Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 214 Double Happiness

Bugs evolving venom attacks are the way to go.

Because of its small size and weak body, the damage caused by a bite to the enemy is limited.

If it is highly poisonous, even a small ant can cause huge damage to the enemy. The deterrence it brings will also increase exponentially.

The queen ant can now breed poisonous ants with a 30% chance, which also means that the combat effectiveness of the ant colony will increase significantly.

Why are Green Goblins scary?

Isn't it because it is highly toxic? Just one sting from it would kill even the master of the Seven Star Sect.

In addition to termites that can produce highly toxic properties, the queen also has two more natural abilities.

Give birth to cure ants.

This is a very practical ant species.

During the battle, it is inevitable that some termites will be injured.

In this case, having a treatment ant treat it can prevent death and allow the injured to recover as quickly as possible.

If you guessed correctly, it should be that the queen ant insists on feeding the leaves of the broad-leaf Chonglou every day, and this is how it evolved the ability to reproduce and treat ants.

It also has the ability to spawn zombie ants.

It's a very weird name.

It may have something to do with the fact that it ate a lot of corpse-eating wasps.

What do zombie ants look like?

Stiff like a zombie? Or do you have zombie abilities?

He certainly hoped it was the latter.

If one hundred termites are born, there is a chance that two zombie ants will appear.

The probability is quite high.

By then, when the first batch of ant eggs it lays hatch out of the nest, you should be able to see them.

As soon as the queen ant was promoted, she transformed into an egg-laying machine again, producing a steady stream of ant eggs.

It's really dedicated.

Through the advancement of the queen ant, Qin Niu also realized that the most important way to cultivate the queen is to feed it high-end food.

Termites are omnivorous creatures and are rarely picky about their food.

Poisonous or not poisonous, it will eat them all.

Since the queen ant has evolved at this time, the matter of obtaining the Green Goblin's treasure will be delayed for a while. If you are more prepared, you will have a better chance of winning when the time comes, and it will be safer.

He knew very well that if the Green Goblin's treasure had been so easy to obtain, it would have been taken away long ago.

After all, the mountains where the Green Goblin once lived have become the holy land that many insect masters yearn for.

There is also an endless stream of people who come to capture valuable bee species.

For an ordinary insect master, even catching a bee species eliminated by the Green Goblin is enough to make a comeback in life.

The queen ant's promotion at this critical moment is more like destiny.

At this moment, Qin Niu noticed a strange movement from the green threadworm eggs stored close to him.

After checking, a big smile appeared on his face.

It is said that misfortunes never come alone, and blessings never come together.

Today is an exception, good things come in pairs.

The green filarial worms that had been hatched for many days actually chose this time to successfully break out of their eggs.

Its body is very small, thinner than a hair, and very short, probably only about a millimeter.

It is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Qin Niu had been looking forward to this insect for a long time.

As long as you keep it well, you can use it to monitor the enemy without being noticed.

Come on, I allow you to suck my blood. You can just lurk on my head from now on.

Qin Niu carefully placed it on his head.

After a while, I felt an itch on my scalp.

He knew that the larvae of the green filarial worm were already sucking his blood.

Greenworm (larvae)

Level: Level 3 tube tentacle worm, upgrade experience 1000/10000

Lifespan: unlimited

Energy: 1

Skills: First level of blood-sucking 0.1/10, first-level venom 0.1/10 (paralysis, blood coagulation).

Talents: Parasitism, Psychic

I feel like it's quite awesome, it was a level 3 bug when it was born.

You know, many bugs will never advance to level three in their lifetime.

Its abilities are also simple, namely sucking blood, venom, channeling, and parasitism.

The most powerful ability of Green Silkworm is psychic.

Using this ability, you can spy on anyone without anyone noticing.

The premise is not to be discovered by the host.

Level three greenworms are still unable to lay eggs normally, and they can only lay eggs normally if they are promoted to level four.

It is still in a larval state.

Qin Niu is now a strong person in the Xiantian realm, and letting him drink essence and blood is enough to help him advance quickly and become stronger.

Raising this bug is easy.

The only disadvantage is that it has poor control over its own venom, and it easily produces venom into the host's body during the blood-sucking process. This results in local itching, redness and swelling. It should improve once it becomes an adult.

The days passed quickly, and Qin Niu was working hard every day to cultivate termites and queens.

What worried him the most was the calf, which still hadn't woken up.

It has also become the one with the longest evolution time among Qin Niu's many pets.

Twin Peaks Village has been quiet these days.

How the strong man who entered the village that night left is still a mystery.

But since then, no one from the Nine Insects Gang has come.

This is a good thing.

Qin Niu thought it was possible that the strong man didn't find anything after investigating, so he left.

Of course, this is just speculation.

About three or four days ago, the locust plague that had been dormant for many days became raging again. This time it was more violent than ever before.

Even the rarer extra-large locusts appear in dozens at a time.

The Yan family is currently unable to hire a Chong Master.

Because the insect masters in the Black Tiger Gang were killed one after another, the surviving insect masters were frightened and hid one by one.

For fear of being discovered.

How could he risk his life just to make money?

Even if you make money, you have to spend it with your life.

The eldest son of the Yan family personally came to invite Qin Niu twice, but he declined both times.

When they couldn't find a insect master, the Yan family set their sights on the three thousand ducks rented out by Qin Niu.

The Yan family also knew that Qin Niu had a special relationship with Tang Caixian from Daoyuan Village. In addition, the Tang family had an official with a high position. This matter can definitely only be handled through discussion.

It’s not clear how to talk about it specifically.

The Yan family relieved Daoyuan Village and were willing to return the lease of the ducks at any time.

In fact, as the locust plague becomes more ferocious again, the role of ducks is limited.

Qin Niu was watching the diamond ink turtle in the fish pond at home that day.

Now it has nothing to do and plays with the water in the pool, enjoying itself.

In addition to making the water in the fish pond roll, it has also developed a new skill. It can control a stream of water to shoot out, just like a water gun, to shoot at the target.

Although the water column controlled is not large, its power is also very limited.

But Qin Niu knew very well that as long as it mastered this ability, it would definitely be able to use it to attack enemies in the future.

Is Mr. Qin at home?

The voice of the old patriarch of the Tang family came from outside the courtyard.

Is this the Tang clan leader? Please come in!

Qin Niu asked Xiaoqing to open the door and welcome the guests into the house.

He vaguely guessed the purpose of Patriarch Tang's visit.

Because the Yan family has already been angry with Qin Niu.

Master Qin, the three thousand ducks you have rented have been for a while. The recent locust plague has been too fierce, and the ducks can no longer hold the line of defense. Fortunately, the crops that should be harvested in our Daoyuan Village have been harvested. The rest, If the locust wants to eat it, let it eat it. Now we are going to return the duck to its original owner and return it to you.

Chief Tang said tremblingly. (End of chapter)

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