I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 56 Don’t betray each other

In the ticket hall of the airport, Xiaodi was watching the flight display while waiting for Jing Yang. Almost half an hour later, someone suddenly tapped her on the left shoulder from behind.

Xiaodi turned around and poked her cheek with a finger. Xiaodi blinked innocently and looked at Jing Yang behind him.

Jing Yang couldn't help but smile, handed her a drink, sat on the empty seat next to her, and took a comfortable sip of his own, "How was it?"

Xiao Di took a sip and said, "It tastes good..."

"Doraemon, I'm asking about the flight."

"Oh." Xiaodi said while holding the drink, "There are no tickets for the flight to the Republic of Bartokia today, and you may need to book it in advance. Flights to other parts of the Everika continent have to wait until 5 p.m. at the earliest. Let’s take off. The fastest way to get on the spaceship and leave, and there are still tickets on sale, is a flight to Guganyu Country. Ticket check-in will start in two hours.”

The Republic of Bartokia is the country where the Sky Arena is located. It is located in the east of the Everika continent. There is a famous attraction in the west - the lair where the killer family beats their enemies.

As for the Ancient Ganyu Kingdom, it is located on the Sansame Continent south of Everika. The headquarters of the Hunter Association and the venue for hunter testing... are all here.

"Then buy one and go to Gu Ganyu in two hours." Jing Yang held a straw in his mouth, "When you get there, you can transfer to the Sky Arena, or go shopping near the Hunter Association first."

"Oh." Xiao Di nodded, and Jing Yang took out the hunter's license on his body, "Here you go, let's see if we get a discount on the ticket."

Xiaodi went to the ticket office and bought two spaceship tickets.

It was really convenient to have a hunter's license to clear the way. She didn't have to show any identification documents - there was even a special channel for purchasing tickets for professional hunters at the ticket office, and it only took a few minutes.

When Xiaodi went back, she saw Jingyang playing with a box in its original position.

There are ten customized rings neatly placed in the box.

Jing Yang took out two coins, A and B.

One end of the A-shaped ring is engraved with the Chinese characters "天道" and the other end is engraved with the Chinese characters "A", while the B-shaped ring is engraved with "Dora" and "Yi".

A crescent-shaped pattern is engraved on the inside of both rings.

Jing Yang stretched out his fingers, condensed a ball of energy on them, and touched the crescent-shaped patterns on the inside of the two rings, and two dark gray "bright moon" marks were formed one after another.

Xiaodi looked at it curiously.

Jingyang handed her the box containing the remaining 8 rings and Xiaodi's own B-shaped ring, "Come on, Doraemon, let's give it a try."

Xiao Di placed the silver-glossy B-shaped ring on her index finger, turned it around, and placed the "B" on the back of her finger. The crescent-shaped mark placed by Jing Yang on the inside of the ring was moved to the position of the pad of her index finger, close to the skin. .

She asked curiously: "How to use it?"

"Actually, this is the first time I have used it like this." Jing Yang also put on his A-shaped ring, turned it around, and concentrated a little, and suddenly there was a blur with the bright moon mark on the belly of his index finger that was close to the skin. Sensing - even he could feel the presence of the moon mark on the ring on Xiao Drop's index finger.

Xiaodi seemed to have noticed the same thing.

Jing Yang concentrated his thoughts, as if making a phone call, and selected Xiaodi's moon mark, silently saying in his heart: [Cough, test, test, can you hear it? 】

"I can hear..." Xiao Di closed her mouth mid-sentence, and followed Jing Yang's example, closing her eyes and concentrating.

Soon, through the bright moon mark on his finger, a small voice came from Jing Yang's mind: [You can hear...]

Xiaodi opened one eye and looked at Jing Yang questioningly.

[I can hear it too. 】 Jing Yang thought for a while and said "transmission", "On the way to pick up the ring, I saw the Phantom Troupe. three people. 】

Xiaodi was about to open her mouth to respond, but quickly stopped, then closed her eyes, and said seriously in her heart: [I saw it too, there were three people...]

[Don’t always close your eyes. It’s not good to form a habit. 】

Xiao Di tried to open her eyes, frowning slightly, and concentrated seriously, staring at the B-shaped ring on her index finger. After a while, Jing Yang received her voice transmission, [I forgot what to say...]

Looking at each other speechlessly.

Jing Yang said: [Anyway, it will take another two hours to check in. First find a place to sit and have something to eat. 】

【good. 】

The two left together, found a fast food restaurant on the second floor of the lobby, went in, ordered something casually and sat down.

"They have such a good relationship. They have been looking at each other silently without saying a word..."

"The feelings must be so strong that they are connected to each other."

"Can you communicate with each other just by looking at each other's eyes? I'm so envious of this kind of love..."

In the fast food restaurant, people at nearby tables glanced at Jing Yang and Xiao Di from time to time. After they came in and sat down, apart from eating something, they didn't say a word. Their eyes only touched each other from time to time, making people feel like there was a spark of love flickering between their eyes.

However, some people have different opinions, "How do you know that we don't hate each other and have nothing to say? How do you know that they are not siblings but lovers?"

"Damn it! It ruins the atmosphere!"

"Have you not seen that in addition to eye contact, their expressions also change? Wow, this sister's confused expression is so cute..."

"It's a bit silly..."

In fact, the communication between Jingyang and Xiaodi through the moon sign was not cute at all.

[What are the Phantom Troupe doing at the airport? Do they want to steal the spaceship and run away? 】

[In that case, they have already finished grabbing it...]

【This is true. 】Jing Yang nodded, then looked at Xiaodi and asked curiously, "Aren't you curious about them?" Now that we met them, why didn't we go talk to them? 】

Xiaodi just looked at him and didn't answer immediately.

Jing Yang smiled and said: [Isn't it because I am worried that your boss will make me jealous, haha. 】

Xiao Didi said: [I am curious about them, and they may also be curious about me. If it develops like that, I always feel that things will become a bit tricky. ——The bulging-eyed fish has a relatively rare space ability. They are thieves. If they like something, they will probably seize it. 】

Jing Yang looked at her.

[If it were in the past, when there was no other way, I could join them. But not now. 】 Xiaodi said, 【The first rule of the Xiao organization is to listen to the boss; the second rule is that companions help each other, do not interfere with each other, and do not betray each other. ] She raised the B-shaped ring on her index finger to signal.

[You are more considerate than me... Xiaodi, I admit that you are stronger now. ] Jing Yang picked up the drink cup and clinked it with her. [But you are all from Meteor Street, and you are just chatting. As long as you don’t show off your bulging eyes, it won’t end up like that, right? 】

Xiaodi took a sip of the drink and said silently: [Just because I am a resident of Meteor Street, I know what kind of people they are. 】

【Right. ] Jing Yang nodded in approval and kept staring at Xiaodi.

【What's wrong? ] Xiaodi was confused.

Jing Yang said: [Ask again. 】

【What's wrong? 】The droplet repeated.

[When you use the moon sign to transmit sound, the Qi in your head will fluctuate a little...] Jing Yang paused and asked, [Is it the same on my side? 】

Xiao Di gathered his energy in his eyes and looked at the energy on Jing Yang's head.

【Is this the same on my side? ] Jing Yang repeated.

Xiaodi nodded, [Yes. Sure enough, the Qi in your head fluctuates a little when you speak. 】

【That’s it. While there is still some time, let’s test the sound transmission distance of the moon standard again...]

【good. 】

Xiaodi stood up and followed Jing Yang out of the store.

Jing Yang said via voice: [I'm going east, there's an airport restroom over there. If you go west, there's a restroom there too - put the ring box into the Owl by the way. 】

【OK. 】

The two separated east and west, but even though they were separated, the "voice channel" did not stop along the way.

As Jing Yang walked, he used the moon sign to chat privately with Xiao Di. As he walked in the waiting hall, suddenly there was a loud noise nearby. It seemed that someone's spaceship ticket had been robbed...

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