I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 100 - Meow meow meow meow

Gu Yumian woke up in a crowd of soft and chubby hair.

Such a group of young people who were raised in their old homes and were not yet adolescents could barely restrain themselves at first. They just scratched their paws and touched the palms of their heads with contemplation and sleep. When they fell asleep, Can’t help it anymore.

This kind of ancestral, soft and panda miss temperature, clean and slightly waxy bamboo leaf breath

“嘤 嘤 嘤”

Twelve pots were supposed to take care of the little dumplings, but as a result, they couldn’t hold back their sleepiness, and fell asleep on Gu Yumian’s shoulders.

And then, the sleepless black and white dumplings were unconsciously moved to the ancestor’s bed, pillow, arms

Gu Yumian’s cheek is sticking to the soft claws of fifty-six pots, and the top of her head is covered with a warm and chubby belly of an unknown guy. The entire bed is packed with pandas like large dolls, and the edge of the bed is pitiful. There are several ground steaks.

He sat up awkwardly from the bed, and several of them suddenly rolled down like snowballs.

Gu Yumian “

Gu Yumian hurriedly hugged the few that fell down, and put the ones that were about to fall out of bed together and put them back on the bed.

As he coaxed a few humming cubs along the way, he managed to calm down the whole circle before he had time to start thinking about this series of events.

From the outbreak of the insect tide to the infected miner on Grey Saturn, it seems that he has been saved. There seems to be a vague impression. The miner took his wife, daughter and friends to apologize to Shuo Han with guilt.

At that time, Gu Yumian was in a state of chaos when his mental strength was just awakened. His consciousness was unstable. Just remembering to listen to the miners’ apology, Shuo Han gave a faint response and turned away.

He embraced Gu Yumian all the way, and he did not lend him any assistants or servants, so he carried Gu Yumian forward.

Seems to be on a starship.

Gu Yumian could only hear the sound of Shuo Han’s military boots stepping on the ground steadily, and a little sound when the starship took off

By the way, Shuo Han took him to the starship, and seeing the surrounding situation, it was back to the capital star.

After that, Gu Yumian wanted to make his consciousness stay a little longer in reality, but he could not do anything. He was brought into the world of dreams, that is, the ocean. Later, he met Shuo Han when he was a child, and accompanied him for many years .

Everything in the dream was completely rewritten. There was no suicide by the mother, nor the first decade of cold eyes, including the war that followed.

Finally, Shuo Han in the dream came in and hugged him for a long nap.

After the long dream ended, Gu Yumian returned to the ocean.

The ice in the ocean had melted, the sun rose, and soft clouds hugged him, gently bringing Gu Yumian to the vast blue sky, and then crossing a barrier of light.

From Shuo Han’s spiritual world, he returned to Gu Yumian’s own spiritual world in peace.

The state of instability when he was just awakened was almost completely calmed down, and Gu Yumian could clearly see every corner of the world.

And in his spiritual world, he saw a letter floating in the air.


The natives of the earth, Gu Yumian, haven’t quite understood what the spiritual world and powers are doing.

How could a letter appear in his mind?

This letter made him unable to help associate the mysterious witch. Not only did she see that Gu Yumian was a visitor in the past, but also predicted many things that really happened.

But more than that, the content of the letter made him care more.

After the worm.

With only these two words, after reading the letter, the stationery burned on its own, and the dream of Gu Yumian became clear.

Open your eyes and it’s now.


Gu Yumian looked at the rolling people around him, sleeping sweetly next to each other, and couldn’t bear to wake up.

He got out of bed lightly and put on his coat.

It is not difficult to guess why I appeared in the pot home.

From Grey Saturn back to the capital star, Shuo Han estimated that there was something to do. This was a bit dangerous, so he was placed in a safe and hidden pot home.

“Cabinet, Queen”

Gu Yumian put on the cotton slippers that the pandas had prepared for him, and while thinking, gently opened the door and walked out of the room.

He still has things to do. He has a hunch. Without him, ending this war would be missing a crucial link.

This is the old house of Guojia. It was obviously a place where Gu Yumian had never been before, but it made him feel very familiar, and the lock on the door also recorded his pupil information and fingerprints, and it was unobstructed everywhere he went.

As soon as the door was opened, Gu Yumian felt something hanging on his trousers.

The capital star is raining tonight. It is now four or five in the morning, and the sky is still not lit. A lighted lamp is turned on in the corridor of the old house of a house. Move over.

After moving for a long time and hit something, it subconsciously reached out and hugged, then looked up

Gu Yumian also looked down at the same time

The baby panda in overalls stretched out his two claws and hugged his ankles, somewhat shy and helpless at a loss. When he saw Gu Yumian, he became happy, and looked at him with big wet eyes.



Gu Yumian leaned over and hugged the little guy. Although it didn’t seem to have been long before, he had been in the dream for decades. Gu Yumian’s eyes were sore for a while, and she felt very missed.

The baby panda froze, then blinked moistly in his eyes, sucking his nose and arching his round head into Gu and Mian’s arms.


Gu Yumian squeezed the little guy’s round face and looked at his eyes.


Small dumplings “”

“Yuanyuan has grown up.” Gu Yumian hugged it again and froze.

Little dumplings embarrassedly reached out and touched his nose.

Gu Yumian already knew from their twelve pots that Xiaotangyuan was actually not a baby, but the twenty-four pot that is the famous star in the world, because some accidents turned back into children. Look like this, it’s changed back now

His body shape is obviously a lot bigger than before. Gu and Mian are almost a little hugged. His eyes are not as ignorant and ignorant as before. Of course, he is still clean and naive.

Indeed, Gu Yumian guessed pretty well. Xiaotangyuan has now returned to the psychological age of twenty-four pots, but it cannot be transformed into a human form for the time being. It is not convenient to do many things.

“Yes, what were you crying for?”

Twenty-four pots stayed a while. After a moment, he woke up from the joy of reuniting with Gu and Mian.

It held its light brain with its small paws, and hurriedly showed it to Gu Yumian.

Twenty-four pots of light brain, keeping communication with the other side. From the background, it is estimated that it was the first or second floor of the Academy of Sciences, and the camera was shaking violently.

Gu Yumian watched for a while before reacting. The camera was run by a little Husky, and he could hear the faint wheezing in his throat.

The little husky is short, so the overall perspective of the lens is very low, and only the messy background on the side of the academy can be seen.

After a while, the little Husband was stretched out, and the girl in a white coat appeared in the picture. She touched the little Huskey’s head and looked at the camera.

“Two two, you are following”

She is a team leader of the biomedical group. Last time Gu Yumian visited the Academy of Sciences, she also received a small gift that she had been preparing for a long time.

Two seconds later, the girl covered her mouth

“Gu anchor my god, you are back to Capital Star”

Gu Yumian nodded, too late

“What happened to you seems to be the ball, no, Mingqiu?”

Even if it is an extraordinary period, the Academy of Sciences should be one of the safest and quietest places in the entire interstellar space, and their scientific research results will be most directly related to the frontline war situation.

However, from the picture in front of me, just a day, the Academy of Sciences seemed to be in a mess, and the noise and cry of the background sound were still faintly heard.

The girl looked sad when she mentioned it.

Little Husky made two coherent sounds. It saw Gu Yumian through a virtual projection, and his small face that was sulking with joy appeared.

“When it comes to watching the anchor, are you convenient to come over here and don’t know what will happen next, it is best to take Er Er and Chief to a safe place.”

Gu Yumian is not only the parent of Er Er He Qiu, but he is also the person who is most likely to control the chaotic situation in the Academy of Sciences.

Sudden war has plunged the people into an extremely pessimistic mood, and this mood has been exploited by those who care.

Although Archduke Finnick took over the work of the cabinet, it was barely to soothe the mood of the people, but the fear underneath was still there.

A day ago, it was just that the people were dissatisfied with the inaction of the Academy of Sciences and spontaneously sat on demonstrations outside the Academy of Sciences or Shangcheng District, but this sentiment continued to ferment and quickly turned into a ridiculous farce.

The outbreak was at midnight last night when a group of prepared intruders sneaked into the Academy of Sciences

Gu Yumian, while listening to the girl’s story, held the small dumplings and walked out, her expression became dignified.

It seems that it is necessary to hurry past.

Who knows that he passed through the door of Guojia Xiaoyuan and was just blocked when he was about to go out.


The thirteen pots standing at the door rubbed his belly and shouted sleepily, and next to him, an officer in an indigo blue uniform bowed slightly to Gu Yumian and performed a military salute.

“His Royal Highness.”

There are two officers guarding the door, and in the dark there are more dark guards. They should be ordered by Shuo Han to protect Gu Yumian’s safety. They can’t sleep in the middle of the night, it’s really hard for them.

Indigo is the color of the military uniform exclusive to the Royal Guard.

“Thirteen,” Gu Yumian caught the claws out of Thirteen Pot and rubbed them, looking at the officer again.

“you are”

The officer quickly introduced himself and said, “My surname is Lu, who is in charge of the Royal Guard.”

Gu Yumian nodded “Mr. Lu, you have worked hard. I want to go to the Academy of Sciences now, can I?”

Gu Shumian, the person who protects him by Shuo Han, also knows clearly that Shuo Han ’s desire for possession and protection has reached an extreme level. In such a bad situation, Bacheng would not let him go The center of chaos.

But I didn’t expect the Army officer to just ponder for a while and talk with his companions for a while, then nodded and said

“Yes, but please allow us to **** you, Your Highness.”

Gu Yumian “

I thought I heard it wrong, but I didn’t expect them to call him His Royal Highness.

I don’t know what Shuo Han said to them.

It is not allowed to say more now.

“Ancestral, I have heard about the situation over the Academy of Sciences.” Thirteen pots completely woke up at this time, took over the small dumplings in Gu Yumian’s arms, two pandas, one big and one small, looked at him worried.

Gu Yumian wiped her lips, shook her head, and touched their heads comfortably.

“I’ll be back soon, thirteen, if you are free, please contact me.”

He whispered a few words to Thirteen Pot, no longer hesitated after saying goodbye, and set foot on a levitator flying to the Academy of Sciences.

The sky was bright and the rain continued to pour through the night.

“You don’t actually have to go.”

The set-up levitator set off and the army officer was quiet for a while and sighed.

If you just want to pick up two children, it is a breeze. You do n’t need Gu Yumian to run this way.

“Because I am a parent.” Gu Yumian Wen said these words.

He is the parent, the parent of the Gu family and the pot family, and he has to take good care of his children.


His lover is the monarch of this country.

Gu Yumian wasn’t used to this, he wasn’t used to being called His Highness, and he wasn’t used to being held so high.

But just for Shuo Han, he also wanted to work harder.

He also wants to protect him.

The Academy of Sciences at this moment.

“The chief let your chief get out.”

The first floor of the academy of sciences has been messed up by this crowd of emotional people, the instrument has been pushed to the ground and broken, and various materials and test papers have been messed up, and the ground is covered with broken glass.

Headed by a noble youth, it is precisely because of his existence that the officers guarding the Academy of Sciences did not dare to act lightly, and could only embarrassly organize scientific researchers to hide first.

If it is an ordinary nobleman, after all, since His Majesty took over, most of the noblemen have gradually declined, but this young man is a nobleman with a relationship with the royal family.

Because several queens, including the mother of the previous queen and Shuo Han, also came from this family, they have even assumed themselves as half royals.

Of course, Shuo Han did not choose a partner from their family, which made them very dissatisfied in private, but he did not have the courage to say a word.

“Lan, why don’t you do it today?”

The servant who was standing next to the youth and holding a sign looked at the tragic situation of the Academy of Sciences, and was very unbearable, carefully, “It seems that their chief has been hiding, and if they continue to make trouble today, there will be no results.”

Lan Xuan snorted from his nose.

“The infection has spread to the capital. The group of rice eaters are still making shrinkhead turtles here. It is not their relatives who die. Of course, it doesn’t matter. Then you don’t think it’s okay. Let’s go see the Zerg.

Lan Xuan has a sound.

The masses who followed in trouble around them were even more infuriated by this remark, and responded in one piece.

The servant snorted suddenly.

Although no one has lost their lives since the outbreak of the insect tide, there are people who have spread false news about the deaths of tens of thousands of people. The cabinet has the cronies of the chief Gucci, deliberately letting go during this chaotic period. Rumors spread.

The fact is that the military responded very quickly and protected the people in a concentrated way. Although the medicine developed by the Academy of Sciences failed to cure the infection, it greatly prolonged the lifespan of the infected people and allowed them to wait until the cure came out.

As for why Lan Xuan dominated this farce, his mind is also clear.

I want to use the people’s pressure on the royal family to seek opportunities to become queens. He himself was one of Shuo Han’s many admirers, and the family expected it too.

Although the insect wave outbreak was accidental, it was also a great opportunity for them. It was precisely because they were caught off guard that they had the opportunity.

The Lan family was not willing to fall down like this. In fact, as early as several years ago, they secretly colluded with the Chief Cabinet Gucci and wanted to put pressure on His Majesty through the Cabinet.

However, it is clear that from the past to the present, neither the Blue House nor the Cabinet could shake Shaohan, and lived carefully under the eyes of the tyrant with his tail.

I really want to say what chips they have, that is, the Lan family has a very good reputation among the people as a representative of the nobility for a long time.

But Shuo Han didn’t care about it at all.

But now, can he still care?

On the first floor of the well-organized Academy of Sciences, it was already in ruins at this time, and it was still raining outside the window.

Lan Xuan thought like this, sneering inside, saying

“Since I didn’t have the courage to come out, don’t blame me for being rude and turn on my camera.”

As a mascot in the aristocracy, the Lan family is still quite popular among the people, and the sales of related peripheral items are very good.

This time, Lan Xuan also came prepared. He greeted people in front of the cabinet in advance and used the media with a high exposure rate.

It ’s early morning, and it ’s almost time for the morning news broadcast. In wartime, everyone will pay special attention to the official media, so what he says next will be played directly to the entire star through the camera.

It is equivalent to a live broadcast.

As for what to say, he has already made dozens of drafts.

Right now.

The palace, gradually turning into a small rain curtain, Shuo Han closed his sword into the sheath.

Outside the academy of sciences, the levitator stopped slowly, and all officers bowed in salute.

On the second floor of the Academy of Sciences, the teenager in the white coat pushed the door open and walked down the stairs despite dissuasion.

The rain was still falling, and the sky was dawning.


Countless people sounded the sound of early morning news broadcasts at the same time. At this time, no one could sleep. Hundreds of millions of people immediately opened the news in a tense place and wanted to hear the latest developments.

The host tremblingly finished the opening words of the above order, and after letting us connect to the scene, the camera turned around.

There is a sound

“Hello everyone, please be calm and calm, I’m Lan Xuan.”

He inhaled, turned on the camera, and just wanted to say something, Yu Guang glimpsed the chief Mingqiu of the Academy of Sciences who hurried down from upstairs.

“You can find me if you have something,” the teenager looked at the mess on the first floor, his eyes flushed, but he was not good at words, although he was short of breath, he didn’t know what to say.

“What you want to do not pass false information to the people”


Lan Xuan frowned. With a wave of her hand, the classmates around them stopped the teenagers and the scientific researchers who came down together, shoved them out of the camera, and even punched and kicked them directly.

Scientific researchers are usually negligent in training. Where are the prepared mobs’ opponents, they are soon wounded. They even used special potions to force researchers to transform into animal shapes so they wouldn’t get in the way again.

Lan Xuan nodded with satisfaction and continued to say to the camera

“It is you who passed the false information. As you can see, I am now in the Academy of Sciences. At present we have confirmed that there is a way to cure infected people before. It is simply false news.”

“Yes, it is the inaction of the Academy of Sciences, and the inaction of the military and His Majesty that led to this war.”

Listening to his words, rational people do not believe at all, but there are also many people who are unclear about the truth. Is what he said true?

The lens was suddenly covered with both hands.

The room was quiet at the same time.

A gentle and clear youth voice, the loose wind blows through the electric current and whispers in the ears of hundreds of millions of viewers.

With some confusion, there is a strong and powerful gas field that is obviously gentle

“Fake news, who told you?”

Those who are familiar with him will know that Gu Yumian was really angry at this time.

As a parent of a calf.

As the arrogant majesty boyfriend in his mouth.

How can you not be angry

There was no smile in the light brown eyes. He hugged the little fox who burst into tears, held the little camera in his hand for a while, and whispered

“Live live.”


He is quite good at this.

Lan Xuan looked in horror at Gu Yumian who did not know when she appeared.

It was the soldier who preached for him personally. He even saw many colonel-level and above officers at the door. He was very respectful to him. What exactly is this human being?

And how could nobody stop him. What about those angry people

“What are you doing?”

He finally recovered from the inexplicable cold, and looked around angrily, and found that everyone’s expressions were different, but the anger that had been incited before was condensed in the air, and he couldn’t get up.

They looked at Gu Yumian in confusion and doubt, and could not feel any dislike for him.

I even want to be close, to show my ears, and to be rubbed.

But he didn’t dare to approach, because the guard covering him was a stronger, indifferent, awesome, unconsciously wanting to surrender, it was a bit like

Your Majesty.

Gu Yumian looked at the camera, wondered whether it should be turned off for a while or should continue to say, and chose the latter two seconds later.

“Hello everyone, I am the anchor Gu Yumian, and I am now in the Academy of Sciences.”

He released the camera in his hand, bent his eyes at the camera, and waved his hand.

Although the situation hasn’t been clarified yet, most of the audience had an impulse to choke when they heard this sentence.

Many people have watched Gu Yumian’s live broadcast, his nationality is even higher than many stars.

Even if someone didn’t know him, listening to the gentle voice, and then looking at the smile on the lips of the youth and half a small pear vortex, filled with the eyes of Tianguang in the rain, the whole heart couldn’t help it.

From a few days ago to the present, everything that happened was too caught off guard and life changed dramatically

Gu Yumian is very familiar to everyone. I am the anchor Gu Gumian, it is like a symbol of ordinary life full of fireworks, tranquility, peace, and nostalgia. Let everyone calm down at once. .

Different from the panic when Lan Xuan just spoke, the Internet gradually began to have less panic discussions.

What happened to the news this morning? I was scared to death by the words that Lan Xuan said. He was a stranger in the Lan family.

Cat claws, ah, ah, sleep, I cried, I just really cried out these days, it ’s like a nightmare 55555. Seeing sleep, I feel I have been saved again

Ewha White ii1, I am now like that kind of child who was bullied outside sees his parents, and his tears burst into tears.

absb uh, so what exactly is the Academy of Sciences, what is the situation now, who can believe

“About the cure for the Zerg infection,” Gu Yumian looked down at the little fox, comfortedly scratched his chin, and then said, “It’s not fake news. I can prove it to everyone now.”

“You are lying”

Lan Xuan couldn’t sit still for a while. Although no one had embarrassed him, he suddenly came back.

“You have no way to prove that you ca n’t feed, what the **** are you doing? I am a noble. I order you to shut up that human immediately.”

The second half was addressed to the servants.

The orders of the nobles in Shangcheng District are always prioritized, and they are above all other nobles. This is the principle that Lan Xuan has tried and tested since childhood.

However, this time it was the first time in history that it had run into a wall.

The servant who followed him looked at him in embarrassment and said, “You are a noble, but that is the royal family.”

“Unknown if I am a noble, wait, what do you say”

Lan Xuan’s words fell into her throat.

Royal family.

How could a human be a royal family?

A few meters away, he fixed his eyes slightly.

Gu Yumian faced him, the first button of his shirt was unbuttoned, and some traces between the collarbone were faintly exposed.

The dark red rose thorns entangled the sword, which was not the same as the young man’s gentle air field.

It’s even a little gassy.

And the guard who is in the aura of his body, everyone who has seen His Majesty will not mistake it, like a kind of high-level mockery.

Lan Xuan looked at the pattern, feeling incredulous to startled, and somehow failed to look away for a long time.

The next second, Gu Yumian’s neckline was pinched by a pair of knuckled hands.

A pair of gray-blue eyes looked indifferently to Lan Xuan, a kind of indignity and arrogance mixed with displeased eyes, as if a gigantic dragon looked at the ants who dared to **** their treasures.

The surroundings became quiet again.

This time is different from the last time. It is a complete silence. Everyone is trying to make their breath smaller.

The casual monarch’s boots stepped on the ground, and the crowd automatically set a path for him to step by step to Gu Yumian.

He took off the royal cloak and put it on the shoulders of the young man, a posture in which the human was circled in his arms, and he did not release his hands after fastening the buttons.

Little Husky followed Shuo Han in, biting Gu Yumian’s trousers and squinting his head.

The rain stopped completely and the sky poured in.

Everyone watched it with shock.

Shuo Han glanced at his glasses lazily and looked around, leaning over Gu Yumian’s lips and kissing,

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