I’m the Villain? Heck No!

Chapter 27: Sweet Time

"Sigh... I hope everthing goes well."

Raziel sat on a wooden bench in the commercial district, feeling a wave of anxiety. He waited for Eve, who had been summoned to the Harvesteads main house by her mother earlier that morning.

They had agreed to meet that afternoon in the commercial district. Since it was his first time going on a date, Raziel couldn't help but feel a little scared of messing up. His only strong reference for such things came from dating sims.

Fortunately, Eve seemed just as inexperienced, so all he had to do was follow the typical date routine: strolling around, browsing stores, enjoying a nice dinner, and heading home together.

Of course, as a healthy young man, Raziel had some dirty thoughts, but it was still too early for that. For now, he just wanted to make Eve feel more comfortable before trying to take their relationship further.

Just to be sure, Raziel checked his appearance one more time.

He wore a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants, paired with dark sunglasses, giving him a laid-back look. Despite ditching his usual expensive suits, he still caught the attention of passing girls, drawn to the handsome yet dangerous aura he effortlessly exuded.

'Sorry, ladies, this handsome guy already has someone for the day,' Raziel thought, ignoring the gazes.

While Raziel was lost in his own narcissistic thoughts, he sensed someone approaching from behind. Turning to see who it was, he spotted Eve trying to sneak up on him, her face lit up with a mischievous grin.

"Try again next time, Eve," Raziel said, grinning.

"Hehe~ I forgot your senses were improved," Eve said, scratching the back of her head timidly.

Raziel smiled even more at her cute reaction and took the opportunity to quickly glance at her appearance.

She wore a modest dark blue blouse and gray jeans, creating a look that was simple yet appealing enough to catch the attention of passing guys. Raziel thought her choice of clothes suited her very well.

He silently thanked the developers for allowing some modern clothing to exist in the game.

"S-So, y-young master, where are we going?" Eve asked, blushing and looking at the ground in embarrassment.

"Well, first let's walk around and visit some stores," Raziel answered, standing from the bench and moving to her side.


The two strolled side by side down the commercial street, Eve feeling quite embarrassed.

They walked in silence for a while until, almost simultaneously, they both said, "Eve/Little master!" 

"You go first," Raziel said, giving her the opportunity to speak.

"No, no, little master, you go first," Eve insisted, giving him the chance to speak.

"Ah... no, no, you go first," Raziel insisted, having already forgotten what he was about to say.

"Eh... I forgot..."

“Pfff.” Raziel held back a laugh, recalling how Eve often forgot things when she was nervous, just like he did.

The orange-haired girl noticed him holding back his laughter and blushed slightly, accusing Raziel of making fun of her.

However, she couldn't resist and ended up laughing along with him. After a minute of laughter, their conversation flowed naturally, covering a range of topics.

As they strolled through the Elemor District, considered a good place for couples, Raziel decided to take Eve to the exotic zoo, where they exhibited monsters captured in the Monster Zones.

Raziel thought Eve would enjoy visiting such a place, especially since she once mentioned that regular zoos were a bit boring. It seemed he was right, as the moment they began to see the bizarre beasts, Eve eagerly pointed out the ones she'd previously encountered and killed.

Seeing Eve happily describe her bloody encounter with an entire group of mutated boars made Raziel realize she had some unique tastes. He found her enthusiasm oddly endearing.

Although Eve displayed this type of behavior, she was very harmless until someone dared to cross the line. Raziel remembered seeing her truly angry only once, when a group of kidnappers tried to abduct him years ago. The poor kidnappers ended up in very bad shape.

After finishing their time at the exotic zoo, Raziel took Eve to visit some stores and stroll through the beautiful Elemor Park until sunset.

The sunset over the park was stunning, and seeing Eve’s radiant face made Raziel smile with genuine happiness.

He decided to take the initiative and gently hold her hand. At first, Eve was startled, but she soon embraced the gesture, her cheeks flushing with a deep blush. It was a moment she longed for, something she always dreamed of sharing with him.

Walking hand in hand towards a fancy restaurant for dinner, Eve felt a profound sense of joy. She found herself wondering if this was a dream or some beautiful illusion, occasionally pinching her cheeks to confirm that this enchanting moment was real.

As they finished their delicious meal together, Raziel felt a pang of sadness knowing their incredible day was coming to an end. He genuinely cherished witnessing the endearing side of his childhood friend.

She was incredibly shy today, blushing almost constantly, which made Raziel chuckle. Even he acted differently, feeling more relaxed than his usual tired self.

On their way home in a carriage, the beautiful moonlight bathed the city, casting a warm glow over the quiet night. Raziel couldn't help but wish the moment would last a little longer before they finally arrived.

Sadly, just a few minutes later, they found themselves already in front of the house.

"Well... did you like today's date, Eve?" Raziel asked, curious to see if she had enjoyed it.

"Y-Yes, I liked it," the girl answered timidly.

"Good to hear. I thought you might find it boring."

"Never! Being with you is never boring, Raz," Eve swiftly retorted.

“O-Oh... it’s been a long time since you called me that,” Raziel said, pretending to be surprised by his long-lost nickname.

Since Eve had finally earned the title of Raziel's personal bodyguard, she hadn't used the nickname anymore, as it would seem disrespectful to address him that way given her official role.

Hierarchy is very important in that world.

Realizing her mistake, Eve tried to correct herself, but Raziel didn’t mind. He invited her inside, remembering that Clarice didn’t know they had been on a date.

Before Raziel could open the door, he felt a sudden warmth on his left cheek. Turning around, he discovered that Eve had vanished.

Raziel touched his cheek and headed straight to his room, grinning like a fool.

That night, Eve didn’t come to his room as usual, which left Raziel feeling a bit sad. Her absence and not having her close made him feel uncomfortable and restless as he tried to sleep.

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