Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 218 Washing the Nei River

Different from the past, Qin Niu felt unprecedented security as soon as he entered the town.

There are two rows of horses at the entrance of the town.

Even though it was late at night, there were still soldiers stationed there.

There was a temporary camp behind Juma, with a bonfire burning. The temperature now is not very low. It is summer and can even be called hot.

The purpose of burning bonfires is probably for lighting.

More than a dozen soldiers could be vaguely seen sitting around the campfire, with only the three leading soldiers wearing hundred-refined black armor.

Others wore ordinary leather armor.

Those who wear Bailian black armor are usually regular soldiers and low-level officers, while those who wear leather armor are mostly recruits or candidate soldiers.

Even if you look at the soldiers at the gate of Black Tiger City, all of them are wearing hundred-refined black armor and holding long spears, you would think that any soldier in hundred-refined black armor can be worthy of it. A set of hundred-refined black armor worth five hundred taels of silver would never be given to every soldier.

That is to say, the Black Tiger Gang is not short of money now, so they use it as a facade.

In the early stages of establishing a gang, if you want to join the army, you must equip yourself with weapons, mounts, and armor.

Hey, what are you doing?

A soldier spotted Qin Niu walking quickly with a basket on his back.

Here we go.

Qin Niu showed the bronze fish charm.

This thing works very well in the territory of the Black Tiger Gang. When encountering an interrogation or the like, you can immediately enjoy privileges and preferential treatment.

Hey, it's a bug master! Are you planning to leave the territory of the Black Tiger Gang?

The soldier looked at Qin Niu and his attitude was obviously more respectful.

Yes, I'm going to Baiye Town to try my luck.

Qin Niu said calmly and generously.

Head, there is a bug master here who wants to leave the country!

The soldier turned and shouted to the military leader beside the campfire.

Three military leaders wearing hundred-refined black armor immediately stood up and walked over, surrounding Qin Niu.

Qin Niu looked calm.

Among these three people, the one with the highest cultivation level is the bearded soldier, who is at the first level of Houtian realm. The other two would be at the peak of the mortal realm if they were able to hold on to death.

To be honest, even if these dozen soldiers plus one were not enough for him to kill with one hand.

Now our Black Tiger Gang is at war with the Nine Insect Gang, you don't know that, right?

After Big Beard stared at Qin Niu and looked him up and down, he questioned him in a cold tone.


Since you know that the two armies are fighting, you still run to the Nine Insects Gang? Please register your belt card with me.

Big Beard is the highest-ranking person among this group of soldiers.

The military establishment is usually five men per team, ten men per ten, and an additional ten man.

These people added up to exactly eleven people.

The bearded man should be a very long man.

Qin Niu also had a preliminary understanding of the strength of the army.

One can become a captain at the first level of the acquired world. If one is at the peak of the mortal realm and has superior combat power, he has the opportunity to become a corps commander.

As for those in the Xiantian realm like him, they are at least at the centurion level.

Qin Niu registered the fish charm to the other party.

Master Qin Niu, I would like to ask you, what are you going to do when you leave the country? Can you tell me?

I'm going to Baiye Town to look for the Green Demon Bee.

After hearing his purpose, the bearded man's expression softened slightly.

If you have to leave the country, we won't stop you. But we still have to give you a few words of advice. Now that the two armies are fighting, your identity is also very sensitive. It's really inappropriate to go to the territory of the Nine Insect Gang. It's possible. You may be regarded as a deserter, a traitor, or you may be regarded as a spy by the Nine Insect Gang who enters the country to spy on intelligence. And if you are discovered by their people after leaving the country, you will be arrested immediately, and you may even be killed on the spot.

After the bearded man registered, he stated the interests involved.

It's really not a good time to leave the country now.

Thank you for your advice, but I still want to try it.

Qin Niu persisted in his thoughts.

Go there! I can only wish you good luck. There are some people in the town who also want to leave the country for various reasons. You can join them and have a greater chance of success.

The bearded man fulfilled his duties without making things difficult for him.

As long as they are in the privileged class, they will try to be as convenient as possible to each other.

Qin Niu walked in through the passage left between the horses.

After entering the town, you can see that the lanterns in front of several inns are lit. There are even waiters standing outside soliciting guests who may need to stay at the hotel.

Sir, would you like to stay in the hotel?

Seeing Qin Niu carrying a basket and walking in a hurry, an old lady waved a silk silk to greet him.

For those who didn’t know better, they thought it was a pimp soliciting business.

Need not.

Qin Niu refused indifferently, and then continued walking forward.

It is not difficult to hear from Jun Bing's words that leaving the country is not difficult, but entering the territory of the Nine Insect Gang, how to avoid the other party's interrogation is the problem.

Hey, guest, you want to leave the country! You can't get through now. There are many guests in our inn who want to leave the country like you! You must trust my sister Fang and stay in my inn. When the time comes, I will make arrangements for you.

This woman greets people with extraordinary eyesight.

Qin Niu's intention was easily guessed.

But Qin Niu didn't like her. He didn't answer and walked forward with his head down.

According to the information on the map, after entering the town, as long as you keep going north, you will encounter a large river.

After crossing the river, we entered the territory of the Nine Chong Gang.

As he walked along, several inns along the way had lights on, but no one stood at the door to solicit guests.

The proprietress of the first inn was the most dedicated.

After leaving the town, the roads became much worse.

The road is potholed and overgrown with weeds on both sides of the road. The night was dark and windy, and it was quite eerie for a person to drive on the road at night.

The further you go, the more desolate it becomes.

After walking about two miles, he heard the sound of rushing water ahead.

The river is not far ahead.

After walking for more than two hundred meters, I saw a large river about two hundred meters wide, winding and flowing on the ground.

The unique smell of water is even more striking.

According to the markings on the map, this river should be the famous Xiye River.

Also known as Xi Ni River.

It is said that if someone makes a mistake, he can wash away his sins by bathing in the water of this river and sincerely repenting.

Because this kind of thing is a bit fantasy after all, not many people believe it.

On the contrary, there is a strange black fish in the river. Its meat is tender and has few spines. It tastes delicious and is very popular among people. Villagers near the river often come to the river to fish.

Qin Niu looked at the surging river and couldn't help feeling worried.

It is not easy to cross this river, even if his water quality is excellent.

There are turbulent undercurrents in the river, and there are even whirlpools swallowing each other, making it very dangerous to swim across.

The best way is to walk over the bridge.

The map he bought was a simplified version, with rivers on it, but no bridges marked.

You get what you pay for, and you won't feel hungry after eating porridge.

A general-purpose map purchased for one tael of silver is definitely not as good as a detailed map purchased for fifty taels of silver.

He was asked to spend one hundred taels of silver to buy a map of the Black Tiger Gang and a map of the Nine Insect Gang, but he was still reluctant to part with it.

Mainly it's of little use to him.

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