Immortal Cultivation Is So Scientific

Chapter 15: fairyland

Don't look at Li Wenyuan, who only has the fourth rank, but he is the prefect of Nanling Mansion, a real senior official, and the highest-ranking official on the Nanling Mansion's side.

If he wants to be promoted, he can only go back to the central capital and enter the center.

There have been major vicious cases in Nanling Mansion. Although it is related to the immortal cultivator, the impact is really bad. Li Wenyuan will be affected by it no matter what.

However, Li Wenyuan did not consider returning to the Central Capital, so it was nothing.

"Shiming, you go back to rest first, it will be autumn in a few days, take care of yourself!" Li Wenyuan didn't want Li Shiming to be involved in these affairs, so he waved his hand with a smile.

"You also rest early!" Li Shiming reminded as he left.

When he walked out of the room, when he saw several officials walking over, he couldn't help but sighed helplessly, seeing that Li Wenyuan couldn't rest well today.

He walked over the stone bridge and was about to return to his courtyard when suddenly he looked in a direction, which was the direction of the guest house where the two monks lived.

Li Shiming looked at the guest house in front of him, where the candles were still lit.

"Li Shiming wants to see the immortals!" He stood in front of the two nearby gates and shouted loudly.

No one responded to him, which was what he had long expected.

But just in case, he still asked politely.

He tried to push one of the courtyard doors, and found that the courtyard door was fastened from the inside.

It is not difficult to open this kind of wooden bolt from the outside. He took a dagger and inserted it through the crack of the door. After a few taps, he removed the wooden bolt.

When he opened the courtyard door and entered it, what he saw was the wide open door.

It went very smoothly in the main hall, bedroom and other rooms, but found nothing.

Cultivation of immortals is like not eating human fireworks, and living here does not leave the slightest trace.

The yard was the same as before, not even the quilt on the bed was used.

He didn't expect anything at all, he just thought of a possibility to see if the two immortal cultivators left anything behind.

Disappointed, she came out of the guest house and entered another guest house.

When entering the bedroom of the living room, Li Shiming saw the disc on the ground.

The disc glows faintly, with four luminous milky white stones as the center, connecting countless complicated lines, forming a strange pattern.

The "Introduction to Runes" left by the head of Wang Zongbao did not record this disc, but most of this form is some kind of magic circle.

"It won't be a defensive array, otherwise I won't be able to enter!" Li Shiming judged based on his little knowledge of immortality.

He picked up the wooden chair beside him and carefully put the wooden chair above the disc.

"It's not attacking the circle!" Seeing the intact wooden chair, he rejected another possibility.

Since there was no danger, he no longer hesitated, and he put his hand into the disc.

His hand was not attacked in any way, and nothing unexpected happened.

"Could it be a magic circle to help cultivation?" A guess flashed in his mind.

The reason why Junior Sister Zheng didn't take away the Spirit Gathering Pan was because Senior Brother Zhao was so anxious that she didn't expect to come back. On the other hand, when activating the Spirit Gathering Pan, it consumed the most spirit stones, and the Spirit Gathering Pan was stable. After running, the consumption of spirit stones will be very small.

Under normal circumstances, during her residence time, she would only activate the Spirit Gathering Disk once, and then keep the Spirit Gathering Disk activated, which could reduce the consumption of spirit stones.

Daxia is the sphere of influence of the Zongmen. The stronger monks here will give the Zongmen face. Among the monks who are also in the Qi refining period, the Zongmen monks have absolute advantages in terms of strength and magic tools. She did not consider it at all. Will not be able to come back.

This spiritual gathering plate will be left here. Of course, if Senior Brother Zhao knows that Junior Sister Zheng has a Spirit Gathering Plate, even if he is seriously injured or threatened by a loose cultivator, he will come back and take it away.

But the problem is that Junior Sister Zheng hid the matter of the Spirit Gathering Pan very well, and she also knew that if the matter of the Spirit Gathering Pan was exposed, she would have to be careful about murdering and stealing treasures from her sect.

Li Shiming guessed in his heart that he walked into the light of the Spirit Gathering Plate and sat down cross-legged, pressing the Spirit Gathering Plate under him.

He tried to run the 'Five Elements Breathing Technique'. He tried many times before without any perception, but this time was completely different.

There were light spots floating around him. The light spots had three colors, one was gold, the other was red, and the other was green.

He didn't know what it meant. Anyway, as long as he could perceive the light spot, it meant that he felt the existence of spiritual energy.

Perceiving the spiritual qi, he had the basic conditions for the formal cultivation of the 'Five Elements Breathing Technique'. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and followed the route of the first layer of the 'Five Elements Breathing Technique' to absorb the spiritual light spots in the space into his body. It operates on the lines in the body.

Li Shiming doesn't know how lucky he is. Normally, he is a person who has the talent for immortal cultivation, not to mention the issue of resources and environment. After all these are met, he needs a practice method that matches his immortal cultivation talent before he can cultivate.

The "Five Elements Breathing Technique" left by the ancestors of Wang Zongdaotou for the younger generation is a very versatile exercise, suitable for all people who are talented in cultivating immortals.

This is so that as long as the younger generation has the talent to cultivate immortals, they can practice the 'Five Elements Breathing Technique'.

Li Shiming was intoxicated by his first cultivation of immortals, and the spiritual energy kept entering his body and gathered in front of his chest.

An hour later, his body shook suddenly, and a vortex of spiritual energy appeared in his chest. Although the collected spiritual energy was not much, it did not spread out under the restraint of the vortex of spiritual energy.

He opened his eyes, and the room in his eyes was as bright as day.

This is not the effect of candlelight. After being nourished by spiritual energy, his body seems to have undergone great changes.

He smelled a stench, and checked it quickly, and found that the stench was coming from him.

A layer of black oil stains appeared on his exposed skin. He pulled off his clothes and saw that his body was covered with this black oil stain.

It seems that a vortex of spiritual energy has been generated, allowing his body to discharge impurities.

According to the book of the "Five Elements Concentrating Qi", a vortex of spiritual energy appeared in Li Shiming's chest, indicating that he officially stepped into the first level of Qi refining.

He didn't mobilize the aura in his chest, because the aura was too little, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Without guidance, cultivating immortals is like a blind man touching an elephant.

Li Shiming looked at the Spirit Gathering Plate which still maintained its radiance. He also knew that the Spirit Gathering Plate in such a state was a waste, but with the situation he had just started cultivating now, he really couldn't practice the 'Five Elements Breathing Technique' for the second time.

After one practice, there was a faint pain in the place where the spiritual energy in his body circulated.

He thought about it for a while, then pressed the Spirit Gathering Disk with his hand and put it in the space of the computer room.

When the Spirit Gathering Pan entered the computer room space, it did not stop attracting spiritual energy. Although the outside of the computer room space was unknown, the Spirit Gathering Pan was still attracting aura from the unknown to the computer room.

Li Shiming observed the Spirit Gathering Pan for a while, but did not find that the Spirit Gathering Pan affected other equipment in the computer room, so he took back his consciousness with confidence.

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