Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Chapter 17 - Massacre

Chapter 17: Massacre

Translator: Lordbluefire  Editor: Lordbluefire

This white-robed young master sat on a gold sedan. A pretty, flirtatious woman was lying down behind him and was currently giving this young master a massage.

“This place is the vast Desolate Forest, yet you guys only managed to capture one person? This makes me extremely disappointed.” The young master coldly spoke.

The surrounding cultivators instantly paled. They hurriedly continued, “Young master, it’s precisely because the Desolate Forest is too vast. Hence, the cultivators who enter here are extremely spread out. Now, we have already captured over a hundred people. It was very difficult for us to locate any more cultivators in this area.

“This winged snake is extremely cunning. After eating so many people, we still have no way to capture it. Tie the remaining people up! This time around, we have to succeed in luring it out and kill it.” The white-robed young master’s voice was frosty.

“Please spare us! Young master, please show mercy!” Those cultivators that were tied up all panicked and screamed in fear when they heard that it was their turn to become bait for the winged snake.

“It’s useless to beg. All of you are so lowly. It’s already very good that I have use for you.” The young master’s expression was cold; killing people was nothing to him at all.

“Why are you all still standing here in a daze? Quickly get that brat you just captured over and tie him up as well,” the young master coldly spoke.

One of the cultivators directly rushed over to Lin Feng and attempted to grab him.

Lin Feng glanced at the cultivator. This was none other than one of those who brought him here. A cold smile appeared on Lin Feng’s face as he lifted his right hand and unleashed a move ‘Great Sage Cleaving the Walls’, heavily smashing into the cultivator’s chest.”


That cultivator screamed as his body was flung through the air for thirty meters before he slammed heavily into the ground. He then twitched a bit before he stopped moving. Upon closer observation, that cultivator had stopped breathing. His inner organs were shattered by a single one of Lin Feng’s punch and he died immediately.

“Doing evil, harming the lives of fellow humans. He ought to die.” A cold voice echoed through the forest.

The entire forest was silent.

Earlier, the cultivator who was killed by Lin Feng was an expert at the seventh-level of the Martial Student Realm.

Lin Feng, a young man of around fifteen to sixteen years of age had managed to blast a seventh-level martial student back for tens of meters with a single punch? In addition, that cultivator had actually died?

“Ai, I didn’t expect you to have some strength.” That young master was actually smiling instead of being angry when he saw his subordinate being killed. He waved his hand and called out, “Everyone, rush him together, but don’t kill him directly. This young master will be feeding him to the winged snake later. I want him to feel the terror when the winged snake eats him alive.”

Instantly, over ten cultivators moved to surround Lin Feng. Each of them had extremely fast speed; their eyes flared with ferocity.

Although Lin Feng displayed extraordinary combat prowess, these people didn’t feel fear at all.

Firstly, it was because they had an advantage in terms of numbers.

Secondly, these people felt that the previous comrade had only died because of his own carelessness. He was caught unprepared.

“Little brother, quickly run away. You are not a match for these people.”

“Little brother, flee for your life or you will definitely die in the stomach of the winged snake!”

The cultivators that were trussed up called out loudly.

Although they might be forced to become bait for the winged snake not long later, they didn’t want to see Lin Feng falling into the same situation as them.

Lin Feng was as though he was strolling calmly through the crowd, evading the attacks of these people.

“Pa, pa, pa!”

After that, the sound of slaps rang out continuously. The cultivators were all sent flying.

Lin Feng was in the crowd, sending people flying with a single slap. Lin Feng’s current strength had already reached 12,800 jin. From this, one could very well imagine how terrifying his slap was.

“My heavens…”

“What did I just see?”

“Is that real?”

Those cultivators that were tied up began to call out in disbelief.

These were elite cultivators. Each of them was an expert at the seventh-level of the Martial Student Realm. In fact, a few of them were at the eighth-level.

Yet, none of them could last a single move against Lin Feng.

The expression of the white-robed young master turned gloomy. He spoke in a glacial tone, “Brat, you actually killed so many of my subordinates! You should die ten thousand deaths for your sins!”

“When people help the evil, they ought to be killed,” Lin Feng coldly replied.

“Zhang Kuang, kill him,” The white-robed young master commanded.

The last cultivator standing was one who had given Lin Feng a sense of danger earlier. He was none other than someone at the ninth-level of the Martial Student Realm. His strength was unfathomable.

“Young master, don’t worry. I will make this brat die without a burial place.”

Zhang Kuang laughed malevolently and began to rush Lin Feng.

“Brat, you should die in peace knowing that it’s my Crazed God Fist Art that killed you.” Zhang Kuang laughed sinisterly.

This was a low-grade mystic-tier martial skill that possessed great power. After Zhang Kuang obtained this fist art, he had won every fight he fought and had never been defeated before.

“This man’s strength has reached 25,600 jin, twice of mine.” Lin Feng had a heavy look on his face.

“Little brother, this man is an expert at the ninth-level of the Martial Student Realm. You should flee quickly!”

The cultivators that were tied up shouted loudly; they were extremely worried about Lin Feng.

“Devouring martial soul!”

“Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art!”

Lin Feng instantly erupted forth with his strongest attack.

Lin Feng’s devouring martial soul might not have any attacking prowess. However, it could exert a powerful immobilization force.

When Zhang Kuang arrived beside Lin Feng, Lin Feng instantly unleashed his devouring martial soul.

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