Immortal Cultivator in MHA


Thanks for the support, Byakoo and Eric!

Also, from now onward, I will start posting by following the schedule of 3 chapters a week from Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. If I follow this schedule, I might be able to write more than 1k words, can't promise that though.

Knowing she might still have a chance, she slowly turns smaller after turning off her Gigantification quirk. When she was at her normal height, she realized how tall the man is when she stood in front of him. She had to look up for a bit as he was a bit taller than her.

If the man had been a villain, she might have been attacked by now. But her instinct was proven correct as he didn't make any suspicious movement. She didn't think he could be a villain as which villain would backstab their partner and appear so boldly in front of a Pro Hero like her? Of course, another reason she reached such a conclusion is that she hadn't met such a villain before. 

"Are you one of the Pro Heroes as well?" She inquire with a bit of expectation in her eyes—she wanted an assurance. She was sure he wasn't one of her, but it never hurts to get the answer from the person himself. When the latter shook his head and even hand over the unconscious villain to her, she was elated that she unconsciously went to hug him. And as a gentleman, he didn't stop her or push her away.

As expected, the real thing is much better than the one he used to admire on the computer screen. He could still feel the softness of certain objects behind the thin fabrics, something that can only be felt by an actual living person. She also smells like a peach, sweet and pleasant. He couldn't help but curse his past self for sealing his abnormal sense or he would have been able to pick up more than just that. But then again, if not for that, she might be a lot more cautious of him which would be very unfortunate. 

He had overestimated the villain when in reality, he easily knocked him down with a punch to the gut. The villain quirk is something at least. His appearance looks like a tiger running on its two legs with a height of 2 meters tall. The way he darted between the tall trees was like a wild animal. It wasn't something the quirkless kid could handle.

Nonetheless, it didn't pose any dangerous element either. So perhaps, it was a bit unwarranted of him to teleport the kid away. It appears the paranoid part of his personality that originated from living more than a decade in the cultivation world seems to be still affecting him to this day. He often teleported the nearby innocent civilians, or those close to him far from his location whenever he sensed there will be a battle on the next moment. 

Unlike the local cultivators, he didn't abandon his humanity for power. If he had also followed their way, he wouldn't have taken more than hundreds of years to reach Immortality. Although he could be ruthless just like the rest of them, he wouldn't mindlessly slaughter innocent civilians either. He isn't a psychopath.

Plus, those that choose to harm innocent people don't usually last long as karma is very much real in that world. They either were hunted down by the Orthodox Sect to the end of the world, or they would eventually be consumed by the same power they desire and turned into nothing but mindless monsters. The scary thing is, not even those from the Orthodox Sect could escape from falling down the wrong path.

Afterward, there wasn't anything else worth mentioning, she simply left with the villain. She didn't even question him how he put the villain unconscious. If it had been any other Pro Heroes, they wouldn't let him go without many inquires from why he was there until his ancestor name. He would've loved to deepen their relationship from a stranger to perhaps another stage higher, but as of yet, he might incur her dislike since she seems more than excited to show her catch to the public. She did seem oddly motivated when she leaves.

Speaking of Pro Hero, he recalls the U.A Academy where people with quirks would enroll to train under many Pro Heroes with experiences till they graduated and joined the rank as one of them. It was also the alma mater of Toshinori, or as the public came to know of his hero name, Allmight. And if his memories were right, he will become a teacher when the protagonist was accepted there.

'Teacher, huh,' he thought as he reminisce about his time back in the cultivation world, especially when he was in a small Orthodox Sect. His talent and physique weren't anything special to begin with, so he could never dream of enrolling in an Ancient Orthodox Sect. Of course even if he has the talent and physique for it, there's no way he would go there willingly knowing how much trouble will come along with it. He has always been a scared cat upon realizing what sort of world he had mysteriously transmigrated to.

Although his time there as an Outer Disciple didn't go exactly as he imagined, it wasn't bad either. There was indeed an arrogant young master even in such a small Orthodox Sect, these annoying cockroaches were everywhere, anyhow, not all of them were braindead, surprisingly. He spend a lot of his time mostly in his room to cultivate day and night to a point he was called Cultivate Maniac. 

It was surprising to him when he learned they didn't cultivate as much as he initially thought. Maybe because it's a small Orthodox Sect, or maybe there were simply lazy, long story short, they don't have any sense of urgency as he is so obviously his action ended up with him being ostracized by them. But when he was suddenly given an Elder position by the Sect Master, the atmosphere in the sect immediately changed. 

Of course it was mostly due to his increase in strength that he easily shoot up to an Elder position from measly Outer Disciple. He actually wanted to leave the sect at one point but was told unless he became Inner Disciple, otherwise, he can't leave outside the sect premise. He took the exam just like the rest of them, but he did exceptionally well that he ended up being summoned to the Sect Hall. That was where things went down the drain, and it was also then that he was given the Elder position.

Chapter 20 is out on Patreon!

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