I’m the Villain? Heck No!

Chapter 1: My new life as a villain… or maybe not

The day unfolded in all its splendor, bathed in warm sunlight. Amidst this picturesque scene, people moved gracefully through their routines, their faces adorned with serene smiles. They reveled in the tranquility that enveloped the prosperous empire of Gravantia, where peace was a cherished companion.

March brought bustling streets filled with students from the renowned Revery Academy, a bastion of influence on the Éden continent. Known for its formidable headmaster, the academy commanded respect and awe across the empire.

Because of this, nobles from all corners of the world sent their children there, hoping to cultivate strength and power while also nurturing their ability to wield influence for their own future purposes.

Some students were seen flying in the skies, riding their spiritual beasts, flying brooms, or wearing enchanted mage robes that allowed them to soar effortlessly.

Anyone outside the academy would be captivated by its vibrant energy and stunning beauty if they had the chance to step inside the magic dome protecting the place.

Outside the Revery Magic Library, a group of students whispered among themselves about a young man lying on the ground. Before him, a beautiful lady and a stern-looking guy spoke in harsh tones.

"Raziel, never dare to approach me again, or else I'll be the one giving you a hard time," the young woman warned furiously.

The guy next to her spoke irritably, "Being engaged doesn't mean you can force yourself on her."

While shouting, they noticed that the young man on the ground seemed unfazed. His expression remained blank, as if he were indifferent to the humiliation being inflicted upon him.

The girl's frustration boiled over, her voice echoing through the courtyard. "Hey, are you even listening? YOU BASTARD!"

Upon hearing her words, the young man swiftly rose to his feet, straightening his disheveled clothes. It was clear he had been punched, having fallen hard to the ground.

While fixing his sleeve, the girl's voice got louder, and the boy beside her added to her words. Their noise was giving him a headache and making his ears bleed. They were annoying, and he wanted to punch them in the face.

Unable to endure it any longer, the young man shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm trying to think here!"

Both of them, along with the crowd that had gathered, stared at him in disbelief. It seemed unreasonable for him to be angry at them when he was the one who had caused trouble in the first place.

Without hesitation, Raziel swiftly began to walk away in silence, leaving everyone present confused. Yet, as he tried to escape, a deluge of memories flooded his mind, overwhelming him with information about the world he now found himself in.

After swiftly absorbing these memories, he grasped his surroundings and his identity. Surprisingly, the guy's name was Raziel, nearly identical to his own with just one letter different. However, that detail didn't concern him much. The true complication emerged now: he found himself inexplicably cast as a mid-level villain in a dating sim game he had played before called "The Great King of Éden."

The girl who had been shouting at him earlier turned out to be his fiancée, Sylfi, and the guy beside her was none other than the game's protagonist, Erick Lionheart. It seemed he had landed himself in episode two of the game, where the protagonist would inevitably challenge him to a duel and likely emerge victorious, resulting in the cancellation of Raziel and Sylfi's engagement.

Later in episode three, as Erick collects two more heroines for his harem, Raziel resurfaces with intentions to kill him and torture the girls. However, despite Raziel's efforts, the plot armor saves Erick, awakening his inner power, ultimately leading to the discovery of the Light Swordsmanship style.

As you can guess, Raziel meets his end with his head chopped off, and his body is left for monsters in the forest to devour. It's a fitting fate for a villain like him.

However, there was a major problem.

The game is bad, and not just a little. In the end, after Erick defeats an ancient demon threatening to destroy the world, he inexplicably doesn't end up with any of the heroines. This makes no fucking sense considering players have choices and affinity levels for them.

So, why can't you have a romantic ending with the girl you choose?

His opinion was similar, leading him to give the game one of his worst reviews, considering the time he spent playing that awful game, which wasted a week of his precious time. One bad review might not seem significant, but if it came from him, it was like the final word.

Because he had a secret online identity known as "Lostty," a famous user renowned for his precise reviews, highlighting both the best and worst points of dating sims games without making a single mistake.

Most other dating sims enthusiasts even named him "The Connoisseur."

Although he didn't want to give such a bad review because he loved the world-building and characters, and Raziel was a good villain despite being a bit generic, still the positive aspects were overshadowed by the terrible, open-ended finale, which drove him crazy.

After posting his review on his blog, he received an email from someone claiming to be the game's creator. Occasionally, when he gave a bad review, some developers would offer him gifts in exchange for a better one. However, these attempts never succeeded because the word of Lostty, The Connoisseur, was unchangeable.

He figured this guy would likely do the same, considering the game had garnered one-star reviews on most online stores. Nonetheless, it was always amusing to read about these desperate developers attempting to bribe him.

As he read the email sent by NotGod, Raziel was puzzled. As he delved into its contents, he realized it wasn't a bribe, instead, it sounded like a peculiar offer.

"You didn't like the ending? Think you can do better? If so, reply with 'I can.'"

That was the content of the email, which made him angry. He replied immediately, of course, adding some hateful comments in the process.

Now, some things started to make sense. Maybe that person was a god, leading him through this world with all its tough challenges. Just thinking about it made his head hurt even more than before.

'Shit... it's just like one those generic transmigrator novels. I offended an egocentric god, and now he's put me here to suffer with a crappy system...'

[Initializing the system...]

[Villain System Activated!]

A sudden mechanical woman's voice could be heard by him, sounding as if it were inside his mind, worsening his headache.

'Speak of the devil,' he thought to himself as soon as he heard the voice.

A light red floating panel suddenly appeared before him, displaying a message.

[Welcome, host, to your useful, intelligent, efficient, and impressive vil-]

"Fuck you, system!" he interrupted the mechanical voice, shouting angrily.

[W-what why did you say that host? I'm here to help-]

"Fuck you, helping my ass. You're probably just trying to turn me into your puppet, offering pitiful rewards while I endure endless humiliations!" Once more, Raziel said, his face twisted in irritation as he confronted the flooded panel.

[N-no, h-host, it's not like that]

The mechanical voice started to sound troubled as it began to stutter over some words.

"I don't care! I'm not becoming your slave, so screw off and leave me alone, you damn system!" Raziel's voice echoed with fury as he stormed through the academy plaza, causing some students to question if he had lost his mind.

[Fine, host. You don't want to accept my help, so it's your problem. Hmph!]

After the mechanical voice spoke, the light-red floating panel vanished before his eyes, leaving Raziel wondering if he had truly gotten rid of it.

With the system seemingly gone, Raziel resolved to ignore it. This was his chance to live his dreams, to become a multibillionaire, handsome man with enormous potential. The villain type wasn't his thing, and being a hero was out of the question, heroes sucked and were stuck with crappy principles, which could be bothersome most of the time.

"Now I just want to relax and enjoy the luxury that comes with being rich, surrounded by beautiful women" he said with a big smile, causing some students, especially girls, to feel a bit creeped out by his statement.

Digging through Raziel's memories, he found the location of his room. It was in a luxurious district outside the academy, reserved for nobles and the extremely wealthy. His residence was a classy house with multiple rooms and a beautiful garden.

From now on, Raziel's life took a drastic turn, and he was determined not to let anyone or anything derail his new life. The original plot could go to hell for all he cared, his objectives now were simple: sleep comfortably and become stronger to protect himself.

That was indeed his mentality as he walked happily along the beautiful red brick path, while wearing a demonic smile.

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