Immortality Cultivation: I Can increase My Stats Using Clansmen’s Qi-Blood

Chapter 14 - 14 Entry to Fengying Step, Decreased Total Qi and Blood?_1

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Entry to Fengying Step, Decreased Total Qi and Blood?_1

“Within Qingshi Town, the coexistence of the four major families has been maintained for over three hundred years.”

“If the Luo Family were suddenly annihilated by the Zhao Family, the balance within Qingshi Town…”

“I’m afraid it would trigger some unforeseeable changes!”

Underneath the Stone Pavilion, Hu Da spoke in a low voice.

“So what you mean is, Father…” Hu Min suddenly stopped what he was doing.

He looked up and silently gazed at his father, Hu Da.

“What I mean is, if…”

“What I’m saying here is an if… if our Hu Family were to lend the Luo Family a hand at this critical juncture,”

“Engaging in a strategic marriage between our families, what do you think?”

“A marriage alliance?” On hearing this, Hu Min couldn’t help but lower his gaze slightly, his face revealing a contemplative expression.

“If I remember correctly, the Current Patriarch of the Luo Family, Luo Ping, besides having a son, Luo Chuan, seems to have an unwed daughter in her prime…”

As Hu Da chuckled, he looked at his son before him and whispered.

“Father, are you suggesting that I marry the daughter of the Luo Family Patriarch?” Hu Min seemed somewhat surprised.

“What, is that not acceptable?”

“It’s not that it isn’t, it’s just that I’ve heard the daughter of the Luo Family Patriarch is rather frail and sickly, suffering from a cold that affects her whole body every night.”

“Especially on full moon nights, bizarre screams are often heard coming from the Luo Family Patriarch’s daughter’s room.”

“Father, if I do marry the daughter of the Luo Family Patriarch, I fear she might not survive three to five months before meeting a tragic death on the Hu Family Ancestral Land.”

“Such an ominous affair…”

“Enough!” Hu Da waved his hand, stopping Hu Min from continuing. With an air of unmistakable authority, he decreed, “This matter is settled!”

“Min, remember that the family’s interests are above everything else.”

“Moreover, marrying the Luo Family Patriarch’s daughter doesn’t mean you can’t continue to take concubines.”

“In three days, you will accompany me to propose to the Luo Family.”

After finishing his statement, Hu Da, the current Family Head of the Hu Family, stood up straight away.

Disregarding the unfinished chess game, he silently walked into the distance.

“Family interests, above everything else?” Underneath the Stone Pavilion, Hu Min watched his father’s receding figure.

He let out a slight sigh.

With a somewhat helpless shake of his head.

Although he was somewhat reluctant to agree to this marriage,

What his father had just said was indeed true.

In front of family interests, some small sacrifices were inevitable.

Time passed, and before long, three days had gone by.

Qingshi Town, the Luo Family Clan land.

In the courtyard where the Ancestor of the Luo Family resided.

At that moment, Luo Changfeng was sitting quietly under a pavilion made of qingstone.

In his hands, he held… no, more accurately,

It should be called half a Cultivation Technique Manual, which he was carefully examining.

Until, after maintaining such a state for about half an hour,

Luo Changfeng placed the half of the Cultivation Technique that was in his hands slowly on a qingstone table.

“This ‘Feng Ying Step’ is indeed quite complex.”

“Judging from the content on the Cultivation Technique, it seems unlikely to master the Feng Ying Step without three to five years of practice.”

“However, if one only seeks to get a grasp of the basics…”

“That shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Thinking this to himself, Luo Changfeng then stood up and moved to an open space.

He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

Striving to control the speed and rhythm of the blood flow in his body,

he gradually channeled his blood into specific points in his legs.

Suddenly, he stepped forward.

However, it was just this one step

that somewhat shocked him.

With each step he took, a whistling breeze swirled around his feet.

The speed seemed to be three times faster than usual.

“Is this the Feng Ying Step that can be rated as a top-notch commoner technique with only half the manual?”

“Indeed, there’s something extraordinary about it.”

After experiencing the marvel of the Feng Ying Step,

Luo Changfeng delighted in practicing it in an open courtyard.

Until, he gradually became familiar with the Feng Ying Step.

His proficiency slowly reached a beginner’s level,

He then slowly came to a stop.

He opened his attribute panel.

[Name: Luo Changfeng!]

[Lifespan: 4 days+]

[Cultivation Level: Bone Refinement Late Stage+ (90/300)]

[Qi-Blood: 1330 (-83) (ps: Safe usable Qi-Blood is 50 points!)]

[Cultivation Technique: Top-Notch Commoner Technique · Fierce Tiger Strength (Comprehension: 30%+), Top-Notch Commoner Technique · Feng Ying Step (Comprehension: 1%+) (Incomplete)]

These were his latest attributes for today.

As time had passed three days, his remaining lifespan was now four days; there was no problem there.

The experience value behind his cultivation level was at 90 points, which was also fine.

Although, due to Qi-Blood depletion and various other reasons over these three days, he had lost 10 points.

But that made sense.

However, this number behind the Qi-Blood… was something not quite right?

If his memory served him correctly, shouldn’t the number after Qi-Blood be 1350?

Even yesterday, it appeared to still be 1350 points of Qi-Blood.

Why did it suddenly drop by 20 points today?

Could it be that within the Luo Family Ancestral Land, someone’s life was drawing to a close, passing away in peace?

Or was there an unexpected demise?

Many thoughts flashed through Luo Changfeng’s mind.

However, he couldn’t come up with an accurate answer.

Out of helplessness, he could only have someone call over Luo Ping, the Current Patriarch of the Luo Family, to ask.

“Patriarch Changfeng, you were looking for me?”

Outside a Stone Pavilion in the courtyard, filled with a simple and ancient aura,

Luo Ping, dressed in a light green robe, quietly glanced over.

He saw Luo Changfeng’s gradually pale face and the life force in his eyes that was increasingly mixed with a hint of death.

His mood suddenly grew much heavier.

The Luo Family was currently in turmoil.

Due to his third brother, Luo Yong, forcibly seizing that top-grade Qingshi ore vein…

The Luo Family had recently been under close watch by the Zhao Family.

If at this time, something truly happened to their Patriarch Changfeng,

the situation of the Luo Family would become very, very dire in an instant.

“What has happened within the Luo Family Ancestral Land recently?”

As the atmosphere between the two grew increasingly solemn,

Luo Changfeng was the first to break the silence.

He inquired in a low voice to the Luo Ping in front of him.

“Ah? Ancestor, weren’t you dictating your last will?”

Upon hearing Luo Changfeng’s words, Luo Ping suddenly lifted his head, his face full of surprise.

“What did you just say?” Luo Changfeng’s eyebrows involuntarily furrowed slightly.

“Nothing, nothing…” Luo Ping hurriedly shook his head,

Then proceeded to answer the questions posed by Luo Changfeng.

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