Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 224: Poison-clawed soldier ants perform meritorious service

When the sun set, the patrolling wolf soldiers came again.

The leader named Wang Qiu was still riding a black wolf and patrolling with his ten wolf cavalry.

Ebony, is there nothing unusual?

Reporting to Mr. Wang, I found nothing unusual.

Cheer up and be more careful at night. I heard Mr. Yazhak say that there might be a fish that slipped through the net. If that person can escape the search, it shows that he is very strong. If you find anything abnormal, immediately release a flare or blow the horn. Don't think about it. Fight with that person.

It seems likely that they have figured out who escaped.

Fortunately, no trace has been exposed yet, and they only have suspicions based on clues.

Master Wang Qiu left quickly with his wolf soldiers.

This mountainous area is so vast that horses cannot walk in the mountains at all. The wolf cavalry is extremely flexible in the mountains.

It is not difficult to judge from Lord Wang Qiu's words that the patrolling wolf soldiers will probably not come again today. Now should be a good opportunity to make a move.

Qin Niu quietly took off his leather armor and placed his backpack on the tree.

Then he quietly approached the big tree where the enemy scout was with the termites.

It must be a one-hit kill without giving the scout any chance to call for help or make a sound.

On the tree, Ebony was practicing with his eyes closed.

For any soldier, improving one's cultivation is definitely a top priority.

No matter how powerful martial arts, bugs, and animal pets are, they are only side effects. Only by improving your cultivation level can you get the most lasting and real benefits.

The same two soldiers, if one of them breaks through from the mortal realm to the acquired realm, he can immediately become an officer.

The other soldier who failed to break through could only look up to his former comrades.

This is the most direct benefit.

Then there are increased lifespan, increased strength, increased mental power, the ability to control more pets, or more powerful pets, etc.

Ebony didn't even know that death was coming.

When Qin Niu was still about ten meters away from the big tree, he discovered that there were almost invisible spider threads arranged in front of him.

A fist-sized gray patterned spider lay on Ebony's shoulder.

Its two black eyes protrude, as if they are always staring.

Next to it are two jumping spiders, much smaller.

On the branch next to Ebony was a large green mantis. It was licking its two front legs with its mouth.

The front legs of mantises are their most powerful weapons.

Like two big knives.

The fourth child led a group of termites to control the three spiders and a mantis.


Lao Si immediately led six worker ants towards the big tree in front.

When they were less than five meters away from the big tree, the mantis on the tree and the three spiders all lay motionless.

Qin Niu knew that he had them under control.

Termites are really powerful, and they managed to kill four of Ebony's bugs with only seven of them.

This ebony was just a little soldier, but he actually raised four bugs, and each one was of a high level.

The mantis and the two jumping spiders should be at level three, and the big black spider is probably at level four.

With such a strong strength, if placed in the Black Tiger Gang's Insect Master Association, he would definitely be among the best among the low-level Insect Masters.

But Wu Mu is an extremely ordinary member of the Nine Chong Gang.

The strength of the insect masters of the Nine Insect Gang is beyond imagination.

All four of Wu Mu's insects were controlled, and Qin Niu released another demon ant.

Bring a few termites to check and see if there are any other bugs!

Although the magic ant's combat power is not as good as that of Lao Si, it is still an extremely outstanding existence among many termites.

It soon made a discovery.

Master, I found a cricket.

Control it!

Qin Niu ordered.

After the magic dragon controlled the cricket, Qin Niu held the magic knife and quietly approached the big tree.

The spider thread was hung up by him, but because the big black spider was controlled, there was no warning.

It was not until Qin Niu had arrived under the tree that Wu Mu, who was practicing, felt strongly uneasy and then slowly opened his eyes to check.

What greeted him was a ruthless sword light.

The entire neck was cut off directly.

Qin Niu caught the head and the broken corpse that was still spurting blood. The smell of blood is a big deal. There is no good way to deal with it now.

As Ebony died, the controlled bugs died one after another.

A small bamboo tube hung on Ebony's waist.

After opening it, it was revealed to be a recently dead cricket.

Crickets can make various chirping sounds to alert their owners.

Fortunately, Qin Niu had an extra thought and sent out magic ants to find and control the crickets.

He quickly searched the corpse and obtained a token and some broken silver. Then he took off the Tengjia from the other party.

He picked up the body and quickly threw it into the thick grass.

He took back the basket, put on the Pig King leather armor, and put on the rattan armor.

If you encounter an interrogation, you may have a chance to get away with it.

It was not a good place to stay for a long time. After dealing with the ebony, he quickly moved forward.

The dangerous feeling is still there.

He was very careful as he moved forward.

Because there are hidden whistles everywhere, it is easy to be discovered.

Fortunately, he relied on his Xiantian realm cultivation to sneak smoothly and climbed over the hill ahead.

Zhan Mu looked toward the valley below.

I saw dozens of tents stationed in the valley, and a large number of soldiers stationed there.

At this point, he finally understood where the danger came from.

It should be the army from this valley.

You can still faintly hear shouts and shouts coming from another hill ahead, like an army training.

Looking at this situation, there should be a lot of troops stationed in this area.

It is likely that multiple valleys were already filled.

If Qin Niu was discovered now, he would really plunge into the enemy's den.

There were soldiers patrolling near the military camp, but no one came to patrol the hills.

Even so, he still didn't dare to be careless.

Quietly using the cover of trees, we walked straight ahead along the road to the top of the hill.

Wanting to bypass the army in the valley below.

Along the way, he was on tenterhooks, but fortunately he was not discovered.

It passed through more than a dozen valleys, and in each valley there were troops training or stationed.

As expected, the Nine Insects Gang gathered a large number of troops near the Xini River.

I don’t know how such a huge army could cross the River Zei.

The piranhas and water monsters in the river are difficult to deal with.

At this time, the sky was getting darker and it would soon be dark.

For him, the night is a natural cover. Good for him.

Taking out the map and looking at it, he found that his current location still belonged to the border area between the Nine Insects Gang and the Black Tiger Gang.

There are many routes out of this mountain area.

He wanted to go to Baiye Town, so he naturally had to choose the shortest road.

Looking in the right direction, Qin Niu continued to sneak towards the right.

It is estimated that it will be tomorrow morning when the patrolling wolf soldiers of the Nine Insect Gang discover that Wu Mu has been killed.

By that time, he had left the mountains and no longer had to worry about being rounded up.

He successfully climbed over the highest hill ahead, and there was only a large tent stationed in the valley below.

It is estimated that it may be the enemy's central tent, or the place where the generals live.

Being able to become an army general must be extremely powerful.

In his eyes, the big tent below was more dangerous than a large army.

Oops, there are wolf cavalry coming.

Qin Niu quickly found a big tree and climbed onto it quietly, hiding himself.

Still the same Mr. Wangqiu.

Wolf soldiers should be a rare unit in the Nine Insects Gang.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate a powerful wolf as a pet.

From a distance, they could be seen escorting a tied up girl and quickly running towards the Chinese army's tent below.

The girl's face was full of despair.

However, Qin Niu recognized at a glance that the unlucky girl who was captured was one of the stowaways last night.

Her father has acquired cultivation level.

A family of four.

Now she is the only one seen. Her parents and younger brother may have been murdered.

Or they were imprisoned in temporary prisons on the front lines.

And because she was young and beautiful, with fair and dewy skin, she was presented to a higher-ranking officer by Lord Yazhak.

Beauty, gold, and silver have always been the most popular things in the military.

Qin Niu had no intention of saving anyone.

Now I hope those wolf soldiers will leave as soon as possible after offering their perfect lives.

Just as he expected, the wolf soldiers came out quickly. Everyone has a smile on their face and should be praised by their superiors.

Master Songtsan rewarded each of us with a high-level insect egg. As long as it hatches, I will soon be able to cultivate a fourth-level insect, and even have a chance to evolve it to level five. I am so happy.

Master Wang Qiu, the insect eggs you got are of a higher level. It shouldn't be difficult to cultivate them into level six insects. Don't forget us old subordinates then.

Haha, we are all in the same family, so we will never forget it.

The wolf soldiers chatted happily and quickly came towards Qin Niu.

The road they were going to take was forty or fifty meters away from where Qin Niu was hiding.

When the black wolf that was hunting the ball was about to climb to the top of the mountain, it suddenly raised its head and sniffed around.

It's possible it caught a hint of blood in the mixed air.

When Qin Niu killed Wu Mu, he got a little blood on his body.

Although it was cleaned, the blood stains on the clothes could not be cleaned.

The wolf soldiers who were chatting and laughing immediately stopped.

Their eyes looked at the black wolf at the same time.

Soldier ants with elephant trunks immediately release a pungent odor.

Qin Niu gave orders to several venomous soldier ants.

To cover up the odor, perfume is usually sprayed on it. Now the best way to cover up the smell of blood is to let the elephant-trunk soldier ants release poison.

In an instant, several third-level poisonous clawed soldier ants began to release irritating chemicals.

Qin Niu held his breath to avoid being knocked down.

The black wolf in the distance was still sniffing.

Not long after, it suddenly started sneezing and even shook its head.

Seeing this scene, Qin Niu almost laughed out loud.

You kid, if you dare to meddle in other people's business just because of your sensitive nose, I won't kill you.

In other words, the poisonous clawed soldier ants are only at the third level now. If they can be upgraded to one or two more levels, the pungent smell they emit will be even more powerful.

The black wolf's sense of smell has been severely disturbed, even damaged for a short period of time.

It kept sneezing and shook its head and walked away.

Lord Wang Qiu, did your mount discover something just now?

It may be some kind of bug with a very bad smell. I have encountered this kind of situation before when I rode it while patrolling the mountains. Let's leave quickly.

Master Wang Qiu obviously couldn't communicate with Black Wolf in animal language.

It's not even possible to have clear soul-soul communication with spiritual thoughts.

Otherwise, he would definitely know that Hei Lang just smelled blood.

Now he thought that what the black wolf smelled was the stink of some kind of insect. Such as millipedes, stink bugs, etc.

Most bugs have a foul odor.

Including scorpions, which emit a sour smell that makes people sick.

Needless to say, millipedes, their stink can be smelled from a long distance away.

If you dare to mess with it, the smell is enough to knock you down.

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