Immortality in DxD

Chapter 7

“We are here Master Yamato.”

Kunou announced, feeling relieved to rid of the smiling man. And judging from her guards following close behind the pair, it was a shared sentiment. She couldn’t help but feel uneasy around the man, at first she was dismissive of the man but her mother’s reaction to the mere thought of him ‘proving’ himself was already more than enough clues to come to one single conclusion. Yamato Iori was dangerous enough to make an Ultimate Class sweat.

That was the absolute peak of power for any being to achieved, besides dragons. Someone of that class alone could end wars, build factions and alter the course of history by themselves. There influence forever leaving a stamp on the minds of all.

Maybe if she was stupid she could delude herself into believe the blonde kitsune was just concern for her teacher getting hurt or killed. But Kunou knew differently. Her mother didn’t fear for her people or anything, but shocking enough those pushy factions as whole. It meant, she honestly thought that this human could easily carry out his not to subtle threat.

And just the thought of this walking calamity being so close to their living quarters caused her hackles to rise.

“Thank you Fox junior.”

The man in question responded, surveying the room with casual interest. The room was a significant improvement from the variable cave he had been living in for all those years. The courtyard they had just entered overlooked a beautiful view of Kyoto as a whole. Trees littered the surrounding walls with little symbols etched into their trunks. A well was placed on the opposite side of the yard. Leading to a set of large double doors.

Even Iori knew it wouldn’t be a proper for a brat to follow him into his personal chambers, he had a reputation to uphold after all. He couldn’t imagine someone having the reputation for being a perverted degenerate. Sounded like a real nightmare to him.

“As a reward,” Iori did somewhat promise to atleast take a look at Yasaka’s daughter,” I will check your Ki channels.”

“That is no-”

“Nonsense.” The immortal interrupted the girl easily, thoroughly enjoying the flash of irritation she thought he couldn’t sense,” It will not take long.”

“As you wish…”

“Princess!” The nekomata interjected, glaring a hole into the man’s back. To have her princess debase herself to a complete stranger at such a young age…

“Enough.” Kunou said coldly, struggling to get her shoulder out. While she had heard of certain deviants having certain interests, it didn’t mean she ever thought she would be the focus of such debauchery. Tails and ears slightly drooping in defeat.

“What are you doing?”

Iori had a look of confusion on his face, horror slowly filling his heart. He was just going to check her Ki Channels, why was she undressing?!

“I’m getting undressing?”

Kunou froze, equally as confused as the man before her. Even the two glaring bodyguards looked at the human in bewilderment.


“Aren’t you going to check my channels?”

‘Why do you have to take off your clothes for that?!’

That threw Iori for a loop, he had never in his long life heard of this practice.

“First,” The man sighed, already feeling a headache form,” Fix yourself up and take a seat. All of you. I will fix your pre-conveived notions.”

Kunou face bloomed in red, the tight bits of control of control she had over her tails and fears crumpled. They wagged through the air in agitation, golden blurs being the only thing visible. Quickly she did as the man bid, wishing the Earth of open up and swallow her whole. The girl didn’t even dare spare a glance at her 2 body guards who also looked equally as embarrassed.

Iori looked at the 3 awkward looking yokai, black hair flowing behind him. Unnatural blue eyes bore down on them. Putting his hands behind his back, he sighed while looking up to the sky.

“Explain everything you know about Ki.”

“Uhm..” The golden haired girl wouldn’t even raise her head as she sat on the stone tiled floor,” Ki is the energy of the life itself. Everything living has it. Plants, animals, humans, devils, fallen angels etc. As long as they’re alive, they have Ki.”

“Good.” Iori nodded, he would save shattering her understanding of Ki for later,” You.”


The ogre looked confused, pointing to himself to verify.

“Yes. Tell me what is Senjutsu.”

“O-oh of course.” He coughed into his meat palm,” Senjutsu are techniques that allow for the manipulation of Ki. Whether their own or others. Primarily its used for strengthening oneself through the use Touki.”

“You mean that’s you use it for..”

The nekomata mumbled, obviously not all the way satisfied with the oafs simple explanation.

“Then you do better!” The ogre retorted automatically, before eyeing their current company and shrinking in on himself,” Sorry.”

“No harm done.” Their impromptu teacher replied, not looking concerned in the slightest,” Then Miss Nekomata, can you list some uses for Senjutsu?”

“Of course,” She said confidently, after-all this art was what her people were known for,” It can be used to sense Ki all together, making it excellent for tracking and breaking illusions. Since it relies life energy, its excellent at healing even the most grievous of injuries. And for those more skilled, stop aging all together…”

The proud looking cat girl trailed off as she looked at the man in horror, sudden realization hitting her over the head.

“Yes.” Iori nodded, ignoring her expression,” Thank you miss. Ki is like life itself, it flows and moves. It’ll always naturally be in constant motion. For those who practice the art of controlling this energy, the first step is always determining your unique channel formation. It’ll allow for better and faster manipulation of said energy. It’s common for these channels to follow the same pattern as your own cardiovascular system, so a meticulous first scan is paramount for future development.”

“So in simplest terms,” He continued,” There’s no reason to undress for such a mundane procedure. I have no idea why you people believe being naked would in anyway help or hinder that scan.”


“Hmmm?” Iori cupped his palm over his ear, leaning forward to hear the mumbling,” Speak up Miss Nekomata.”

“That’s just how it’s done,” She stammered, red brushing at her cheeks,” Even the Elders from my family requires skin to skin contact to check our channels”

“That’s…” The man flinched at the image of old men and woman creepily rubbing their hands on his own body,” Not what I do. While it is true that skin to skin contact is best, such a method is usually reserved for those closes to you. Like family members or a lover.”

“What do you need then?”

Kunou asked, looking relieved at the turn of events. She would for sure be looking for her mother after all this was said and done. There was a lot for that woman to explain..

“Give me your wrist.”

Iori held out his unblemished hand, in fact it looked as though he hadn’t worked a day in his life. Just looking at that palm sent a spike of jealously flooding through the 3 students. The fox girl did as bid while trying her best to suppress that envy less it be the cause of her own downfall.

The man closed his eyes as he slid a thin stream of Ki into her Channels, the world fell away as it became just him and the life energy of this young child. His thread sped down intricately developed Channels, curls and stretching into every possible path. He didn’t really notice any problems at first, a bit too simplistic for his liking but he wouldn’t judge. But then, a slight deviation made itself readily apparent around her heart. The Ki seemed to go into the organ, stutter a bit and then continue on its way at a significant loss in not just speed but also volume. With an idea already in mind, Iori prodded her kidney, lungs, stomach and finally a her brain. Finding a similar issue among them all.

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