Immortal Formula

Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178: Primordial Change

Chapter 1178 The change of the ancient times

Gu Yan stepped on the stone steps slowly, and she said, “I was in the Tianji Mountains, I once went to Zhuxiantai, and I met the ancestors of your Taihao family.”

Xie Hou’s eyes showed a strange color, but he covered it up very well, just whispered: “Really?”

Gu Yan said: “He once told me that I have the blood of the Taihao family, so I can inherit the Four Treasures of Refining God, but why don’t I know that the Gu family is still related to the Taihao family?”

Xie Hou shook his head, and a smile appeared on his face: “You have your own blood, what is the relationship with the Taihao family? As for the four treasures of refining gods…”

He paused and said, “It should be yours!”

Gu Yan stunned: “What?”

At this time, the road that stretched out in front of her suddenly shattered, and she watched helplessly, countless stones scattered in front of her, like five-color spar, fluttering all over the sky, covering the entire starry sky. The inlays are splendid and gorgeous.

Gu Yan turned his head, but Xie Hou was nowhere to be seen.

She couldn’t help being a little stunned. Before coming, with the powerful spiritual sense of her post-yuan monk, she had a hunch that the five-color city she was looking for seemed to be not far from her.

And she wanted to look for the city of five colors, not just to find her disciple Ge Ling, but she felt that there should be something she was looking for in the city of five colors.

Now that she is a master of the Yuan Dynasty, there is no resistance in the world, but Gu Yan suddenly did not want to open the road to the sky so quickly. She always felt that in this world, there seemed to be something missing. She has returned to Shenzhou, Guixuhai has gone, and all the places in the world have been visited one by one, and there seems to be a mystery that she has not explored in the five-color city.

Gu Yan expects that she will be able to go a step further.

She wants to – transform into a god!

Since the separation of human and heaven, there may have been various legends about ascending to the spiritual world, but between heaven and earth, none of them can successfully transform into a god. There is no reason for it, because it is limited by the laws of the two realms, as long as the spirit is transformed, it will attract divine punishment. That kind of power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth is enough to beat a cultivator to the point of annihilation. Like the three ancestors of Yuxu, they stayed at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty for many years, but they never dared to go further. It’s just the fear of Heaven.

But Gu Yan is different. She has mysterious roots, various treasures, and even has the hope of reaching the sky. Therefore, she wants to succeed in transforming into a **** before she ascends. Do something that no one has ever done before.

She vaguely felt that she did not fully understand the chaotic space in her body and Wentianlu. Although she seemed to be only one step away from the Red Leaf Valley, this last step, after she cultivated into Yuan, did not step out.

She only needs an opportunity. And this opportunity may be in the city of five colors.

Therefore, although Marquis Xie disappeared without warning, she did not panic, but calmly looked at everything in front of her.

In the graceful starry sky, there is only Gu Yan alone.

The stars are constantly moving in the air, just like the origin and disappearance of life.

The upper and lower squares are called Yu, and from ancient times to the present it is called Universe. Gu Yan felt that she was now outside of time and space, watching the changes in the universe coldly.

This is far more mysterious than the state of mind she realized when she entered the world of five colors and desires.

At the very beginning, this universe was just a circle of chaos, a mass of gray-white mist floated in the air, and suddenly exploded toward the surroundings, separating the sun, moon, stars, heaven, earth, mountains and rivers. The green qi rises into the sky, and the turbid qi sinks into the earth. From the beginning, the heaven and the earth are determined.

Is this to make oneself enlightened by evolving chaos?

Gu Yan shook her head slightly, she always felt that it should not be the case.

Slowly, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered towards the stars in the center, where the earliest birds and beasts appeared.

In the very beginning, beasts ruled the world. They have extremely powerful Dharma bodies, and they can destroy the sky and the earth with just a few gestures. They have an incomparably long lifespan, and the five most powerful beast kings have the same lifespan as the heavens and the earth, and are immortal. They rule the world, no matter the sun rises and sets, and the world changes several times, it seems that it has never changed.

Until the appearance of man, the chief of all things.

In the very beginning, human beings seemed extremely humble and insignificant, and their fragile bodies could not even withstand a storm of nature. They are at the bottom of the food chain, and ordinary beasts can wreak havoc on them. For a long time, they were all in the world, struggling to survive.

But their ability to reproduce is extremely powerful. Although there are many people who have died, the number of people born is several times more. Slowly, they actually took root in this world and have their own small world. The crowd began to gather, they began to have their own language and writing, and then, among them, a leader appeared. This person is called the emperor by those human beings.

There are three emperors like this. These three emperors are different from ordinary human beings. They can practice and have mana. Moreover, they can summarize a set of spells suitable for human cultivation. Under their leadership, human beings began to grow slowly, and their abilities became more and more powerful. When you become stronger, you can defeat those beasts and occupy your own world in this world.

Then, their ethnic group evolved again. At first it was just a small tribe, and then slowly gathered together to become a huge ethnic group, even called a country. The leader of the country was named Emperor.

There are five such emperors in total.

Gu Yan’s eyes widened.

Sovereigns and Five Emperors!

These legends are actually true! In ancient times, there were really three emperors and five emperors!

It is said that they were the ancestors of the entire human race. They were sensible and taught, and they were the cornerstones of human **** of the world. Gu Yan had always thought that this was just a legend, but she never thought that it really existed.

At the very beginning of the establishment of the kingdom, the divine beasts at the top had not noticed the existence of human beings. In their eyes, human beings were no different from other beasts. They were nothing more than a small ant under their feet. That’s it. But under the leadership of the five emperors, human beings finally began to grow up. They went through generations of life and death, and the spells they practiced began to gradually improve. Finally, after they ruled the entire world, they began to no longer be satisfied and moved towards the top. those mythical beast challenges.

As a result, the war between human monks and monsters broke out.

This war started and lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

At the very beginning, the divine beasts had an absolute advantage. Under the leadership of the five beast kings, the top divine beasts, and the monsters they ruled, slaughtered the mortal world, killing those human beings into rivers of blood, and their corpses could almost fill the world.

However, the human beings have suffered several major defeats, but they have not become extinct. On the contrary, their tenacious vitality has shocked the entire mythical and beast world. These beings, which are as small as ants and whose bodies are extremely fragile, have such a powerful force.

With the continuation of the war, the Taoism practiced by human monks has become more sophisticated, and heroes have begun to emerge one after another. After about 100,000 years, human beings finally went from losing to a small victory. After another 100,000 years, the two sides began to win each other.

After another 100,000 years, the human monks finally gained the upper hand. This time, under the leadership of those major cultivators, they wiped out a large number of monsters in the universe, and then trapped the five beast kings in the secret realm they created. Since then, mankind has ruled the world. They occupied the best place in the world, the best treasure of heaven and earth, Xianshan Cave Mansion. Thus, the end of the chaotic Primordial Era is indicated, and this world has officially entered the ancient era ruled by human beings.

Humans began to take root in all parts of the world, multiplying life in large numbers, and growing at an explosive rate.

Gu Yan was surprised to find that the world of immortality she was in now only accounted for a very small part of the world at the time. The boundless immortal mountains and the land of spiritual energy made her dazzled.

Presumably those places have now been divided into the spiritual world. What is left for this mortal world is just a piece of tasteless food and a pity to abandon.

In the midst of all this evolution, Gu Yan didn’t seem to feel like participating in person, she just watched coldly, but her state of mind did not change in the slightest.

Isn’t this a fantasy that is testing your own state of mind?

Without warning, an extremely loud voice suddenly exploded in her ears.

“These all really happened!”

She turned around in amazement, all the sights were withdrawn from her eyes at this moment, and what was revealed were countless monsters struggling to survive, as well as those divine beasts at the top.

At this time, they were all mercilessly killed by the human monks. In front of Gu Yan’s eyes, there was blood.

Gu Yan stared blankly, she originally thought that she should have no feeling. After all, in the course of her years of cultivation, the number of monsters she has killed under her hands has long been unknown.

But the strange thing is that there is a sudden throbbing feeling in the blood vessels in her body. Was that excitement, excitement, or… anger?

Gu Yan suddenly wanted to open her mouth to shout, but found that she couldn’t make a sound. There seems to be an extreme resentment that stays in the throat and fills every inch of the meridians in the body, but it just can’t be vented.

At Gu Yan’s side, a chuckle suddenly came out, and it sounded like a bit of sarcasm.

“How do you feel now?”

Gu Yan wanted to turn her head to look, but found that her whole body seemed to be imprisoned by some force, unable to move at all.

The voice    then sounded again: “Are you happy, excited, or… angry?”

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, she wanted to shout out without hesitation: “Why should I be angry?”

That voice said coldly: “Because, you were originally one of them!”


The scene in front of her was all shattered at this moment, and there was only an endless void left in front of Gu Yan’s eyes. The restraints on her whole body disappeared at the same time, but her throat could not make a sound at all.

In front of Gu Yan’s eyes, an incomparably huge altar appeared at this time. On the altar, there was a golden giant bird. It spread its wings and wanted to go straight for nine days.

Gu Yan looked at the giant golden bird in front of her, as if she had been immobilized. I just remembered that it seems to be all the time, not in my life. Whether it was the Icefield of Luodi, the Red Leaf Valley, Meridian Valley Underground Palace, Suzaku Island… Gu Yan suddenly remembered that this giant bird had appeared eight times in total, and now, it happened to be the ninth time.

In the distant sky, where Gu Yan could not see, stood Xie Hou quietly. His expression was extremely solemn at this time, his hands were on his chest, holding a golden seal. Five seal characters are engraved on it.

His fingers trembled slightly at this time. Whispered: “The ancestors have pity, I can finally wait until this day!” After that, he threw the seal out.

In Gu Yan’s heart, a thunderous voice exploded: “Ninth time, Nirvana!”

On the body of that giant bird, a sky-like flame ignited, bathing its entire body in the blazing fire.

As the flames soared, its body became golden light, with flying wings, nine tails on its back, and golden runes engraved on its head, wings, back, and belly. This giant bird was reborn in the blazing fire. He raised his head, proudly towards the sky, and let out a long cry.

The world shook at this moment!

The owner of the lotus pond stood above the blue sky, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she whispered, “She didn’t fail us, didn’t she?”

Ishi Jiemei, who was standing behind her, was already in tears.

At this moment, Gu Yan threw away all the thoughts in her heart, she whispered: “This is… Phoenix Nirvana!”

The legendary Phoenix Phoenix, which only appeared in ancient times, really appeared in front of her at this time.

But Gu Yan felt that facing the phoenix in front of him had an extremely cordial meaning.

Phoenix raised its head towards Yu Jiutian. After making a long cry, it suddenly stopped, and its gaze was directed towards Gu Yan.

Gu Yan looked up like she had a good heart. On her forehead, a golden pentagram has flashed out. And on Phoenix’s forehead, she also saw the same rune.

It turns out that this is not a real pentagram, but a golden imprint.

The two inscriptions reflected each other in the air, and suddenly a golden light emerged, like a long bridge connecting the two. Then, the phoenix suddenly transformed into a long rainbow, fluttering. It came to Gu Yan. In the blink of an eye, it melted into her body.

Behind Gu Yan, a soft voice sounded slowly: “Now, do you remember your bloodline?”

(end of this chapter)

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