Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 418

Chapter 416: Shocked And Confused

Soul of Inextinguishable Steel Chapter 416 Shocked and Confused

Listening to Lin Youde’s laughter in the communicator, Lux did not respond.

She looked at the picture, that slowly appeared from the mushroom cloud, the unscathed Gulengast Zero, the whole person was stupid.

Just a simple and unpretentious knife, completely destroyed the surrounding field.

If it wasn’t for the purpose of reducing the damage, the dimensional beasts were led out in advance. I’m afraid I don’t need to destroy it with dimensional beasts. If Zengjia goes down with this knife, the institute will be completely reduced to ruins and will be rebuilt.

Such an exaggerated destructive power shocked Lux, as well as other people on the scene.

It’s not like you haven’t seen the big scene.

In fact, after watching this year’s Olympic Games and seeing Nova’s terrifying air-breaking cannon, the general scene did not scare them.

It’s just different from breaking the empty Nova’s all-round cannon, raising the whole field.

A simple knife like Gulengast Zero has the same destructive power as Nova. The gap in the estimated value has caused a great impact.

This is where people are shocked.

In the stunned expressions of everyone, the BGM gradually stopped, and Miao Guyun gradually dissipated.

Under the control of Zenga, Gulengast Zero looked up to the sky.

“Looks like it’s over.”

As Zeng Jia’s words sounded, everyone gradually returned to their souls.

“Wow, what is that? How did you do it? The power of a small nuclear explosion? Is this really Gurungast Zero? No, it should be said, Gurungast Zero, really Is it possible to do that?”

Toby, who was in the Star of Glory team who retreated to the rear, made a lot of complaints, venting all the shock in his heart.

Also in the Glory Star team, the leader Denzel, who has always been very calm, also showed his eyes.

“Is this the power of the BGM field?”

“When the whole world has not figured out how to activate the BGM field of the black box body, the Lin Institute can easily activate the BGM field of the black box body.”

“Sure enough, we were right.”

Denzel’s words caused Setsuko Ohara to nod again and again.

“Yeah, Mr. Zeng Jia, who has been unable to activate the BGM field before, was able to successfully activate the BGM field in such a short period of time.”

“Director Lin Youde is really amazing.”

Listening to the praise of the Star of Glory team, everyone in the Lin Institute said with honor.

“That is, in the field of BGM research, our director dares to say second, and no one dares to say first.”

Li Te’s proud words made Gu Lincai answer with a smile.

“Indeed, after all, this magical thing was originally discovered by the director. In the research process, it is not on the same level as researchers in other places.”

Laidis also smiled and said, “With the mediocre abilities of those in other places, if you want to improve the research progress to the current level of morality, I am afraid that it will not be possible in 3 or 4 years?”

“No, comparing them to Youde is an insult to Youde. I’m the one who made a blunder.”

Ladisi’s words caused everyone to nod their heads in agreement.

The guards stationed at Risheng University of Science and Technology, who were watching not far away, also responded with a smile when they heard this.

“Junior Laidis is right. A genius like Junior Brother Youde is not comparable to mediocrity.”

“It’s great, I’m really envious that the younger brother Laidis has obtained the exclusive black box body. I also want to go to the younger brother Youde…”

“Don’t make trouble, it’s still far from your level.”

Listening to the discussions of the senior guards stationed in the school, Ladis laughed.

“If the seniors are coming, I think Youde will be very welcome. After all, we are still part of Risheng University of Science and Technology, and we haven’t graduated yet.”

The seniors laughed.

“Hahaha, that’s what I said.”

“If you don’t mention it, I forgot that you haven’t graduated yet.”

“Genius, it’s just different…”

While everyone is having a good time, tasting the famous wine called Victory. In this scene, there are two people who are not happy at all.

One is Lamia and the other is Veretta.

Sitting in the cockpit of Mengqin No. 2, Veretta looked at the broken field that Gurungast Zero stabbed out, and a huge wave was set off in her heart.

‘This…is this the power of the BGM field? ’

‘According to the data, even if the original Gurungast Zero had runaway the engine to the limit and blew itself up, I’m afraid it would not be able to cause such destructive power. ’

‘But after the BGM field was launched, it was just a knife, and it was so powerful…’

‘I can’t imagine what kind of combat power there will be when the BGM field is fully activated and let the Zero fight to the death. ’

rice ball reading

‘The power of the BGM field is simply terrifying. ’

‘This is a force far beyond common sense. ’

‘How did you research such a terrifying power? Lin Youde…’

With the same idea, there is Lamia sitting in the bow angel’s cockpit.

Due to the height, Lamia was able to see more clearly the terrifying cracks that had been slashed by the Zero-style knife. The length of several kilometers made Lamia feel shocked.

‘This…is it really what Gurungast-Zero can do? ’

‘This sword alone already has a combat power comparable to the “Guardian” level? ’

Lamia lowered her head and stared at Gurungast Zero on the ground, or Zenga in her cockpit.

‘Zeng Jia, obviously in the future world he is just an excellent martial artist-type ace pilot. ’

‘But here, with the BGM field, it’s possible to do that. ’

Comparing the data in his mind, Lamia’s expression gradually became serious.

‘I’m afraid even the “Earth God” who has the combat power of “Guardian” level is very reluctant to do that sword just now. ’

‘In other words, the Gurungast Zero-style that activated the BGM field has a combat power comparable to that of a Patronus? ’

‘This is so ridiculous. You must know that during this time period, the unified Patronus-level combat power should only be the four sacred beasts that activated the Four Elephants Great Array, and the Yinglonghuang who surpassed the conventional Patronus level. ’

‘But now, Type Zero is…’

With boundless doubts and incomprehensions, Lamia looked up at the sky.

‘With such a terrifying power, why is there not in the future world. This past world, but there will be? ’

‘What happened to this world? ’

‘Lord Raymond, in this world, can we really complete the task and change the future? ’

‘Or, is it necessary for us now, in this world, to perform tasks? ’

Lamia looked at the sky, confused…

On the friendly channel, Lux finally returned to her senses and patted her face and commanded the crowd.

“The battle is over, everyone will return to the research institute for maintenance.”

“All pilots can return to the lounge in the hangar for a temporary rest.”

“Good job everyone!”+Bookmark+

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