Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 20 Half mouth open

Not long after, he heard a slight movement outside the house.

His heart was slightly chilled, it seemed like someone was spying on his every move from outside!

Wang Haikun is cunning and suspicious, so he is not easily dismissed.

It's wrong just to think about it. If Wang Haikun was outside the house, it would be impossible for him to sneak around and peek like a thief. Instead, he broke in directly.

Wang Haikun has done this kind of thing a lot.

While Qin Niu was eating the chaff, he secretly thought about the origin of the peepers outside.

Since it wasn't Wang Haikun, who could be peeping outside the house?

Peeping outside his house at this time cannot be a coincidence.

It's probably another 'eyeliner' of Wang Haikun.

Human nature is so mean.

Obviously everyone hates Wang Haikun, and every ordinary villager has been bullied and exploited by him. However, there are some people who are deeply servile and willing to serve the devil with their own bodies and try to please Wang Haikun by using low-cost methods such as acting as eyeliners for Wang Haikun.

The purpose is not to be bullied by Wang Haikun.

Or don’t bully so harshly.

Qin Niu was minding his own business eating the unpalatable food, as if he had no idea about the prying eyes outside the house.

After a while, the feeling of being watched secretly disappeared.

He estimated that the other party should leave.

He immediately stood up and went behind the door, looking out through the crack in the door.

The man had a wine gourd tied around his waist, his back was slightly hunched, and his figure was very thin. Staggering on the road, gradually disappearing.

It turned out that the old drunkard in the village had his mouth half open.

Unexpectedly, this person was secretly acting as an informant for Wang Haikun.

You really know people and faces but don’t know their hearts!

Zhang Banzui and Xie Lezi are both bachelors.

The only difference is that Zhang Banzui was married. I heard that he escaped from another place and later settled in this village.

Xie Laizi has no skills and just does odd jobs for rich families like Wang Furen and Xu Zhenchang.

As for working as a worker for the Yan family, you can't get into it at all.

The Yan family is equivalent to a modern large company. Even if you want to farm for the Yan family, you can't get in if you want. They have to go through layers of assessments and select the best among the best.

Only those who meet the Yan family's recruitment standards can enter.

The Yan family rarely hires temporary workers, but all are permanent workers.

They were in charge of food and housing, and were rewarded with money during the holidays, and pork was distributed during the Chinese New Year.

Wages are also guaranteed and will never be in arrears.

Therefore, in the eyes of many farmers, being able to work as a long-term worker in the Yan family is a very privileged job.

Xie Laizi is ugly. In summer, abscesses will appear on his head, and in winter, scars will form on his head, but his hair will not grow back. So he became a leper.

This is true every year.

No one could tell what strange disease Xie Lezi had.

When Xie Laizi had no money, he would do odd jobs for wealthy households to make money. There was little work in winter and he couldn't find any work to do, so he went into the mountains to chop some firewood and sell it.

Anyway, it is the kind where one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.

Zhang Banzui never does such rough work. He is addicted to alcohol. There are also some skills, such as telling fortunes for people.

It's just that the calculation is not accurate, and you can often see him with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

He never admitted that he was beaten.

Whenever someone asked him, he would say fall or fall.

Moreover, he also learned the Zen sayings of Bald Donkey because of fortune telling, and developed the habit of only speaking half of his words. So he was nicknamed Zhang Half Mouth.

In addition to telling people's fortunes, Zhang Banzui also has a special ability, which is to treat diseases of livestock and poultry.

If someone's livestock is sick, he can definitely cure it.

This ability is much better than his fortune-telling ability.

It's just that there are not many sick livestock and poultry, and if they are cured, the money given is not much.

When he has no money to drink, he will go back to his old job and tell fortunes at the risk of being beaten. Later, everyone knew that his fortune-telling was inaccurate, and no one in the nearby villages asked him to tell fortunes.

He also created two new businesses, one is to predict good and bad luck for people, and the other is to help people choose auspicious days for weddings and funerals, and take a look at Feng Shui.

Not to mention, the probability of being ganged up on by these two new businesses seemed to be much smaller, and he was beaten less often.

Qin Niu thought Zhang Banzui was a smart man, but he didn't expect to act as an 'eyeliner' for Wang Haikun, which was really despising him.

Opening the door, he prepared to check the extent of damage to the 'alarm bell' outside the house.

In fact, he just randomly scattered some dead branches on the ground.

As long as people step on it, it will make a sound.

He heard a noise inside the house and immediately knew someone was coming.

A small piece of yellow paper floated into the room.

It was probably caught in the crack of the door. When the door was opened, it fell off and floated directly into the house.

Qin Niu's sharp eyes discovered that there were a few small words written on it.

“Don’t reveal your wealth in vain!”

Was this written with a half-mouth?

After he picked it up, he was stunned.

It shouldn't be wrong.

There aren't many people in the village who can write, so being able to write and draw with half-open mouth is an outlier.

What does it mean to peek outside the door with half your mouth open and leave such a note as a reminder?

Could it be that being an informant for Wang Haikun was forced?

Qin Niu tore up the note and threw it away. Go outside the house and rearrange those damaged 'alarm bells' to ensure that they can continue to serve as warnings.

As night fell, Qin Niu boldly took out a large piece of bear meat, chopped it into pieces, and cooked it in a pot.

Began to eat.

It was obviously the prey that he had hunted, but he had to wait until late to eat it secretly.

He hoped that this kind of life would end as soon as possible.

If you want to solve the problem, the best way is to have stronger strength, and it is best to have some social status. Naturally, you will not be afraid of Wang Haikun coming to plunder.

While eating bear meat, he checked his cultivation level.

Mortal Realm 1st Level 39.8/100.

It went up so fast.

It’s about to break 40.

So far, it was all due to the surge in cultivation caused by drinking a belly of bear blood last night.

It increased by 3.2 in one day, which is really fascinating.

Unfortunately, bears and tigers in the mountains are both easy to hunt.

Because only a hundred miles of mountains can feed a tiger.

The black bear is slightly better. It is an omnivore, and its food range ranges from insects to wild boars.

It often climbs up trees to steal honey and doesn't care if it gets stung all over its head.

Qin Niu secretly speculated that the bear blood of an adult black bear should be able to increase his cultivation level by 5 points.

Since part of it was wasted, the bear blood he drank should help him increase his cultivation level by about 3.5, which should be the limit.

His current cultivation level is far stronger than that of ordinary adult men, and may even have surpassed Wang Haikun.

After eating the bear meat, clean up the traces.

He just started to sleep.

He must be energetic. He will be ready to leave for the city before dawn tomorrow.

The village where I live now is called Shuangfeng Village, which is about fifty miles away from Black Tiger City. Even if it takes one hour to travel eight or nine miles, it will still take three hours to arrive.

One hour is equal to two hours, which is six hours.

He had to rush back to the village in one day, and the time spent on the road alone would take six hours.

So it has to be early.

Before dawn the next day, which was probably the same as Yinshi, he set off with the bearskin on his back.

When country people go into the city, they carry a cane basket on their backs and walk with their legs spread wide.

Qin Niu was very careful when he left the village, but fortunately he was not caught by Wang Haikun.

At this point, Wang Haikun must be lying in bed bullying his wife, or sleeping soundly, unable to get up at all.

After leaving Murakami Official Road, Qin Niu was not afraid at all.

Take big strides forward in the direction of Black Tiger City.

The bear meat he ate last night has only been digested a little, and his cultivation level has now reached 40.1/100, the first level of the mortal realm.

Finally broke 40.

This also means that he is stronger than 99% of men.

Compared with the effect of bear blood, bear meat is obviously weaker, and the growth rate of cultivation has slowed down a lot.

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