Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 143

Chapter 141:

Due to Kasbal’s troubles, after the red players were released, they rushed towards the gathering place of the blue players.

This caused the pressure on Lei Mengmeng and others, who had been relatively easy to defend, to increase sharply.

And the red side has no scruples, you can play any different. The blue player needs to guard the flagship, La Kailam, and does not dare to be careless, for fear that the flagship will be destroyed.

Controlling Z Gundam to continuously shoot at the red players, Lei Mengmeng shouted in the team channel.

“Serena, Li Te, how is the situation?”

Serena: “As much as possible, the military members have been summoned, and everyone is rushing this way.”

Li Te: “I just saw that La Kairam’s hatch was opened, and a group of NPCs wearing space suits and driving small machines entered the interior of Axis. It seems that they are preparing for the blasting operation.”

Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly: “Then until the NPC comes back, you must stay here no matter the cost.”

Everyone: “Understood.” *N

Lei Mengmeng turned to look at the direction in which the two green light spots in front of Axis were constantly colliding.

“You’re good, you’ll be fine…”

In Lei Mengmeng’s whisper, Lin Youde’s telepathy frame in ν Gundam was fully activated. The performance of the body continues to rise.

“Kasbar, it’s too late to stop now. Destroy Axis with me, it’s too late.”

ν Gundam’s lightsaber kept slashing down and was blocked by Sazabi’s lightsaber.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, Amuro. I’m just completing my faction mission.”

Sazabi’s abdomen MEGA particle cannon fired at ν Gundam at a very close distance.

In a hurry, ν Gundam can only block with a shield.

ν Gundam’s anti-beam shield successfully blocked this close-range MEGA particle cannon, but Sazabi seized the opportunity. Sazabi’s beam saber fell quickly, followed by a group of floating cannons.

In this combined attack, ν Gundam’s anti-beam shield was completely smashed into pieces and exploded.

In the smoke of the explosion, ν Gundam quickly escaped and moved towards Axis. At the same time, the Flying Wing Floating Cannon was released, aiming at Sazabi’s Floating Cannon and firing.

Kasbah’s eyes flashed: “I knew you would do this for a long time, waiting for you.”

The red floating cannons that had just fired an attack turned their muzzles one after another, and flew towards the ν Gundam’s flying-wing floating cannons.

Lin Youde was shocked: “What?”

During the opening of the flying-wing floating cannon, the very close red floating cannon was hit and exploded.

The explosion of the floating cannon engulfed the flying-wing floating cannon, which had just fired the beam before it was too late.

Almost in an instant, ν Gundam’s flying-wing floating cannon and Sazabi’s floating cannon were all destroyed and lost.

This result made Lin Youde a little surprised: “Kasbal, you…”

Kasbal chuckled: “Oh, my new human level is not as good as yours. The control of floating cannons is not as good as yours. In this case, it is only profitable for me to replace all floating cannons one by one.”

“And I just found out that in addition to emitting beams, your flying wing cannon can also be used as a shield, right?”

“In that case, replace the ν Gundam’s flying-wing floating cannon with Sazabi’s ordinary floating cannon, and make sure you don’t lose money.”

ν Gundam held the beam gun, kept shooting at Sazabi, and flew upside down not far from the surface of Axis.

“Kasbal, since you’re so smart, why don’t you use your ingenuity in the right place. What’s the use of you playing stupid with me now. Don’t you understand Char’s purpose? ?”

Losing the anti-beam shield, Shazabi didn’t dare to be careless in the face of ν Gundam’s beam that had been amplified by the telepathic frame, and hurriedly avoided it.

But this evasion just happened to lose the trace of ν Gundam that was almost flying upside down against Axis.

Controlling Sazabi’s cautious advance, Kasbar replied in the common frequency.

“I don’t understand what you said, Amuro. Now I just want to fight you, and I don’t care about the rest. I have lost so many times to you, this time it’s my turn to win.”

As soon as the voice fell, a reaction appeared on Sazabi’s thermal energy radar.

“Is it this way?”

The beam rifle in Shazabi’s hand fired rapidly, hitting a Jegan balloon that had just floated out of the surface of Axis.

“It’s this kind of balloon again, is it a trick?”

Missed a hit, but received no counterattack. Kasbah controlled Sazabi with some doubts and rushed out.

Then he saw a group of Jiegang balloons floating in front of him.

“This kind of blindfolding is too much of a hindrance.”

Sazabi’s abdomen MEGA energy cannon fired again, swept away all the Jiegang balloons in front of him.

However, at this moment, Sazabi’s thermal radar sounded an alarm again.

Shazabi turned around quickly and raised his hand to shoot.

The beam flew out, staggered parallel to the side of a rocket.

The beam hit a white bazooka and exploded on the spot.

The rocket was dodged by Sazabi’s sensitive side dodge.

“Amuro, this kind of attack is useless to me… what?”

Shazabi just flashed the rocket attack sideways, and saw a ν Gundam rushing out from the side, throwing away the transparent silk thread in his hand, raised the beam saber, and the sword fell in his hand, ν Gundam’s beam saber knocked Shazabi’s After the beam rifle was cut off, a large piece of Sazabi’s left shoulder armor was also cut off. (Note 1)

If it wasn’t for Kasbar’s quick movements, Shazabi’s entire left arm would have been chopped off together.

The beam rifle cut off by the beam saber exploded on the spot, obscuring the sight of smoke.

But before Sazabi could react, ν Gundam rushed towards the front after dispelling the smoke.

Throwing away the beam saber damaged by the explosion, ν Gundam raised his right fist at Sazabi’s head and punched it hard.

“Amuro, wow~!”

Sazabi leaned back after being punched by ν Gundam, his right arm hurriedly raised the beam saber, but he wanted to counterattack but was caught by another intact beam saber in ν Gundam’s left hand.

Lin Youde: “Now is not the time to be obsessed with the outcome between you and me, Kasbal!”

“Since you are still and want to play stupid, then I have to use my fist to wake you up.”

“Your broken head, let me fix you properly!”

ν Gundam punched Sazabi’s head monitor with punch after punch, causing Kasbah in Sazabi’s cockpit to be dizzy and exclaimed.

Unlike other players who saw Sazabi for the first time, Lin Youde knew very well that Sazabi’s cockpit was not on the chest, but was hidden behind the head monitor just like the Zeon.

Therefore, Lin Youde did not control ν Gundam to attack Sazabi’s chest, but slammed it against Sazabi’s head.

This combo made Kasbah dizzy.

“Damn, Amuro…”


Note 1 PS: ν Gundam itself comes with this transparent wire used to remotely pull the rocket launcher. It is a common prop for Amuro’s exclusive body. Like the Jegan Balloon, it is not armed, but it is always kept on the body used by Amuro.

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