Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 1465 - Do everything

“Since you’re in a hurry to die, the old man will do you right now.”

Roaring finally, Roach finally shot.


It really deserves that the moment when the physical realm reached the Mahayana second-order Dacheng, the moment when Roach’s physical power erupted, the amount of violent and violent violence that broke out immediately filled one side of the world, completely.

Not only that, under the raging power of the vastness, Dao Dao sounded like a thunderous thunder, and it broke out continuously in the sky. Almost at the moment when the huge caves burst out, they were directly connected to form a huge cave that completely shielded the entire sky.

As the clouds rolled, the waves raged, and even the earth shuddered. That feeling is like the terrible earthquake is about to come, the earth is at any time possible, and the road is cracking and opening to shocking cracks.

“Is this the strength of the physical Mahayana second-order Dacheng realm?”

“It hasn’t been shot, it’s just the raging of its own power, it’s so horrible. If it is shot with all its strength, I’m afraid that the world will collapse in the future, right?”

“No wonder, the world will always say that after the realm reaches the Mahayana, after the ascension of each small realm, the power increase brought by it is extremely horrible.”

“Sure enough!”

The strong men of various roads, with the anger of Roach, the violent physical power, turned up and raged out of the moment, and once again fell into a horror.

Although they have known for a long time that Luo Qi, who is a small realm, will be more powerful than Lin Feng and Haotian five. But even so, it still does not affect, one by one, the shock at this time.

In contrast, the gap between realms is really terrifying. Not to mention the four of Luo Ping, even Haotian, the strongest of the five, will not be the enemy of Roach.


奇 Roch, raging out of his strength, stared at Lin Feng coldly.

After hesitated, he clenched his fists and slammed forward.

After these two punches were thrown out, there was a more violent wave between one side of the world. In an instant, everything was wiped out, everything outside the “Tenglong Pavilion” protected by the power of restraint, everything else was vanished.

Above the sky, there are no clouds left, only one is left, and the huge caves on the margins cannot be seen at a glance. As for the ground underneath, it was full of blemishes, one after the other, and the fissures continued to collapse.

Each crack that exploded is like a horrible earthquake, and the pits in the cracks are like abyss. Not only that, but also countless dirt and stones, as well as all kinds of things buried underground, are constantly pouring out. On the edge of the abyss, countless dense pits are formed. Looking up, it’s like just going through a baptism of fire.

“The Nine Swords of Honghuang.”

“Zizou lore.”

Zhe Linfeng had a dignified face and did not dare to have the slightest slack.

He is very clear about the power gap between himself and Roach. If he doesn’t offer the advanced technique of Tianxuan and let his realm strength enter the first stage, he will definitely not be Roach’s opponent. The two confrontation can only be abused on one side.

Moreover, even if it is abused, you must do your best. Otherwise, it is possible at any time to end up in a dead end.

“Xuan Tian Jia 胄 technique!”

“Five Elements Shield Armor!”

Not only that, Lin Feng also sacrificed his most powerful defense immortal method, the Five Elements Shield.

This is the unique defense immortal method of the Five Elements Immortal, which can be condensed into the Light Shield with the horrible defense power with the Five Elements Aura. Coupled with the blessing of Xuantian Jiayu, its defense power will even skyrocket to a terrible new height.

“Click, click …”


Whether it is the two solid fists that Luo Qi throws with his hands and his fists, or the invisible sword air that rages in one side of the world after Lin Feng’s sword is cut off, the speed is extremely fast.

Almost at Lin Feng, just after the blessing of Xuantianjia, and the offering of the Five Elements Shield Armor, the two fists filled with heaven and earth have already collided violently with the invisible sword air.

It was only at the moment of the collision that the gap in strength between the two was very apparent. The moment the invisible Jianmang emerged from the air, it continued to explode one after another, and the cracks were horizontal and vertical, and then exploded quickly.

The impact of the invisible Jianmang explosion is very large, even the two fists that Roach wielded have also suffered a certain impact. The original monstrous light suddenly faded a lot, but the power surging from above was still extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, as soon as Lin Feng was cut off in one sword, he had already released the Five Elements Shield Armor, which is the strongest defense against immortals, with the blessing of Xuan Tianjia surgery. It is because of this that they blocked the two terrible punches that continued to strike after the Five Elements Jianmang exploded.

I ca n’t stop my footsteps, but in an instant, the storm withdrew for a distance of a few kilometers, which was difficult to stabilize.


I stopped, and Lin Feng took a sip of air from his heart:

“This is the physical strength of the second-order Dacheng, does it have the terrorist power?”

“Thanks to the blessing of Xuantianjia sacrifice in advance, the Five Elements Shield Armor with the strongest defensive power was sacrificed. Otherwise, only these two broken invisible swordsmands will continue to attack the terrible fist. Body, completely annihilated! “


The powerful men gathered here, at this time, all laughed at disdain.

“Boy, aren’t you shouting, you have the ability to compete with Roach!”

“Is this your strength? Isn’t even the strongest sword offering out an enemy of the opponent?”

“Thanks so much, then your five-element shield with terrible defense, or just these two punches, will be enough to wipe you out.”

“After defeating the five members of Haotian, they thought that they could compete with Roach. It was beyond their control. You will continue to be arrogant!”

For a moment, after the laughter of the crowd stopped, there was a sneer of scorn and irony.

All people’s views are completely the same. In their view, even the strongest sword was not the peak of Lin Qi’s enemies, and only one result will be faced by Roach. , Annihilate the soul.

“Is this just strength?”

Luo Luoqi didn’t chase after the victory, but laughed with disdain.

“Come again!”

Zhe Linfeng drank loudly and struck again.

Once again in the sixth form of the Nine Swords of the Honghuang Sect, Ji Zhan was cut off at the same time, and at the same time he sacrificed the wings of the void and entered the state of a human sword.

This time, with a blazing speed of 50 times the speed of sound, the power of the invisible sword is obviously much stronger. But even so, they are still not Roach’s opponents. The opponent did not even offer magic weapons, and even the physical power only released part of it.

But even so, at 50 times the sound speed of Lin Feng, he was still the real strongest sword and easily burst.

“Xun Peng swallows the sky, gas swallows the mountains and rivers.”

“Sky eyes open …”

Zhe Linfeng didn’t dare to be half-slack, and hurriedly sacrificed more powerful magical powers.

Kun Peng swallowed the magical powers of heaven, and several different powerful abilities of heavenly magical powers, one after another. Even powerful defensive magic weapons have been sacrificed.

In this way, after continuing for a few minutes, Lin Feng had already battled with Roach in the air countless times with the blessing of two powerful supernatural powers.

Every confrontation, Lin Feng will be in a clear downwind. Not only that, the body will also suffer certain injuries. This damage, with the increase in the number of engagements, is completely multiplied by a geometric multiple.

Slowly, Lin Feng’s whole body has become scaly. Below the tattered shirt, there were wounds, each deep and long, shocking.


After Wu confronted again, Lin Feng finally couldn’t shake his head.

He scratched his body and was bruised, and flew out with a single punch.

After smashing the whole body, he violently withdrew back from a distance of more than ten kilometers, and then barely stabilized his body.

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