Immortal Taoist

Chapter 25: Sneak Attack

Jumping to the side Meng Lin heard a loud explosion coming from where she was originally standing.

Looking at the spot, she saw a glowing arrow stuck to the ground, it tore a small chunk of the ground and looked unmovable, turning her head back towards the cave she looked up.

Up 30 meters up on the small mountain that the cave was situated at was a cliff, the arrow had been fired from that cliff.

6 individuals were standing on the cliff looking down upon her, they were all dressed in a long black robe that covered their faces.

All of them were giving off the aura of a foundation establishment stage cultivator and it seems like all six of them were cultivators at the beginning stages.

One by one they all raised their hands from their robe revealing a bow, and not uttering a single word they gathered qi into their hand before firing an arrow towards her.

Meng Lin was given a shock as the arrows arrived infront of her almost instantaneously, giving her no room to dodge.


The arrows had traveled faster than the one before so the ground cracked more under their impact and debris and dust was scattered around the area.

When the dust settled Meng Lin was revealed under the smoke and dust to be completely unscathed.

She was in the middle of small hole and covering her left arm was her brute qi, the arrows were nowhere to be seen.

She grimaced in pain, the arrows were stronger than she had expected, she had thought that a single arm was all that she needed but it appears that she had underestimated the enemy.

Her arm was almost paralyzed from the impact just now, she would have to be careful of those arrows from now on.

Looking up at the attackers she dashed towards them with her newfound speed while taking out a sword emitting very little qi.

The robed figures seeing their attack successfully blocked didn’t show any responses and gathered more qi into their arrows.

They fired once more at Meng Lin who in response started sprinting in a zigzag pattern dodging all of their arrows.







The surrounding ground was getting ravaged worse and worse with each explosion from their arrows and Meng Lin was making use of the debris and smoke to get closer without sustaining any damage.

She looked at them with thoughts running through her head, she was getting closer to them and yet they didn’t seem responsive as they fired rapid arrows towards her, one of which almost hitting her.

She arrived a few meters away from the cliff before throwing her sword high up on the cliff wall, gathering brute qi into her legs she jumped as high as she could.

Her body elevated from the force of the jump and she found herself high up in the air, she had jumped 20 meters in the air before gravity started to work on her again.

The cliff had been too high for her to jump on but she was not surprised by that as her aim was not the cliff but the sword that she had thrown before.

Using it as a springboard she jumped further up the cliff to see the six robed attackers.

Two of them were already far in the back gathering a large amount of qi into their bows, she had determined them to be a little dangerous so she gathered brute qi in her hand, ready for any surprise attack.

The four robed figures in the front had swords in their hand and were waiting for her arrival, their swords glowed red and they attacked at the same time.

Their moves were simultaneous, making her feel more uncomfortable, four cross shaped crescent slashes came headed her way.


As she landed on the ground she waved her hand and her brute qi surged outward, it covered a wide area and clashed against their red crescent slashs.


The slashes were powerful yet the brute qi easily tore through the combined attacks and landed on the four robed figures, they were sent flying further back where two massive arrows came hurtling her way.

Meng Lin couldn’t possibly block them otherwise she would be blown back down the cliff so with limited options she choose to jump high into the air bearly dodging the arrows.

While in the air she took out an axe before looking towards the enemy, the four robed sword wielders had been blown back into the two archers causing them to fall to the ground, the blast had ripped their robes finally revealing their faces.

And yet they didn’t seem all that bothered about it, like it didn’t matter. They went back to grabbing their swords and bows before getting up again.

Meng Lin looking carefully at their facial features before finally understanding her circumstance.

As she landed on the ground she held her stance before raising the axe in the air.

Brute qi gathered in it as she swang down with great power shattering the stones on the ground and sending a suffocating qi force towards them.


A few seconds later the explosion cleared to reveal a hugh slash across the ground, Meng Lin raised an eyebrow as the slash seems to have something else in it.

Looking down at her axe she was suprised to see only a single crack on it, she had expected to only see the handle, it seems that it wasn’t a medium grade item for nothing.

Looking at the result of her attack she could only see the small pieces of wood left of her enemies, holding her axe over her head she let out an expression of satisfaction as she walked up to check up on them.

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