I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 4 - Meow meow meow meow

Gu Yumian ordered fresh raw materials on Xingwang, and it was delivered in ten minutes.

Although raw meat is artificially synthesized, it perfectly simulates the various states of real raw meat. In particular, Gu Yumian bought high-grade synthetic raw mutton, plus some necessary vitamins and complementary foods, and spent more than 100 stars.

After watching the live broadcast for two days, Gu Yumian also knew a lot about interstellar common sense. Today’s animals have evolved a lot compared to the past. In terms of diet, they have long been out of the era of drinking wool and drinking blood. They have eaten cooked food like humans once, and their requirements for taste and health have also improved.

But after all, they are not human, but they just copy the recipes and cooking methods used by humans. In fact, there are many disadvantages.

Gu Yumian was also worried that in the interstellar age, the physiological structure of animals had changed greatly, so his previous experience and knowledge would not work. He deliberately consulted the data, only to be assured that apart from the awakening of mental strength and physical enhancement, the animals’ physiological structures did not change much.

He washed the raw lamb, put the carrots in the water and boiled them over low heat. The ultra-mini camera floats in the air, recording everything in real time in all directions.

At this moment, a jingle sounded in the ear, and finally the audience entered the live broadcast room. The word 2 appears in the upper right corner of Gu Yumian’s sight, which means that there are two people watching the live broadcast now, the number is still slowly rising, and finally stopped at 6.

Five minutes later, the first barrage in the live room floated slowly

The South China Tiger will never go on a blind date. I came in just to see. Is this person real on the cover?

Soon another person responded

Little fish 1

As a newcomer anchor, Gu Yumian has no popularity and no recommendation. According to common sense, the audience has no way to find him. Although it is not comparable to the 40,000 viewers, there is an audience as soon as it starts, which is already considered good among newcomers.

Gu Yumian had been interviewed by a TV station before. He was not too nervous when facing the camera. He smiled at the camera. “Hi, my name is Gu Yumian, and I would like to take care of you in the future.”

“To make a simple dinner for the little ones at home today, the main ingredient is lamb strips, the method is very simple, the cat audience can try to make it for the children at home.”

After a brief introduction, Gu Yumian continued to lower his head and cook the ingredients. He said very little and didn’t ask for gifts like other anchors.

The South China Tiger Never Blind Anchor smiles with a small pear vortex, as.

So far, only the South China Tiger audience has been speaking and interacting with Gu Yumian, and the other audiences have not spoken. The South China Tiger seems to be only concerned about his face value.

But Gu Yumian was not discouraged. This live broadcast can only be considered a test. Any problems encountered now are valuable practical experience. He glanced out of the kitchen through the frosted glass door. The little snow leopard fell asleep quietly, his chest undulating regularly, and his soft and long tail resting on his abdomen.

Gu Yumian had absolutely no resistance to small animals, her heart was soft and her handling of food became more and more serious.

After thawing and washing the raw lamb, Gu Yumian cut it into thin strips, ignited a hot pot, and poured extremely traces of oil.

“Baby cats have just been weaned in four months. The meat strips need to be cut a little bit, but they don’t need to be grated or made into meat sauce.” Gu Yumianjie said.

The pot was almost hot, and Gu Yumian slept a lamb strip and some radishes and orange peel. He is not a professional chef, but only has so many years of experience combined with the exploration and thinking of these two days.

Radish and orange peel have a deodorizing effect.

Gu Yumian said, “If you are a tiger or a leopard, you should be well done.”

Humans cannot eat unfamiliar mutton, but animals do not have this restriction, and their physical fitness has greatly improved in the interstellar era. Animals such as tigers and leopards have lived in the wild for thousands of years, and fully cooked foods do not match their taste.

Before Gu Yumian raised little snow leopards, they all fed raw meat.

Just a few seconds later, the surface of the thin mutton strips was slightly crispy with some oil, but also with some raw blood. A breath of delicious meat permeated the air, floating down the door, and outside, the little snow leopard in his sleep moved his nose.

Now all live broadcasts are holographic live broadcasts, you can smell, touch, smell and even taste the stuff in the live broadcast room. Of course, that’s all virtual data, it just gives people a feeling.

At the same time that the fragrance was spreading out, several more barrage popped up in the broadcast room.

The South China Tiger will never go on a blind date, it ’s so fragrant. Why? I ’m hungry just after dinner qaq

Meow, this is too fragrant. Anchor, can a 24-year-old friend eat?

However, there was also a discordant barrage.

Is Leopard the human anchor?

As the barrage passed, the few talking audiences were quiet.

Judging humans or animals is their instinct, but across the screen, this instinct will be weakened a lot. In addition, there has never been a human anchor in the star sky live broadcast platform. Everyone defaults to Gu and Mian as animals.

Gu Yumian paused holding the handle of the pot, asking “how about humans?”

That audience is still speaking.

Leopard Leopard really looks like a human. It’s disgusting.

Leopard Leopard hold three-point cooked just fine, huh, really laughed at me, don’t the anchor mislead the audience. Don’t be stupid, any of you. This anchor is a human. How could he understand the cat’s recipes? You follow what he said, you are 100% sick, and then he will be happy.

Seeing him say that, other viewers couldn’t sit still.

The South China Tiger never blinds you. It ’s not right that you are racist. My nanny is a human being and has worked for us for twenty years. Whether it ’s humans or animals, there are good and bad, how can you kill everything in one shot?

Is the small fish anchor really human?

Gu Yumian said, “Yes.”

The number of live studios that had been stable at 6 plummeted to 5, and the little swimmer exited. The aroma in the air became more intense, but the focus of the live broadcast room was completely off.

Leopard took out and checked the recipes. All the recipes said that the lamb must be fully cooked. Last night I was watching the live broadcast of the food by the anchor. He is a star-certified food anchor. He also said that he must be fully cooked. Anchor, as a human being, who can tell your courage that the lamb is three-cooked?

In the interstellar era, the recipes used by animals are from humans.

In the past, humans must fully cook mutton, otherwise there will be various bacteria, but now there is no bacterial problem in synthesizing mutton. Second, the situation of wild animals and humans is different.

Fortunately, Gu Yumian thought about this sudden situation yesterday.

“My name is Gu Yumian, and I can check my personal information through the Star Live Broadcasting official. If you have any problems, you can report to the police directly.” He said, “And this is the official food safety detector.”

He held a slender, somewhat remote-controlled instrument, and tested it on that plate of lamb. The result came out two seconds later, he showed it to the camera


That leopard hugged no more.

South China Tigers never blind date, I believe the anchor. In addition, I also watched the live broadcast of cigarette rolls yesterday, and did not mean to hold one step at a time, but the fully cooked lamb chops grilled with tobacco rolls are not as fragrant as the anchor here.

Meow, I also believe in the anchor, so can you taste it now? It ’s really fragrant. 5555

“Wait a minute, there are a few procedures.” Gu Yumian smiled. “And it’s hot now, be careful with your tongue.”

Even if Leopard Leopard is safe, it may not be delicious.

Meow, I can see that the older leopard is afraid that she is not a lever

Just then.

The covert kitchen door was opened by Little Snow Leopard’s head. The little guy just woke up and walked in slowly yawning, his tail swept over Gu Anmian’s ankle, and he jumped onto the cooking table suddenly.

Gu Yumian was startled. Just when he wanted to hold it down, he saw the little snow leopard move his nose beside the plate with lamb strips. Then it narrowed its eyes to reveal a sloppy expression.

“Good, you can’t eat it yet.”

Gu Yumian hugged Little Snow Leopard.

This time, it did not resist, lazily lying on Gu Yumian’s shoulders, and looked at the entire kitchen with the eyes of the king inspecting his territory.

Gu Yumian did not intentionally modify the mode and parameters before starting the live broadcast. He didn’t know that the default setting of the live broadcast was that if an animal appeared within a fixed range, the camera would automatically convert to that animal’s first perspective.

In other words, now the live room has been transformed from the perspective of God to the perspective of Little Snow Leopard, and the sight, smell, and taste are synchronized with the Little Snow Leopard.

The audience only felt as if they were lying on Gu Yumian’s shoulders. The body temperature of the youth came through the shirt. The sea salt was mixed with the light taste of bamboo leaves, and one side could touch the soft hair and ears of the youth. This feeling of comfort and intimacy came from the bottom of my heart, and my heart was numb.

Meow, what’s wrong? Didn’t you just float in the air just now? The anchor smells so good.

The South China Tiger never blinds me. I ’m so comfortable. What kind of human is the anchor? How can I be a strong man in my twenties? I actually want to comb my hair and hug me high qaq

Brother Meow, are you sexually okay?

Even more outstanding is still behind.

Gu Yumian drizzled the egg yolks on the thin lamb strips and fry for another two seconds, then the cooked carrot juice was squeezed. The sweet and sour taste of carrots overwhelmed the last scent, the flavor of the delicious meat was not greasy, all at once Awakened the sleeping tongue.

“Adjusting vitamin a, d and calcium powder in carrot juice can supplement the nutrition that children need.” Gu Yumian said, “Okay, you can start eating.”

He held the plate in one hand, guarded the little snow leopard in one hand, and went to the living room.

Many people can’t wait for a long time, but because the live broadcast is switched to the first view of Little Snow Leopard, only the Little Snow Leopard can eat and they can taste the taste. Especially a few feline audiences, smelling that special, unprecedented aroma, could not hold back for a long time.

Although the animals discriminated against humans, the recipes and various living habits have always strictly followed humans. The lamb strips cooked and cooked in this way have never been tried by animals.

Gu Yumian gave Xiao Xuebao a cushion, but Xiao Leopard did not want to go down from his shoulders, but instead maintained the posture of being in the world, sitting gracefully on Gu Yumian’s shoulders.

Gu Yumian “

Little Snow Leopard’s gray-blue eyes looked at him lightly.

Gu Yumian tentatively cut a piece of lamb and carefully delivered it to the little guy’s mouth. Snow Leopard was very satisfied with his service and understanding, and moved his nose stubbornly, then lowered his head and bit his head.

In the next second, several viewers immediately felt that the delicious taste exploded on the tip of the tongue.

The three-point maturity is just right. The oil in the lamb is fried to the surface, and the bloodshot is more in line with the nature of animals born in the jungle wasteland.

The animals couldn’t eat heavy salt, Gu Yumian hardly added too much oil and salt, only the purest meat was delicious, and a little bit of just right carrot juice was used to freshen it, and the mouthful immediately soothed the anxious tongue and stomach.

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, and then the barrage exploded. Many new users have never spoken.

South China Tigers Never Blind


Give you a flower bed, what’s going on, I used to hate lamb

Anchor Su Yue, come again and have a bite, it ’s not enough

Immediately after, several special effects appeared on the screen.

“The South China Tiger never blindly threw you a deep-water torpedo,” “Miaowu threw you three grenades,” and “Su Yue threw ten mines.”

This is a live broadcast reward. Even if the platform is going to draw half of it, Gu Yumian’s account will have 600 extra stars. He didn’t expect the audience to respond so well, and he paused before saying, “Thank uh, the South China Tiger will never be a blind date, meow, and Su Yue’s gift, thank you.”

And the leopard hug that just raised the bar has stopped talking at all, I do not know whether to withdraw or go completely silent.

Little Snow Leopard was dissatisfied with Gu Yumian’s feeding motion stopped and pushed his head with a small meat pad.

Gu Yumian reacted, estimated the food supply of the little snow leopard, fed the remaining lamb strips, and closed the plate.

Little Snow Leopard ate and drank, half-lying on the sofa and dozing off, while Gu Yumian went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

After washing the dishes, he leaned over to help Little Snow Leopard scratch his chin, hold it up and gently rub his stomach to promote digestion. Through a meal, Snow Leopard seemed to take some precautions from Gu Yumian, dividing him from a stranger into a servant’s camp.

The little boy’s gray-blue pupils lined up in a line, and lazily tilted his head in front of Gu Yumian’s palm and froze.

Because the live broadcast is the first perspective of Snow Leopard, at this time, the audience and its feelings are completely synchronized.

The slender fingers stroking the stomach seemed to carry a small cluster of sparks and electric current, making the scalp slightly numb, and the whole body seemed to be soft and melted into a piece of sugar.

South China Tigers Never Blind

Meow too comfortable

Suyue is very comfortable

However, at this moment, Gu Yumian looked at the time and said, “Today, the live broadcast will end here first. See you next time, bye.”

Audience and so on

The next second, without waiting for them to say anything, the screen was grayed out.

These four audiences really did not care. There are so many and complicated live broadcasts now, it’s not easy to find a good anchor. What they finally regret is that they didn’t start the video recording at the beginning, and only had a short time to record.

Some of them started to sell Amway spontaneously with a small video recorded.

Soon, the news of a powerful human anchor from the Star Live Broadcasting Platform spread among the audience of Tucker Star Live.

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