Immortal Formula

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201: Door Of Wonder

Chapter 1201 The Door of All Wonders

He clenched the long whip in both hands and shouted, “The beginning of Yuanxian, make it!”

His face became extremely red at this time, every pore on his body was exuding blue air at the same time, and a face swelled as if it had been blown.

Gu Yan snorted, she only felt that the chaotic space that was only a step away in front of her was forced to close, and she was pulled out of it!

But the change was far more than that. The Yellow Daoist used the power of Yuan Xian’s whip to forcibly close the passage of space, and the tearing force generated by the crack in the space immediately exploded in front of Gu Yan. In the void, it seemed that a large crack appeared suddenly, and the endless air waves kept spreading towards the surroundings, like a ferocious beast, completely swallowing everything that he saw.

The flames floating around were continuously drawn into the void and became invisible. Gu Yan and Huang Daoren both felt the ground under their feet move at the same time.

The big fireball that was hidden under the blazing furnace seemed to move as well, and an overwhelming pressure had fallen from the sky.

stood in front of Gu Yan, isolating her from the zodiac people.

Gu Yan stared at the foreign object in front of him in amazement. This was a huge stone monument, its height and width were uncountable. It is like an uncarved quaint big stone, with square edges and corners, with countless fine patterns that are naturally generated on it. Every pattern has no trace of carving, as if it was natural.

At first glance, Gu Yan was attracted by the patterns on it, layer upon layer, like a never-ending show, as if the truth of all things in the universe were all engraved on this stone tablet.

She raised her head, looked up, and couldn’t help gasping for air.

This huge stone tablet, which was originally like a proud stand in the sky, was broken in the middle, only a small piece at the bottom was still connected, and the whole top was broken into two pieces. From a distance, it looked like two leaves. Like a half-closed door.

On this stele, there is a seal character handed down from ancient times. Compared with the ancient words that Gu Yan usually knows, the history is even more ancient, as if it came from the ancient times, Gu Yan does not know it at all.

But at this time, her heart seemed to be born on her own, and she couldn’t help but say, “Xuan!”

She didn’t know how this stele came into being, but she clearly felt that the mysterious power coming from the stele made her feel very kind, as if she should have been born here.

Daoist Huang looked at this huge stone monument, and couldn’t help but froze there, muttering: “Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders. It turns out that there is really such a portal between heaven and earth. It turned out that this portal was sealed. Inside the center of the earth. This is the gate of all wonders that can open the avenue and lead to eternal life!”

The Yuanxian whip he issued directly triggered the power of the law of heaven and earth, pulling Gu Yan out of the chaotic space, but the intersection of the two forces caused the force of space explosion, but this wonderful way The door is now in front of them.

What connection does this portal have with the chaotic space in Gu Yan’s body?

Gu Yan stared blankly at the text that was divided into two halves by the broken monument, only to feel that his thoughts seemed to be flying away at this moment, as if falling into a mysterious state. This was a mysterious feeling that she had never had when she had advanced to the rank in all dynasties, including the upgrade of Wentianlu.

Huang Daoren held the Yuanxian whip in his hand, and the little man on his forehead seemed to be showing signs of sluggishness at this time, and a pain in the sea of consciousness caused him to wake up from that mysterious and mysterious realm.

At this time, Gu Yan was still staring blankly at the big stone tablet, and the zodiac man shouted: “Leave the star map, spare you not to die!”

At this time, Gu Yan found out that she could no longer have any contact with the chaotic space in her body, and the distance between the two worlds seemed to be cut off. Turning his head, the Yellow Daoist standing on the other side of the stone tablet had already strode forward. His steps were a little sloppy, and he didn’t look as steady as before. But the golden whip in his hand was still as steady as ever. The Yellow Daoist raised a long whip and said solemnly, “You can’t retreat now, may you take another whip from me?”

He looked at Gu Yan with calm eyes, “My life is near, and I only have the chance to ascend this time, and you only have a lifespan of more than a thousand years, and there are still great years in the future. Are you really willing to fight me to the death?”

Gu Yan shook his head slightly: “If I retreat today, I am afraid that in the future, there will be no chance to advance an inch. The monk’s cultivation is like a boat against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Today, I will never retreat!”

Huang Daoren took a deep breath: “Okay!” He raised the golden whip in his hand and dropped it towards Gu Yan’s head.

Gu Yan’s fairy weapon had been destroyed by Yuan Xian’s whip. At this time, she could not avoid it. Xiao Jiang appeared on top of Gu Yan’s head. She clenched her teeth and waved her long tail, trying to help Gu Yan block this one strike. But Gu Yan grabbed her firmly.

The golden whip swung and approached slowly, but Gu Yan’s figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Daoist Huang smiled lightly: “Where are you going?” As soon as he raised his hand, Yuan Xian’s whip flew from his palm, and the golden light flashed, reflecting Gu Yan’s figure in the air. At this time, she was urging Jin Leiyu with all her strength, rushing towards the stone tablet at a very fast speed.

Yuanxian whip had reached the top of her head in the blink of an eye and shot down from behind Gu Yan.

“Flutter, flutter, flutter!”

With three consecutive sounds, Yuan Xian’s whip seemed to be blocked by some force, and it was delayed in the air for a moment before falling down. But at this moment, Gu Yan had already slammed into the gap in the middle of the broken stone tablet.

The golden light transformed by Yuan Xian’s whip followed closely, but it was still the last minute behind. Gu Yan’s figure had already rushed into the crack, and then, the two half stone monuments that had been close to breaking, suddenly turned toward him. When they were closed together, the word “Xuan” became one again in an instant, a large golden character that flashed incomparably dazzlingly in the sky.

With a    “ding” sound, Yuan Xian’s whip hit the stone tablet heavily, making a sound of “empty”, and Gu Yan’s figure had disappeared in the air. She entered this wonderful door!

As the last blow failed, the strength of Huang Daoren’s whole body seemed to be taken away in an instant. Yuan Xian whip fell back into his hands on his own, leaving nothing but the road to the sky, and this fan. It seems that the gate of all wonders is here forever.

The look of the zodiac man had turned grey at this time. Originally, he had red face and black hair. In an instant, he seemed to be old, and his hair had all turned grey, and his eyes were dull.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking the sky above his head, and the zodiac man stepped back, and an incomparably huge white tiger with six wings was already flying towards him, rushing directly in front of him.

On the body of the white tiger, the owner of the lotus pond is standing on it. The two finally broke the restriction of the chaotic energy and rushed into the center of the earth.

Jian Bingru rolled on the ground, and then turned into a human shape. The two looked around, only the road to the sky stood here, but Gu Yan was not seen at all.

The heart of the owner of the lotus pond could not help sinking. Although the road to the sky was opened, it seemed that there was no sign of passing. She snapped, “Where is she?”

Huang Daoren smiled lightly: “I also want to know, can you tell me?”

Now that he doesn’t have the star map in Gu Yan’s hand, even if he can enter this road to the sky, how many chances are there to pass? The biggest possibility is to get lost in the stars and never get out of it!

It’s just that he is nearing his lifespan now, but he has used such a secret technique. Even if he stays in the world, there is only one way to die. Don’t you want to fight for this chance?

Before Jian Bing could see the gate of all wonders standing in front of him, his eyes were already attracted by the golden whip in the hands of Huang Daoren, and his eyes couldn’t help but stare very loudly, and said loudly: “What is in your hand, actually It’s Yuan Xian whip!”

Huang Daoren grinned and laughed: “I didn’t expect you, a tiger, to actually recognize this thing?”

Jian Bingru said in a deep voice: “This is the time of antiquity, when the five emperors handed down and lent them to their divine generals, the treasure of Dingding Mountains and Rivers, they did not fly to the spiritual world together, but fell into your hands!”

The owner of the lotus pond exclaimed: “Yuanxian whip! According to legend, the Yuanxian whip that fell down with one whip, cut off the flow of the sea, and changed the course of mountains and rivers?”

Jian Bingru said sharply: “This treasure can only be used by monks in the integration stage, how can you…”

The owner of the lotus pond, at this time, had already seen the villain above the head of the zodiac, who was exuding green energy, and was about to disappear at this time. He couldn’t help but exclaimed: “You… You actually transform your primordial spirit!”

Daoist Huang said lightly: “Yes, this treasure really shouldn’t exist in this world. In my life, this is the first time I use this thing. For this reason, I can only spontaneously burn my primordial spirit to use its power. , can no longer exist in this world.”

Both of them were so shocked that they stopped talking and spontaneously ignited their primordial spirits. This is a great magical power that can only be used by monks in the spiritual transformation stage. It burns up the power of life in the primordial spirit, and allows the body to obtain the great mana far beyond the body in an instant. But the zodiac man has now lost his primordial spirit, and the heaven and earth primordial force absorbed by the meridians in his body has no outlet to pour out.

Now he has the Yuanxian whip to protect himself, but when the divine power brought by Yuanshen is exhausted, the zodiac will die here.

Daoist Huang said lightly: “Yes, unless I immediately ascend, and use the power of the nine heavens to re-refine my primordial spirit and recreate the world, otherwise, I will die here. If that’s the case, why should I talk nonsense with you?”

He raised the Yuanxian whip in his hand, “The whip in my hand can still be fired three times. I will give it a shot today, regardless of life or death!”

Jian Bingru was the first to react, and he pulled the owner of the lotus pond, “Fast back!”

The owner of the lotus pond shouted: “No, if he is allowed to go, this road will be closed. From now on, the road to the sky will never be found in this world! We two join forces!”

(end of this chapter)

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