Immortal Cultivation Is So Scientific

Chapter 742: Forbidden spirit

"Cultivation of immortals is so scientific"

The gravitational force field of Lingbao'Wan Jianfeng' was released, and Li Yuanba lightened up. In this gravitational force field, Li Yuanba is the master and can control the pressure of the gravitational force field.

The gravitational force field of the steps coincides with that of 'Wan Jianfeng'. The Lingbao-level 'Wan Jianfeng' has integrated into the gravitational force field of the steps with the advantage of quality, and has taken over the control authority.

Of course, this control authority can only be applied to Li Yuanba's body, and cannot be completely controlled.

But that's enough, he just needs to let his body not be affected by gravity.

As he stepped up step by step, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, no middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator could pass here, let alone a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, even a big monk would not be able to withstand the stronger and stronger gravity.

In other words, he has a lot of means, which are enough to deal with the troubles in front of him.

Finally, he walked up to the last step. On the previous step, he felt the warning from the "Wan Jianfeng" weapon spirit. It was because the force field controlled by the spirit treasure "Wan Jianfeng" was too strong. Beyond the current capacity of 'Wan Jianfeng'.

The strongest state of Lingbao requires the blessing of a monk. This monk is not the current Li Yuanba, but a monk in the Mahayana period.

Without the blessing of monks, the power of the spirit treasure 'Wan Jianfeng' has a certain limit.

Fortunately, after stepping on the last step, Li Yuanba learned from Qi Ling that the step had returned to normal gravity.

He saw a palace in front of him, which was the core of the entire cave.

He didn't immediately explore the palace, but looked at the steps under his feet.

After he finished walking all the steps, there was a regular light flashing on a gold brick connecting the steps, and the disappeared steps behind him reappeared.

He squatted down and focused his attention on the gold brick.

With the 'Mind Vision' turned on, coupled with his divine sense, and the ibmz15 in the distance, he began to check this gold brick repeatedly.

He has a feeling that this gold brick is the reason why the steps can increase gravity.

Sure enough, he faintly felt the power of rules from this gold brick, and at the same time, he was sure that this gold brick was not an ordinary gold brick.

Although this gold brick is almost exactly the same as the other gold bricks, the other gold bricks have no rule power, let alone shine before the steps are revealed.

With a wave of his hand, Lingbaoxing appeared with a sword. He mobilized his 'Sword Intent of Shattering the Void' and began to cut the connecting parts around the gold brick.

Although the bonding material used to build the gold bricks was extremely strong when it was built, it is estimated that Lang Cai, who built this place, would not have thought that there would be a sword repairer who would use the "Broken Sword Intent" to cut.

Even with the Lingbao Xingyi sword, blessed with the 'Broken Sword Intent', it took a lot of time to dig out this gold brick. If I really want to destroy this place in this way, I'm afraid it will take more time than Hundred years.

In fact, the main reason why he was able to cut out this gold brick was that the energy of the cave had dropped. Otherwise, the energy protection here would be enough for people to be unable to move here.

Li Yuanba looked at the gold brick in his hand, and he tried to enter a master-recognition formula, and the master-recognition formula fell into the gold brick, and he had a connection with the gold brick.

This gold brick is not a magic weapon, let alone a spiritual treasure, but a special formation core.

I don't know how Lang Cai Da Neng did it. He refined the gold bricks into the core of the formation with the rules of gravity. With the corresponding formation, the gravity rules in the gold bricks can be activated.

In addition, the material of this gold brick has been assimilated by the cave, and it seems to be the same as the material of other gold bricks, but in fact, after identifying the owner, he perceived the real material of the gold brick through the appearance covered by the cave.

This is a material he has never seen before, and it feels a bit like the core of a certain cave, which naturally possesses the power of gravity rules.

Putting the gold bricks in the hands of other monks is not very useful. This thing has been refined by Lang Cai Da Neng into shape. Unless it exceeds the cultivation level of Lang Cai Da Neng, it is difficult to refine the gold bricks again.

If you want to use the ability of the gold brick, you need the corresponding formation.

But this formation method involves the power of gravity rules, even the formation master cannot combine the formation method with the power of rules.

But Li Yuanba is different. When he walked on the steps before, he was connected to ibmz15, and all kinds of data on the steps were recorded.

Combined with Li Shiming's formation ability on the main body, and the analysis and calculation ability of ibmz15, combined with the data collected on the steps, it is very possible to re-study a formation method.

However, these have nothing to do with the current Li Yuanba. He put away the gravity bricks and looked at the palace in front of him.

He approached the palace very carefully, the danger he encountered was beyond his imagination.

He does have a lot of means, but if he encounters something he can't deal with, it may be a catastrophe of life and death.

The palace carried an ancient atmosphere, and he came to the gate of the palace.

The wooden door is inlaid with golden round nails. The most peculiar thing is that the wood used for this door can even feel the breath of gold. This wood is actually made of gold.

There are many miraculous materials in the world of cultivating immortals. He has seen gold-wood dual-type wood, but this is the first time he has seen pure gold-type wood.

Its quality has even reached the top of the fourth rank. If this door can be removed, dozens of top fourth rank flying swords can be refined.

He checked the gate repeatedly and found no traps before pushing the gate hard.

The door was very heavy, and he felt that if he was not a sword cultivator and did not practice sword body, it would be difficult to push the wooden door with strength.

He took back what he said just now. After seeing the wooden door being pushed open and seeing the thickness of the wooden door, he was wrong in judging that the material of the wooden door could be refined into dozens of fourth-grade top-level flying swords. This number can be more than doubled.

This is really too extravagant, to build a gate with top grade four materials, and in the world of cultivating immortals, monk Nascent Soul broke his head for a top grade four materials.

Even the core monks of the superpowers, although they can obtain the fourth-grade top-level material refining magic weapon from the sect, but the number is extremely limited.

Li Yuanba resisted the thought of taking down the gate. If he did it at this time, the spirit of the cave might attack him.

Walking into the palace, he found that the luxury here was far beyond his imagination.

The ground is paved with top-tier spirit jade of the fourth grade, and almost everything that can be seen is made of top-grade materials of the fourth grade.

Judging from the layout of the palace, this should be the residence of Lang Cai Daneng.

As a lonely power, Dongtian only serves him alone, and there is no need to arrange facilities for the younger generation, such as creating a separate space, creating an environment that matches a certain skill, and becoming a holy place for younger generations to practice .

Lang Cai is a single person, and all the resources he obtains are for his own use.

After countless years of accumulation, the layout in front of me came into being.

In Lang Cai Da Neng's mind, no outsiders should be able to enter here.

Although the steps he set outside were a road, they were also a dead end.

Even a great monk who has mastered the rules of gravity cannot pass that step alive.

That is to say, the Lingbao-level 'Wan Jianfeng', with a higher-grade gravity field, combined with the gravity field on the steps, gave Li Yuanba a chance to get here.

And Lingbao shouldn't be accessible to Nascent Soul monks at all, let alone a Lingbao that has mastered the gravitational force field.

After the catastrophe of the spirit treasure, the energy baptism rewarded by heaven and earth is far from being as simple as it seems. The spirit treasure is the spirit treasure, and the mystery of it cannot be fully grasped even if the owner of the spirit treasure has not reached the Mahayana stage.

Li Yuanba, who entered the palace, felt that his eyes were too busy.

There is a tea room, and the monk's favorite pastime is to taste tea, and so is this powerful Langcai.

One tea table, made of four-grade top-grade wood, and two tea chairs, made of four-grade top-quality wood.

On the table is a tea box made of top grade four spirit jade, and a set of top grade four tea sets.

Li Yuanba found that there were no decorations in the palace. Thinking about it, this is the place where Lang Caidaneng lives on a daily basis, so it is normal that there are no decorations.

He was a little curious about the quality of the spiritual tea that Lang Caida could drink. He opened the tea box made of the fourth-grade top-grade spiritual jade and saw the spiritual tea inside.

He curled his lips with some disdain, Tangtang Da Neng is just tasting the fourth-grade spiritual tea, although the quality is absolutely extremely high, it is still not as good as the spiritual tea refined by Li Shiming himself.

Almighty is not omnipotent, each Almighty has his own specialty, although due to reasons in the cave, the Almighty has a very special control in the cave.

However, this kind of control is far inferior to Li Shiming's 1-nanometer control in the computer room space. The computer room space has experienced the impact of time travel, and the magic in it is special and cannot be copied.

Coupled with the cooperation of ibmz15, it can make the fried spirit tea to the extreme, so that the fried four-grade spirit tea can exert its highest quality.

Li Yuanba looked at these objects in the tea room with some greed, and he had the urge to collect them all.

Not only the tea room, but also the alchemy room, study room, training room, etc., and even the furnishings in the hall are all made of top-grade materials.

Surrounded by the top four materials, he never thought that there would be such an opportunity.

Of course, he also knows that there are not as many fourth-grade top materials in the palace as he imagined. This kind of palace is a magic weapon of gigantism. In fact, the fourth-grade top materials used are many times less.

But even so, the top-ranking materials used here are hundreds of times more than the top-ranking materials that Li Yuanba and Li Shiming have seen together.

He didn't move these treasures immediately, but searched for the core of the cave in the palace.

He walked through the palace half-watching and half-searching, and finally returned to the hall.

Li Yuanba set his sights on a statue in the hall, which was a middle-aged man with long beard.

He didn't notice the statue at first, because there are many statues in this palace, it seems that Lang Cai Da Neng has a soft spot for statues.

But after searching the entire palace, after the ibmz15 records, a detailed map of the palace was formed, and the position of this statue is in the absolute center of the palace.

In this special location, a statue would definitely not be placed randomly.

He came to the statue, "Shenmutong" and his consciousness went up together, and started scanning the statue.

The statue is made of some kind of fourth-grade top-grade metal. At the same time, it uses a combination of special refining tools and formation methods, which makes the statue cut off all connections between the inside and the outside.

But Li Yuanba was assisted by ibmz15. After a period of analysis, he found a breakthrough in the statue, allowing one of his divine senses to enter the statue's body.

Lang Cai Da Neng's refining methods and formation skills are extremely strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't break free from the shackles of the world of cultivating immortals.

ibmz15 records the inheritance of formations from multiple continents, multiple major sects and super sects, plus Li Shiming, the formation master's formation method Xingguanghai, there are really not many formations that he can't break in the world of cultivating immortals.

Li Yuanba's consciousness entered the inside of the statue, and when he scanned the heart of the statue, he sensed the rule power of the gold system and the power of space.

"Found it!" When his consciousness touched the heart of the statue, he judged that it was the core of the cave.

The core of Dongtian was made into the shape of a heart, and the moment his consciousness came into contact with he felt the spirit of Dongtian.

"Don't disturb the master's deep sleep!" Qi Ling issued a warning.

From this warning, Li Yuanba heard the helplessness that could not be concealed.

Qi Ling actually used all means to deal with Li Yuanba, but unfortunately, Li Yuanba had too many countermeasures, and Dongtian lost too much energy, so many methods in Dongtian were not powerful enough to threaten Li Yuanba.

Until Li Yuanba came to the palace, there was no attack arrangement here.

Li Yuanba ignored Qi Ling's warning, and only from Qi Ling's belief that Lang Cai Da Neng was in deep sleep rather than death, he could tell that it was impossible for Qi Ling to be re-identified as the master.

This is also a method adopted by Da Neng not to let the cave fall into the hands of other monks.

The cave was created by Da Neng. Even if Da Neng falls in the cave, as long as Da Neng thinks, he can continue the arrangement he made when he was alive, including the non-inheritability of the core spirit of the cave.

Li Yuanba's spiritual consciousness manipulated several formation nodes on the statue, and the formations on the statue separated a passage revealing the position of the heart.

He took out a few forbidden spirit talismans, and hit the statue's heart without any hesitation.

After the forbidden spirit talisman was activated, it turned into an energyized talisman, passed through the shell of the statue, and stuck to the heart.

In an instant, all spirituality was blocked in this heart, including the spirit of the weapon inside, and it lost contact with the outside world.

The entire cave was shaken. This was caused by the loss of contact between the cave and the core. Without the control of the spirit, the operation of the entire cave became instinctive.

If it weren't for the fact that the cave is not complicated and has many automated designs, perhaps the cave would have been in chaos long ago.

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