Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 687: The Heavens Have Fallen!

In the Great Dao Celestial Realm, the celestial flames blazed brightly.

On this particular day, the Celestial Court simmered with an unusual heat.

Wherever the flames passed by, the smell of war and battle was thick in the arm!

BOOM! BOOM! Squads of the Great Dao Celestial Army, well-equipped and imposing like a torrent of steel, surged through the flames of the realm, thundering towards distant horizons.

Their march was directed towards Sky Soaring City.

Just then, at the very heart of the Great Dao Celestial Army, a group broke formation, ascending higher.

Leading this group was a carriage drawn by nine dragons, soaring upward, followed by figures swift as phantoms, each clearly a top-tier combatant.

It was none other than the Chaos Sovereign and his Supreme Generals!

Soon, this troop flew beyond the reach of the celestial flames into the void of the sky, where the Myriad Extremes Five Infernos Star Barrier awaited right before their eyes.


All present, whether demon, devil, or Immortal, knew that the Chaos Sovereign had awaited this day.

Dismantling the Great Dao Celestial Realm's grand formation was the key to shaking the ruling dynasty of the Celestial Court.

The importance of this grand formation was evident.

Yet, even the devoted followers of Lu Fan harbored doubts... Could he truly breach the star barrier?

"Naraka's forces have already set forth; the Chaos Sovereign wouldn't deceive them."

His followers were firm in this belief.

So, when they saw the disheveled middle-aged man in a black and white robe, looking utterly debauched and drunk, emerge from the dragon-drawn carriage, their eyes blazed with fervor!

This core group of followers was no ordinary gathering.

Closest to Lu Fan were eight Supreme Generals, on the same level as the recently deceased Zhu Shenlu and Yu Shiling.

The Thunder Department had only three such Supreme Generals, whereas the Great Dao Celestial Army boasted ten, all vested with command, highlighting the scale of their might.

Aside from the Great Dao Celestial Army, there were three formidable powers among Lu Fan's followers!

These three forces were not weaker than the Great Dao Celestial Army.

The first was the demon clan of the Celestial Court, centered around the Lunar Mistress.

The second force was led by the Great Horned Immortals.

At that moment, a towering Great Horned Immortal stood behind Lu Fan, his head adorned with two horns, one gold and one silver, larger than those guarding the Divine Gateway and evidently much stronger.

This was the Great Horned King himself.

Yet, whether demon or devil, they paled in comparison to a third, even more potent force.

This last group comprised almost all the unaffiliated cultivators of the Celestial Court, who, for various reasons, remained powerful yet unrecognized, harboring great resentment.

These Immortals called themselves the Free Immortals. Together, they rivaled the entire Great Dao Celestial Army.

Especially at the pinnacle of power, there were even more Free Immortals than members of the Great Dao Celestial Army.

For instance, a bald, gaunt old man, always smiling gently like a saint, walked beside Lu Fan.

But those who knew him were aware that this Penglai Sage was a true terror of the Celestial Court, one of its top criminals, second only to Divine Dawn.

Despite being hunted by the Celestial Court for so long, he now boldly followed Lu Fan, whose intentions were clear to all.

Together with the Lunar Demon Mistress, who had ventured to Naraka, Lu Fan's top commanders indeed formed a robust force.

At this moment, all the followers held their breath as they watched the Chaos Sovereign ascend once more to confront the Five Infernos Star Barrier.

"Fine piece of work, you've indeed cost me a lot of time," Lu Fan remarked as he extended his hand, his fingers twining with the five suppressive elements of the grand formation.

With a flick of his wrist, a massive, multicolored wall, composed of five types of destructive celestial energies, suddenly spanned the heavens, thick and brutal, instantly enveloping the Great Dao Celestial Realm.

"System, I choose to redeem a Great Stellar Soul Transposition Technique!" Lu Fan suddenly declared to the void.

System: Redemption confirmed. Item: Spirit Wisdom Soul.」

Upon hearing this, Lu Fan's face twisted with wild excitement.

"Begin!" he bellowed with a laugh.

As his voice fell, the Five Infernos Star Barrier shuddered slightly!

Then, it seemed to vanish!

In that moment, time warped, souls stirred, and ripples danced across everyone’s eyes.

Even Lu Fan's eyes fell into a moment of bewildered vacancy, as if he had lost something precious.

A hum filled the air!

Where the ripples touched, the Five Infernos Star Barrier truly vanished!


The Penglai Sage and Great Horned King, among others, stared wide-eyed, incredulous at the scene unfolding before them.

After a brief pause, led by the Supreme Senerals, a cheer erupted.

"The heavens have fallen, and the Chaos Sovereign shall rise!"

It was more than exhilaration—it was a revelry!

Every follower understood the significance of the Five Infernos Star Barrier's disappearance.

"We've finally reached this moment..."

Tears welled up in the eyes of the Penglai Sage, but within those tearful depths surged a brutal ferocity, "White Emperor, Crown Prince, you old fools, now you'll pay the steepest price!"

Their cheers shook the heavens.

The Five Infernos Star Barrier had not just been breached—it had disappeared, an event unprecedented in history, and from this moment, it would surely send shockwaves across the entire Great Dao Celestial Realm!

"Naraka's forces have arrived!"

Looking skyward, they saw countless demons and devils witnessing the disappearance of the grand formation, and they charged forward in a frenzied, manic roar!

The ranks of demons and devils stretched endlessly!

At the end of this immense throng, two vast shadows loomed—those were the Great Mother and Devil Eye!

"Chaos Sovereign, shall we still meet with those two?" The Penglai Sage chuckled.

Lu Fan shrugged. "The deed is done; they'll head to the divine land of the Celestial Court on their own. No need for us to meet."

"In that case, the ones truly watching the tigers fight from the mountain will be us!" the Great Horned King roared excitedly.

"Don't be too sure," Lu Fan cautioned as he gazed towards Sky Soaring City, his voice cold, "That side has its tigers too."

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