I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 74 - Meow meow

Moonlight and lights mingled on the lake. Baidu search “ggdon” to see the latest chapters every day

The circus is about to begin, and the bard is singing the last movement. This main city-state’s most central lake, centered on the lake platform, has scattered thousands of boats.

Among these boats are tourist boats like Gu and Yumian, as well as city-state residents driving in the boats to see them. The little witch is in a black robe and a broom floats on the water. Everyone is chatting and waiting for the show.

A dwarf is more attentive, driving a boat selling strange snacks and fruit wines through the crowd, earning a profit in half an hour. The gnome was expressionless and threw a few bags of snacks and juices to Gu Yumian and the children.

Gu Yumian wanted to pay, and the gnome gave him a scornful look and drove away in a small boat.

Everyone “” turns out that this gnome is also proud.

Since Gu Yumian put on the pair of cat ears, the eyes thrown around this side have been noticeably denser with the naked eye.

Originally Gu Yumian had a good looks, plus four such cute cubs, this combination is enough to attract attention.

Moreover, the popularity of Gu Yumian is no longer the same. In the past two days, almost anyone who has swept the circle of friends and watched Weibo will scan Gu Yumian and his four little babies more or less. .

After all, there are several Gu Yumian that I like on the hot search tag. He has all of them, Gu Yumian Mermaid and Dragon hide the plot, Gu Yumian Berry Pie

There are so many categories in this that people can’t help but startled.

There are also people who have good looks, and fans who like utopia, and there are even special about food. Many young people have met Gu Yumian from the chicken soup friend circle shared by their elders.

Race and birth don’t mean everything. The most feared thing is to deny yourself that this young man depends on his own efforts.

These Amway are all spontaneous. Although often in various unexpected occasions, Gu and Mian are frequently brushing the presence, but the perception of passersby has not decreased because of this, which is also strange to many people.

I don’t know why, I just can’t hate this human being, and I like it more and more.

It ’s the same now, with Gu and Yum ’s boat as the center, whether it ’s tourists or aboriginal orcs, witches and elves, everyone ’s eyes are on Gu Yumian, especially wearing them After the cat’s ears, a small area of ​​screaming broke out inside the girl.

The photos have been quickly posted on Weibo by the live viewers and the visitors present. I like it. He has tags, and the number of reposts is visibly going crazy.

The number of people in the live studio was approaching 600 million.

Gu Yumian “

Little Snow Leopard became more unhappy, and stretched his paw to cover Gu Yumian’s ears.

It’s all about it.

Why do other people see it

Obviously I have forgotten that this pair of ears is forcing them to buy, forcing them to care and sleep.

Gu Yumian may be a bit drunk, always laughing, bending her eyes to look at the cubs, holding a few little guys in her arms, rubbing their ears, and looking at the crowd.

When he laughed, when he looked at others, his eyes and expressions would be very serious and affectionate. People around him didn’t even dare to look at them, and his heart throbbed when he looked at them.

Baby Panda doesn’t know why Gu Yumian has ears, but just feels closer and prefers, sucking his fingers and watching Wet and Sleep wetly, joyfully drilled into his arms.

The little fox also likes it. Of the four cubs, it and the white snow leopard have white ears.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there really is some kind of blood relationship with Gu Yumian. If Gu Yumian could be met at birth, it would be nice to grow up like a child in his family.

The little fox shook his big tail, and made a soft and snorting noise.

Gu Yumian intuitively felt that his ball was a little sad, and he hugged the little guy and rubbed his chin.

Pear flower white ii i can’t do it no more can’t do it

This sleep at four o’clock in the twilight must mean cotton candy, otherwise why is it so sweet, as

Sark’s eyes are too affectionate, I can’t stand it personally, I think I have completely fallen in love with him qaq

Little Snow Leopard made a cocoon to restrain himself, lowered his face, and pressed Gu Yumian’s cheeks with his two claws, making him not allowed to look aside.

Even though Gu Yumian was a ten-level expert in group language, many times he still couldn’t guess the group’s mind.

The pair of cat ears will change according to the wearer’s mood. Gu Yumian showed a confused look, and the white fluffy ears were gently pulled down.

Little Snow Leopard originally stretched his claws and pressed Gu Yumian’s cheek and top ears. When Gu Yumian’s cat’s ears dangled softly across his palm, Xiao Snow Leopard was stiff, and his paw was released like an electric shock.

Gu Yumian “” Why is this

“Are there some snacks?”

Gu Yumian thought for a while, and took away the snack that the gnome had just handed them away for a long time, gazing at Gu Yumian’s collar.

It’s not because it’s delicious, it’s mainly novel.

Candy beans are made into the shape of a pill, which is slightly opened, and there is even a sand-like radiance flowing out of it, which really makes people wonder whether they should eat or not.

Little Husky has opened his mouth to bite happily, and was wrapped around his neck by Gu Yumianzi

“Two two, this doesn’t seem to be eaten.”

Sure enough, after the light flowed from the candy beans, the candy beans disappeared out of thin air. The ray of light twirled between Gu and Miao’s fingers, then spread around, and fireflies surrounded their boats.

That scene looks a little incredible.

At this time, the bard poet just finished the last movement. Just when everyone thought that he was about to bow, the poet suddenly mounted his unicorn and stepped on the water towards Gu Yumian.

“Guests from afar, Utopia wishes you, you are like a gift from Muse to Utopia.”

The poet politely salutes Gu Yumian, puts down the accordion, and sings the last movement of the poem.

Gu Yumian smiled, because his brain was a little groggy because of drinking. He tilted his head and pinched the soft ears of Little Snow Leopard, took out Ukulele, and accompanied the poet.

Large lakes reflect the moving moonlight, and the boat is surrounded by light, like traveling in the sky, surrounded by fine and bright stars.

Gu Yumian was next to his children on his knees, shoulders, and sides, holding his harp, and played the last moving note with the poet.

The stars kissed the corners of his eyes tenderly and lovingly.

At the end of the last note, under the cold and dangerous gaze of the Little Snow Leopard, the poet and Gu Yumian hugged for a moment, and the unicorn stepped on the air to fly to the sky.

All the people present and the audience who watched the live broadcast were half envious and half obsessed, and they couldn’t see more.

Liulizhu knew that the anchors were very good at singing and playing the piano.

A Feng 321 came up with two words in his head.

Miao Miao Buddha Department listened to the weight loss.

aiufx ha ha ha ha ha ha look at the eyes of Tuan Tuan, the dreamy atmosphere suddenly opened up in Shura field, then the bard is absolutely fleeing in the end

The rhythm of the entire live broadcast and the mood of the audience have been taken away. The atmosphere is calm, but the barrage and gifts set off a heat wave higher than the wave.

The number of online viewers has already passed 600 million at this time

Some of the children present watched Gu Yumian’s children have snacks, Gu and Mian’s hug, watched the bard singing at a close distance, and such a beautiful light, they almost cried in envy.

Several children suddenly started to make trouble with their parents, and they had to play by themselves.

But soon, that light spread.

Gu Yumian’s fingers stroked a few times in the air, and the light gathered in the boat dispersed, like a small lantern, and finally wrapped thousands of ships in the warm light.

Everyone was in front of them, and the few children who were just in a moment of silence also calmed down, then cheered cheerfully.


“Thank you, Big Brother.”

“Big brother is so handsome”

Gu Yumian couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and smiled at them.

At this moment, from the scene to the live broadcast room, all the atmosphere is extremely quiet and peaceful, everyone is waiting for the start of the circus, sometimes mixed with a little laugh.

Because the children like to listen to him play, Gu Yumian continued to change the next song.

The little fox held his tail and listened carefully. The naughty little huskies and small dumplings, who had been very naughty, got out of their way, squeezed into Gu Yumian’s arms, and closed their eyes to hear drowsy.

The evening breeze wafted across the ears of the lake, intertwined with the moonlight, everything was just right.

The whole world seemed to be caught in the magnetic field of Gu Yumian at this time.

It was like the feeling of Gu Yumian, gentle like the white moonlight, but not so high, his arms seemed to be very soft, easy to lie in, and able to cover all the storms and frustrations at any time I can hold you softly and dreamily forever.

It is difficult to describe in words. All the beautiful and colorful colors and vocabulary are all materialized at this moment, looking forward to every future and every next second.

Gu Yumian’s buccal side was still slightly hot, in a state of simmering, and her consciousness was awake, that is, her brain became extremely active, and sometimes she felt any heat flow in the blood vessels flowing quickly.

Little Snow Leopard’s paw has been pressing Gu Yumian’s neck side for a few seconds, and her expression becomes as close as the enemy.

But soon disappeared, it lay down and yawned lazily.

The corner of the lake.

The witch Jenny stepped on the broom and floated on the lake. She wore a black cloak covering the entire face, she could not see her appearance, but knew that she was a pale-skinned, young-looking woman.

There was a crystal ball suspended in front of her eyes. From the beginning, there was a change of light and shadow in the crystal ball, and at that moment it finally broke completely with a bang.

This is a mental force that detects a strong horror, many times beyond the limit, so broken.

Witch “”

“Two-hundred and five hundred star coins,” the witch groaned for a moment, took out her light brain, and took a note, “plus the parchment paper that was bitten off by his child before, that’s three thousand.”

Now their witch’s crystal ball is all interstellar, and she bought the latest version of holographic touch, which is not cheap. Two thousand and five are cheap that human guy.

It is difficult to imagine that at such a moment, there is one of two mental power ratings above the s level in such a small lake, and he does not even know it.

But no wonder he didn’t know.

Compared with the one with sss level of mental strength, his mental strength can be said to be mild, much, and not completely harmless. It is hidden softness and kindness. As for the power type, it seems to be a power that has never been recorded.

The human awakening power is really unheard of, and various special situations can be explained as a result.

However, although this human being’s overall strength is extremely majestic, he will not feel uncomfortable when he is under its shadow.

More than ten years ago, the witch Jenny was fortunate enough to meet her Majesty in person, and felt the power of sss-level mental power up close.

Maybe it is because Her Majesty’s mental condition has been bad and unstable, the coercion at that time was scary, and the aura displayed by this human being is exactly two extremes.

Even though the technology of the interstellar era has advanced to this extent, the existence of the soul has not been confirmed but the witch Jenny can be sure.

Like powers and mental powers, things are bound to the soul. A few months ago, a desperate human teenager killed himself in remote Tucker, and woke up again, another gentle and powerful soul.

The average awakening age of mental strength is fifteen.

It is such a soul that has the awakening sss-class mental power qualification, allowing Gu Yumian to enter the process of awakening when he is so many years older than the average age.

There should be no formal awakening, so there are no signs, but he will be out of control when he is a little drunk, so he is detected by the crystal ball.

The witch sighed and put away the shard of the crystal ball.

To be confirmed, she left the lake on a broom.

The next circus was a scene of a major disaster.

The circus in the interstellar era has no profession as a so-called animal trainer. All kinds of animals are transformed into primitive forms to perform acrobatics. The powers are also very widely used.

As we all know, circuses often have links to interact with the audience. And this all-star circus, various performers obviously obviously favor Gu Yumian and the cubs. Many times of interaction, either Gu Gumian, or Gu Yumian’s children.

Under the attention of tens of thousands of people, the little huskies went through the circle of fire with the original performer of the lion and took the aggressive lion to dance its own two-hop dance.

And his talented little dumplings made a grimace and scared the clown enough;

Moreover, the circus also likes to find Gu Yumian, because when Gu and Mian are standing on the stage, even if he does nothing and only smiles, the audience below will be particularly focused and absorbed.

Of course, the little snow leopard was unhappy, and the little fox insisted on persuading him, and the scene was extremely chaotic in the end.

But even so, the whole atmosphere is still lively and happy, and the audience watching the live broadcast is also very happy. Their perspective is switched back and forth between several children, and they have basically experienced all angles.

The children were very happy after playing around, and so was the audience.

The first time I knew that the experiential circus was like this ha ha ha ha ha, after that I also jumped over the circle of fire. Who is the little brain who wants to let Mian Mian come to the stage to assist in magic? I just want to say that it is beautiful. Suddenly exciting orz

The number of spectators has been rising, and by the end of the circus, it was close to 700 million.

Fortunately, this circus performance is not a formal performance, it is only a part of the celebration of the berry festival, so it is not long. After about half an hour, the show ended, and the circus said goodbye in cheers and applause.

Instead, a large platform rose in the center of the lake, and the orcs moved to the barrels to sing songs and set a bonfire on fire.

The moon quietly climbed from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

Gu Yumian’s wine seemed to wake up and didn’t seem to wake up. After all, even if he was drunk, he would not have various exaggerated performances. In short, Gu Yumian was in a very happy state all night. He used to be angry when Little Husky was stupid, but now he is not angry.

It’s not accurate to say that, before the little huskies went to the fire circle while watching the circus, Gu Yumian was still angry.

The circus is over, and everyone is still a little bit interested. Boats are blowing wind around the platform on the lake, waiting for a bonfire dinner for a while.

“Everyone can participate in the bonfire party,” Gu Yumian also took the children back to the boat with the children, “Utopia is a very hospitable city-state, are you hungry?”

Gu Yumian touched the head of little dumplings. The little guy ate more but digested quickly. Just after a round of crazy play, his stomach was cooing again.

Although I’ve been to the night market and watched the circus, a few children were not tired at all, and they were full of energy from beginning to end. However, after playing in this circle, I was a little hungry.

Guoguo, I do n’t know how the children are, I ’m hungry anyway

Starry now heard the anchor asking if he was hungry, and I immediately began to swallow reflexively.

Gu Yumian speculated that the bonfire festival’s bonfire party is to eat berries and drink, and young men and women dance. Sure enough, when the bonfire was on, some people had grilled various foods on the rack. The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL will be opened in the new URL after the bookmark. , Please keep in mind :, free and fastest update without anti-theft, no anti-theft error chapter, for books and books, please add qq 群 647547956 group number

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