Immortal Martial Saint: Sign in at the beginning of the game and receive the invincible horizontal p

Chapter 127

If it was anything else, Jin Ding might not really believe it.

But as soon as he mentioned the lofty main vein, Jin Ding felt a sharp knife hanging above his head.

The kind that would fall off and cut off its own head at any time.

Compared to this, the talents of the Exorcist are not terrible.

After all, they are still law-abiding.

No matter how arrogant the Exorcists were, they wouldn't be able to beat him to death on the spot.

As for the people in the main line, they will do it as soon as they say it, regardless of your sympathy or laws.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no big deal in front of me.

So he tidied up his clothes and walked in with such big strides.

Along the way, whether it was the clansman or the guarding martial artist, they either lay on the ground and howled, or hid in the corner.

Seeing the Patriarch coming, he hurriedly rushed over crying.

Jin Ding blocked them with a blank face, and directly separated them with spiritual power.

The presence of the Exorcist in front of him is a big deal.

Wait until they're done, let's do some chores.

Jin Ding led Jin Ming into the main hall quickly.

As soon as I entered, the rouges with tears streaming down my face rushed over.

Jin Ding stared at him, and the women who finally found the backbone suddenly panicked again.

Ignoring them, Jin Ding looked at Zhang Ping, who was sitting on the master seat, and was about to speak.

Zhang Ping directly launched Heart Severing, and Microwave came towards the two of them.

Under the big situation, the two cried out their crimes with snot and tears.

Zhang Ping signaled to his subordinates.

The subordinate understood, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, licked his tongue and began to record.

But unexpectedly, Jin Ding talked more and more, and the more he said, the more outrageous it became.

The dirty things, big and small, even made the hands of the warriors who recorded them tremble.

Zhang Ping was expressionless, but he was sighing in his heart.

He really deserves to be the head of the family, and the means of primitive plundering of capital are really ruthless.

I have already memorized almost half of the book eloquently.

Zhang Ping didn't care about this at all.

He is waiting for Jin Ming's confession.

Jin Ming's realm may be too low, and his cultivation at the early stage of the Heavenly Blood Realm was half a beat slower than that of Zhan Xin.

He had to pause for a while before speaking.

So Jin Ding had already babbled a lot, and Jin Ming had just said about six sentences.

Zhang Ping is waiting.

He clearly knew what purpose he was here today.

Jin Ming finally got to the point: "In the early morning, someone sent a letter, saying that he knew the address of the Demon Slayer from the Lower City."

"It's emphasized again that the middle-aged man is an ordinary person without cultivation."

"If you can attack him, it will definitely anger the demon division."

Twice in a row, the messenger was mentioned.

Zhang Ping didn't act immediately, but closed his eyes and began to think.

Who did I offend, to harm myself by beating around the bush?

I went through the experience of this period of time in front of my eyes.

In fact, since Zhang Ping came to this world, it has only been more than four months, not even half a year.

Except for the days when he was seriously injured and unconscious, Zhang Ping was either fighting or on the way to fighting.

There were quite a few people who were beaten by me, but those who really offended me died.

The Patriarch of the Bai Family in the Lower West City, and Zhao Wenshu from the Zhongcheng City, would not bring overnight if they touched Ni Lin, and it would be resolved on the spot.

The screen passed quickly, and Zhang Ping finally remembered a person.

Deng Liang.

This jumping beam clown is like a person who I don't care about.

If there is really a feud, and the person who is still alive and knows his identity information, he is the only one.

Feng Yuanzhou is still locked in the dungeon of the Exorcist.

It is said that Zhou Xi rejected the invitation of the Exorcist and chose to stay in Fenghuomen.

Xiang Hongyuan didn't have such great skills.

Then only Deng Liang has the brain and motivation to do this kind of thing.

Without even guessing, Zhang Ping directly determined the direction.

After the heart-cutting was lifted, Zhang Ping got up and grabbed Jin Ming who hadn't recovered yet and asked:

"Where is the messenger?"

Jin Ming, who had recovered, saw himself being held by Zhang Ping, and panicked.

But after a brief panic, Jin Ming quickly regained his composure.

The promise of this vein gave him confidence.

"Zhang Ping, I warn you, if you do unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. Your good days are only a few days away."

Zhang Ping exerted force on his hand: "Say!"

"You, how dare you! The Jin family will never let you go, you..."

Jin Ming, who still wanted to argue about something, died before finishing his sentence.

Zhang Ping stared blankly at his hands, feeling a little sloppy.

Forget that my strength is already at the level of Dao Habitat Dzogchen, and I accidentally used it!

Turning his head in embarrassment, he found that the four subordinates were looking at him with bright eyes.

Your lord is so handsome, you dare to do this in front of the owner.

"You! Ahhh!"

Only then did Zhang Ping realize that the Patriarch Jin Ding was still behind him.

And Jin Ding has completely lost his composure at this moment.

Although he is an exquisite egoist, he can even abandon all his belongings and family members and flee in the face of a crisis.

But after all, he is the head of the family, and after all, he is a strong man who dominates the world.

His son was abolished by the Department of Exorcism and watched by Si Zijin, he didn't dare to move, so he endured it.

I went to have a meal, and when I met an enemy, I had to ridicule a few words. I was stunned, and I didn't dare to move, so I endured it.

After finally finding an heir, I thought of an idea, but I couldn't beat it, so I had nothing to say.

This time the heir did something on his own, and was approached by the magician. He wanted to hide, but he couldn't.

Because the main vein is still staring at the back, it is impossible for him to leave easily.

Now, I was interrogated by a country bumpkin with inexplicable sorcery.

He also killed his other heir in front of his own face.

At this moment, Jinding finally exploded.

"Exorcist, you are too deceptive!"

The domineering cultivation level exploded, and the four subordinates and those female relatives were instantly blown away.

Zhang Ping remained motionless, and slashed down with his saber in hand.

Jin Ding was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to slap his palm.

Domineering fights life and death!
Zhang Ping was also angry.

Obviously you have done a lot of setbacks, but in turn, you have to blame the supervision for your bad deeds?

Injustice, this is injustice!

The magic-killing sword technique was cast with anger, but with just one encounter, Jinding's blow that condensed all his cultivation was broken.

The entire hall of the Jin family made a huge roar, and then suddenly collapsed.

The majestic hall couldn't withstand Zhang Ping's full blow.

Amidst the smoke and dust, Zhang Ping walked out carrying the Jinding, which was only breathless.

The subordinates quickly got up from the ground and surrounded Zhang Ping.

Throwing the golden tripod like a rag to the ground, Zhang Ping issued an order to his subordinates.

"Archive the confession and transcript, and lead someone to ransack the house."

Pointing to the golden tripod on the ground: "Take this man back, if you can save him, you will save him, if you can't save him, you will be knocked down. There is no shortage of this scum in Zhongcheng."

Zhang Ping glanced around.

There were cries and cries for help.

But Zhang Ping was as firm as a rock in his heart.

Under the nest, the eggs are finished.

These people who were raised by dirty money exchanged for other people's blood, now without the support of force, are nothing but resources at the mercy of others.

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