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Chapter 99 Participation

Chapter 302 Participation④

In order to obtain the hunter's license with countless privileges, people flock to take the hunter test every year. At most, there are over ten million people around the world.

As for the professional hunters who can serve as official examiners in the Hunter Association, the number at its maximum is only three to four hundred. Even if all members are dispatched to screen candidates, at least one professional hunter will be responsible for 20 to 30,000 people. It is impossible to think about it. What's more, professional hunters who are willing and free to serve as examiners also have to rely on luck.

Even if President Nitro appoints someone to be the examiner, he must take care of the other person's schedule.

Therefore, every year for the Hunter Test, the Hunter Association hires various professionals all over the world to help them kick out 99% of the candidates who are eliminated at a glance when millions of candidates are rushing to the examination room. Don't waste time on each other. Time to work. This is the so-called preliminary examination.

In the class that Xiaojie participated in in 1999 by boat in the original time and space, the preliminary examiner in charge of them was the old captain who sailed the boat. The old captain was evil-minded and directly rushed the boat to a place where storms were frequent on the sea. The bumps and bumps of strong winds and waves were exciting. Next, he first vomited a group of candidates on the ship, and then used the approaching super storm to threaten and persuade the remaining ones to withdraw. In the end, only Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika were left on the ship as official candidates. The old captain is indeed an old captain. When selecting candidates, efficiency is what matters.

It was obvious that the examiner for Jing Yang's preliminary examination this time was the fierce female gangster who replaced the bus driver with a submachine gun.

And her method of screening candidates was even more simple and crude. She got into the car with a gun in hand, and those who were afraid of death got off. Those who had the courage to stay in the car were left behind. She continued to escort them to the city where the examination venue was located. Brokensa Kula.

"...In other words, you five are the real candidates. For those who got off the bus, I have sent a message to the Hunter Association's review department to cancel their qualifications. Even if they go to the examination venue in other ways, It’s useless.”

The female gangster driver stepped on the accelerator and drove at a fast pace in the suburbs. She casually explained to the only five people left in the car, rolled down the window, lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke outside the window.

Kurapika asked: "Is your only test the moment you get in the car and threaten?"

The female gangster driver didn't look back and said: "Why, there are too few handsome guys? Forget it, if I go there with nothing, then my trip will be in vain? Do you think it's comfortable to drive a long distance alone? Why do you force me?" Don’t mean to be depressed to death!”

Xiaodi asked curiously: "If someone sits there and forgets to get out of the car because he is too scared, will you consider him qualified, or will you really shoot him?"

To this question, the female gangster driver did not answer. Through the mirror, Jing Yang could see the woman grinning. She looked like a gangster, and her smile looked like she was going to eat a child the next second.

Madge said at this time: "Even if professional hunters kill people on the street for no reason, ordinary law enforcement agencies will not be able to arrest them."

Jing Yang smiled and said: "What's more, this is during the exam. Even if you kill someone, it's not for nothing, but 'for a reason'."

The driver shook his head and said, "This is not during the exam."

"The preselection test is also a test. Now that you have signed up for the hunter test, received the information and set off on the road, and got on this car, you have already signed your life and death certificate."

"Even if it counts as a test, I'm not really a professional hunter."

"You work for the Hunter Association, so why aren't you a hunter? The official exam starts at 10 noon on January 4th, so during the period from January 1st to 10am on January 4th, you are 'Limited time professional hunter'."

The gangster driver laughed loudly and pressed his elbows against the window. He chewed his cigarette and looked back at Jing Yang seriously. The strong wind along the road came in through the window and blew the woman's hair flying. She chuckled and said: "' "Limited-time professional hunter," well said, so well said! Even if you don't get a license as a hunter, you still have a chance to experience the addiction of being a professional hunter!"

"Legal killing! Do whatever you want!"

The female gangster stepped on the accelerator and screamed loudly. The long-distance bus gave her the feeling of a sports car racing. A group of kangaroos jumped across the road in front of them. The female gangster showed no intention of slowing down and ran directly into them.

"Just step on whoever is unhappy! Do whatever you want! Don't be afraid of death! No one will come to trouble you! I'm the best in the fucking world! Wu~~Hu~~!!"

Several kangaroos were hit and thrown away, and when they finally fell on the road, the bus had already driven several kilometers. Jing Yang looked back at the unlucky kangaroo that had turned into a few black spots flying away through the rear window, and was speechless.

This female gangster drove too fast and was far away from the "crime scene" in a blink of an eye. When the kangaroo died, it had already exceeded the distance that the death energy could attack...

The girl with twin ponytails in the back seat was still there like a life-size doll. She didn't have any fluctuations in what other people in the car were saying or how the atmosphere changed.

"Did she never blink?" Jing Yang sat down and turned to ask Kurapika.

Kurapika closed his eyes and rested his mind: "How do I know? I don't stare at others for nothing."

"The way the Qi on the top of her head flows away naturally is similar to that of an ordinary person."

"Isn't it the same for you?"

"We are all the same to each other and everyone here. This is true for everyone with some experience in the world. Who is wandering around with a 'tangle' all over his body? Isn't this the same as having 'I am a telepathic person!!' plastered on his forehead?"

Kurapika opened his eyes: "But her state is definitely not ordinary."

"In other words," Jing Yang adjusted his posture and prepared to close his eyes and rest, "Sister Doll is a master."

When the bus slowed down and stopped, Jing Yang opened his eyes.

Outside the window is a strange city, but not a strange urban street scene.

"Tsk-" The front and rear doors of the bus opened.

The female gangster turned back, spit out her cigarette holder on the ground, pointed to a grocery store on the roadside outside the window, and said to several people in the car: "Go to this store and tell the owner, 'I want a map to Women's Paradise Island.'" , and then do this action." She held her right hand empty and stuck out her tongue, making a motion like licking ice cream.

Jing Yang was about to get off the car at the front door and said speechlessly: "The important thing is the map, passwords and actions. Did you add them in at random by yourself?"

The female gangster chuckled and said, "Am I not the examiner of the 'Limited Professional Hunter'? Of course I have the final say on the exam rules! If you are not convinced, you can wait until next year to fight again..." After driving Jing Yang and others out of the car, the female gangster The gangster laughed wildly and drove the bus away.

Standing in front of the grocery store, Kurapika, Xiaodi, and Madge walked in. Jing Yang took a step behind, and when the doll sister behind him passed him, a voice that sounded like an electronic machine's voice read the lines: "I don't need to blink."

Jing Yang sighed and followed him into the grocery store.

In front of the counter, Kurapika had just finished saying "I want a map to Women's Paradise Island"...

Jing Yang waited for him to make the gesture of licking ice cream in front of the female shop owner who was holding back her laughter, then he flicked a flying star bubble and flew towards the female shop owner.

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