I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 65

Sword Shop Alone (64)

Board Takeover


Hansan Group Meeting Room.

The board was held.

It was the seat of the next CEO of Lee Steel.

“Haha, I don’t know what the world is going to be like. ”

“That ‘escape’ guy, the blue kid? Besides, you’re the one who sold phones! I don’t know where that came from. ”

The board of directors did not approve of the leap.

A loving old man opened his mouth.

It was Park Jeon Ho, President of Hansan Electronics.

“I know what you’re thinking, but calm down. It’s true that all of Lee Steel’s shares have already passed over to him. We have 15 trillion shares, and we have no right to oppose that. ”

“Are you saying you want to let him install it? ”

“Would that make you feel better? But legally, he needs the maximum, and he needs the power of the prosecutor. Isn’t it safe for us to do business with Lee Steel? ”

Everyone swallowed a horse.

Park Jeon Ho was the chairman of Hansan Group’s board of directors, a man with a big voice.

“Let’s just smile and applaud and admit it. What do you know about business, you little pervert who rolled around in the street? ”

“Of course, Chairman Lee, didn’t you trust us? ”

“Luckily, he owns quite a bit of stock. What do you know about inspection papers and company practices outside? ”

“Worse public opinion, shareholders will be nervous. The stock price actually plummeted. ”

Everyone cheered up.

The directors seem to think he’s a little blue.

Park Jeon Ho lowered his voice.

“Just admit it and I’ll take care of it. ”


“What the……. ”

“A little knife wouldn’t be enough to deal with someone who’s better with a knife, would it? We’re already working on that. ”

Park Jeon is going to contact the other prosecutors and try to escape.

Don’t you think it’s reckless to speak to the board?

None of these men will be loyal to Dowol.

“Great, you’re great. Mr. Park.”

“We only trust Mr. Park! ”

Rather, I was able to bend to the leadership of the board.

Cheers, Park Jeon Ho swelled with rosy views.

What if he disappears after Lee Steel? At that time, the really Hansan group will disintegrate.

A kid who hasn’t even gone to college yet, after that, Park Jeon Ho will do as he wishes.

Knock, knock.

Knock, staff member came in and reported.

“The fugitive lord just drove through the front door. ”

“What a great shareholder……. ”

“Let it go. Let’s kiss for a while.” And later……. ”

The board was all smiling happily.

I don’t know what’s gonna happen now.


The getaway from the car went to the conference room.

I was dressed differently than usual, but I was wearing a black.

Seo Yura who was following said.

“Black push. It doesn’t fit with the board. ”

“No, what are you talking about? Brother, just tea. ”

A few minutes later, or less, intervened.

Below, I brought Seo Yu because she has another use for clearing up today.

Secretary, Seo Yura said again.

“The chairman of Lee Steel also used to unsheath his sword. Give them a sense of camaraderie. This is not where prosecutors fight, this is where they do business. ”

“Prosecutors are prosecutors wherever they are. Seo Yu Ra, I am. ”

I said, cut the jackals.

“For the record, I decide what I do. You’re not in a position to tell me what to do. I’m on my way to be president, and you’re his secretary. ”

“Are you going to kill me if you don’t like it? ”

He stopped and looked back.

I stopped and shot Seo Yu.

Her beauty secretary was expressionless, but she had hostility in her eyes.

He smiled.

“Don’t look so hot. Seo Yu Ra mistakenly thinks he loves me. ”

“What……. ”

“Seo Yura, a Hansan Group scholar who studied abroad at a prestigious university. Excellent resources in commercial law and corporate strategy. Secretary of Steel Yin and Yang. It was practically the next secretary, and it was clear inside Hansan Group. I’m loyal to him now. ”

“ ……. ”

“There is no man who is beautiful, single, and has a ghost of working late every day. Hobbies include a late-night convenience store lunch set. What else do I need to add? ”

It was not difficult to investigate a general person named Seo Yu.

It was a talent that the inner parts of the Hansan Group were aware of, and a talent that should be used in the future.

As soon as Seo Yura shut up, Dowol got out.

“Since I’m loyal to Lee Steel, I know I’m not the one behind the sword. I understand. It’s a kind of tolerance. But no, I like it, but I’m your superior. ”

“ ……. ”

“Keep your emotions to yourself, your manners and your posture low. Is this an unfair request? ”

Seo Yura was somewhat surprised.

I didn’t know the prosecutor, Doyle, was going to reprimand me.

“Do you know what I’m saying, Secretary Seo Yura? ”

“I’m sorry for being rude. I’ll make it right.”

Seo Yu looked down.

“I’ll see what I can do. ”

“Yes, I will keep this in mind and take great care. ”

Despite his intentional overtaking, Seo Yu was polite.

‘Quite……. ’

The evacuation was impressed.

Seo Yura was a regular person, loyal to Lee Steel.

It is also natural to resist the succession after cleaning up Lee Steel.

However, the way that dodging was common, he took up his position and conformed.

I know the feeling of empathy and public movement.

“ ……. ”

Following that, I saw such a leap of faith complicated.

He takes another step.

“Then let’s go meet our directors. ”

Tak. Tak.

When Dowolwol arrived in the conference room, the staff standing at the door quickly opened the door.

As the escape went in, the people who were waiting looked away.

The board of directors, their faces mixed with offense and ridicule.

I despise the sword, especially the waist of dodge.

Their leader is empty.

The escape took a light step and sat down.

He and Seo Yu stood behind him, respectively.


He looked around the face without saying a word.

“Mmmm… ”


Everyone coughed unpleasantly, and finally, Dodge opened his mouth.

“Everyone’s face is greasy. ”

“…… what? ”

“What did you just say? ”

Dowol said casually.

“I heard that a well-fed and well-lived tea starts with a face. President, Vice President, are you hungry? ”

“Where is this kid……. ”

“Don’t get cocky around here! ”

Hotong, everyone showed their teeth and tried to escape.

He tapped the table.

When everyone was slightly depressed, Dobul said again.

“Then who am I, and who do you blow up your babies like that? I’m here to be your boss. ”

“What? Agari? ”

“This bastard wants to see me! ”

“Let’s go! Let’s just go!! ”


The board of directors stepped down and stood up.

He warned me calmly.

“He who leaves now dies. If you want out, you have to resign. I’ll fix it right away. ”

“No, this guy is really……. ”

“Are you crazy? I thought he was crazy when he came in with the knife…. ”

“I think you know something about the company! I think I’m going back to work! ”

I casually watched the breathability, the sobriety, and the outpouring.

On the contrary, it was a boiling face.

I’m telling you to stay calm before they come.

He casually said.

“You didn’t send your son to the army, did you? It was before the sword opened. ”

“Well……. ”

“I heard that Kim Jong-woo next door had a little land speculation in his destiny. The vice president next door asked the judge about his son’s drugs. Foreign executives smuggled in luxury goods for their wives and daughters. ”

The board was appalled.

How does dodge know this information?

Everyone was embarrassed, and Dowolwol looked back at Seo Yura.

“ ……!? ”

Seo Yura was surprised when she stopped.

The board is staring at her horribly.

“Oh, no…. ”

She, Lee Steel’s assistant, quickly changed it.

Seo Yu was unfair.

In fact, all the information that Dowol posted on her mouth was from Maya and the following.

It was not an epic secret, but information known to all.

However, the board was deceived when Dowol publicly opened his eyes to Seo Yura.

Seo Yura’s on to Dowol.

All the secrets held by Lee Steel have been overwritten.

“Th……. ”

Seo Yu, who tried to deny it, kept his mouth shut.

I can’t believe I’m saying this…. Is there any reason to say it again?

She actually looked up to the board.

“Mmmm… ”

The board sat down on their own.

Aussie disappears and only notices.

I don’t know what kind of hand he’s holding.

“Now I feel like I’m in a mood to listen. ”

“Mmmm… ”

“I know you all suck right now. What am I going to do? Even if it sucks, I have to be patient because of my salary. I have to work hard to see my family. ”

I was ridiculed by the prospect.

“That’s the world everyone lives in, and you have to live with the boss and be full, and I guess you forgot that. I’m the majority shareholder. Do I look like I’m as funny as I look? ”

“ ……. ”

“So I decided to let you know that I’m a shitty boss from today on. If you twist it, you have to resign right now. ”


Everyone lowered their eyes and only noticed.

He said softly.

“Why? Don’t you all like that? Even if I sit still, I’ll earn a hundred million in salary. I saw the way the Hansan group was going before I got here… Whew… They’re just ruining every business I do. No hotels, no markets, no cell phones. What kind of noodle parlor is this? ”


Someone bursts into laughter.

He looked back, but on the other side.

Seo Yura, who was expressionless, was hiding the entrance with his palm.

The board of directors are indifferent to the prospect.


Seo Yura’s face turned red.

He turned his gaze again.

“Those of you who have enjoyed the business, the salaries have gone well. We cut people down, but your salary inflates. ”

“You don’t know that. ”

“We worked hard, too. However, since the censor opened, the directionality of the business has not been predicted at all……. ”

The board of directors excused, and his tongue was full of excuses.

Listen to me.

“Keep your mouth shut. Don’t I know Korean finance culture, corporate culture? Jules says there’s puke everywhere. You look at me like you have teeth. ”

“ ……. ”


The board of directors exchanged their gazes anxiously.

Surrender, it was never normal.

The surpass was relentless.

“So I decided to cut your salary in half. I’m gonna try something on his merit pay or something. ”

“What nonsense…. ”

The board was appalled.

He ignored the overthrow and continued to say.

“Reduce your wages, secure your budget, and clean up your messy business. And we invest in certain areas to normalize our business. This is the goal of the year. ”

“I don’t know the company that well. ”

Silent Park Jeon Ho opened his mouth.

Park Jeon Ho, the gaze of dowol, confidently said without giving in.

Everyone was in charge of the directors.

“These are the people who have served in Hansan Group for twenty, thirty years. What would you do if you ignored them, Your Holiness? ”

“You can’t go back to work if you’re all choked up? ”

She yawned.

“Then we’re screwed. ”

“…… Yes? ”

“What did you just say? ”

He said calmly.

“It’s not the company that needs garbage, it’s the dump. Once you’ve slaughtered those who can’t do their jobs well on a billion salary, someone will fill their seat. And if it goes down, there’s nothing we can do about it. ”

“ ……. ”

Everyone was appalled.

The idea is completely different.

For the board members, Hansan Group has been a home for decades.

However, for Dowol, Hansan Group was a resource to help him act as a prosecutor.

Of course, I don’t intend to ruin his assets. It’s good to keep turning.

“You think you can pressure me with company management……. ”

He smiled and said.

“You think that’s gonna work on a guy who lives with a knife? ”

The board of directors believed they needed to rule the Hansan group, but they will change everything if they run away.

“Mmmm… ”

Now, the board had to sweat on their feet to protect their position.

“I can’t take it anymore. ”

Park Jeon Ho woke up.

“Let’s all go out. I can’t talk to a human like that anymore! ”

“Mmmm… ”

Everyone hesitated about the incitement of Park Jeon Ho.

I’m trying to figure out whether I should follow Park Jeon Ho or crawl up to Dowol, who is pushing me too hard.

Dowol said.

“I told you before. If you’re going out, write your resignation. You can’t just leave. ”

“Put your knife on your shoulder and the world will look ridiculous to you? Huh?”

“You’re making fun of me. ”

The dodge also took place.


Park Jeon Ho, who was looking at the board of directors, retreated in shock, but he did not retreat.


He grabbed Park Jeon Ho’s head and landed on the table.


Her forehead is torn and bleeding.

Primitive violence, the board of directors opened their eyes wide and hardened.

Dowol, who cut off Park Jeon Ho’s head and pressed it, said.

“Ms. Grant? You need to call her now. ”

“Huge, ugh. Wh-what are you talking about…? ”

“You said you met with the Promhel prosecutors to try it with me. You said you spent money, you drank, you played with women. ”

“ ……!? ”

Park Jeon Ho, who was stabbed in the heart, became stiff.

He said calmly.

“Hurry up and call those bastards for help. Tell him to get over here right now because I’m about to die. ”

“Th……. ”

He let go of his hand.

However, Park Jeon Ho did not lift his head.

I’m scared.

When Park Jong-ho rolled his eyeballs, Dohwan said.

“If you don’t, you’re done here. ”

“Ha, I’ll do it. I mean, please… ”

Park Jeon Ho took out his cluttered cell phone.

He looked around at the other board members.

Everyone was frozen.

Steel was also examined, but not like this.

“Directors, there will be a few more coming, and I’ll take care of it. Take a look and decide. ”

The dominance of overtaking is different.

Those who underestimate him.Even if they need to, they don’t calm down.

I don’t persuade people.

I let him follow me.

By force.

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