Immortality in DxD

Chapter 5

Kunou shook her head to clear that rather insane thought.

‘Immortals aren’t real…’ She reasoned,’ Its more likely that he’s found a way to increase his life span and keep his appearance…’

For any human with supernatural abilities, like Magicians or Sacred Gear Users, aging would always be an insurmountable barrier that only the best of the best could overcome. Or if they get recruited into Devil Peerages, instantly granting them the increased lifespan they sought and access to the incredibly powerful magic of said race.

But it wasn’t the same with those who practiced Senjutsu. Given the fact that they manipulate a type of life energy, it wasn’t strange or hard for such people to develop a way to slow physical aging to a crawl while keeping their youthful appearance.

“If I may ask..” The young kitsune brow visibly twitched at her fawning mother, before asking another question,” Who did you learn Senjutsu from?”

This wasn’t a simple question in the slightest, by acquiring such knowledge she could measure exactly how valuable this Senjutsu User was. It would be better if he was apart of a an entire group of masters, it’ll be much more worthwhile than a singular master.

“Ah..” Iori had a small fawn grin on his face, causing Yasaka’s tails to wag around more wildly. Memories came flooding into his mind, further widening into a full blown smile.

“It was a friend of mine,”


“They were a very old yokai,”


“It took a lot of convincing but they did eventually buckle under my begging.”

‘You’ll really let me go? Thank you! I promise I won’t appear before you again!’

“But alas, after passing the secrets of Senjutsu to me they met a tragic end.”


“A yokia taught you?” Now Kunou was confused, greatly so. She knew there weren’t too many Senjutsu users let alone masters in this world, the barrier to entry was just too steep. Most of these number are indeed yokai but most of them were old farts who hated humans. Still remembering the days when they used to worship them like gods, so none of them would ever come down from their pedestal to teach a human anything. “What kind?”

A Obariyon.”

His casual answer nearly caused the kitsune to miss her next step entirely. Legs wobbling in some effort to not just tumble to the hard packed dirt.

“Be careful Kunou-chan.”

Her mother’s giggling voice filled her ears as she suddenly regained her balance in the next steps. Easily spotting that familiar golden Ki which seem to have formed bars of force strong enough to steady her. The girl’s face felt slightly hotter at her actions, to her it wasn’t becoming of a princess to appear clumsy to her people.

“Thank you mother..” Kunou was grateful in the moment but after thinking for a few seconds, it probably would’ve been for the better if she had just fallen. Now her mother had oh so much ammo to use in her teasing session later.

“What do you mean a Obariyon taught you?”

She decided not to think so much about the future then, there were questions to be answered. Obariyon were child like Yokai that were equally as mischievous as they were dangerous, atleast to humans anyway. Many hapless mortals had felt a sudden weight on their backs before something giggled, assuming it was their child they often ignored it. Only to have their rib-cage crushed and their scalp being gnawed on by small razor sharp teeth.

“Exactly that Fox junior.”

The man smiled serenely at her dumbstruck look, while internally thoroughly reveling in the teens’ short circuiting brain. Don’t judge him too much, being cooped up for so long would make anyone have a few screws loose.

‘That’s impossible!’ Kunou was simply flummoxed at his answer. Obariyon were near the bottom of the totem pole for Yokai. Sure they were strong enough to crush rib-cages of human but they could easily be throw off no problem at all. Honestly, she didn’t even know they could use Senjutsu to begin with. And she was more than certain that any techniques taught by those tricksters wouldn’t be anything but harmful for a human to use.

“Is there a name for this...Senjustu Master?”

While she was hesitant, it would only be good for them if there truly was a Yokai Senjutsu Master to add to their roster. Much better than some human, especially if they were hemmed in further by the other factions. The chances of this human fleeing or switching sides was high in that situation, while with a Obariyon…

‘Still pretty high…’

The realization made her shoulders slightly slump in defeat, it was a lose lose situation.

Iori looked a bit sheepish, completely thrown off from her rather obvious question. He even gave a stink eye at his fawning disciple.

“You know, I never got there name.”

He decided to answer truthful, liking the story instantly. Besides, who would care about some Obariyon he captured, extracted the secrets of Senjutsu from before disposing of any loose ends? Especially after all these millennia?

“Fine.” Kunou did not look convince, but filed away his unwillingness to answer as a mark against him,” Then do you have any feats?”

“You want hear about his war stories?!”

Yasaka had previously look on the two with a goofy grin on her face, memories of her life with the man all those years ago, before scooping her daughter up in her arms. Judging from the repeated blows to her stomach, her girl did not appreciate being carried like this public.

“Please Master Yamato,” She begged, pulling those oh so effective puppy dogs eyes on her master. Know full well how weak the man was to anything cute. “Please regale us on your past conquests!”

The man in question couldn’t help but give the blonde an incredulous look on his face. They both knew damn well that she could tell those stories just fine. She was there too in fact.

“I remember helping some brat some years ago,” He rubbed his chin, missing that departed glorious beard greatly,” Some idealistic fool, paid well though.”

“That he did…”

Yasaka sighed in conjunction with that man.

“What do you mean?”

Kunou decided it was for the best to ignore her mother’s reactions, knowing full well nothing would get done if she had it her way.

“I was a mercenary back in the day,” Iori sounded like those old Yokai that bragged about the past,” Pretty good one in fact.”

“Are you still one?”

Now she was excited, if all it took to rope this person was some cash then everything would be solved readily enough. Having a powerful Senjutsu user in your back pocket would always be a good thing.

“No.” His instant refusal nearly made her want to pout into her mother’s neck. Looking up, she saw her own disappointment was shared with the busty blonde.

‘Stupid boobs…’


Yasaka asked, choosing to ignore her daughters’ jealous expression. She really wasn’t as good at keeping that mask up than she thought.

“Simple.” Iori flicked his long sleeves to the side, inky black hair blowing in the wind,” There is nothing in this world I want that I cannot take myself.”

‘Such arrogant words!’

Even Yasaka was thrown slightly back, she knew her master had every right to be so sure of himself but it had been so long since someone just casually spouted such domineering words. Especially not in front of her. Kunou was even more floored, sure there were arrogant Devils who said the exact same thing but usually had a family to hug the thigh of to get what they want.

Just hearing the man’s proud announcement, she just knew in that moment that the Yokai Faction wouldn’t be peaceful again for a long time.

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