I’m the Villain? Heck No!

Chapter 8: I never said yes

After Alizze disappeared into thin air, likely turning herself invisible again, Raziel decided it was time to leave. However, when he looked at the windows, he noticed it was already night, making him furious at the system for wasting his precious time and giving him a dolorous pain.

'I really hate this shitty system,' Raziel thought to himself, seething with anger.

He got up from his bed and checked his body to see if anything was wrong. After verifying everything was good, Raziel left the room.

As Raziel walked through the dark streets on his way home, he felt a strange sensation creeping up behind him, as if someone were following him.

Since waking up from his faint, Raziel noticed a subtle improvement in his hearing and felt a newfound surge of energy coursing through him.

It was as if Raziel had consumed numerous energy drinks; he felt like running long distances wouldn't tire him out as easily.

"I remember the system granting me an ability called Aura User against my will. If I'm not mistaken, this means I can use aura now, right? But... I should be a mage!"

In the world of The Great King of Éden, people are categorized into three primary classes: magicians, summoners and warriors.

A person's primary class is determined by the type of energy they can use and manipulate.

For example, to be considered a mage, one must be able to manipulate mana through recitations. This type of energy is very dense and difficult to control, yet it is highly destructive and incredibly useful, with a lot of spells available to learn.

A summoner must be able to harness the essence of nature, relying on spiritual beings that materialize only through a soul contract with individuals capable of absorbing and retaining this type of energy.

Now, a warrior must focus on increasing their aura through constant exercises and experiencing tough battles. They refine this type of energy through their veins and vital points.

When a person discovers their primary class, they usually attend an academy suited to their specific abilities. Around the world, some academies only accept one type of class, while others, like Revery, accept students from all three classes.

Raziel primary class was mage, which was the principal class in the Harvestead family, renowned for their mastery of earth magic spells. However, there were also strong summoners in the lineage, such as his uncle Jasir.

In this world, each person with a primary class also has a secondary class, which is based on their primary one.

For mages, one can specialize as a wizard, sorcerer, witch, healer, alchemist, and more. Summoners, on the other hand, can specialize as necromancers, beast contractors, spirit contractors, elemental summoners, and in various other roles. Similarly, warriors follow the same concept of specialization into different roles and disciplines.

But what surprised Raziel the most was the fact that it was impossible for someone to have two primary classes. While it was possible to have two secondary classes, no one in the game had ever been mentioned using both primary ones.

Not even Erick, the protagonist, is capable of such thing.

But now, a mid-level villain like him could? This should be a good thing if he looked at the positive side of this forced gift. However, it would also attract a lot of attention if people discovered it, making him the center of attention worldwide.

Maybe even attracting the Yogh-Za cultists or perhaps people even more dangerous than them.

'I have to be careful, no more reckless plans. If Anya hadn't been fooled by my trick, I'd probably be dead right now,' Raziel promised to himself while scanning the surroundings.

That strange sensation of being watched followed him all the way home, making Raziel think that it was probably his new power still adapting to his body.




It was already morning, and once again, Clarice woke up Raziel, who would probably arrive late to his class. However, with his reputation as a bad student, the teachers didn't seem to care that much.

He decided to eat his breakfast first, and this time the food tasted better than yesterday. Not only that, but Clarice was smiling at him ever since he opened his eyes.

She was probably feeling so happy because yesterday he had given her a golden pass that allowed her to visit her mother at the Haisenvel Imperial Hospital.

Raziel had arranged the best room and private nurses to care for Clarice's mother, and at the same time, they would start the treatment right away, costing him around 3000LDR. (Liridio Coin)

This amount might seem like a lot, but for someone as wealthy as him, it's not much.

Clarice, of course, was unaware of the price, and Raziel saw no need for her to know. In his mind, it was a small price to pay, considering how much this girl loved her mother, who was her only family left.

He knew his father was clearly not a good person for deceiving this poor girl and letting her mother die like that. Clarice hasn't even seen her mother in two months because she's busy working in the house.

The other servants only come to help when Raziel really needs them, but usually, throughout the day, it's just Clarice alone in that big, fancy place.

"Clarice, you're going to see your mother today, right? I've called in other servants to clean the house, so take the day off and go spend some time with her."

"A-Are you sure about that, young master?"

Clarice was still a little surprised to hear that again, because the previous night he had told her to take the next day off to visit her mother, and she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I'm sure. So, thanks for breakfast, and here, use this money to hire a carriage and buy some nice flowers for your mother." He handed her a fabric purse containing 20 Liridio coins.

"T-thank you very much, young master!" Clarice became even happier after receiving his 'kindness'.

'I just hope you don't think I'm being kind, as this is just business,' Raziel thought as he waved his hand to send her off.

The beautiful blonde girl thanked again and left the house smiling, having called for a carriage using the adorned green stone she had used before.

If Raziel remembered correctly, these things are called communication stones, and he decided to buy one for himself. This emerald-like device is very useful.

After a few minutes, Raziel heard the sound of horses getting loud and dissapearing slowly outside the house, signaling Clarice's departure for the hospital.

This made him think again about her, as he truly believed Clarice would see him as someone who keeps his word. Perhaps after her mother got better, they would probably return to their old house. Maybe she would even meet the protagonist and the other girls in the future, becoming part of his group.

After all, she is a heroine, but for some reason, this made Raziel feel angry because he knew how it was going to end.

"This eunuch is just going to string along these poor girls and not choose anyone... Should I try to win over Alizze at least? She's only relevant in her route anyway," Raziel murmured to himself.

But he shrugged off the idea for now because he still needed to break off his engagement with Sylfi and become stronger to defend himself, as this world is very dangerous.

Yesterday, after arriving late at the house, Raziel found Clarice sleeping like an angel on the comfortably cozy white sofa. He tried to quietly slip into his room, but the girl heard him and quickly dragged him to the table to have dinner.

She didn't ask why he was late and simply served the food. After Raziel finished eating, they exchanged a few words before he went to his room, eager to lose himself in novels and study a bit of magic.

In the end, he didn't get a chance to call his father for a meeting. He decided to leave the matter for the vacant days, which were basically Saturday and Sunday.

Luckily, with no classes on those days, Raziel had plenty of free time to meet with his father without any issues. For now, he decided to attend some classes at the academy and maintain a low profile for some time, avoiding interactions with the other heroines or Erick.

With that in mind, he also left the house.

Raziel walked swiftly, arriving at the academy grounds faster than usual. However, as he approached the building where mages attended their lessons, a sudden girlish voice interrupted him, saying, "Good morning, Raziel~ Did you miss me?"

"Oh no, I must be hearing things. This voice can't be who I think it is," Raziel muttered to himself, shaken by the unexpected greeting.

"No, you're not hearing things, my dear. It's really me, Anya~," she teased with a mischievous smile.

Raziel turned to the voice, and there stood Anya, staring at him with joyful eyes, a big smile lighting up her face.

"What do you want? Have you forgotten our deal from yesterday, Anya?" he asked, his tone tinged with irritation.

"Yes, I haven't forgotten, but you have overlooked one thing..."

The girl walked towards him, imitating little bunny hops, and then she stopped in front of him, leaning towards his face with a smile.

"I never agreed to your deal. Dumbass!"

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