I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 17 - Meow ~


It seems that Xiao Xuebao really likes to eat sukiyaki, and they have eaten a large pot of ingredients one by one. At this time Gu Yumian could not help thinking of the big white egg, when will it come out of the shell, will it be hungry?

However, even if it is out of the shell, you cannot eat Sukiyaki and have to drink milk. Gu Yumian shook his head, leaving strange ideas behind.

At a glance, Xiao Xuebao saw his sorrow, and unhappyly stretched a small meat pad and pressed it on Gu Yumian’s face, which was kissed by Gu Yumian.

“Yes,” Gu Yumian remembered at last, “I prepared desserts after dinner.”

Meow and dessert surprises

Vivian and Hianmian are really happy to live together. Everyone is taken care of. Every meal is arranged in an orderly way. Dinner, drinks, desserts.

Desserts are in the refrigerator. Gu Yumian went to the second-floor living room to get them. As he passed the big white egg, he stopped and couldn’t help squatting down and touching it.

“Baby, cheer up and grow up,” he always has an inexplicable sense of intimacy with this big white egg, “It was born to bring you um, take you to eat delicious, find parents and mother.”

He also had this kind of intimacy when he first saw the Little Snow Leopard, but the two were a little different, and it wasn’t specific.

Gu Yumian talked to it for a while, and suddenly felt a bit silly. Is this prenatal education?

“Then I’ll go up first, you obedient.” He could not help but say goodbye to the big white egg.

Gu Yumian didn’t notice it.

The dim and quiet lights enveloped the entire bedroom, and the wind blew white curtains.

As he turned around, the big white egg shook even more.

“Tuantu, wait a long time.”

Back in the garden, Little Snow Leopard nodded at him slightly, Gu Yumian scratched his chin, and held the little guy in his arms.

Gu Yumian put down the small plate that he held. By the light, you can see two small white creamy cheeses in the delicate small porcelain plate, sprinkled with a layer of tea powder, and placed a small blueberry, it looks like artwork.

“This is silk tofu cheese frozen,” Gu Yumian explained. “Silk tofu is a bit more delicate than normal tofu, and it tastes good with cheese.”

Soy products and cheese are basically harmless to felines, and they are one of the few desserts they can eat.

Most viewers have eaten tofu, fried or fried. Many people never thought that tofu can be used as a dessert.

Gu Yumian cut a corner of the box with a small spoon, and the little snow leopard lazily slid into Gu Yumian’s arms, taking a bite with Gu Yumian’s hand.

After a few seconds, it squinted slightly.

The soft cheese slipped from the tip of the tongue, and the rich milky flavor spread instantly. The delicate texture of the frozen silk tofu and the lightness neutralized the greasiness of the cheese. The mouth melts, the taste flows from the tip of the tongue to the throat, and the taste of milk is unsatisfactory between the lips and teeth.

The finishing touch is a little bit of lemony taste, which blends with the milky flavor of cheese, and even people who hate lemons will not feel resistant.

Kristina is delicious. It ’s so delicious tofu.

The taste of the clouds is very special, the cheese is soft and smooth, and the tofu is delicate. Add a bit of lemon juice just to suppress the fishy smell of tofu. The anchor is attentive.

Meow is really delicious. Wow, I love every dish I cook in my sleep. My last life may be a dish. Wow.

Puff fluff is really delicious. Do you want to sing in a while?

The dessert was almost astonishing, and various gift effects exploded at the same time.

From the start of the broadcast, the heat between Gu Yumian’s live broadcast has only risen, and it has ushered in a peak when eating Sukiyaki.

At this moment, the number of viewers is still rising, as in the same period yesterday, it climbed smoothly to the top three of the day’s hot list.

The sky was completely dark, the moonlight was sprinkled on the ground, and the sound of the waves was low and gentle from far away.

“Well, sing, promised Tuan Tuan and everyone yesterday,” Gu Yumian buried her head in the back of Xiao Xuebao and said softly, “what do you want to hear?”

Little Snow Leopard thought about it for a while, and the serious and tangled expression almost made Gu Yumian laugh. He reached over and gently stroked Snow Leopard’s chin, neck and back, whispering

“Everything is fine, think slowly, as long as my family is happy.”

Little Snow Leopard unconsciously tilted his head in the palm of Gu Yumian’s palm and closed his eyes.

It’s really hard to choose.

It wants to hear and wants too much.

“It’s hard to decide? Then I’ll sing a nursery rhyme for you, OK?” Gu Yumian said softly, “I hope my family will have a good dream tonight.”

He kissed the little snow leopard’s ear

“It doesn’t matter, if you like it, I can sing it to you one day. After singing a long time, my little group leader became a big group, became tall and powerful, and could not hold it.”

Little Snow Leopard’s gray-blue eyes looked at him, his eyes darkened, reflecting the moonlight sky.

Its human said to grow up with it.

This was the first time I met, and it is still the same until now.

With Gu Yumian’s words, almost everyone can have a specific picture in their brains. Gu Yumian is a person who makes it easy to connect with the future. Follow him, his life is well organized, and he can see it at a glance a long time later.

Spring, autumn, winter and summer, chai oil and salt.

But I still look forward to it, and look forward to going through the years with him.

Meow I don’t want to think about anything

There is a house in the mine. I like sleeping so much, holding Xiaoxue and whispering in my ears, as if I was held by him in the palm of my hand and cares about him.

Lulu can be inexplicably sore in the eyes, what’s wrong with me qaq, I also want to walk year after year with Mian Mian

The number of spectators is steadily rising, reaching a little closer to 300,000, but the barrage of cascading layers has once again decreased.

The audience were all quiet and immersed in this unique atmosphere.

The satisfying and comfortable feeling after a full meal makes people sleepy, and the human voice around them is extremely gentle, and the picture drawn is too longing for people. At the same time, the hands that were gently pressed from the skin and joints alleviated all the discomfort and soreness, and the cloth was sprinkled with a reassuring warm flame.

The galaxy sways, the evening breeze is gentle.

I want to walk through the years together, and I want to stop time at this moment forever, and spend this early spring night countless times, staying with the youth around me and doing nothing, it is not enough.

Even more fascinating is still after this.

When spring night was quiet, there were clean and sweet songs.


Three hundred thousand people opened their eyes at the same time.

Little Snow Leopard nested in Gu Yumian’s arms, his long tail circled around his wrist, and opened his gray-blue eyes to watch him seriously.

Is an unaccompanied oratorio. Gu Yumian’s voice began to stagnate due to tension, and then gradually became smooth and natural.

Like a clear spring, like a pine breeze bringing up the leaves of the forest, the song is wrapped in countless sounds and torrents of color flowing all the way, reminiscent of a blue sky in the rain, puddles, and a cicada of midsummer night晌 Good dream.

Obviously there is no trick rendering, but Gu Yumian has this inexplicable attraction when singing. Let you step into his rhythm, resonate with the emotions in the song, spread from the eardrum all the way to the heart, and pulsate with resonance.

It was enough to hear only a short paragraph yesterday, let alone a whole song at this time.

The barrage exploded completely after being quiet for ten seconds.

Never eat fat ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah so nice

Grumping, what song is this? My ears are about to be suffocated. Help me

Puff fluffy I think Mian Mian is really God to enjoy the meal, you can debut really orz, hurry up with the album, I ’ll find a way to make money.

There are clouds that are difficult to describe with words. Anyway, I really want to thank the anchor for bringing this night, every minute is very memorable. Roses bloom in September, a firework for you

The meow fireworks are all given to Mianmian, which is really nice and very special. The whole person’s heart has softened, and it has an inexplicable picture.

Throughout the night until now, Gu Yumian ’s live broadcast has been rising steadily.

Until this moment, the atmosphere of long-awaited savings has been completely ignited by this song

Maybe it’s not just a song, it’s the atmosphere and feeling.

This evening, from the beginning, the savory sukiyaki pot, mellow blueberry wine, silk tofu cheese and frozen milk scented around the nose, and then a gentle heartbeat and pulse came to the ears. The long night was quiet, and I was pushing the mood to the point where I was most fully satisfied.

The years are stable and the future looks promising.

The ten newcomer anchors were assigned exclusive recommendation positions this evening, but none of them was like Gu Yumian.

Whether it was originally hostile to humanity, doubtful about how human beings broadcast live, or simply attracted by the cover title and preview content, all without exception, were involuntarily attracted to stay within one minute.

Gu Yumian’s audience has never experienced a large-scale decline, because most people who click in are reluctant to leave.

At this moment, the number of viewers is climbing at an incredible rate, and countless gifts are swarming, surpassing the second place of the day, and approaching the first place all the way


At nine o’clock in the evening, a message prompt came.

Gu Yumian’s live broadcast room has more than 500,000 online viewers, and is a well-deserved rookie champion.

The popularity of the day ranked first.

Bedroom on the second floor.

The youth’s singing was rubbed into the wind, blocked and filtered by layers of barriers, and only a few melodies and fragments finally passed to the ears.

But this is enough.

The big white egg first swayed slightly, and then swayed even more, and clicks gradually came from the inside.

A crack appeared on the surface of the white eggshell.

That crack gradually expanded, and then, a cobweb-like crack quickly spread around.


In the dim room, in the soft pit, the upper part of the big white egg completely fell apart. A cub sat blankly in the half eggshell, with a small piece of broken eggshell on its head, like a little gentleman Round cap.

It looks almost two months old, with fluffy, black and white fur covering the entire body, two round ears, and wet round eyes pure and bright. It looked left and right innocently at first, exposing the soft and tender claws and pressing on the eggshell.

Returning to the cub period, all memories and knowledge are emptied together.

But the atmosphere in this bedroom gives it a sense of extreme familiarity and peace of mind. Even if it knows that it is in an unfamiliar environment, it does not feel afraid.

After the cub bit the sitting eggshell and determined that it was unable to climb out on its own, it simply sat in a half eggshell and rolled around as if in a boat.

Because Gu Yumian keeps a small snow leopard, all the facilities in the home are very friendly to this type of small animal. The floor is covered with soft carpets and there is no sharp corner.

The panda cub rolled from the sofa to the soft carpet. He was very novel about everything. He looked left and right with interest, rolled slowly all the way, and

Behind the concealed door, it heard a clean and clear voice that made the panda inexplicably close to the familiar youth.

“Tuantuan, let’s go to bed early tonight, two days to pack up and go to the Capital Star”


“Whose baby is this?”

Gu Yumian froze, leaned over, and even the cub took the eggshell in his arms.

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