I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 1 - Meow ~

New star calendar 245, early spring.

Gu Yumian followed the navigation of the light brain, and finally found the location of Xingkong Building. He looked at the sign above his head, and the huge poster said “The spring breeze is gone, the starry sky is never old”.

Yes, it is here.

He stepped towards the hall.

Through the glass revolving door, it is an extremely magnificent and bright hall. Huskey ran across with a briefcase, a pair of hamster ears on the head of a female white-collar worker with glasses, and the puppet cat in charge of the front desk hit the keyboard with his paw.

There is a woman waiting in the lobby.

Her name is Collie, and she is a staff member of the Star Live Broadcasting Platform, which is mainly responsible for contacting the anchor. She looked at her watch and looked at the door again. The appointed time was about to come, but the Mr. Gu did not see anyone. She was impatient.

“That’s why I don’t like humans,” Collie couldn’t help thinking. “Unpunctuality, narrow-minded, short-sighted, it’s no wonder that humans are about to die out. This may be the legendary survival of the fittest.”

She’s not racist, but something is written in her genes.

Many years ago, an eschatology occurred on the ancient earth. Animals awakened their mental powers and abilities in the catastrophe, and their intelligence increased greatly, while humans did not. Animals are on an equal footing with humans.

This delicate peace did not last long. After the end of the day, humans and animals began a century-long war due to resource problems. In the end, the war ended with the victory of the animals, but the hatred and aversion caused by the war did not disappear, and was written into the blood for generations.

Colleagues heard that Collie was about to negotiate a contract with a human anchor today, and they also sympathized with her.

“I heard that humans are stinky, and you are careful to be smoked by him.”

“Humans haven’t extinct Collie, it’s not easy for you.”

“Humans are cunning and short-sighted. I’ve touched two humans and talking to them made me sick.”


Colleagues have said so much that she has started to feel anxious and regretful though she hasn’t seen anyone yet. Within a minute, when Collie looked at the door for the fifth time, her eyes lit up.

A young man walked through the glass revolving door and approached the front desk.

He was wearing the most ordinary linen white shirt, with tall legs. Naturally smiling lips, half a pear vortex on the lips, the most outstanding are those eyes.

The pupils are Asian light brown, warm and mellow like honey to flow, giving people a feeling of softness and charm, and there is a kind of stunning beauty.

“Hello,” just as Collie was in a daze, Gu Yumian had walked in front of her and smiled, “Is Sorry Miss Ke, I’m not too familiar with this, I’m late.”

His voice is also very nice, clear and gentle.

“No, it doesn’t matter.”

Collie turned back and shook her silently. Gu Yumian’s fingers are slender, and her palms are warm and comfortable to touch when shaking hands.

After half a minute, there was an awkward silence.

Gu Yumian looked at Collie without letting go, smiling embarrassingly and politely, “Miss Ke”

“Oh, sorry.”

Collie reluctantly let go of her hand.

She was still immersed in shock, without turning her brain at all.

The second she saw Gu Yumian, she seemed to be setting off a small firework in front of her eyes. It was not the fascination with love, but another more pure and joyful emotion. To be straightforward, she even wanted to become the original, taking a nap in Gu Yumian’s palms and taking a nap.

But did n’t everyone say that humans hate it?

Collie’s worldview has been greatly impacted. Did she live in a lie when she was a child? She wasn’t the first time to see human beings. She had also been contacted briefly during her internship. She really hated them at the time.

But Gu and Mian are completely different.

“Let’s go in and talk.” Collie remembered the business for a long time. She wanted to trim her hair, and when she touched the top of her head, she realized that the cat ears that she had originally collected ran out.

Collie “”

When they work, they are required to maintain a human shape, and everyone is very skilled unless they are really excited. Collie pressed the ears back awkwardly.

A few steps from the lobby to the elevator, Collie also ignored the question of impoliteness, and kept watching Gu Yumian, only to see that one second less is a loss.

But Gu Yumian was not used to being stared at so enthusiastically, could not help asking

“Ms. Ke, is there anything wrong?”

“Mr. Gu, you’re special,” Collie praised him sincerely. “You’re really not personal at all.”

Gu Yumian “

Humans in the interstellar era seem to be derogatory, so this sentence is a compliment.

Gu Yumian slowly said, “Thank you.”

After the shock, Collie began to feel surprised.

To her surprise, she has never seen a special human like Gu Yumian, and fortunately he is about to become a star anchor, she is sure that Gu Yumian’s future profits to the platform will be incalculable.

Collie took Gu Yumian into the elevator, and there was another Orange Cat colleague in the operation department. This orange cat has always hated humans and is unwilling to take the same elevator with any humans.

“I heard that they signed a human anchor before,” Orange Cat and colleagues around him complained. “Human anchors my god, what are they thinking, surely at a loss, how can humans be welcomed?”

The minute Gu Yumian stepped into the elevator, the elevator suddenly became quiet.

Orange cat saw human beings, just wanted to stink his face and stepped out of the elevator. He passed by Gu Yumian and stopped.

He slowly turned his head, and looked up and down on the line of sight and sleep, his eyes gradually became strange. Not only him, but all animals in the elevator.

Suddenly surrounded by the center of sight Gu Yumian “

Thinking that these people are actually animals, they are surrounded and stared at by a group of small animals, Gu Yumian is both embarrassed and a bit inexplicable.

He remembered his last life working at the zoo.

That’s right, last life.

Gu Yumian came from the ancient earth in their mouth. At that time, 5g was not popular, let alone any spacecraft, mecha or even light brain.

He opened a pet hospital at home, and before he learned how to feed, he learned how to feed kittens. He has always loved animals since he was a child, and has been loved by animals. No matter how fierce cats and dogs are, when he meets him, he will become obedient for a second, and benevolent and gentle.

He studied animal science undergraduate, and after graduation, went to work in the zoo of this city. His job is to raise pandas, but all the animals in the zoo like him, and colleagues often ask him to help feed and take care of him.

Gu Yumian was born in a prestigious school and has a strong business standard. He has participated in leading the treatment of endangered animals in many fields. Although he is a breeder, he has published many papers in his spare time and is quite famous in the industry at a young age.

When a car accident suddenly came, when he woke up again, he became Gu Yumian in the interstellar era.

Gu Yumian did not expect that the crossing often mentioned in novels and movies would actually happen to him.

This boy, who has the same name and same name as him, has eight or nine points of similar appearance. He lived alone, did not go to school, and seemed to have no relatives or friends. For some reason, he committed suicide. Gu Yumian woke up in the bathtub with a deep scar on her wrist.

Compared to all other problems, the first problem that plagued Gu and Mian was food and clothing.

On the original personal account, there were only 245 stars, which is equivalent to about 300 yuan.

It’s a real poor egg.

Gu Yumian originally wanted to be a breeder in the old industry, but he soon realized that things were not so simple.

The main members of society in this era turned out to be animals, and because of the problems left over by history, animals are very annoying to humans. How can they be willing to be raised by humans? Not only a series of occupations such as breeders, veterinarians, zoologists, etc. Exist.

Just when Gu Yumian was worried about how to make some money, at least to maintain his basic life, a phone call from the Stars Live platform called and contacted him to sign a contract.

It turned out that the original body was negotiating with Xingkong Live Platform before signing the suicide. Live broadcast is the most popular entertainment industry in recent years, and the Star Live broadcast platform is the platform with the largest traffic among them. The popularity of front-line anchors is comparable to that of front-line stars, and endorsement advertisements have been softened.

But Gu Yumian didn’t want to be a front-line anchor. He knew he wasn’t that stuff. He had been a gentleman since he was a kid, and he wasn’t the kind of person who would attract attention.

What he likes is that there is a guaranteed salary in the contract. In other words, even if there is no heat and no audience, as long as the live broadcast is on, you can mix a dead salary.

Although not much, we have enough food and clothing, so we can plan for the next step if we have the money.

So the next day, he came to the branch of Xingkong Live Platform on this planet.

Memories are returned.

The weird gaze of the animals was always accompanied by Gu Yumian and Collie.

“Mr. Gu,” the elevator reminder sounded, and Collie reminded, “we’re here.”

As they stepped out of the elevator, there was a low air pressure between the animals behind the elevator.

Collie understood their feelings too well.

The two sat down at the conference table, and Collie took out the contract already prepared. The contract is in paper and electronic form, explains Collie

“Mr. Gu, since you have no previous live broadcast experience, and you are the first human streamer signed by the sky, we do not yet know how popular the public is for human streamers, so we can only give you the lowest-grade e-type contract.

Even for category e, there is a guaranteed minimum salary of one thousand stars per month. In addition, rewards, various endorsement copyright gains, platforms and anchors have six or four points.

“When the popularity of your live room reaches a certain level, there will be a recommendation spot. In addition, the new anchor has a special recommendation spot, ranked by the popularity. And we will extract interesting content in real time every day to recommend.”

In general, Starry Sky is relatively friendly to newcomers. Gu Yumian listened carefully and nodded.

The next steps went smoothly. After Gu Yumian read the contract, there was nothing too unreasonable, so he signed.

This day was so ordinary and calm that it was hailed as the most influential contract in the history of the starry sky, so it was randomly signed.

Collie escorted Gu and Hsien to the elevator and turned back to the office. During the lunch break, colleagues were chatting and greeting her.

“Hey, Collie, what’s going on here so late?”

“Just signed a contract with a human anchor,” thinking of Gu Yumian, Collie smiled inexplicably on his face. “If you see him, you will like him. He is charming.”


“is it”

Colleagues didn’t refute it, but they all scoffed at it. Although human beings are scarce, you must have seen them several times over the years.

Don’t say that you like humans, just restrain your own instincts, don’t go up and beat them, it’s already laborious.

“That’s right,” the topic was a bit heavy, and a female colleague said something differently. “Kelly, just when you were away, the leader made a trip and said that the content of the live broadcast should be scrutinized recently.”

Collie “Ah, again, why?”

The female colleague lowered her throat and answered, “I heard, Your Majesty is coming to our galaxy.”

After that, she shuddered, and a white fluff appeared on her smooth neck.


Everyone was silent when they remembered the tyrant, and they all shivered in unison.

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