Immortal Taoist

Chapter 20: Footsteps

The fog was still lingering in the air which means that the array was not destroyed.

Looking around the whole array formation, she heaved a sigh of relief after finding out that all of the array were in the right places.

she calmed down as she began to think, putting her hand under her chin, she immediately ruled out the possibility of it being an outer sect disciple.

they wouldn’t come here to dangerous places and since the footprints disappeared after just a few meters from the cave she knew that the culprit had to be able to use a flying sword, and only Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators and above can do that.

She thought ‘since the array is in place, no one above the soul woundering real was here, but I can’t rule out the possibility of them just not breaking the array’

She hoped that she was just overthinking things because she hates trouble, going inside the cave she had on a cautious face as she walked under the luminous stones.

Arriving at end of the cave, she looked towards the pool which was giving off a large amount of qi, it was the same as last before with no abnormalities.

After coming closer and she confirmed that nothing was different about the pool.

Only then was her mind was at ease, she sat down next to the pool and closed her eyes.

Looking inside her dantian which was filled with qi she began to focus on a a large amount of qi in her dantian to gather them together, condensing them them together she saw them turn into a droplets of water.

The drops of water were not water but in fact just pure qi and only when she turns her entire sea of qi into liquid would she have brokenthrough.

She had just used one tenth of her qi to forge those small droplets of liquid qi so her qi lowered a bit, circulating her qi inside her body she began gathering qi from the surroundings outside to refill her sea of qi.

The aura around the pool chunked as the qi converged towards Meng Lin, and two minutes later her dantian was filled with qi again.

Stopping her qi circulation she began to once again turn her qi into liquid.

This time using all of her qi from her dantian she condensed them into drops of liquid qi that joined the first group of liquid qi to get even bigger.

Ten minutes later and her dantian was empty of qi but she had made a little progress, floating above her empty sea of qi was a small sphere of liquid qi that was gathered from her normal qi.

Opening her eyes Meng Lin felt drained as she began to stand up, walking towards the pool in the cave she stopped right before it.

Taking her robe off she jumped into the pool with only her inner garment, she noticed a difference this time in the ‘water’. her body was moving freely without out even being strengthened by her qi, she naturally assumed this was because of the bone strengthing pills that she took before.

Sinking to the bottom of the pool she closed her eyes and began absorbing qi again, taking no more than 30 minutes her dantian became filled again.

She gathered all of the qi inside of her dantian again to form drops of liquid qi that joined the others.

5 minutes later, after all of her qi bad turned into liquid qi she continued her cycle of absorbing qi in the ‘water’ to fill up her dantian and than condensing all that qi together to form liquid qi.

**Levitation sect**

Deep Underground under the sect master’s palace was a room decorated to the outmost extent with all sorts of stylish stuffs.

At the center of the room was an old man sitting down meditating, behind the old man was a cracked floating sphere pulsating with power.

The old man was meditating silently with no fluctuation in the qi surrounding him, it was as if he was not cultivating at all.

Opening his eyes he looked towards the door to the room, waving his hand the door opened to reveal a shadow bowing down at the door.

“How did it go Shu, do you have it” the old man asked.

“Yes grandmaster, the last item has been collected” the shadow not looking up answered as he took out a storage bag before tossing it to the old man.

Catching the storage bag the old man looked through it’s content before saying.

“perfect, little Han was just asking about it” the old man smiled a little as with this the formation would be complete, looking towards the shadow, he noticed that the shadow wasn’t retreating so he asked.

“Do you have anything else to report”

“Yes, I have confirmed that Lu Qin will be arriving at the sect competition”

“Lu Qin huh, okay you are dismissed” the old man looked thoughtful as he repeats the name.

The shadow by the door became consumed with darkness before disappearing instantly.

Waving his hand the old man closed the door and got back to mediating silently, his thoughts a mystery.

**6 hours later**
**Westmount Valley**

Inside the pool at the end of the cave, Meng Lin opened her eyes, she moved her body with ease as she propelled herself towards the top of the pool, jumping out of the pool she landed on the ground.

Remembering something she called out.


[Meng Lin]

[special physique: Brute Qi physique]

[Qi Gathering Realm 9 Stage]

[Experience points: 100%/10%]

System coin:280

Taoist Gacha wheel: unavailable

[Spiritual root]


[Mutated spirit root]
Comprehension 9%
Comprehension 9%

[Cultivation methods: Basic Qi Gathering] [Focused Qi control [Waterfall slash] [Refine Yin Qi] [Surge]


‘Oh’ looking at her experience points she noticed that it had changed from it’s regular numbers to percentages.

And judging from how it’s ten out of a hundred she assumed it’s corresponding to the amount of liquid qi in her dantian.

If she kept it up than in about a week she would have brokenthrough to the next realm.

Her thoughts went back to why she called out the system, she had just remembered her mutated Elemental Qi and since she had system coins, she could buy more Formless Water Talismen to see if she could increase their percentage.

But that would be for the future as her top priority right now was to break through. Drying herself of the water she put her robe back on before heading out of the cave.

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