Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 414

Chapter 412: Exceptionally Silent Individual

Soul of Inextinguishable Steel Chapter 412 Unusually silent special individual

With the advent of this 40-meter-high armless dimensional beast, the atmosphere of the scene changed.

In the bow angel’s cockpit, Lamia frowned, staring at the armless dimensional beast below.

‘Sure enough, unlike the dimensional beast that was supposed to descend under the code name “Snake Demon”, this is a special dimensional beast that has never been seen before. ’

‘The history of this world is going in a strange direction…’

While Lamia was muttering to herself, Lux’s voice sounded on the friendly channel.

“Everyone be careful, this dimensional beast is different from all the previous dimensional beasts, it is a special individual.”

“This dimensional beast does not exist in the database, please be vigilant and go all out.”

“According to the data of this institute, this dimensional beast has at least the combat power of super robots, everyone must be careful!”

Lux’s words made everyone look serious.

Virgo No. 3 was standing at the door of the hangar, and the pilot, Setsuko Ohara, looked at the tall armless dimensional beast outside the institute, a little surprised.

“Is this too big?”

The Virgo No. 2 unit held the multi-purpose rifle in his hand, and the driver Toby responded frivolously.

“It’s not that big. It’s only 40 meters, which is the same height as Gurungast Zero.”

“We have Gurungast Zero here, and this super robot is there, so there’s no need to be afraid, right, Captain?”

Inside the cockpit of Virgo No. 1, the bald man Denzel said solemnly.

“Don’t take it lightly, Toby. Since the commander of the institute said that this dimensional beast is special, it must not be easy.”

The R-3 enhanced type landed at a height of 50 meters above the research institute, Gu Lincai said in a positive tone.

“Yes, this is the data researched by the director and the others. There is absolutely no mistake. In short, everyone must be very careful.”

The R-2 has a good muzzle, and Ladis is serious.

“However, this dimensional beast is really a type that has never been seen before.”

“And it’s a little different from the types that destroy it as soon as it appears. This dimensional beast doesn’t seem to have moved.”

“Cai, Miss Lux, are we watching like this now?”

Gu Lincai didn’t answer, but looked at Lux in another visual communication box with a puzzled look.

Lux looked at Lin Youde in the communication window.

Although the person was not at the scene, Lin Youde had a sufficient grasp of the current situation through the transmitted images.

Ni Xingxing’s crash was beyond Lin Youde’s expectations, but Lin Youde didn’t think his good friend would have an accident so easily.

As the protagonist in other worlds, Ni Xingxing, who is Yin Dalongsheng of another world, will never die because of this.

Therefore, the crash of Jiyou did not affect Lin Youde’s emotions.

He is now looking at the video data, that is standing outside the research institute, motionless, looking at the armless dimensional beast in the direction of R-2 and R-3, with some doubts in his heart.

‘Who is this dimensional beast aimed at? ’

‘The dragon-human dimensional beast came for Gundam, Geta, and Demon Z. ’

‘Not long ago, the heavily armored dragon-human dimensional beast was clearly directed at my Wang Kaiya. ’

‘After the two dimensional beasts appeared, they were obviously angry and filial, and their goals were very clear. ’

‘But this dimensional beast has not spoken, and it is not clear who it is planning to target. ’

‘And such a silent one stands still and doesn’t move, it looks very strange. ’

People were not on the scene and could not use the new human spirit to sense this special dimensional beast. Lin Youde thought for a while and gave instructions to Lux.

Lux, who was instructed, opened the communication and asked Cai and Li Te.

“Li Te, Cai, can you use your telekinesis to feel the existence of this special dimensional beast?”

Li Te was a little surprised: “Use psychic power to feel the existence of dimensional beasts? Miss Lacus, please don’t make it difficult for others. Psychic people are not new human beings and can’t do this kind of thing.”

Li Te had just finished speaking, but Cai closed his eyes, causing the R-3 enhanced cockpit to glow with a dazzling green light.

“It’s not completely impossible, I can feel it, that dimensional beast has a strong malice on it. That kind of icy coldness is definitely malicious, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Gu Lincai’s answer made Li Te stunned: “No, Cai, how did you do this kind of thing?”

Gu Lincai opened his eyes, sweating on his forehead, and forced a tired smile: “It’s my father’s research. After the emergence of new humans, he was studying the differences between psychics and new humans.”

“My father was curious about the ability of new humans to sense other beings’ emotions, so I tested them.”

“Although it is reluctant, but with the help of the T-LINK system, it is not completely impossible.”

Li Te’s expression was a little stiff: “Yes, is that so?”

In Li Te’s confused expression, Lux looked at Lin Youde’s communication window, under Lin Youde’s nodding action. Lux received it.

“Since you can perceive clear malice, then let’s attack.”

“Although I don’t know what the purpose of this dimensional beast is, since it is a dimensional beast, it is always right to strike first.”

For this kind of monster that cannot communicate and only knows destruction. Even if Lux gave such an attack order, there would be no hesitation.

At Lux’s order, everyone launched an attack.

Countless live ammunition and beams erupted from each and poured out to the armless dimensional beasts outside the institute.

However, in the face of this concentrated fire, the armless dimensional beast did not move at all.

I saw that in the torso of the armless dimensional beast, in the place similar to Zaku’s head, the red one-eyed shone with a dazzling red light.

With the red light of the one-eyed shining, a layer of blue circular protective shield appeared around its body, blocking all attacks from the outside.

This scene surprised everyone.

Xiaoyuan Setsuko’s eyes widened: “How is it possible, the weapons we are currently equipped with are all powerful enough to penetrate the shield of dimensional beasts. So many attacks are concentrated together, and even the shield can’t penetrate…”

Toby said: “I now believe that this dimensional beast is different.”

Denser said solemnly: “No. 2 and No. 3, special armor-piercing bullets are loaded.”

Toby and Ohara Setsuko were all in one, quickly changed the weapon clips, set up a multi-function rifle, and aimed at the armless dimensional beast.

Denzel: “Use armor-piercing bullets on large dimensional beasts, shoot!”

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Three sounds like the firing of cannons sounded, and three armor-piercing projectiles that were much larger than before and several times faster were shot out.

However, the armless dimensional beast remained unmoved, and the protective cover shrouded it, easily blocking these armor-piercing bullets.

The armor-piercing projectile hit the protective cover and was thrown off on the spot, with no effect at all.

Seeing this scene through the video, Lin Youde frowned and said, “This special dimensional beast, is all the defense power on the shield? If that’s the case, then it’s tricky.” +Bookmark+

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