I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 12 - Meow meow meow meow

Just a few days ago, Gu Yumian found a treasure in the second-hand market of Xingwang.

A bag of catnip seeds.

There is no catnip in this era. The bag of seeds has been hanging in the second-hand market for a long time. The seller named the wheat seeds unearthed from the ancient earth. Its price dropped again and again, and no one bought it until Gu Yumian went in.

Black shell, white tip, where is wheat seed, clearly catnip seed

Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows that if catnip is used in the right amount, it can greatly improve the quality of life and happiness of cats.

Gu Yumian immediately moved to send a message to the seller

Hello, is this bag of seeds still there

The seller quickly responded to 800 Hundred Coins.

The seller is a My Neighbor Totoro, and every time it talks about this bag of seeds, it is extremely heartbroken.

The seed was bought at a high price by a businessman who had followed the army to the ancient earth. At that time, it cost nearly eight thousand stars. At that time, the businessman blew the bag of seeds to the sky. What many animals would be fascinated by, The potential value of is inestimable.

After the poor little chinchilla bit his teeth and bought it, he looked for various botanists and experimented with various methods.

In the end it was taken to the local academy of sciences for identification, and the identification said that this was a bag of ordinary discolored wheat seeds. It was pitted by a black-hearted businessman.

Although 800 yuan coins are a little expensive, Gu Yumian paid it, and he paid immediately.

When he bought it back, Gu Yumian was also really worried that he would not be able to plant it because of too long time. He bought high-nutrient substrates and fine soil, sand, clay from the Internet, made planting holes according to the distance in his memory, and planted them in sunny places.

What he didn’t expect was that catnip grew very fast

Only four days had passed, and several lush clusters had grown, and they even had grown outside the basin, and Gu Yumian had to cut them down.

“It seems that the soil nutrients in the interstellar era are very good,” Gu Yumian was surprised and happy, because he was just a layman, and had such a pleasant result, “it can be planted in such a simple way.”

If Mr. My Neighbor Totoro heard him say that, he would probably vomit blood.

Catnip has no obvious effects and side effects on the health of cats. The effect is short-lived, but it makes them feel very happy. Of course, you need to control the amount.

With so many catnips now, Gu Yumian immediately started thinking about how to use them to improve the life of Little Snow Leopard.

He should find a way to try first, so how to use it

Gu Yumian thought for a while, and soon got an idea.

“Tuantu, you can take a bath again today,” Gu Yumian coaxed Xiao Xuebao’s paw, “how about a little hot spring for you”

Little Snow Leopard glanced at him inexplicably. What weird man is talking about in the hot spring.

Since hearing about the newcomer project support quota yesterday, it has always wanted to urge Gu Yumian to work hard to broadcast live and increase the heat, but humans have been turning around a pile of grass leaves all day, making Little Snow Leopard very dissatisfied.

The main thing is

Is that grass leaf something better than it? Why not turn around it?

Gu Yumian learned a long time later that the little snow leopard was eating a pot of catnip vinegar at this time, which was a joke by him for a long time.

At this moment, Gu Yumian only thought about bathing the little snow leopard.

Cats don’t need to take frequent baths, but it’s been more than a week since the last time the little snow leopard was bathed. Moreover, Gu Yumian observed that Snow Leopard does not repel water, and it loves to clean itself.

Before Gu Yumian went to the mint hot spring, he planned to imitate the human mint hot spring and give Xiao Xuebao a cat mint hot spring.

At seven o’clock that night, Gu Yumian opened the live broadcast.

“Hello everyone, I’m Gu Yumian, this is Xuetuo.” After introducing himself as usual, Gu Yumian watched the rapidly increasing number of audiences and the constantly refreshing barrage, and couldn’t help but be very flattered. “To my little snowball today Hot springs, eat Sukiyaki for dinner. “

Meow Wah, Ka Mianmian finally broadcast live

South China Tiger Never Blind Date Hot Spring Whatever Suki Pot is, I ’ll blow it up first

Are there any cloud anchors who have recently participated in the support program for newcomers? The rose blooms in September, I only have you in my heart, and a deep-water torpedo is for you.

The newcomer who slept in the deep sea reported that the anchor’s last barbecue was really delicious. I watched that video for twenty times. Qaq

Gu Yumian looked at the barrage for a while and hugged the little snow leopard.

Xiao Xuebao was staring at the online viewers of Gu Yumian’s live broadcast. After being picked up by Gu Yumian, he sat on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, today’s is also delicious.” Gu Yumian bent her eyes, “Let’s start now.”

The screen went black, and soon, switched to the perspective of Little Snow Leopard.

Attentive audiences will find that the surrounding environment is similar to the last time they ate a barbecue, all in Gu Yumian’s top garden. Only this time, in order to match the atmosphere of the hot spring, Gu Yumian made appropriate changes to the surrounding environment.

There are lush pot plants around, and a small cobblestone pond is in the center, steaming with heat and white mist.

You just understand, the hot spring Gu Gumian said is similar to the touted bath.

At this time, the old audience began to wonder.

The anchor said before that there was a cloud, we are not suitable for bathing

South China Tiger Never Blind To be honest, I’m a little scared, do you want to lie in?

Meow, wait and see, I believe Mianmian must have his reason.

Gu Yumian hugged the little snow leopard and walked through the lush potted plants. At this time, the scene inside gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

The hot steam was transpiring, and the stars were shining. The water in the small cobblestoned pool turned out to be living water. The warm blue water poured from the bamboo tube, filled the small pool of stones, and then flowed into another container.

The pond was obviously designed and remodeled by Gu Yumian. It is just the right size for Little Snow Leopard. It will not be too deep to drown the mouth and nose, and it is very open.

“I said last time that many cats are not suitable for bathing,” Gu Yumian said, while pouring the adjusted bath salt into a small pond. “Because the narrow and humid environment makes them feel uneasy, in addition, only flowing Water to make them feel clean. “

The bath salt is dried and refined from catnip, combined with some other ingredients, and quickly melts into the water. Gu Yumian controls the amount of catnip. This amount does not excite or hallucinate Snow Leopard, but makes it feel comfortable and happy.

“Try whether you like it a little bit cooler today. It should be quite comfortable to soak in the hot spring.” Gu Yumian gently held Xiao Xuebao next to the pool and scratched the back of his ear. “Yes, there are today Are the stars pretty? “

The little snow leopard reached out and tried a bit of water.

Then, without waiting for Gu and Mian to hug, it stepped into the pool by itself.

At this moment, audience participation is very strong.

With Gu Yumian’s gentle whisper, they immediately felt that the temperature had indeed dropped, and it was now warm and cold in early spring. The skin exposed to the air feels cold, and the only heat source is in front.

After adding the bath salt, some milk-white pool water was revealed, and the tip of the nose seemed to be able to touch the warm water vapor and light fragrance, and the sound of flowing water was leaping.

Gu Yumian’s attitude is always this way, very casual and gentle. It seems that no matter what you decide, he will wholeheartedly approve, and his ultimate purpose is just to make you happy.

In the wide field of vision, the lights were dim, and the starry sky seemed to be coming towards them. The too gentle and quiet environment dilutes the original tension and a little fear, making everyone even look forward to the instant feeling of hot water touching the skin

The next second, the warm, flowing water gently surged across the body.

Countless people open their eyes at the same time

The touch of warm water flows slowly through every inch of skin, with the light fragrance of catnip and a little sea salt taste, and the just comfortable feeling makes a little scalp. The moment I entered the water, it seemed as if I had stepped into a completely warm and isolated dream.

Early spring, Xinghe, night, evening breeze.

Hearing vision and feeling reach the most comfortable state at the same time, people can’t help but want to narrow their eyes and indulge in this moment.

And it’s much more than that.

After initially adapting to the water temperature, a gentle stroke came quickly to the body.

The young man ’s fingers are long and warm. He rubs the foam in the palm, flows with warm water, gently soothes and spreads from the back of the neck and chin to the back, taking away all the dirt and the coldness beneath it, letting each one The cells seemed to sigh.

The little snow leopard shook his tail unconsciously, and drank Gu and Mian’s palm for a moment.

“I prepared a bit of blueberry wine with a low degree and I will give you a taste later.” Gu Yumian said.

As soon as the voice fell, the nose seemed to smell the aroma of blueberries accompanied by mellow wine, which made people feel slightly dizzy when they breathed. After soaking in such a comfortable hot spring, eat an equally steaming hot pot accompanied by cold and delicious blueberry wine

Gu Yumian can always arrange everything in an organized way.

The youth’s skin is warm and delicate, and it feels even softer than the night. The hot spring when the weather turns cold, the barbecue on the seaside in the evening, the care and hot tea after a day of burnout work, the rhythm of life is set to the most suitable position. All you need to do is to trust him, rely on him, and love him.

It’s really addictive.

The audience were all immersed in this atmosphere. It took a long time to wake up like a dream, and countless barrage layers flew over.

Lying in the deep sea, all the gifts were given to the anchor so long. I felt this way for the first time. 5555

Today’s hot spring with clouds is really perfect. The atmosphere, bath salts and various arrangements of the anchor, a hard work of fireworks for you.

After meowing, I am completely addicted. I want to steal humans from Xiaoxuetu ’s house.

South China Tiger never blindly wants to steal humanity 1. In fact, my anchor and Xue Tuo both want to steal. Can you steal them to my house together?

Gifts exploded one after another, with special effects linked to make the barrage almost invisible.

Several fans even fired fireworks at the same time, triggering multiple draws across the platform, and the number of audience members rose to a peak.

Today, Gu Yumian has not been placed in the recommended position, but countless gifts and the number of viewers who have never been lost, quickly put him on the top 10 list of the day’s heat again, which was the same as the amazing heat during the last barbecue. Already.

On the other side, the anchor cigarette almost breathed out of breath.

In order to accumulate newcomer support projects, he bought the navy and topical enthusiasm a long time in advance, and plans to reach the top by the official star newcomer support quota tag this time, by the way, stepping on the recently overtook Gu and Mian.

Who can think of is that his sailor just brushed up on topics such as cigarettes, food, humans, and getting out of the live broadcast. Suddenly, the official star tag was completely occupied by another group of people.

It turned out that some fans posted the real-time video and photos of this live broadcast on Weibo.

The photo was a vaguely hot steam, and the young man was half-knelt by the pool, his sleeves rolled up, revealing a white and delicate wrist. His hair tip was slightly wet, his wing-like eyelids dropped down, covering his light amber eyes, and a shallow pear vortex on his lips.

What’s more ridiculous is that this photo was reposted by a face blogger who couldn’t beat it. This blogger usually focuses on pushing various fairy face values. Even so, she still shines when she sees Gu Yumian’s photo.

“Focus on Yan Yan, please tell me which newcomer brother I just debuted. Lying in the deep sea, let’s take a look at the pictures and videos of the **** 5555.”

At first glance, 1, did you debut? Which company ah ah ah brother I can

I brought the chicken cage. The sisters calmed down and could n’t calm down at all.

This seems to be an amateur, no filter, no fan face lens, to this extent, is it human?

It ’s not an idol, it ’s the anchor of Starry Sky. Room number 342xxx, sisters hurry up and see the gods.

The power of Yan Gou is horrible. They first walked from this blogger to the finalist anchor photos published in the tag of the newcomer support project. By the way, they occupied a few topics that had just been maliciously brushed by cigarettes, and then found the starry sky live broadcast. in.

This pushes Gu Yumian’s heat up one level, again surpassing the cigarette that has just started to improve. Just one hour after Gu Yumian’s broadcast, she was in the top three of the day’s heat rankings.

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