I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar]

Chapter 153 - .Wolf? dog!

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But in the vast sea of ​​people, how easy it is to find someone.

What’s more, for it, the human world itself is strange.

The one-eyed wolf walked to the edge of the forest, staring blankly at the world in front of him, but didn’t even know where to go.

The people around looked at this wolf curiously, wondering why it came here alone?

Some people speculate that this may be a wolf raised by humans.

It can be seen just because it is not offensive to humans.

But what about the person who raised the wolf?

Someone mumbled: “Why is the other party so irresponsible that he put his mutant beast here, and he is not afraid of being abducted.”

After all, the existence of mutant beasts, for humans, itself is the existence of several sought-after.

I do not know how long it has been.

Which direction did the man lean again, only to find that the wolf had disappeared and did not know where to go?

Probably the master came back and took the wolf away?

But in fact.

The wolf just left the forest and started walking towards a strange world.

It didn’t know where to go, it just searched instinctively by instinct.

I tried to compare the surrounding scenery with the familiar scenery in my memory, but unfortunately, it still did not see the so-called familiar scenery.

The most important thing is that the strange smell mixed in the air does not have the smell of that person.

The one-eyed wolf sobbed, with a hint of helplessness and fear.

This is the first time the one-eyed wolf has exposed such a vulnerable side.

It is very sad and sad at the moment.

Because the wolf king on the grassland is never fragile, and will only show the cruel and tough side.

But it really cares about that human.

Cares a lot.

It didn’t even dare to imagine that it would never see the picture of human beings again.

If it is impossible to return to that human being, what is the point of own existence?

The one-eyed wolf walked alone, turning over the garbage in the slum to solve the food and clothing when hungry, even if the food was rotten and smelly, it still ate without hesitation.

When you are thirsty, drink the water in the puddle, even if the water smells and is full of impurities.

But relying on its own immunity, along the way, although it has been sick several times, but all survived.

But the once smooth and bright fur, but became dull, dull and knotted.

Nothing can be seen in the past.

But his eyes were as paranoid and crazy as ever.

It must find that human being, even if it finds the world like this.

I still do not hesitate.

As the day passed, the one-eyed wolf did not know how long it had gone, nor how much suffering and danger it had encountered.

People today will no longer have any repulsion and aversion to mutant beasts.

But that is only limited to the smooth fur, looks clean mutant animals, people will have a feeling of love.

This is like the ancient earth period.

People only love pets with clean eyes.

It will not approach stray animals that are stray on the street.

These animals are often very vigilant, reject humans, and become fierce due to the harsh environment.

People will have concerns and fears.

I’m afraid that such creatures are full of aggression and are dangerous to themselves.

This is true of the one-eyed wolf today.

The harsh environment not only did not erase its fierceness and vigilance.

On the contrary, let it become more brutal and full of danger.

So when people see a one-eyed wolf, they will only drive it away, or even attack it with abilities.

Fortunately, due to the long-term wandering life, the one-eyed wolf has greatly improved its agility and vigilance.

It quickly evaded the opponent’s abilities, grinned at the man’s teeth, and exposed his fierce eyes, as if it would throw the man into his stomach.

The other party immediately screamed, attracting others to help attack.

The one-eyed wolf chose to retreat smartly.

It never thought of harming these human beings.

But those humans attack immediately when they see themselves.

It does not want to attack humans, but it does not mean that it can bear all this.

The wolf itself is a stubborn and vengeful population.

Especially the wolf king is more stubborn and terrible than ordinary wolf.

Time passed day by day, and the one-eyed wolf did not know how long he had been looking for.

But the long-term wandering life makes it emaciated, as if it would fall down at any time.

It shook its body and continued to walk forward with difficulty.

But the more you move forward, the more you feel powerless. At the end, the world before you becomes blurred, and finally your consciousness gradually falls into a state of trance.

Before the coma, the one-eyed wolf suddenly realized that he understood one thing.

That is, it turned out to be seriously ill.

This time, it may not be able to cure with its own strong immunity.

The one-eyed wolf lay on the cold and dirty ground, looking at the blue and impurity-free sky.

How beautiful.

Unfortunately, I never see tomorrow again.

I’m really unwilling.

Not reconciled.

Consciousness fell completely into darkness.


“How is it?”

“Will it be okay?”

“Doctor, please be sure to save it, even if it’s fine.”

“What? How can I need so many interstellar coins?”

“Expensive? No, no, no, no, I’m willing to pay the money.”

“It? I don’t know. I picked it up outside.”

Confused, the one-eyed wolf heard the voice of strange human beings.

It cannot understand what this human being is saying.

It’s just wondering, isn’t it about to die?

Maybe it’s too sick.

It didn’t take long for the Cyclops to fall into a coma again.

Aike looked at the doctor nervously, “What’s wrong with it?”

Perhaps a man who can be called a doctor wiped his sweat, revealing the expression of your luck, “Boy, thanks to me for treating it, otherwise, with its current injury, no doctor in Haizhen can save it now.

Aike didn’t know if the doctor said it was true or not.

But at least, he is the only doctor in the current slum.

Aike has no other choice.

Can only pin hope on this doctor.

He wanted to go to the doctor outside, but those doctors didn’t bother to accept people from the slums.

Not to mention the ordinary poor human being like himself.

Fortunately, although the doctor is bad-tempered, Hai often relies on himself to be able to heal, often cursing people, even without a good face.

Most poor people are intolerable to this doctor.

But who makes him the only doctor in the slums at present, when people are sick, no one dares to offend the doctor who can save his life.

In case of offending the careful-eyed doctor, he secretly made a small trick for himself, although there was nothing at the time, but what if the aftermath came out.

At that time, he was unable to come up with proof that the doctor was moving.

Aike took the wolf to the clinic shop hidden behind the chaotic streets.

If this shop is really a clinic.

But in fact, this place is basically similar to other places, but there are many medical instruments that have been eliminated.

Aike has long been prepared to be rejected by the doctor.

After all, the conditions that this person needs to treat patients are terrible.

First, a lot of money must be given.

Either he is the one who makes him feel good, he will choose to help.

And myself.

Not much money at all.

And the doctor seemed to hate his appearance on weekdays.

I always roar and scold myself whenever I can.

Fortunately, I didn’t really hit myself.

Aiko shivered a little when he thought of the doctor.

I don’t know if the doctor will scold myself again this time.

Aike hesitated and knocked on them, and he shuddered: “Xu … Doctor Xu, are you there?”

The closed door brush opened, revealing a fierce and impatient old man, dressed in sloppy and worn clothes, which seemed to be washed white, and the original color was no longer visible.

He looked up and down Aiko, and glanced at the stray dog ​​hugging Aiko’s arms, showing an impatient expression: “No time!”

He has to go back to sleep.

Aike summoned the courage and hurriedly said: “Doctor Xu, please, please save this dog, OK?”

This dog is not as skinny.

I don’t know how much bitterness.

But now, it seems to be dying.

When Aike passed the alley at the time, he saw the stray dog ​​lying on the ground. Although it was covered with mess, it seemed to make people want to frown and avoid it.

But the dog opened his eyes, revealing a desperate and unwilling look.

It was also that look that touched Aiko, who had grown up in a slum and had learned to be warm and cold, and his heart became extremely cold-blooded.

That look.

It’s more like being a child.

Full of despair and unwillingness.

He kept thinking that there was no difference between him and the child.

The test he did was clearly qualified, but why is it still inferior to his own child.

Isn’t it just because … the other party is a power?

So even if the potential is not as good as oneself, even if the results are not as good as oneself.

But life has changed at that moment.

A completely different life has thus extended two paths.

One is Kangzhuang Avenue. The future has bright and beautiful prospects. You can grow up in the ordinary world. Finally, you can choose an excellent job and live a life that you ca n’t imagine.

Although, this is nothing but the life that most ordinary abilities possess.

But for him who fell into the mud from then on, it was undoubtedly a paradise.

For ordinary people without abilities, especially children growing up in slums, they can only live a life of stealing chickens and dogs, or even surviving hard.

The darkness cannot see the end.

Hunger and death haunted Aike, who was only ten years old at any time …

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