Immortal Taoist

Chapter 30: Confrontation

Across a sandy desert, footprints were scattered across the field, boulders filled half of the desert and there was little to no vegetation in the sand.

Near the center of the desert, standing on a tall boulder was a man in all red with red eyes, surrounding him were 4 peoples that all looked to be looking at something.

Across from them, imbedded inside a small boulder was a glowing white sphere that seemed to be releasing endless Qi.

“That must be it” said the man in red, taking out a talisman from his storage bag, he crushed it signaling for the others to come together.

“Do we really have to work with those wimps just to clear this stage” said a soft voice.

Sitting down next to the man while swinging her legs, a young girl wearing a pink robe said as she looked towards the man in red.

“We will have to, working together is the point of this stage” the man said as he looked on into the distance.

Hearing him, the girl knew that she couldn’t refute him, she looked down with an amused expression while thinking about something.

“What’s taking them so long Dong Yi” Suddenly a deep voice called out from between them.

A tall man with broad shoulders and an intimidating aura around his body was standing next to the two, overshadowing them, he was standing at almost two meters tall with a giant axe laying on his side that.

Hearing him, the man in red looked at a certain direction as he noticed someone coming through his spiritual consciousness before replying.

“why are you always in a rush, Wu Pan, this desert is wide, it’s not surprising that it would take some time for them”

“For them huh, you talk as if you can go across this whole desert in seconds”

Said a young man in a red and black robe, he was sitting down with his eyes closed and legs crossed together with a youthful look on him.

“It seems that you still haven’t understood the difference between the Gold Core Realm and the Soul Wondering Realm Tao Tao” said the man in red.

“don’t be so smug Dong Yi, In a few days I’ll be breaking through then it wouldn’t be just you and Yue that are in that Realm”

The young man said with an annoyed expression before he stood up and suddenly noticed something through his spiritual consciousness.

The tall man also looked towards a towards a certain direction before saying.


the girl in pink also got up from her seated position while saying “We had them group up together for the search just in case there were spirit beast, but it doesn’t seem like that was necessary”

A few dozen meters in the distance was a group of 20 Raging Flame Sect diciples were running towards them with panicked expressions.

“Hmm” the man in red looked towards them before suddenly feeling something moving fast through his spiritual consciousness towards them.

“Yue’re, protect the base” the man said before suddenly lunching himself towards the group of 20 diciples that were running towards them.


The young man and the tall man both said together as they looked at the man in red who left behind a big hole on the boulder causing it to start collapsing.

Moving across the whole field in one leap, the man in red arrived before the group before suddenly waving his hand and conjuring up a barrier around them.


A huge explosion was suddenly heard as something huge impacted the barrier that was put up.

The diciples in the barrier looked terribly frightened as though they had been just seen their life flash before their eyes.

The man in red, Dong Yi landed on the ground before he looked behind the diciples, standing not too far from them was a man wearing a black robe with a slight smirk on his face.

Strong qi was being released from him, making it clear that he was a Soul Wondering Realm cultivator.

“It’s him” Dong Yi said as he recalled back to when they were at the stage, he remembered this person along with another man.

They both were the only Soul Wondering Realm diciples of the Levitation Sect so he made sure to keep an eye out for them.

Spreading his spiritual consciousness as far as possible, Dong Yi tried to figure out if this was a possible set up but he couldn’t feel anything from his spiritual consciousness.

‘Why is he here, are there more of them, he couldn’t have come here without any support right’

“You don’t have to worry about the others, they’re not here, it’s just me” Weng Feng looked towards Dong Yi with a grin, as he had said, there was no one else besides him.

‘Is he confident that he can take us all on’ Dong Yi thought as he began walking towards Weng Feng, qi gathered around both his arms before forming an armor made of fire around his arm.

Gathering his spiritual consciousness he sent a small message into the ears of the raging flame diciples.

“get out of here, the others are at that location, make sure you guard it well”

Leaping at Weng Feng, Dong Yi gathered qi into his hand before he clapped together with his hands towards Weng Feng.


A wave of fire was released from the clap that headed towards Weng Feng, the color of the air turned red as the heat being produced became apparent.

The fire was extremely hot and would be able to melt anyone in the Gold Core Realm had they been the target of the clap but Weng Feng was not faced as he too covered his hands with flaming armor before pointing a finger towards Dong Yi.

A beam of light was shot out from his fingertip towards the fire, the beam was fast approaching and left a white line in the air as it plunged into the flames.


The beam of light and the flame collided to create a massive wave of flames that dissipated just as suddenly as it had appeared.


Seeing that the opponent was able to counter his attack so readily Dong Yi started gathering more qi across his body, the Qi, mostly fire Qi went out of his body to cover him in thick layers of Qi that started to resemble armor.

Weng Feng looked at the process and also started gathering qi around his body, before he too became fully covered in a red armor from head to toe.

Feeling surging waves of strength in the armor, Weng Feng clenched his fist before gathering fire qi into his fist.

He punched the air towards Dong Yi and released a small shockwave across the field before lunging himself towards Dong Yi.


Black fiery smoke filled the surrounding air with small clusters of flames falling on the sand, a figure jumped out of the smoke landing a few meters away.


Weng Feng Looked at his left arm that had it’s armor peeled off, his hand was bleeding and a sharp cut had formed across his wrist to his forearm.

‘It seems that i still need practice’ Weng Feng thought as from the corner of his eyes he could see the thick layer of black smoke settling down around the area.

Walking from it was an armored Dong Yi who looked unscathed, he walked with heavy steps and flaming eyes, intending on finishing this battle fast.

Weng Feng, understanding the severity of the situation took out a long spear from his storage bag before pointing it towards Dong Yi.

Gathering Qi into the spear he loudly called out.

“Blazing Spear”

Flames covered his spear, with the spearhead beginning to rotate like a drill while sending out blazing waves of heat in the surroundings.

Bringing his right leg behind him, he sprinted through the field leaving behind a small crater in the sand.

He arrived infront of Dong Yi and thrusted his spear with a large force that left behind a small trail of fire in the air as it collided with it’s target.


A large explosion was made in the sand to reveal Weng Feng standing in a big crater, the crater was filled with flames that made the whole place feel like a furnace.

The sand looked unnatural under the fiery atmosphere as the flames sizzled with noise.

Weng Feng having used one of his most destructive attacks was halfspent and retreated his armor around his body to conserve energy.

He thought back to a moment ago before spreading his spiritual consciousness.

“Wha” Weng Feng said in surprise as he looked ahead in a certain direction.



The sound of heavy footsteps was heard as a man in a red robe was revealed a few meters away from the crater.

“You” Weng Feng said as he thought back to how his attack was received, he was not shocked that his opponent was alive more-so that he was unscathed, he had been using a technique and yet it was intercepted without any techniques involved.

“Ha, your strength is impressive, I was planning on not moving an inch and yet I was force back” Dong Yi said as he walked up while flinging his arms.

At the last second he had discarded his armor around his body before focusing it onto his arms to counteract the spear technique, after doing so his arms felt really sore.

Weng Feng clenched his teeth at the thought, he had used his strongest technique along with a medium rank weapon and yet the result was not what he had expected.

“Is that it”

“Huh” Weng Feng was brought back from his thoughts as he looked towards Dong Yi.

“Is that it” Dong Yi asked once again as he looked at Weng Feng, if this was all then Dong Yi was confused as to how he could come here with such confidence.

“It seems I need to rephrase myself”

“Brilliance Crystal”

Dong Yi said as he raised his right arm, gathering a large amount of qi into his hand, he formed a large spike that released dangerous energy as it hovered in-between the two.

“Since you actually tried to kill my fellow sect diciples you can be our test as to what happens when you die here” Dong Yi said with a cold expression as he waved his hand.

The hovering spike was suddenly filled with a blinding light as in the next instant it disappeared.

“Argh” Weng Feng felt an overwhelming fear and suddenly screamed, his body was being engulfed with a foreign energy and he felt his very soul burning.

“You probably wouldn’t feel true fear if I just destroy your body, but seeing as you have a more compact soul, this will do” Dong Yi said as he looked towards the screaming Weng Feng, who was scrambling across the sandy desert as his scream echoed through the sky.


His screamed and screamed until he felt his very being collapse before his will began sinking into unconsciousness.

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