Immortal Voices

Chapter 192 - Artifact

The token flew above the void, and after making a circle around the golden dragon, the sound of ‘嘭’ exploded into shatters.

“Meet my lord,” Qu Lang exclaimed, shouting directly on one knee.

Seeing Qu Lang’s gesture, the other magicians realized that his face had changed greatly, and followed him.

The monks shouted in unison: “Meet your lord.”

The dark clouds on the sky dispersed, and the four black crows stepped down into the clouds and bowed their heads respectfully: “Meet your lord.”

What is prestige and what is prestigious name, monk Zhengdao can be seen today.

Those fierce and terrible demon repairs behaved like domestic cats at this time, their heads dared not raise.

“How do you call it an adult? You do n’t respect the Lord?” The elder realized that he had a dry voice when he finished speaking.

The three elders said, “It’s definitely not the heart to honor the Lord, the breath is wrong. We and the heart are also old rivals, she is not as capable as this‘ adult ’.”

“Grandpa heard of this person?” Suzuran asked curiously.

The elder shook his head: “I have never heard of it, nor is he protected by a certain Venerable Lord.”

The three elders thought about it and said, “It seems that Fanchen has never heard of such people.”

Wu Wenning chuckled and said in a sarcastic tone, “It seems that your holy mountain is just the same. Come out and don’t know anyone, and come out again.

The elders and the three elders blushed, and they also felt that this was a little weird.

Haotian Xianzong took control of the monks in the world, and he missed Zhongguang can be said to be hiding himself, but anyway, they also exist in their sight.

But the adult in the magical mouth is different, they have never heard of it from beginning to end.

With Haotian Xianzong’s emphasis on demon repair, this is obviously unusual.

Above the void, Jinlong spoke, his voice could not be heard by men and women.

The sound was not loud, but it penetrated the whole world: “Get up.”

The monks stood up uniformly, more orderly than trained soldiers.

Jinlong swayed his tail gently, and the scorching wind that drove the three trees embraced down ten miles away. It was swimming in the sky as if the fish were in the water.

After Jinlong swam around Chongguang, Senran asked, “Do you want an artifact?”

After waiting for Qingbo to speak, it seemed to be irritated and growled, twisted in shape, and left for the light.

“Master …” Anyang didn’t know why Jin Long targeted his master, but he didn’t want the master to be in trouble.

He flew forward and rushed forward, but was beaten by the golden light emitted by Jinlong.

“Brother.” Lu Yuan rushed over to help people up.

They found out that Jinlong hadn’t changed the light, but the majestic wind brought by it’s body flew into the sky, blowing the light ten miles away, and dispersing the gloomy clouds.

A little bit of golden light was sprinkled on the dragon scales, and the light seemed to pass through a noble air, making it more dazzling and more domineering and noble.

“You have been looking for news of artifacts.” Jin Long’s majestic voice was very affirmative.

Except for the majesty, the twinkling lights in those huge dragons are cold, so that everyone who is being stared at will be shivering.

“One thousand and six hundred years ago, someone wanted to get an artifact that destroyed the family of the Lord, and it took the Lord six hundred years to eradicate the enemy.” Jin Long swung the dragon’s body and his voice became angry.

“One thousand and six hundred years later, those fish that had leaked the net were still looking for artifacts. They were also killed by this seat three years ago. Now, Chongguang, who gave you the courage to make you dare to fight the artifact?” Jinlong roared, and the sky’s anger shook the world.

Artifact? !!

Everyone was upset and did not expect that the legendary artifact actually existed, and the **** slaughter three years ago turned out to be more than just a wave of magic repair, but for another purpose.

Ling Jun never believed: “This is impossible, how could the family be, or be, the missing fish in that population.”

Although he said unbelief in his mouth, he was faintly aware that this was the truth that had destroyed his home.

It was clear to everyone in the family that for a thousand years, the family suffered a devastating blow, and only the ancestor survived.

Now that I want to come, that calamity comes from restoring the Lord.

The destruction of the family is that people are taking revenge. Whom should he go to for his revenge or not?

“Jun Cong …” Yan Fei cried worriedly.

“Mayfair.” Ling Jun begged from interrupting her, “let me be quiet, let me be quiet.”

He seemed somewhat unacceptable to the truth, and hurried away towards the distance.

“Jun Cong.” Yan Fei shouted, wrapped his whip around his waist, and flew to chase after him.

Several people in Shenjiu Liu’s face also thought deeply. They all knew that three years ago, Mo Xiu took advantage of the sight of the sword emperor’s blood to kill countless people. I did not expect that there were such secrets.

Not far away, the three elders Leng Buding said: “It seems that the Lord of Hearts is really falling, otherwise it should have appeared at this time. Now we need to figure out who this ‘Golden Dragon’ is and how we can appear as soon as we appear. Take control of all the magic, and the power is on par with that of the Lord. “

The elder nodded cautiously and said, “Yeah, it was possible to stir the situation three years ago, but Xianzong didn’t know anything about it. This is very dangerous.”

“Cousin, why don’t you speak?” Wu Wenning felt the ups and downs of the people around him and asked in confusion.

She carefully recalled what the two elders said, it seemed nothing special, how cousin’s mood fluctuated so much.

Qi Zhen glanced deeply at Jin Long and subconsciously concealed: “I was just thinking about how that person has anything to do with respecting the Lord.”

In his mind, he had already guessed who the so-called ‘Golden Dragon’ was, whether it was the black gold serpent that began to appear, or the grandeur of fortune, whether it was the death of Qingbo or the exposure of heavy light, all clues pointed to that People-Rong Xian.

He said why the snake was so familiar, he saw it when he met Rong Xian a few days ago.

And the lucky golden dragon is a hermit of Rong Xian’s consciousness.

She is revenge for the Yu clan. She and Moxiu are together!

The emotions in Wu Zhen’s heart were extremely complicated, and he didn’t know how to treat this girl who was likely to become his child.

When she first met, she was kind and beautiful, gentle and pure. At that time, he thought that such a person would definitely not survive the tricky calculations of Zhong Qianjie, and she was out of touch with that world.

Now he has found another side of her, cunning and changeable, and the city is extremely deep. If such a person is in the world of conspiracy and calculation, he will be like a fish.

This is like a child of the uncle’s family, and the natural disguise is carved into the bone.

Tong Zhen’s eyes, similar to those of Rong Xian, flickered a few times, crossing a trace of pleasant smile.

Wu Wenning felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t say anything, so he could only swallow up the doubts.

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