu and Gwangho bypassed and infiltrated the sewer tunnels.

Then, in time, the Shine Maring branch was ambushed, set fire to, struck and drowned.

The focus was on setting fire and causing chaos, not extinction.

Make it look like someone hit Cinemarring.

“The clans that just checked the mail will all revolt. But what if we hear that Cinemarring was attacked? The other clans will think they hit the fighter. You may or may not join in. ”

“ ……. ”

“I can assure you, if you call for help tonight, no one will help you. I don’t know what’s going on. ”

Shine Maring, Lee Steel, was a man with many connections.

In normal times, the prosecutors in Gangnam District can’t face Shine Maring in a crowd.

Lee Steel can gather the soldiers from all over with one phone call.

However, information is hidden in Cinemarring. Then you show them you were attacked, and you brake the movement of each clan.

The leap forward said badly.

“Old man, the relationship I bought with money…… is cut off by money. ”

“Khh, khh, khh. ”

Lee Steel shakes his shoulders and smiles.

Lee Steel’s mobile phone has hundreds of names like Gigantic.

Those who pretend to be livers, gallbladders, and pickers, if he says so, will take the trouble.

But what about tonight, when there’s a lust for a giant gold ingot?

Call and no one will come. It was clear without even checking.


Lee Steel looked up at the night sky and laughed loudly.

I realized why Dowolwol mentioned the gold ingot and what it was designed for.

The golden ingot was a tool that blurred the judgment of steel.

His real goal was to stop the other clans from supporting Cinemarring.

Like a prosecutor, to make a stage with a knife.

Lee Steel, who smiled so gracefully, looked down.

Burning eyes, he glances at the escape.

“Marvelous, truly marvelous! You’re a remarkable young man! You deserve to be president after me! You deserve it!”

“Thank you.”

“Yes, but why are you telling me all about alcohol now? I, too, don’t have a sword with me right now… But it’s not hard to kill each other, is it? ”

From Lee Steel’s point of view, if we kill the leap in front of us…. No, it’s just for tonight.

You can clear Gangnam District after informing them that the Golden Ingot is a plot to escape, and restoring relations with other clans.

On the contrary, Dowol had to catch Lee Steel today.

“Give me the old man’s head now, instead of begging for it. ”

“What are the terms? ”

“Let’s roll the Hansan group well. The old man’s picture on the porch. I left it there. ”

“Too desperate a condition. I refuse.”

Lee Steel grins with both hands on his cane.

He smiled at me, too.

Barehanded to each other, but they’re both prosecutors.

There are also hundreds of prosecutors on both sides.

If we start a war here…… one will surely die.

“Great, let’s get started. ”

“Would you mind giving the player a hand? ”

“No. Don’t you think you’re higher up?” Rather, I have to get my balance. ”

Dowol and Lee Steel, the two of them laughed and talked with each other like friends.

It’s not a fake smile.

Satisfaction when encountering obstacles worth crossing. And the confidence to be able to cross it was a young smile.

Tonight, I will kill him.

As soon as the two minds coincided, the two of them moved.


Lee Steel flips over as he raises the table with his toes.

He slapped the table with his left arm and called for anonymity.

No matter how much distance he wants, anonymity appears in his hands.

< Master!

However, the sudden voice of anonymity pulls back at the same time as the cold in your hand.


Survival was instantaneous.

The upside down table obstructs my view.

What's the steel doing over the table?


A knife pierces you almost simultaneously as you leap backwards.

Steel that turned the table upside down stabbed him in the back.

If the evasion had been a little late, Carl would have stabbed him in the chest.


A sharp blade splits through the table and turns back.

“Too bad.”

I feel sorry for Lee Steel standing tall with her waist up.

It was a narrow sword in your hand, an object that was in your staff a moment ago.

< It's a Spear Blade! It's an assassination sword that usually disguises itself as a cane and pulls out!

The staff of Lee Steel was disguised as an old man, but it was a secret place to hide his sword.

He's a great old man.

He got into position with his heart intact.

However, Lee Steel smiled bitterly and flew backwards.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Running away with a scepter, running away without looking back.

To the clan members of Cinemarring.

“Hit it!”

He also gave the order.

Jung Jinho and the Omega prosecutors screamed and rushed towards Cinemarring.

Cinemarring was also beaten as he pulled out his sword.

He briefly looked at the situation on the bridge and shouted.

“Jin-ho, Jin-ho! I'll leave it to you! ”

“Very well! I wish you luck! Commander!”

Jinho shouted loudly.

Tonight, escape and the ground work of his men is the slaughter of Lee Steel.

On the contrary, Lee Steel is good enough to kill the fugitive, but not necessarily.

After tonight, Cinemarring can recover and subdue Gangnam District.

If Lee Steel escaped from this meeting, it was said in advance that a fugitive would be pursued.


The leap forward came up with an optimal route.

The Cinemarring clan fell down with a level 7 trans-spectomy.

Together with the ability of Achievement and Weakening, low level prosecutors could not stop the number of people.

Suddenly, a dozen slain dogwalkers broke through Cinemarring's lines.

Behind you, I can see Lee Steel getting in the car.


Don't miss out. He ran to the car with all his strength.

‘Boom!' As soon as the car door closes and the car starts, leap forward and take the sword while flying.


And then the car left.

He grips his teeth with his sword in the trunk.

The car was speeding at an incredible speed of over 100 kilometers in an instant.

We've restricted the bridge for today's conference. There were no obstacles, so it was possible.


Fast speed, leap, and grip, trying not to fall off.

Yuck! Yuck!

The car suddenly turns left and right again.

Trying to keep the odds down.

It swings heavily like a storm.

If you fall from a car over 120 kilometers an hour, you will not be harmed by the inspection.

However, Lee Steel will flee immediately. You can't do that!

< Master! Trust me! It won't come out easy!


Anonymous bet, Dowol grabs Anonymous with his left hand and smacks the trunk with his right hand.


The prosecutor kicked the trunk in the fist of the superintendent.


Repeats twice to pierce the trunk.

The exfil was silenced with his left hand and his right arm shoved into the trunk. Then I pulled myself up.

I barely made it to the top of the trunk…

My eyes met.

Lee Steel, who was sitting in the passenger seat, moved to the back seat and laughed.

At present, evacuation cannot respond to a situation where the anonymity through the trunk cannot be removed.

Tsk, tsk!

Lee steel's sword pierces through the rear window and pierces the shoulder of the escape.

Originally, the blow aimed at the chest and dodged him in a way he grabbed him first and hit the shoulder.

“ ……!? ”

Lee Steel was greatly surprised.

He could not have imagined that he would be thrown and missed.

However, with the blade of steel still in place, he smiles in a dazzling manner.

I was going to give her strength and blow her arm away.


But Dowol also knew about it, and used the Grand Brigade.

This is not a saving situation right now.

The effects of the Great Bandit were all healed, and the steel blade was pushed out.

It is determined by the foreign body in the body and bitten.

I was also suspicious of Lee Steel's eyes.

And…… Dodge performed a swordsmanship with his left hand in his hands.


A dagger pierces through the trunk and burns through it.

The Sword of the Dragon, 2-star, burns as fiery as gathering.


Lee Steel, who was sitting in the back seat, quickly opened the car door and jumped down.


Just before that, the car exploded as a flame erupted.

A huge flame exploded from the inside of the car, so it was a natural outcome.


You sprint like a shot, explode, or the car floats in the air, and then flips completely over.

The explosion swept him off course.


He fell from a car speeding for more than 130 kilometers, but the blistering on his palms was just an injury from the escape.

No, that was quick, too.

“Awesome, you guys. ”

< It must have been judged as untreated while the steel blade was stuck.

Half-floored cars were actively burning, limiting their vision.

However, the test was able to pinpoint the location of the other test with the motion detection.

The prosecutor's stance on the front will be two, steel and a driver.

And in front of them, the fiery flame, the escape, rushes forward without bypassing.

Even a red flame, a diarrhea test, will stop at the first sight.


However, Dowol did not hesitate to strike the sword through the burning flames of his clothes.

“Lee Steel!”

“…… What!? ”

Lee Steel, who just woke up from being supported by the driver, opened his eyes.

I can't believe the flames are pierced, and there's no escape.

Moreover, the staff that hid the sword during the accident bounces off empty-handed.

Great Opportunity!

As soon as Dowolwol wielded the sword, the driver was struck as he drew the sword.

The sword.


And he looked familiar.

“Step aside, old man. ”

Choi Han-kyu, the driver, told Lee Steel behind him, blocking the way ahead of Dowol's exit.

“Han-kyu, I hope you're okay. ”

After just saying that, Lee Steel quickly ran forward.

Retrieves the bounced sword and moves away.

He looked at it and did not move.

Choi Han Kyu aimed calmly at the sword, but not the usual guy.

Level 30, lower than Baek Tai Seoin, but with much more experience.

“I'm a little busy today…. ”

“I'm sorry, but you left in a hurry. ”

Choi Han Kyu said nonsense.

I don't want to move.

He fixed the sword and blew out a great fistfight.


However, Choi Hyuk lowered his posture and only stopped and spilled as much as possible.

Even with his arm cut off, he has no resistance and is solely dedicated to defense.

“ ……. ”

I'm trying to stall you.

Let the steel run away for one second.

A situation where the enemy commander is far away and loyal underlings are risking their lives to buy time.

I had to break through as soon as possible.

However, Choi Kyung-kyu was also a level 30, skilled blackmailer.

It's hard to break through.


Suddenly, the bridge of the dodge I had thought of twisted.

It was a peculiar move, aiming my chest at Choi Hye-gyu's sword.


The obvious holes, Choi Han Kyu's eyebrows twitched.

My hands are moving.

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