Immortal Formula

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Deserted Village

Chapter 2 The Shocking Change in the Deserted Village

General Gao said, “This is a military matter, so don’t say anything more!” His purple-black face sounded like a bell again, and Lin Huzi was taken aback. At this moment, a young man in his twenties walked out behind him. , dressed in a white robe, and said with a smile: “General, don’t scare the children.”

Lin Huzi saw that the robe on the boy’s body was smooth and soft. It was better than the silk he had seen in big towns before, so he couldn’t help swallowing. arrogant. Seeing Lin Huzi looking at him, he smiled slightly at him. There was still a sharp look in his eyes.

General Gao said with a smile: “Look at this kid’s skill and cleverness, but he is a good player in the army.” The young man smiled, and then flashed away, but he didn’t see how he moved, and he was already in front of Lin Huzi. His hand was on his pulse.

Lin Huzi was startled, the young man suddenly came to him from a few meters away, and he couldn’t even see his figure. With the touch of his fingers, a very huge force surged up from his arm, and half of his body was suddenly numb and unable to move.

General Gao, however, was not surprised and ignored it. Lin Huzi felt that half of his body had lost consciousness, but he was stubborn, staring at the young man with his eyes and not shouting. The young man didn’t care, let go of his hand, and said, “You are a good boy, would you like to come with me?”

Lin Huzi stared at him with his big eyes, not knowing why. The young man smiled and shouted, “Hold on tight!” He grabbed his collar with his hands, one sleeve, and flew up like a big bird, hovering in the air twice before falling to the ground.

Lin Huzi’s mouth was wide open: “Are you an immortal?” The young man smiled and didn’t answer, just said, “If you want to learn from me, just follow me.”

Lin Huzi was very happy. He looked back at the village in the distance and hesitated. The young man smiled and said, “I have to stay here for a few days, and then I will talk about it!”

At this moment, two soldiers came running from a distance, holding a short spear and a child in their hands, and said, “General, this girl is poking her head outside, she must be a spy!”

General Gao didn’t care, he waved his hand and said, “Why bother with the enemy now, deal with it!”

Lin Huzi saw that the girl was Gu Yan, rushed over and shouted, “Let her go!”

The two soldiers glared at him, their short spears shining coldly in the sunlight. Lin Huzi was a little scared, but still grabbed Gu Yan’s arm without flinching.

General Gao glanced at him, and Lin Huzi said, “She is my neighbor and came to wait for her father to return from the sea.”

General Gao didn’t want to worry too much, he waved his hand and said, “Take her back to the village, remember not to come out!”

Lin Huzi didn’t even bother to thank General Gao, grabbed Gu Yan and ran back. Returning to the village, I found that all directions of the village were full of soldiers with spears and leather armor, and a murderous aura filled the air. The parents of the Lin family were too frightened to speak. But Yan Shi was still very calm, she thanked Lin Huzi, then hugged Gu Yan in her arms and comforted her softly.

Not long after, I heard the constant shouting of more than a dozen soldiers outside, ordering everyone in the village to gather in the open space outside.

This village is not very big, including men, women and children, there are only more than 100 people. Except for the few who went out to sea to fish and did not return, they all walked to the empty field tremblingly. According to the requirements of the soldiers, they were neatly arranged in several columns. Although Yan’s face was pale, her expression was very calm. She took Gu Yan’s hand, walked under a big tree, and stood quietly.

Hundreds of soldiers had already surrounded the place at this time, Gu Yan quietly looked into the distance, and could hear faint noises, and it seemed that there was an endless stream of people coming here. In such a desolate place, all of a sudden the army is overwhelmed, what on earth are you going to do?

General Gao looked around at them, with a murderous look on his face, without concealing it, he said coldly: “This is the highest military affairs in the country of Yue, and anyone who stands in the way will be killed! This general’s sword is stained with the blood of countless people, I don’t care how much. Hundreds!” Then a middle-aged man beside him explained the purpose of this time to everyone.

It turned out that the country of Yue and the country of Song in the north were at war. The general of the Song State thought about it, and sent a surprise army to land from the shore and attack the heart of Yue State. However, the news was learned by the scouts sent by Yue Guo on the battlefield, and when the news was sent back, the military of Yue Guo decided to take the plan and set up an ambush on the seashore to catch the enemy by surprise. There were three ambush locations selected, and General Gao led only one of the teams.

Of course, the middle-aged man wouldn’t go into such detail, but Gu Yan guessed most of it by himself. The soldiers gathered them in a large courtyard, ordered them to bring water, and then blocked the way out, telling them to stay here for at least half a month until the enemy came or they retreated.

These simple fishermen who have been living in remote places, where have they seen such a battle? The timid are afraid, and the daring are also worried. Gu Yan wasn’t very scared, but she thought: what if daddy came back and couldn’t find them. Will it be encountered by those soldiers?

Thinking like this, life is not so hard. A few days later, the villagers saw that the soldiers did not embarrass them, and most of them were relieved. It was just that someone at home was not there, so they were still worried. About ten days later, Lin Huzi remembered what the young man had said to him, so he told Gu Yan, and Gu Yan was surprised to hear it, is there really an immortal in this world?

Lin Huzi said proudly, “If I learn the fairy method, I will be able to help my father fish in the future.” Gu Yan pursed his lips and smiled, making his face flush red.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering shouting and killing, and countless voices kept shouting, shouting, and constantly screaming and howling. The villagers exploded the nest all of a sudden, and someone shouted in horror: “The enemy is coming, run!”

Most of the people ran out for a while, and Lin Huzi wanted to run out to see what happened, but a cold hand grabbed him, “Don’t move!”

The pale face of Yan Shi, hugged Gu Yan tightly with one hand and grabbed him with the other, and said, “You can’t go out, hurry up and hide!” After saying that, she hugged Gu Yan and ran to the back room.

This was originally a place used for sacrifices in the village, and there was a cellar for storing sea things underground. It’s just an unbearable smell. Yan Shi didn’t care, and hugged Gu Yan and hid in it. Lin Huzi hesitated for a while, and seeing that his parents were still outside, he still said, “I’m going to find them!” After that, he rushed out.

Gu Yan was dazedly held by her mother in her arms, feeling the incomparable warmth there. The hustle and bustle outside seemed to fade away. Yan Shi gently patted her back with his hands, comforting her softly. Gu Yan seemed to be back when she was a child. She wanted to talk to her mother, but her eyelids were unbearably heavy, and she slowly fell asleep.

After a long sleep, Gu Yan seemed to have seen an immortal in a dream, and she also gave her immortal herbs of immortality, so that her family could live forever and live together forever…

When she woke up from her sweet dream, what she saw was the solemn face of Yan Shi. She wrapped her head in a handkerchief and wore a short shirt suitable for work. Gu Yan whispered, “Mother, are we going out?”

Yan Shi sighed: “The people outside must have not dispersed yet, but we have run out of water, and if we stay here, we will die, and we can only go out!” She wiped Gu Yan’s face with her trousers, He said, “Ayan, no matter what you see, don’t be surprised, okay?”

Gu Yan nodded vigorously. Yan Shi tied her with a belt to his chest, and then leaped out of the cellar. The shooter was agile, not like a woman who was lingering on a sick bed.

Two people quietly came out of the ancestral hall. Looking around, the village was full of broken walls and ruins. There were still fires flashing in many places, which had not yet been extinguished. From time to time, there was a foul smell. Gu Yan suddenly cried out with an “ah”, not far from her, under a wall, there were several corpses lying down, all covered with blood and scars, some with a big hole in their chest, some in their abdomen The long hole was broken, and even the intestines were pulled out.

Mrs Yan sighed and covered her eyes with her hands. This desolate village is littered with corpses. There are soldiers and villagers. She grabbed Gu Yan tightly and flew up and down. After a few ups and downs, she jumped dozens of steps, but after a while, she arrived at her own home.

Gu Yan looked at her home that had almost been razed to the ground, her eyes blinked as if she was about to cry, but she barely let the tears roll in her eyes.

Those two thatched cottages have long since been burnt down. Mr. Yan walked into the fire, and under the original bedroom, picked up a wooden board next to him and dug for a while, found a black wooden box from the ground, put it in his arms, and said, “Ayan, let’s go!”

Gu Yan was stunned, “Mother, aren’t you waiting for Dad?”

Yan shi said firmly: “This is a dangerous place, so you can’t stay for a long time. Your father is very capable. When he comes back, he will find us.” Then he tied Gu Yan to her body and found a piece from the package. He put on his cloak and jumped out without a single point.

There seems to be no living people in the village, and there is a dead silence. Along the way, Gu Yan saw a lot of familiar faces, but they were all dead now.

Yan’s footsteps were very fast, and it didn’t take long for her to reach the edge of the village. She heard the sound of fighting in the distance, and made a decisive decision, turning her head and heading north.

After walking only 100 steps, he saw discarded weapons on the ground. It seemed to be a huge battlefield. Mr. Yan stopped and looked around. At this time, a neat team was already flying in the distance. Running over, it seems to be going to the other side of the battlefield to support, and suddenly collided with their mother and daughter head-on.

Both sides were stunned for a moment. The soldiers did not expect to see the shadow of a living person on the battlefield. The leader was stunned for a moment. Seeing that it was a woman with a child, it must be a fisherman here. With a lewd expression on his face, he shouted, “Brothers, catch this Vietnamese man!”

(end of this chapter)

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