I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 15 - Meow meow meow

Gu Yumian had a long dream.

He first returned to his twenties in his last life, just joined the post, and participated in the treatment of an endangered animal in the local mountainous area. It was a juvenile wild panda that had not yet been registered.

By the time he found it, the little guy had been tortured by poachers and was dying. His crisscross wounds were bleeding and many of them were purulent. It is very mistrustful to humans and extremely aggressive.

Everyone knows that pandas are cute and cute, and few people know that they have extremely powerful bite forces. They really want to attack people, and the power that erupts when they are near death is even more terrifying.

The situation was urgent. All of them were called to search the mountain in the middle of the night. None of them brought protective gear and anesthesia needles.

“Although it is a national treasure, its own life is important, wait, it will be there within an hour.”

“Can it last an hour?”

“Who knows, if you can’t make it, you can only say that your life is bad. Well, the poacher’s evil.”

“Gu Yumian, what are you doing?”

“Baby, what about calling you a big pot? After giving birth to a baby, it’s called two pots and three pots.”

“Cauldron, you are good, trying to hug your grandson. I have no plans to get married, and I’ll wait to help you raise children in my life.”

“Go to a seminar tomorrow and come back to bring you a small gift.”


A red light truck ended everything, Gu Yumian could feel the pain of being crushed all over, all the internal organs and all the meanings, the shadow of death completely shrouded.

His soul floated in midair, watching all the screams, noises, and crying.

All the pictures passed by like a marquee.

He saw the rapid development of earth science and technology over the past two decades, the environment has deteriorated, the end is coming, and animals have evolved.

Then, he saw the chubby Erguo growing up in front of his tombstone and putting a bunch of flowers. Sanguo was beside him, saddened to turn his back and wipe his tears constantly with his paw.

He wanted to help Sanguo wipe his tears, but his transparent fingers passed through it.

In his dream, he watched Erguo Sanguo get married, have children, and then the children continued to marry, and continued for generations.

Finally, he saw a half-large panda walk into the silver-gray starship, and set the final navigation destination to Tucker.

A long and chaotic dream came to an end, Gu Yumian’s soul slowly lowered from the air, and fell into a embrace.

The cedar breath lingered on the tip of the nose, which was not a warm embrace, because it was not skilled enough, and it was even stiff.

But it is enough.

Suffering from long memories and wandering suddenly disappeared.

“Gu Yumian,” someone whispered his name in his ear, “Gu Yumian.”

All the chaos in my ears stopped.

The loose wind blows the strings, Xinghe enters his arms.

Good night.

The next day.

Gu Yumian was awakened by a light-brain cue after a while.

When he woke up there was a moment of nagging, immersed in that dream. He actually saw what happened after his death. Is that true or just speculation?

The early spring morning was very sunny, and the white veil in front of the floor-to-ceiling window was swept up by the wind. The little snow leopard fell asleep on his chest, and his long tail circled around his wrist.

Light Brain continued to give out reminders, and someone called him.

“Sorry,” Gu Yumian went outside the bedroom, rubbing her hair, and connected the phone. “Hello, who?”

The number display is the official phone number of Xingkong Platform.

“Mr. Gu, hello, I’m a staff member of Xingkong Live. I couldn’t reach you yesterday.”

He explained to Gu Yumian that tonight is the time to finally decide the rookie championship.

In the past few days, the number one comprehensive hot spot will receive support for newcomers. The deadline for statistics is 12 o’clock tonight.

The official intends to create a warm atmosphere and advertise, so today launched such an official topic live broadcast finalists made various preparations for the live broadcast tonight, and by the way talk about their feelings.

“You can choose to participate or not,” the staff member said. “However, it is recommended that you participate.”

After all, it is the official live broadcast, and it can definitely bring new audiences and popularity to the live broadcast room, and basically no one will refuse.

Gu Yumian just thought about it briefly, and said, “Okay, what time is it?”

The staff was obviously relieved. “After about an hour, we will send the host to your place. Will it be convenient to leave the address?”

“Haiyiyueju three buildings in the second district.” Gu Yumian said.

“Okay.” The staff member said, “Haiyi Yueju”

He hung up and suddenly responded.

Haiyi Yueju Second District is the seaview duplex that you can’t buy

after an hour.

The host of Lu Xing’s official live broadcast rushed to Haiyi Yueju with his equipment.

To be honest, she was the first time to enter such a high-end residential area, and she was nervous and excited. At this time, the official live broadcast has started for a while, and the first interviewer was Gu Yumian.

“Hello everyone, I’m Lulu,” she greeted the camera. “Now we’ve reached the door of Mr. Gu Yumian’s house, so let’s ring the doorbell. Seriously.”

Fu Ye Ye Ye Gu Yumian, is it the human anchor who has been very hot before? Did he really not buy the water army? The heat is so strange.

Meow, where there is sleep, there is me, ah ah ah to enter the sleep home, look forward to.

Little Lemon turned out to be the last night of the rookie tonight, which was a bit exciting.

Are there strange things in the home of the sky and birds? Suddenly I was a little scared.

Xingkong Official and Gu Yumian’s fan base is staggered. At this time, the live broadcast has just started. Many of the audience who came in for the first time did not know about Gu Yumian and only heard the name. Various attitudes.

The host waited for more than ten seconds at the door, and the door opened.

“Hello,” Gu Yumian smiled and shook hands with Lulu. “Long wait, come in.”

He was holding the little snow leopard still dozing in his arms. The little snow leopard raised his eyelid and gave Lulu a glance, and looked away boringly.

To be honest, like many viewers, Lulu was a little hesitant before entering the door.

Not only because this is a high-end housing, but also because it is a personal home. She still has a subtle response to humans in her heart, and is afraid to see something that makes her uncomfortable.

But the moment I saw Gu Yumian, all thoughts disappeared.

This human makes her want to be close

Lulu is a sika deer. She now has the urge to turn into the original shape and let Gu Yumian feed her young leaves to eat. By the way, she also wants Gu Yumian to help snoring.

She dreamily walked into Gu Yumian’s home.

“Sit down,” said Gu Yumian, “drink tea or something?”

“Just water,” Lulu said quickly.

Gu Yumian nodded, poured a cup of warm water for her, and sat down on the sofa opposite Lulu, asking “Is there anything I need to interview?”

Lulu just woke up like a dream, remembering today’s mission. She explained, “You just do whatever you want, we mainly want to photograph your daily life.”

In fact, in order to add a bit of attention and discussion, the official also wants to stir up some gunpowder.

It’s best that which anchor is opposite to which anchor, or the various nervous performances of anchors can be regarded as the highlights. As the host, Lulu is to shoot the anchor’s life first, and then unexpectedly ask some slightly sharp questions.

Lulu could not help but look forward to what Gu Yumian would do before such an important live broadcast tonight.

Recite lines, prepare a variety of food utensils, go online to promote and guide public opinion, or

There is a dedicated person in the official live broadcast room who is responsible for copywriting. The subtitle of the live broadcast room will change in real time. For example, the title at this time is how the ten rookie anchors are about to prepare for the final battle tonight.

The title was very bloody, and the attracted audience also wanted to see similar tension and gossip.


The audience and host Lulu watched Gu Yumian pick up a small shovel and walked to the top garden. The little snow leopard maintained a serious expression, pushing a small bucket beside Gu Yumian, in exchange for Gu Yumian’s touch and a few praises.

Lulu and the audience “”

“Mr. Gu, what are you doing” she couldn’t help asking.

“My plant was spoiled by the cat yesterday,” Gu Yumian explained, “I want to replant it, don’t mind it.”

In other words, farming.

Lulu and Barrage “”

At first they thought that Gu Yumian was playing with a stalk or a joke, but unexpectedly, Gu Yumian really lowered his head and began to loosen. He laid a high-nutrient substrate, sand and clay, and measured it with a hand ruler, so that the depth and width of the planting holes were twice as long as the catnip roots.

Then, Gu Yumian put the rhizomes into the water, and when there were no air bubbles, filled the planting holes with soil and pressed tightly.

Little Snow Leopard sat on Gu Yumian’s shoulders, supervised his work seriously, and handed him tools from time to time.

The sun is fine, the sea breeze is blowing, everything is so organized.

Lulu “”

After going through the initial speechlessness, she looked at Gu Yumian’s movements, and she became inexplicably intrigued. There is a kind of hustle and bustle, the heart becomes peaceful and soothing, and it is not boring.

She felt that she could see it all day.

“Can you give me that shovel?” Gu Yumian looked at her.

“OK.” Lulu subconsciously handed him the shovel beside him.

“Thank you.”

Gu Yumian smiled at her, and Lulu suddenly felt very satisfied and happy, and the antler wanted to emerge.

She quickly shook her head and looked back, screaming badly in her heart.

Now things are completely out of control. What to do, this is totally different from the title and the content of the previous promotion, it will definitely cause resentment from the audience and cause the number of audiences to decline.


Thinking of this, Lulu glanced at the number of people online.

Eighteen thousand.

In just ten minutes after Gu Yumian started farming, the number of spectators rose by a full 50,000, without any downward trend, and still steadily rising.

At the beginning, the audience did look blankly at the broadcast.

They were attracted by the hot title and official propaganda, but they saw Gu Yumian in the farming. They suddenly felt that the goods were not being cheated. They planned to abusive a few words and then quit.

Can’t retreat.

Obviously it is the most common action, but it will not give people a boring feeling, and there is even an inexplicable attraction.

Because it was Lulu ’s first perspective at this time, they could hear the sea breeze blowing from afar, smell the refreshing scent of catnip, and watch the human being handle everything well and quietly.

Especially just now, when Gu Yumian smiled and said thank you to Lulu, they also felt the same inexplicable satisfaction and joy as Lulu. They felt that they really helped Gu Yumian’s favor and got his approval and love.

What’s going on with little lemon, why am I watching a human anchor farming.

Fourier Ye Yecao, I ca n’t get out of my way when I want to quit. My hands have their own ideas.

Dolphin cloud, do you feel comfortable watching him doing this?

Card Comfort 1

The host Lulu was very confused at this time. She didn’t know what to do.

Obviously it is completely different from the pre-script, but the effect is unexpectedly good.

At the same time, the person in charge of copywriting knew very well that he immediately changed the original subtitle into a shocking handsome guy who was so sweaty that he was there.

This title immediately deceived a large number of viewers to come in. After looking at the actual content and doubting their lives, they wanted to curse and quit, but they couldn’t press the exit button.

And this is far from over.

Gu Yumian cleaned for about twenty minutes, washed his hands, and asked Lulu “I just forgot, do you want to drink strawberry juice?”

Lulu said subconsciously, “OK.”

There is a juicer on the third floor, so Lulu and the audience watched Gu Yumian washing the strawberries one by one and removing the grass stems. They were neatly coded in the juicer. After pressing the button, the precipitates were extracted and cleaned. The liquid part is put into a cute tall glass.

Then, the young slender white fingers held the knife, chopped the two strawberries and took small pieces of pulp into the cup, and then bent the long straw into the love shape that the girl liked.

“Can you drink cold drinks?” Gu Yumian looked at her.

Lulu nodded, and Gu Yumian added three ice cubes to the glass. Translucent ice cubes, crushed strawberry pulp, and pale pink strawberry juice reflect the sunlight of early spring. It looks like a work of art, and the nose can smell the sweet and sour taste of strawberries, and it can’t wait to taste it.

While laying down the cup, Gu Yumian also put a stack of his homemade snacks, fresh strawberry cheesecake made with strawberry jam and cheese.

The audience attracted by the title had no time to think about cursing, but held their breath like Lulu, and their attention was completely attracted.

She held up the cup and tasted it carefully

The sweet and sour taste of strawberries instantly stunning the taste buds

In this kind of sun-drenched weather, a glass of iced strawberry juice is an unparalleled enjoyment. Just as Lulu walked all the way, she was basking in the sun. At this moment, her heart completely calmed down as the strawberry juice flowed through her throat.

The taste of strawberry juice is too refreshing, sweet but not greasy, plus a bite to bite into the real small strawberry cube, the taste is mixed.

She couldn’t help narrowing her eyes, and after swallowing that bite, she couldn’t wait to fork up a piece of cake.

It is completely different from ordinary cheese. The rich flavor of cheese and the soft wax of the cake are mixed together with the sweetness of the strawberry jam. The feeling of instant food is not greasy at all, and it is not enough to take a bite. Eat a bit of cake and go for a bite of iced strawberry juice, the wind is blowing gently

And Gu Yumian continued to organize his catnip not far away, and Xiao Xuebao lay on his shoulder, and tilted his head to scratch his chin.

There is juice, food, and the picture in front is very pleasing to the eye, which makes the whole heart relax.

The number of viewers skyrocketed by over 300,000 at this time.

Even with the official fan base of Starry Sky itself, this is a very incredible number.

Cards, ah, ah, ah, what is this cake? Cheese? I have n’t eaten cheese before, do n’t lie to me

I’m completely comfortable with the dolphin cloud, I can do it. Fairy anchor

Clean potato chips are gradually forgetting the title series, and I can watch him farming and cooking all day long.

Because this is the official live broadcast room of Starry Sky, plus the title, the attracted audience is actually a group that is very different from Gu Yumian’s previous audience. In other words, usually these people will not click into Gu and Mian live broadcast room of.

And they are now completely attracted by the live content, completely transformed into a potential audience.

Gu Yumian’s original number of fans has ushered in another round of crazy growth

The final live broadcast is about to begin.

Seven o’clock that night.

The navigation system showed that the atmosphere of Tucker was about to be reached. The closer it was, the more calm the mood of Twenty-four Pots. It was a little restless and wanted to look out the window.

Is this where the ancestors lived? After seeing him for a while, I would like to say something about twenty-four pots. It turns out that this is what the ancients said is more timid.

When the starship passed through the atmosphere and was about to sail to the star port, all the buttons of the navigation system suddenly lighted up, flashing like a flash.

Twenty-four pot “”

“A system failure, a warning, a rescue capsule is about to pop out, a warning, a police warning,” the mechanical sounded.

Twenty-four pot “”

The next second, the entire starship was shaken violently, the system forced it into the egg-shaped rescue capsule, and automatically injected it with a dose of medicine. As the consciousness of the twenty-four pans gradually fainted, the rescue capsule was bombarded by the starship, gradually narrowed, and landed on the ground of Tucker.


Gu Yumian was preparing Shouxi pot ingredients for a while, and suddenly heard a muffled sound in the garden.

Little Snow Leopard moved his nose and narrowed his eyes suddenly.

“Tuan Tuan, did you hear me?” Gu Yumian thought for a while, “It seems that something has hit our garden.”

Little Snow Leopard stretched his paw very disappointingly and pressed on Gu Yumian’s lips.

It has an intuition that something that threatens its status is about to appear, which makes it extremely anxious.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Yumian kissed his little paw, hugged it and stood up. “I’m a bit. I’ll go and see.”

He was restless for a long time, still walked quietly to the garden with a bat, and Zai carefully looked for a full circle.

Then he was in the catnip bush that he managed to manage by himself

Found a white egg.

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