I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 12 A Leap in Strength

The Miserable Moon Tiger naturally couldn't speak, and just purred in a low voice.

Jing Yang looked for the location of the wild wolf he had released to patrol - the other party was still being ordered to operate, and the star mark on its body was activated. Jing Yang could vaguely sense the direction of the wild wolf at the moment.

With a thought in his mind, Jing Yang changed the method of operating the wild wolf to the first-person perspective substitution method. The possession of "Jing Lang" came online, and a pair of green wolf eyes lit up in the dark woods. He moved his nose and quietly escaped. Secretly, he went to look for the guy he had vaguely seen just now who seemed to be peeping at his own body.

On Jing Yang's side, since night fell, Wu Er's markings all over his body have shimmered like sapphire. There is a sad and beautiful feeling in the swaying light in front of the fire... Jing Yang unknowingly saw it. Lost his mind, he suddenly realized something. He used condensation in the opposite direction on his eyes, which could also be said to be "extreme" on his eyes, and looked intently at the shimmering markings on Wu Er's body.

The poignant patterns, glowing with a jade-like cyan shimmer, slowly rotated, like a kaleidoscope corridor...

Before his attention was distracted and his spirit was lost, Jing Yang decisively removed the "absolute" from his eyes. There was an extra layer of Qi barrier, and the rotating sapphire's shimmering patterns returned to normal.

Wu Er growled twice, as if asking, are you okay?

Jing Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "No wonder your stripes are so eye-catching at night. It turns out that there is such a visual hallucinogenic effect... It seems that this is not only exposing your own disadvantages, but also making you miserable in the dark night." The advantage of trapping prey.”

Wu Er looked at him innocently.

As for "Jinglang", I walked around in the dark woods and found nothing. I didn't find any pale children. Maybe it was my imagination.

Jing Yang called the wild wolf back and asked him to finish off the remaining hare skeleton.

The next day, it was business as usual.

Jing Yang continued to send wild wolves out to patrol, and would notify him if he saw the trapping device catching a bird.

Wu Er also went hunting in the woods.

Jing Yang continued today’s mindfulness practice.

In Jing Yang's experience, things like this kind of superpower are quite novel and fun. Even without the star on the back of his neck to force himself to practice, Jing Yang is actually still very interested in exploring the power of mind.

Tangle, Jue, Lian, Fa...

Condensation, flow, Zhou, Jian...

In terms of the operation system, although he felt that his proficiency was fully developed, Jing Yang did not completely put it aside and still took some time to continue training.

In the release department, it is an ordinary basic skill practice of releasing qi. At present, it can be regarded as the special skill of the release department "Finger Flicking Magical Power". It is a place to practice both. When you can release air bombs without relying on specific gestures and movements, the power of "Finger Flick Magical Power" will undoubtedly increase to a higher level.

Release the maximum energy and wrap it around to form "hardness", counting silently in your mind... Do this again and again until you are exhausted. After waiting for the star on the back of your neck to recover its strength, you will come to the side again...

If you want to increase the total amount of chanting energy, there is basically no shortcut except gritting your teeth, sweating, and repeatedly emptying yourself out and then filling it up again.

With his star-marked recovery assistance, he is already far ahead of other ordinary telekinesis users. It’s not like everyone has Bisiji’s excellent cultivation conditions, so what else is there to be dissatisfied with? Because of this, we should seize every minute and every second to practice and improve our thoughts...

In the process of tossing himself and recovering himself again and again, Jing Yang almost numbed himself.

He suddenly understood why Bisji had developed telekinesis abilities like "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie"... As a woman, how much sweat and hard work did Bisji have to put in to develop such a body? Shocking strength and flawless body. When I was younger than my aunt, with the help of "Ms. Cookie"'s recovery ability, I am afraid that after practicing, I would be even more crazy than I am now.

Although comparing himself to a master like that might put him in a position of embarrassment, Jing Yang did draw stronger motivation to practice from it. After pouring himself a large bowl of chicken soup, he remained "hard" for a long time. , and it is getting longer and longer unknowingly...

On the third day of coming to this world and the second day of formal practice, I am still so fulfilled.

During the long night, there was a pile of clean and eaten skeletons in front of the fire, and wild wolves were munching on them. Jing Yang, who was so tired that he couldn't lift a finger, lay stretched out on top of the miserable moon tiger and fell asleep soundly.

"Nine hundred and ninety-seven...nine hundred and ninety-eight...nine hundred and ninety-nine..."

On the third day of practice and the fourth day in this world, it was already past noon, and the strength of Jing Yang's body seemed to be no different from three days ago.

But this was after he had maintained his strength for more than ten minutes.

"one thousand!"

After Jing Yang gritted his teeth and counted the last word, he finally couldn't hold on anymore. The energy released from his body completely disappeared, and he fell to his knees on the ground as if paralyzed, but there was a smile on his sweaty face.

"A thousand seconds!"

He rolled down on the ground, feeling very satisfied in his heart, "'Back then' there were talented people like Gon Killua, who spent 30 days training under the nanny-style training of Big Mom, increasing his energy from 3,000 to 20,000. Today, I, Jing Yang, am alone. It took 3 days to increase the total amount of energy from 100 to 1000...1000! A full ten times! It seems that my qualifications are not bad!"

Recalling the devilish all-round practice in the past three days, Jing Yang felt that all the hardships were not in vain.

Not only has the total amount of reading increased tenfold, Jing Yang cannot say that he is proficient in various basic trainings of reading ability, at least he is familiar with them all. After all, there is an essential difference between knowing and not knowing how to apply these mental abilities. From this point of view, compared to three days ago, my overall strength has increased by more than ten times?

If he were allowed to go back to the night four days ago, return to the small ship, and meet that guy with a pistol looking for trouble again, Jing Yang wouldn't need to ask Wu Er or Ye Lang to help him. With the solid basic skills you have developed now, you will never lose. If you find an opportunity to use the "Finger Flick Magical Power", you can even win the battle fifty steps away from the opponent.

"Don't be too arrogant. After all, I don't have much practical experience..."

Thinking like this, feeling that his body had recovered a lot with the help of Xingbiao, Jing Yang straightened up like a carp and stood up easily.

He walked up to a tree that was as thick as three or four adults' arms. He built up a thick layer of Qi all over his body and punched out with a punch wrapped in white light. "Crack", a big hole was punched out in the big tree. When it was interrupted, Open half way.

Jing Yang clasped it with his fingers, and a ball of energy gathered on his fingers and popped out with a bang.


The tree trunk, which had been broken in half by a punch, was blown away by a "bullet". It flipped several times in the air and stopped after hitting the tree behind it. A smoking crater was left where it was hit. , scattered and cracked.

"Seems pretty good."

Jing Yang looked at this scene and evaluated himself, but then quickly reminded himself, "Bisiji thinks the total amount of thoughts that can travel in the world is at least 1800. I only have 1000. I should be more careful when I go out... …”

The wild wolf on the side was already trembling with fear. Even without the control of Star Mark, it would probably immediately surrender to this human being... He is obviously just a human cub!

Wu Er actually had the same idea, but he was very close to this human being. While shocked, it was completely opposite to the wild wolf's feelings.

Jing Yang touched the tiger's head that was close to him and taught the wild wolf a lesson: "It's useless, let you catch a bird. It's been three days and you can't get even a bird feather back! Wu Er hastily collected the surroundings in the past few days. We have hunted all the wild animals, and I think if we are hungry next time, I will skin you, roast you and eat you!"

The wild wolf was trembling all over, crouching tightly on the ground, whimpering incessantly.

After waiting in fear for a long time, there was no movement, but I heard the human cub scolding: "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and catch up."

The wild wolf looked up and saw that Jing Yang was already preparing to leave with Misery Tiger, and he followed after him like he was being pardoned.

Jing Yang naturally did not give up the idea of ​​catching birds. In this place where his eyesight was completely dark, it was most convenient to find a bird to control and fly up to the sky to observe the terrain from a high position.

But on the second day, he already understood that it was probably useless to count on those bird-catching devices. After all, it was his first time to make such a thing, and the effect was not good, which was understandable.

Now that I have "a small success", I naturally have other methods that I can use.

Jing Yang's eyes gathered energy, and his vision greatly increased.

After discovering a few birds as big as crows and no one knew what their names were, he raised his hand to signal Wu Er and Ye Lang to stay away. Then he closed all the sperm pores in his body and swallowed all the crows. Jing Yang's Qi entered a state of "absolute" - Jing Yang was like a stone that could be seen everywhere. Until he walked under the tree where the birds were, they didn't notice the danger at all.

Be a little gentler...

Jing Yang flicked out an air bomb the size of a grain of rice, hitting one of the gray birds accurately.

The gray bird was chirping, and suddenly everything went dark, and it fell from the branch.

Several other white, green, or gray birds spread their wings in surprise, but soon they felt their heads were hit by something, rolled their eyes, waggled their tongues, and fell from the treetops. …

"Done." Jing Yang clapped his hands under the tree.

He cut off a section of his own hair, wrapped a strand of Qi around it, and bent it into the shape of a very small five-pointed star. It passed over the hard beaks of the five fainting birds on the ground one by one, like stamps. , leaving a total of five small rose gold stars.

"Wake up." Jing Yang spit out one word.

The five small star marks activated in response and merged into the life energy of the five birds. In an instant, all five birds opened their eyes.

"Fly." Jing Yang ordered again.


Several birds chirped for a while, then quickly obeyed the order and flew into the sky in an orderly manner.

Jing Yang looked up, and with a thought, he switched the operation mode from ③ to ①. In an instant, he seemed to have five more external heads, five more consciousnesses, and five more perspectives. He was flying on the wind, in the vast sky. Spreading its wings dozens of meters above Lin Hai.

"Is this what flying feels like?" Jing Yang, who was walking on the forest floor, completely felt the same feeling, which was quite novel.

However, he did not forget about the business. He immediately controlled the five birds to spread out in mid-air. At the same time, he continued to raise the altitude and looked in five different directions as much as possible to get a bird's-eye view of the place where he was now. What was the situation and where was he going? Walking was the fastest way to get out of the woods and whether there were any human towns.

"Is it an island?"

Jing Yang jumped onto the tiger's back, called the accompanying wild wolf, and ran through the forest in the direction he had chosen.

"It's still a peninsula..."

With the help of the wide field of vision of five birds flying a hundred meters high, Jing Yang already knew where he was. This is a peninsula that extends northward into the ocean from the larger land there. Almost most of the entire island is covered by lush forests, and there is a town strip on the east and west coasts of the peninsula.

The place where Jing Yang first traveled and woke up was located at the northernmost edge of the peninsula, and further north was the boundless sea. Naturally, the small cruise ship is also nearby. The entire north coast, not to mention towns, doesn't even have a lighthouse, and the coastline is bare.

In order to bury the remains of the suspected hunter and his newly recognized godmother, Jing Yang went deep into the peninsula over there, and wandered around while practicing hard in a daze. The place he was in now The location is closer to the town gathering place along the east coast.

I don’t know if I saw it wrong, but on the far left of the east coast town belt, there seems to be... Jing Yang controlled the five birds to turn around collectively, and looked over there at the same time. Combining the five perspectives, he confirmed that the place was indeed a large playground. Is it just that Wangshan is running to death, uh, running to death? In short, Jing Yang was inexperienced and unsure of how many kilometers he still had to run, so he probably had to hurry up.

But finally he had a destination, and Jing Yang was quite determined. He even had time to enjoy the scenery along the way. He was not the one spending all the energy to run.

"Stop, Brother Tiger, I said stop." Jing Yang patted Tiger's back gently.

He turned over and jumped down, walking towards the right side. The woods here gradually became sparse, and an iron mesh isolation belt was actually pulled up in front... At this moment, Jing Yang's eyes moved, and through one of the five birds hovering above his head, He seemed to see a few sneaky figures on the other side of the iron fence isolation zone. At first glance, they didn't look like good people...

Jing Yang walked more than ten meters along the barbed wire isolation belt when he suddenly saw a sign hanging on the barbed wire fence.

Jing Yang, who had already mastered the Hunter World text, naturally recognized the pictures and texts on it. Because of this, he couldn't help but feel a little silent.

"Endangered animal sanctuary, the habitat of the moonless tiger, entry is prohibited..."

I asked why the hell I haven’t seen anyone for a long time. It turns out that I have been wandering outside the reserve these days...

Should I say that I am actually very lucky? He was not taken away as a poaching ground...

Wu Er growled twice, it seemed that he recognized the barbed wire fence.

Jing Yang thought for a while and suddenly understood something. He turned around and asked, "You were injured by a poacher, escaped from the reserve, happened to pass by me, and then recovered from your injury because of me? Is that what happened? ?"

Wu Er tilted his head and looked at him, then walked over and rubbed his head against Jing Yang.

"How can I bear this? A few stinky poachers have bullied me, Brother Tiger, and I won't agree!" Jing Yang was about to try his current skills, so he turned over and rode on the tiger's back, "Let's go, just let me This fake hunter, go meet them for a while."

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