Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 689: One City, Two Legends!

"Sun Xiaoqi is here!"

The Drunken Immortal Pavilion had found its latest darling in Sun Xiaoqi. Her presence alone could transform the place into a hub of excitement. Each day, new faces gathered, eager to glean tales of Lu Yao from her lips.

The previous day's battle, where Yun Xiao wreaked havoc within the Thunder Department, only fueled tonight's buzz in Sky Soaring City. Fresh, sizzling gossip flew through the air.

Surrounded by a crowd, a girl in a yellow dress stood out, her eyes wide as saucers. This was Sun Xiaoqi, a girl once crippled by social anxiety, now a social butterfly forged in the furnace of necessity. As long as there was food, she could spin tales about Yun Xiao, embellishing them with zest and zeal.

"Shopkeeper, shopkeeper," she began, clutching the greasy sleeve of a portly man, whispering, "For drawing a crowd today, could my order of the True Fire Roasted Celestial Crane be on the house?"

The shopkeeper shook his head vehemently. "Your appetite grows each day, miss. Our signature dish is limited to three servings daily, and you want it for free? Impossible!"

"Not possible?" Sun Xiaoqi scoffed, "Then I'll take my stories to the Fragrant Jade Pavilion next door."

"Wait, wait," the flustered shopkeeper pleaded, his face a portrait of bitterness. "Fine, fine, it's on the house, you brat."

"Cut the act. You've made a fortune off me these past days. Be thankful I haven't taken a cut of your profits." Sun Xiaoqi glared at him, then advised, "It's not your shabby tavern that draws me here, but the plump celestial cranes in your kitchen. Cook it well!"

"I will, I'll do it myself." The shopkeeper resigned himself and walked away.

"Insufferable man, acting as if he's at a loss when he's making a killing. Such a miser." Sun Xiaoqi watched him go, her glare sharp as knives. But for the sake of the roasted crane, she forgave him.

She then stepped into the crowd, offering a warm smile to the eagerly awaiting patrons. "Honestly, from the first moment I saw Lu Yao, I knew he was no ordinary man..."

And so she began her lengthy discourse, occasionally pausing to field questions.

The entire Drunken Immortal Pavilion basked in the glow of reverence for Lu Yao, enveloped in joyful camaraderie.

A young man asked, "Sister Sun, did Lu Yao ever share his thoughts on Lu Bufan with you?"

Sun Xiaoqi was momentarily startled and, fearing Lu Bufan, she replied, "He never spoke of that."

The young man, disappointed, huffed softly and said, "To receive such fortune, yet to abandon his wife and children, his blind wife and harmed eldest son disregarded, and to seek the immediate execution of his rising younger son—how can such a man be worthy of being a Rank 1 Sovereign? How can he command the Great Dao Celestial Army?"

Though he spoke under his breath, some nearby still heard.

"Shush," Sun Xiaoqi quickly motioned for him to be silent. Such topics were dangerous to discuss openly in Sky Soaring City, especially since the city was without its usual overseers, and speaking so brazenly could attract trouble.

But the young man, caught in his emotions, didn’t see the danger and continued to mutter, "And what of the last incident with the Projection Orbs concerning the incense offerings? Why has it faded into silence? For Lu Bufan to rise to high office shows just how rotten things are at the top!"

"Would you just be quiet?" The corpulent shopkeeper emerged from the crowd, grabbed the young man, and dragged him away.

"Father, be gentle!" the young man cried out in pain.

"Go home and stay there. Don’t come back to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion!" The shopkeeper handed him over to several guards and huffed back to his roasting.

This was but a minor incident, yet it cast a shadow over the mood.

For reasons unknown, the crowd felt a weight upon their hearts, a heaviness like mountains pressing down, making it hard to breathe.

"What’s the point of cultivating if we’re stuck in Sky Soaring City every day, unable to even visit the mortal realms? It seems utterly pointless."


"Ore veins, celestial artifacts, celestial techniques… The real resources for advancing one's cultivation are all held by the noble clans under the control of the Celestial Court. Our generation really has no chance of ascending."

"What ascent? To be a Rank 9 Arbiter is already the pinnacle for ordinary folks."

"Be content. Those who become Immortals live for centuries, far better off than mortals."

The group gathered together, quietly sharing their sense of futility.

"Let’s not be too pessimistic, the world is a beautiful place, and the Great Dao Celestial Realm will only get better!" Sun Xiaoqi said, biting her lip.

"Miss Sun possesses an optimism that’s truly enviable," several elders remarked.


With that, the crowd finally laughed, the atmosphere growing warm again.

Many enjoyed coming here not just for the bustle but because they harbored grievances about many things; listening to her gave them a bit of hope.

The Chaos Sovereign, Lu Bufan, had once represented hope, but years had passed with little change.

And the shopkeeper’s son had merely voiced what many dared not say.

Why did the high officials speak so secretly of incense offerings?

Why couldn't the common Immortals enter the mortal realm?

Why had no mortals ascended in so long, and when the Ascension Pool was destroyed, why did it suddenly produce a batch of ascenders?

Then, why did they vanish again?

What truly lurked behind the dark canopy of this world?

Liu Mumu and everything she revealed that night had not been forgotten by anyone. It's just that no one dared to speak of it.

They were frightened because, as things continued this way, whatever the truth was, it would eventually be forgotten.

So, seeing Sun Xiaoqi's youthful face, they felt a little less afraid.

Together, they chatted about happy things, and the Drunken Immortal Pavilion grew livelier.

All was joyous and harmonious.

In such a moment, suddenly, the entire world seemed to freeze. Everyone's expressions stiffened as an invisible, deadly fear gripped them.

"What's happening..." Sun Xiaoqi, with a leg of celestial crane stuffed in her mouth, looked up in confusion.

"Let's go outside and see!"

Crowds rushed out of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, spilling onto the streets!

Once outside, they saw that Sky Soaring City was filled with pale-faced people, all sharing an inexplicable terror.

It was as if the entire city had been pushed to the gates of the netherworld!

"The Great Dao Celestial Army!"

Voices filled with unexplained yet instinctual fear swept through Sky Soaring City.

Above, in the churning black clouds under the dark canopy, rows of indifferent soldiers clad in armor arrayed across the heavens. Countless cold eyes stared down at the city.

Above and all around, the Great Dao Celestial Army surrounded everything!

Sky Soaring City was completely encircled!

Why? What were they planning to do? The citizens harbored endless questions, but with not a single Rank 6 Heavenly Officer among them, naturally, no one dared to step forward and ask.

At that time, the Celestial Court's warrant on the Chaos Sovereign hadn't even reached Sky Soaring City yet!

"The Great Dao Celestial Army is here to protect the realm, to protect us. They shouldn't mean us any harm."

"Right, perhaps Sky Soaring City has been harboring too many devils."

People began to reassure themselves.

"What sort of devils and twisted paths could possibly justify deploying the entire Great Dao Celestial Army to surround the city?"

From the direction of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, the young man pointed to the sky, his voice trembling, "Lu Bufan has always been a ruthless man, stopping at nothing to get his way! He must be planning to slaughter everyone in Sky Soaring City to force Lu Yao out!"

This statement terrified many.

"Shut up!"

The corpulent shopkeeper, livid, slapped his son back into the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, then bowed and wept before the crowd, "Please, he's just a child speaking nonsense. Pretend you heard nothing, and spare my family, I beg you."

After pleading, he repeatedly kowtowed.

"Uh..." Sun Xiaoqi had an idea, "Bowing alone won't do—let's give everyone a 10% discount from now on!"

The shopkeeper, no longer stingy, quickly agreed, casting a grateful glance at Sun Xiaoqi.

In truth, the people around had no intention of reporting anything, for the boy had merely voiced their deepest fears.

For many years, they had known the character of the Chaos Sovereign. He was brazen, unconcerned with good or evil; if provoked, he would slaughter men, women, the elderly, children, and infants alike without distinction.

A model of ruthless decisiveness.

And now, everything cold and detached in the sky seemed like a dark hand covering the heavens, ready to clasp Sky Soaring City in its grip!

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Every heart began to race.

"May Lu Yao protect us..." Sun Xiaoqi knelt quietly on the ground, placing the leg of the celestial crane in her mouth, then clasped her hands together, silently praying.


ROAR! From the highest heavens came the resounding call of dragons.

Within the swirling black mists, streams of golden light surged as the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot soared across the sky, descending above Sky Soaring City.

BUZZ! The golden lotuses on its frame radiated a dazzling brilliance, illuminating all of Sky Soaring City.

"Emperor Fan!"

The Penglai Sage, the Great Horned King, and the eight Supreme Generals, almost imperceptibly changed their address, as Lu Fan donned the yellow imperial robes, ready for a change of dynasty!

Their gaze, along with his, was fixed upon Sky Soaring City.

With a knowing smile, the Penglai Sage said, "Both Yun Xiao and that girl are like the little heroes of the mortal realm, their weaknesses too evident."

"You truly understand them, coming up with such a fine plan." Lu Fan bowed his head, his eyes darkly fixed on the faces of fear and confusion within Sky Soaring City, and said, "Ascenders alone are not enough; to truly press them, it requires a city."

"We needn't slaughter them all, just make an example. Otherwise, it might complicate your dominion over the Great Dao Celestial Realm later," the Penglai Sage advised.

"Complicate?" Lu Fan turned his head, smiling at the Penglai Sage.

The Penglai Sage, startled, quickly bowed his head, "Your divine might covers the world, all beneath the heavens, both mortal and Immortal, will naturally submit."

"You understand me." Lu Fan smiled, clapping him on the shoulder. "In this world where the strong prey on the weak, only power can subdue all else; these so-called virtues, public sentiments, and rules are like dew on a lotus leaf—seemingly vibrant, yet disappearing at a touch."


The Immortals nodded solemnly, enlightened.

Lu Fan glanced at the dark canopy above and said, "The time is about right. I'll start by setting the city ablaze with the Samsara Soul Fire. The sooner they arrive, the fewer people I'll be forced to kill."

Hearing this, the Great Horned King laughed heartily. "Excellent, tonight we shall see how many souls these two little heroes can save."

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