Immortal Formula

Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214: Descendants (1)

Chapter 1214 Descendants (1)

Ning Ziru said: “Those major repairs will go to the spiritual world this time, and there will be no traces left in the human world, so that’s fine, at least the descendants of the chaotic blood can be passed down completely, and one day , we can see its awakening. As long as the awakened person can successfully ascend to the spiritual world, then we will still have the opportunity to continue the unfinished business of the God Lord.”

However, at this time, there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes, “It’s just that in this extremely desolate world, is it possible that someone can cultivate to a god?”

Gui Yuanzi said: “Even if this is the case, we can’t leave any traces, and you don’t want to leave any clues to reveal your identity. You know, even if it is hundreds of thousands of years, we can all wait for millions of years. .”

Ning Ziru nodded, and she added: “Although we can’t leave any treasures and exercises, I can still seal this mirror and some magic weapons I’ve used here, just in case. In the future, when someone’s bloodline awakens, they can use it.”

Gui Yuanzi nodded and said, “It’s so good, this treasure can be sealed in the Gui Ruins I left behind.”

Ning Ziru said again: “However, the Taihao family in those days did not act secretly, so they lost the opportunity. Now I have an idea. Let me tell you two for more details.”

She frowned slightly and said, “I intend to set up another branch outside the Taihao clan to serve as the messenger to guard the bloodline of Chaos. The two go hand in hand and do not intersect with each other, so it will not affect each other. Even if there is really a branch. If it leaks and disappears, it will not affect the other guarding forces.”

Gui Yuanzi and Dayan layman looked at each other, and both thought the idea was a good one, Ning Ziru said, “I’ll give it a name, it’s called Longyuan Pavilion!”

Shortly after this incident, the human and heaven were separated, and the original human world was divided into two. All the treasures of heaven and earth, immortal cave dwellings, and those major repairs were all brought to the spiritual world. The passage between the two realms was completely closed, and in this barren human realm, only countless mortals were left.

Although these mortals are also the descendants of the first two “people”, there are traces of Taoism in their soul imprints, and slowly, monks also began to appear. However, this world is really too stubborn to practice cultivation. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and there are still very few people who can cultivate into a god.

However, in the long years, the population base is too large, even if there is no one in a billion, there will still be occasional exceptions, and it is not impossible for the cultivator to appear.

The seven roads that Guiyuanzi left behind in those years have been consumed by five in these years. Afterwards, beacon smoke, Dao and demon wars, and countless other battles erupted in the world again, and the world was once again smashed into ruins. It was not until hundreds of years ago that a female loose cultivator was born. The identity of a loose cultivator, after less than a thousand years of practice, he cultivated into a god, and soared away on the top of the Dafeichuan Snow Mountain, leaving only a graceful back and endless nostalgia for this world…

**************************************************** ****************

“Clap clap clap…”

A little girl with double horns, her face flushed with excitement, and she clapped her hands vigorously, “Sister, the story you told is really nice. In the future, I will also be like that fairy. Great talent!”

She was sitting on a rock protruding from the sea. The rock was semi-circular and very slippery. She got excited, jumped and jumped, and almost fell off the rock. He was grabbed by the girl in front of him with one hand. The girl was wearing a lavender shirt and looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old. She supported her cheeks with her hands and said with nostalgia, “How many years does she really have to be a character.”

The little girl lay down in front of the girl, blinked her big eyes and said, “Unfortunately, I was born too late, so I didn’t have a chance to see her. I heard that she was once the owner of Guixuhai, Zhuzi. Sister, have you seen her?”

This girl called “Sister Zhuzi” was Lin Zhu who was rescued once by Gu Yan. At this time, her old wounds had already healed, and it was Gu Yan who treated her with her own hands. Although she had only seen Gu Yan once, when she heard it later, it was news of her ascension. But hundreds of years later, she still remembers Gu Yan’s gentle appearance.

At this time, when she heard the words of the little girl across from her, she recalled and said, “I only saw her once. At that time, I was not long after I was born, and she helped me heal my wounds. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to live. As of now.”

The little girl put her cheeks on her hands, stared at her big eyes, squatted in front of Lin Zhu lazily, and said, “Oh, I really regret it, if I had been born so many hundreds of years earlier, no matter what method I used, I would also Going to the door of Fairy Gu, even listening to her teachings for a day is fine.”

Lin Zhu said: “It’s not difficult. The Bixia Sect she founded was originally in Cangwu. Over the years, it has a long history, and I don’t know how many disciples she has taught. Several of her direct disciples have now cultivated into Nascent Souls. He still preaches at the foot of Mengding Mountain from time to time and holds a dharma meeting, which is a rare event for many years.”

The little girl suddenly became excited: “Sister Zhuzi, I’m going to Bixia Sect, will you go with me?”

As soon as her words came out, a hand suddenly stretched out behind her back, grabbed her hair, and lifted it all the way up, a middle-aged woman shouted sharply: “You **** girl, just walk away for a few days, you won’t Peace of mind, I practiced in the mountains, and ran out to play again. What about the pill furnace I let you watch?”

The little girl stuck out her tongue and wanted to speak, but she was dragged back by her mother, she kept waving to Lin Zhu: “Sister Zhuzi, you must remember my words, if we have a chance, let’s go to Cangwu together, shall we? it is good?”

Lin Zhu waved at her, and couldn’t help but feel a little yearning in his heart, but Guixu Sea is far from Cangwu, more than hundreds of thousands of miles, separated by 100,000 miles of quicksand, and the Tianji Mountains that stretch across the east and west. Although she is a pearl The daughter of the Palace Master Li has never had a chance in her life to leave Guixuhai and go to the Central Plains Continent, not to mention to travel across the 100,000-mile Sky Ridge to Cangwu.

She looked at the back of the little girl who was being dragged away, and said leisurely: “I heard that in Guixu Sea, the only person who can go to Cangwu is the island owner Wen. I just heard that he is saying goodbye to Gu. After the fairy, I never came back, I don’t know, I have no chance to meet him, take me away?”

Since Lin Zhu was cured by Gu Yan, she has been waiting on the Langya Mountain for hundreds of years, and only in the past ten years, has she obtained permission from her mother to travel down the mountain, but she is still not allowed to travel far away. Go, let alone go to such a distant place. And Lin Zhu has a very quiet temperament since he was a child. He always obeys his mother’s words and never goes against his mother’s wishes.

But, once this thought came into her heart, it was like a weed, and it couldn’t stop. Since she was a child, she never seemed to have such a strong desire to do this thing.

She played with her fingers and said to herself, “Is it necessary to find the island owner first, but I heard that he has disappeared for hundreds of years, and I don’t know if he is still alive… ouch!”

She suddenly felt a pain in her head and was startled. She turned around and found that the back of her head was aching slightly, and a small peanut shell fell beside her feet.

Lin Zhu covered her head and shouted, “Who attacked me?” She quickly took out the magic weapon and looked around, but there was a breeze blowing her face, and there was no sound, and no one was passing by.

Lin Zhu pouted, turned around helplessly, and set off back.

Today’s Langya Mountain is more prosperous than when Gu Yan left.

Since Kun Yuan was swept away by Gu Yan, there has been no monsters ravaging the vast land of Huixu Waihai, and the monks can cultivate with confidence. In just a few hundred years, they have returned to the previous view, and even more. prosperous.

Gu Xizhao returned from the Jin level Nascent Soul, and passed on the position of the palace master of Zhuli Palace to his disciple Lin Nan, and he focused on cultivation in order to break through the avenue. It’s just been closed for hundreds of years, and the Yuan Dynasty is always unexpected. Decades ago, he broke through the barrier and simply left Guixuhai to travel in all directions, but he hasn’t come back for a long time.

It was after Gu Xichao left that Lin Nan agreed to let Lin Zhu go down the mountain, and Lin Zhu was more willing to stay outside the mountain over the years, because she always felt that her mother’s temper was becoming more and more weird. generally.

Lin Nan has always had a taciturn temperament. Since becoming the palace lord, his majesty has grown stronger, and even his own daughter is a little scared.

/Bamboo went down the mountain this time, and it was already a little too late. She returned to Langya Mountain. She did not dare to go through the mountain gate, but followed the path of the back mountain and went back quietly.

But what made her feel a little strange was that on the way to Langya Mountain, the mountain gate was actually wide open, as if welcoming some important guests.

She slipped down the path to the back door, found a small hole and got in, found Lingfei, a maid who often served her mother, stretched out her hand to hold her, and called out, “Sister Lingfei, what happened in the palace, why is there such a thing? Big show?”

Ling Fei was caught by her and was startled. When she saw it was Lin Zhu, she took a deep breath, patted her chest and said, “My God, you scared me to death. You didn’t hear the news, say yes. The old palace master has returned with a child of the same clan.”

Lin Zhu heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said, “A child of the same clan, is the surname Gu?”

Gu Xichao and Gu Yan are of the same clan, and his children of the same clan are naturally the direct descendants of the Gu family.

(end of this chapter)

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