Immortality in DxD

Chapter 14: Momentous Event

Why do you think Yasaka-sama has called us?”

A thinned skinned kappa asked to his fellow councilman, only to receive an undignified shrug in return. Their leader had been acting strange these last couple of days, not only had she fled out of a rather important meet and disappeared only to pop up hours later with some unknown human. Strange, maybe it was just some diplomat or something.

But ever since she returned, the blonde was a lot more chipper and like a huge weight had been lifted off her back. Frankly, it reminded the more elderly Yokai of how the kitsune use to act all those years ago.

Her eyes no longer held that barely contained yawn or detachment as everything they worked so hard for was snatched away. Now those golden orbs seem to taunt the world these days, like she had some secret that they would die to know.

Previously still tails now waved gently as though through a light breeze, ears now fully perked up. And from what they heard from their informants, a lot more cheery even at home.

It was weird, a distinct change from that usual calculating woman.

“I don’t know.”

A simply giant oni grumbled, looking ridiculous as he tried to sip at the provided tea.

“Could it have something to do with that human?”

The be-speckled tengu guessed.

Maybe he’s a new mate?”

The lightning clad lupine chirped while manipulating a small tea up to their lips.

Impossible.” The yuki-onna yawned into her billowing sleeve,” Yasaka-sama hasn’t been with anyone since Kunou-sama was born.”

As the other council members bickered, a short old man with an elongated head sat off to side silently brooding. A cane held tightly between thin fingers.

Nurarihyon while weaker than every other yokai in that room, had a different strength. Information gathering. It wasn’t hard for him connect the dots and find out that this human was the primary cause of Yasaka’s sudden change. At first, he thought some witchcraft was afoot and that the woman had been charmed somehow. Color him surprised when he was told that this human was the very person who taught their leader Senjutsu.

With that in mind, he had scoured through multiple libraries for any accounts for this ‘Yamato Iori’. What he found wasn’t anything good to say the least but it was simply impossible. The man had died centuries ago and now some random came waltzing into Kyoto claiming to be him? No, while he didn’t agree with everything Yasaka had done in the past he wouldn’t allow someone else take advantage of them so he had prepared for such a day as today.

A series of gentle wooden steps clicking against the ground caught their attention and before them, a servant reverently opened the paper door open. To reveal a curvaceous woman whose assets seem to naturally almost spill out of her yellow kimono.

Long, golden hair flowed down her sinful body that seem to slightly jiggle with every measured step. Equally golden ears twitched along side those glimmering mischievous eyes that took in the bickering yokai before a small, fox like smirk spread across her face.

As the leader of the Yokai Faction took her seat at the head of the table, the council members stood in unison.


They spoke in unison, some barking, some in a sing song voice and some who sounded more akin to squawking but it got the message across.

“Good-morning everyone.” She smiled brightly,” Please take your seats.”

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” The kitsune continued as they took their preferable seat,” But I am here to set aside rumors and make an announcement.”

“I’m sure you all have question pertaining to a human having access to our inner most sanctuary. Everything will be explained.”

With a wave of her hand, a servant opened the same paper door and an average looking man came stepping out. And honestly, if Nurarihyon had been honest, he was probably the most average looking human that could be. Not standing too tall or short, too fat or muscular. Frankly, if he would’ve blended in perfectly well in a crowd. The only thing that really added any sense of difference would be his shimmer blue orbs called eyes, that seem to shift in shade.

The man wore an equally plain white kimono with not even a single symbol to denominate what force he represented. His foots steps were quiet and assured. Acting nothing like a human should when stepping into a room full of monsters that use to snack on his kind.

None of the council members really held any stock in the man whatsoever, once you’ve seen 1 human you’ve seen them all. Only that short, old man seemed more on edge than before. Especially when those shimmering eyes flickered in his direction for a split moment before sliding off him. Sweat pooled on his exposed head and he further gripped his cane tighter.

Let me properly introduce my guest,” Yasaka waved for a chair to be brought up,” This here is my Senjutsu master, Grandmaster Yamato Iori. He has oh so graciously agreed to lending us his backing in our time of need.”

The man in question gave a small, bland smile but didn’t add to the introduction.

“He” The ogre asked in confusion, looking back and forth between the young looking man to the obviously hundreds of years old fox.

“Yes, Councilman Marui.”

The kitsune nodded simply.

“But…” The pale yuki-onna asked,” Not to question you Yasaka-sama, but how is that possible? Sure practicing Senjutsu can slow down aging and increase lifespans but there’s a clear limit for humans.”

“That is true for modern Senjutsu,” Yasaka agreed readily enough,” But you must be well aware of that wasn’t always the case.”

“You can’t mean…”

The tengu looked aghast, growing visibly paler.

“I mean exactly that,” She nodded,” Grandmaster Yamato Iori is an Ancient Senjutsu Practitioner.”

The room froze in unison, thoughts running through each of the council members heads as the information truly set in. Some of them had been around when those lofty cultivator ruled and the power they had was still felt to this day. So they naturally knew the danger this man held beneath that paper-thin layer of civility.

Are you mad?!!” Marui, the oni couldn’t contained himself and veritably flinched away from the unassuming man. “What about the pact?!”

“If the other factions finds out that we are harboring Ancient Practitioner…”

The tanuki whispered, facing looking as though they only wanted to curl up into a ball somewhere.

“It’ll be outright war!”

The lightning that sparked across the raiju now was more akin to a storm just beyond the horizon as it’s hackles were raised.

Explain yourself Yasaka!”

Nurarihyon decided now was the time to make his play, for the continued existence of Yokai everywhere.

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