Immortal Formula

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Ancient Immortal’S Secret

Chapter 47 The Ancient Immortal’s Secret

Moonstone is a relatively rare spiritual stone. It is not as rich in spiritual energy as ordinary spiritual stones, but it can emit a soft light, which has the effect of calming the mind and contemplating the gods. It is usually used by monks to A simple array is arranged to adjust the body and mind when practicing. To use moonstones for lighting, it is necessary to illuminate the entire area, at least a thousand, which is equivalent to thousands of spiritual stones. Fan’s family is really big!

As the door closed, one of the two teenagers standing behind him stood up, holding a scroll in his hand, and reported to Fan Sixian: “Homecoming Lord, a total of ninety-nine orders have been issued this time, and they will be recovered. Eighty-seven, including eighty-two who came in person. Twelve others failed to come, four of them were trapped in a distant place and could not return, three were killed in a fight, and five did not return after receiving the order. By edict.”

Fan Sixian raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing that there were five people who did not obey the edict, and said, “Kill them all!” The other boy complied with “Yes” and quietly retreated.

Gu Yan couldn’t help but feel a little weird. When she was in Tianmu Mountain, she had seen those overseas monks, and she had put on some pomp. The high-level appearance is inevitably a bit contrived.

Fan Sixian stood up, and the monks below heard that he was silent, and wiped the lives of five monks, and they couldn’t help but feel a little stern in their hearts. At this time, seeing him stand up and staring at himself, he lowered his eyes.

Gu Yan looked at him out of the corner of his eyes, and saw that this cultivator of Pill Formation had a rectangular face, long eyebrows slanted into the back of his head, and his facial features protruded like carvings, which looked like a A person in a painting. He pressed down gently with both hands, and everyone was silent. He opened his mouth and started to speak, his voice was not loud, but every word echoed clearly in his ears.

With his voice, Gu Yan also knew the purpose of this trip. It turned out that the history of the Fan family in Luodi has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. He became enlightened because he obtained the secret treasure of an ancient immortal while traveling overseas. Then the Fan family has been handed down.

In that immortal’s treasure, it was mentioned that there were treasures left by ancient immortals on the shore of Xuanshui. There is no specific mention of anything, but it is said that there is a magic weapon, which is an extremely powerful thing that can be used by cultivators of pill formation, and can be used to resist the catastrophe when the pill formation is complete and cultivation becomes an infant. In addition, there are some elixir and the like, which are also strange things left over from ancient times.

But these things were sealed in a formation. That formation is the axis of Taihua Mountain, the sky and the earth are the poles, and the five surrounding mountains are the foundation of the five elements, which is very difficult to decipher. All the descendants of the Fan family took cracking this formation as their first priority. After thousands of years, the outer formations were finally broken down to the very core. At this time, the task fell to Fan Sixian, but he was surprised to find that he had no choice!

In the deepest part is a small circular formation, which is not very powerful in terms of power, but the strange thing is that it can only be entered by monks on the eighth to tenth level of Qi Refining. The chaos of the spiritual energy in the method causes the entire formation to explode, and the contents inside will naturally turn into fly ashes. Originally, although this formation was peculiar, it was not without a solution, but Fan Sixian found that his time was running out.

The magic weapon has been buried for a long time, and it has gradually sank into the center of the earth. After a few decades, it will penetrate into the underground spiritual veins and be led away by the spiritual energy, and then I am afraid that it will go to the depths of the spiritual mountain, and I will never see you again. in the sun. Fan Sixian roughly estimated that it would take at least two hundred years to break this formation, and the magic weapon would have long been led to him by the spiritual veins. In desperation, he summoned the disciples in the clan, but although the monks on the eighth to tenth level of Qi refining were not very clever, it was difficult to find so many in a while, and only issued a summoning order to the loose cultivators in the Xuanshui area. , it takes a total of ninety-nine people to activate the formation and send people in from the outside.

Fan Sixian said slowly: “That magic weapon is made up of nine parts. If a Taoist friend can take one out of the array, he will give him a foundation-building pill and a magic weapon. As for the other spirits in the array Medicines and items, you can take it by yourself, and the Fan family will never interfere!”

These words were like throwing a boulder on the calm water, causing a stormy sea. Gu Yan’s heart was also surging, and as for the elixir in the array, she didn’t care. After all, after so many years, no matter how miraculous the elixir has a limit of years, the efficacy of the medicine may have been lost long ago. But the Foundation Establishment Pill was a real thing. Listening to the noisy voice in the main hall, her mood was a little agitated for a while. After all, for a loose cultivator like her, a pill of foundation building is really something that can be met but not sought after!

But looking at the greedy eyes of the loose cultivators around her, she woke up again. Ninety-nine people entered the battle, and only nine of them could get the Foundation Establishment Pill. The remaining ninety people have to return empty-handed, what will happen in the formation?

has long experienced countless sinister Gu Yan, who can even imagine it with his toes, killing each other and plotting behind his back, this kind of thing will definitely happen continuously. In front of these are all loose cultivators who have gone through countless storms and rolled between life and death. What have you not seen?

She calmly looked around with her eyes, some older monks also showed hesitation on their faces, obviously thinking the same question as her. As for the younger ones, they are all eager to try.

Fan Sixian on the stage said again: “If you are not at ease, I can make an oath here with my life essence and blood, and I will definitely fulfill my promise, and it will not have any disadvantage to the Daoist friends who are present. Those who cannot enter the formation must also make an oath that the secrets of this place will not be leaked, otherwise…” He slowly looked around, and the powerful pressure of the cultivator Jiedan suddenly filled the entire hall!

The teenager next to    said aloud, “Those who don’t want to go can leave the queue.”

There was no one in the dark crowd in the hall. Suddenly someone said, “I’m making a wish!” Immediately, many people responded in unison.

Gu Yan took a look around and saw that Yue Mingge was still expressionless, but the man in black had joined the ranks of those who wished to walk. He couldn’t help but smiled bitterly, took a step forward, and said, “I’m making a wish!”

Of the eighty-seven monks present, none of them quit!

(end of this chapter)

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