Immortal Cultivator in MHA


"It's because your eyes were pleading for help!" cried out the middle schooler boy when his friend who became a hostage to the villain asked him why the former come to help. Even though his so-called friend had bullied him since childhood, he couldn't simply ignore him like the crowd did while he was suffering. Even he himself didn't know why his legs had moved on their own. 

The moment his eyes met with the eyes of his friend, he immediately ran toward the villain without a second thought. He might have regretted it now since he couldn't do much help as he was born quirkless, not that much different than a cripple in a world filled with heroes and villains. The only thing he could do was to use his own two hands to try and separate the liquidity villain from his friend, yet it show no signs of it working at all.

As anyone on the scene could see, his effort was fruitless. 

"Come on, don't you want to save those two boys? If you waste more time contemplating, they might be done in first by the villain before you could come to your decision," Allmight flinched at his words. The man is right though, if he wastes any more time, he didn't know what the villain will do. Plus, there's that kid that piqued his interest. 

If what the white-haired man said is true, if he swallows the pill, it will heal the injury he received from a villain, in which turn, return him to his prime? It certainly sounds ridiculous. If such a pill exists in the form of a quirk, he would've been healed long ago. It's nothing short but a miracle. Furthermore, if not for the injury, he wouldn't be in such a mess looking for a worthy person left and right.

"First, tell me who you are, that's the least you could do to earn my trust, right?" 

"That's not a problem. I would've introduced myself sooner or later, but yes, now seems like the right time for it. I'm Zhang Yu, a humble Cultivator."

"Culti..vator?" Allmight tilted his head in confusion as he thought, 'The cultivator that cultivates plants? Then does that mean his quirk is of nature element? But how could someone of such caliber that could create the miracle pill yet remain unknown until now? Zhang Yu, the name sounds Chinese so it must be his real name, plus, I had never heard of a hero with that name either.'

"Well, let's just say I'm closer to Martial Artist than a farmer that cultivates plants in your mind," he couldn't help but chuckle as he clearly understood the misconception of the people of the modern age would think when one heard the word 'cultivator.' No one aside from Chinese culture would understand the true meaning of such a word. 

Although Allmight became even more confused by the explanation, he understood that the man hides more secrets than he showed. Perhaps, even the name he has given might not be his actual name. Yet, he still took the pill into his hand and observed it for a few seconds before throwing it into his mouth. Right then, he suddenly feel something warmth coursing through his body and couldn't help but relax his tense body as he closed his eyes. It feels strange yet refreshing at the same time, almost too addicting.

Unbeknownst to Allmight as he was relishing in the reaction brought by the pill, his scrawny body suddenly starts to slowly enlarge itself like something out of the comic book. It then stopped until he appeared fits and buff than people who often sleep in the gym which is the complete opposite of his previous built. If one puts the two right next to each other, they can tell right away that these two are different people when in actuality—both are one and the same. After all, it's given considering only a selected few knowns of his condition.


"Look, it's Allmight!"

"What? Where?!"

"Allmight is here! We're safe!"

"Allmight!" "Allmight!"

At first, it was only a single person who noticed Allmight in the back as he realized he was under the cast of someone's shadow and turned back out of curiosity. He was dumbfounded for a moment as he didn't expect a number 1 hero to be right behind him before he ended up shouting out of excitement, which in turn, quickly drew the crowd's attention toward a single point in the back. By this time, the white-haired man had long disappeared leaving Allmight on his own.

When he heard someone calling out his name, Allmight quickly broke out of the stupor. He then checked his body and surprise dawn on his face, it seems the pill he just swallowed indeed works and successfully healed his injury to a point he couldn't feel any strain as he once was while in hero mode. His supposedly missing respiratory organs was even regenerated from a new one, this is more than just a miracle. Amazed as he is, he put the thought for questioning the man aside for now as he needs to handle the current situation ahead of him. 

"Don't get in my way!" Said the villain, and just as he was about to trash the brat, he then sense a familiar presence closing by which was followed by laughter. The moment he regained his strength, Allmight immediately take action as he swiftly appeared in front of the villain in the blink of an eye. He then grabbed hold onto both of the kid's arms in one hand and not before saying his hero move(which in actual fact is just a normal punch), "Detroit, smash!" To which he then punched toward the villain. 

The force brought forth from his punch wasn't anything to joke about as it was enough to obliterate the cloud in the sky and alter the weather from sunny to rain. He ended up sending the villain into the stratosphere, which in turn, the slimy villain turned into smaller pieces falling from the sky following the rain. Thus, the villain rampage finally comes to an end.

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