Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 38 Green Demon Bee

Overall, Qin Niu is quite satisfied with the evolution of the entire ant colony.

You can get more special food for them to eat in the future.

For example, bear blood, centipede corpses, even scorpion corpses, spider corpses, etc.

He currently has a fairly clear idea of ​​cultivating ant colonies.

Finding ways to improve the queen's special talents and reproductive skills is the core, and then finding ways to make the fourth child stronger and stronger, and training the fourth child as the commander of the ant colony.

The cultivation of soldier ants must also keep up. Because they are the guards that guard the entire ant colony.

Only when the soldier ants become stronger can the safety of the ant colony be worry-free.

After checking the properties of the ant colony and setting the tone for development, he simply found a place to sit under the camphor tree.

Then take out the Green Devil Bee Breeding Book and read it.

This nest of termites gave him a very different feeling.

Because the evolutionary ability of the ant colony is particularly excellent, after eating one meal of bear blood and two meals of bear meat, powerful termites evolved directly.

After eating three centipede corpses, poisonous ants evolved.

Although it was only slightly poisonous, it was enough to surprise Qin Niu.

He believes that the most special being in the entire ant colony is not the queen, but probably the fourth child.

Because the worker ants and soldier ants that hatched later did not have special beings like the fourth child.

Their intelligence is obviously not as outstanding as that of the fourth child, and there is not even a single collective of soldier ants and worker ants.

Also, Lao Si was not the only worker ant who ate the centipede carcass. Other worker ants also ate it, but they did not evolve the ability to venom.

And the most important point is that the queen ant can evolve the special ability to reproduce powerful ants and poisonous ants, all by relying on the worker ants to feed her.

This requires a food conversion process.

It seems that Laosi's food conversion ability is quite special.

Of course, these are just guesses.

Whether this is specifically the case requires further observation and research in the future.

Insect masters originally grew up with the pets they cultivated.

An entomologist who raises centipedes may know nothing about raising termites. By the same token, Qin Niu also knew nothing about how to cultivate centipedes.

Each insect master has his own area of ​​expertise.

The methods to extend the lifespan of different bugs may vary.

As for the direction of cultivation, it is even more different.

For example, the Coleoptera Seven-spotted Coccinella beetle may pay more attention to the cultivation of its suspended animation skills and carapace defense.

In the case of a centipede, more emphasis is placed on its venom capabilities.

Qin Niu cultivates this nest of termites, and is currently crossing the river by feeling the stones. In many areas, he needs to explore a little bit by himself, and then accumulate experience.

When you open the Green Demon Bee Breeding Manual, you can see that the writing on it is not written with ink, but with a kind of yellow-brown juice.

Maybe because of the passage of time, the handwriting has become very faint.

The carved bamboo slips and the pictures and texts written in ink can be preserved for thousands of years without distortion.

But the bee breeding manual left behind by the Green Goblin, first of all, its material is very problematic.

It feels like it should be made of the skin of a small animal like a hare.

Although the corners have been cut, the hide still looks extremely rough.

I can understand the situation the Green Goblin was in at that time. He was burdened with a blood feud and could only hide in the mountains and survive. Later, after massacring the entire village, they were chased by officers and soldiers and had no chance to get anything better.

In such a harsh environment, it would be considered a good thing if he could leave behind this Green Demon Bee Breeding Manual.

Kill, kill, kill!

These are the three shocking brown characters on the first page. Although the handwriting is scrawled, the deep hatred and murderous intention revealed in the fonts make people shudder.

The Green Goblin and his young sister were bullied by their uncle and aunt's family since childhood, and were extremely squeezed and abused. You can imagine how deep the hatred is in their hearts.

There is no reason in the world, only strength is supreme.

This is the second sentence left by the Green Goblin.

It is also a true portrayal of his life.

It's almost impossible for the Green Devil Bee I bred to have another success, but some of the beekeeping experiences can be used for reference...

After seeing the third sentence, Qin Niu couldn't help but curse in his heart.

The Supreme Sea is a big liar. No wonder this Green Devil's Bee Breeding Manual only sells for ten taels of silver.

You know, the Green Goblin single-handedly challenged the local government and killed all the owners of the Seven Star Sect.

According to his cultivation method, he can raise several Green Demon Bees, which are almost worthy of respect.

No matter how unpopular the imperial insect is, it can still be sold for thousands of taels or even thousands of taels of silver.

This scroll of insect control techniques cost Qin Niu ten taels of silver. No matter how rubbish it was, it was impossible to throw it away.

Qin Niu could only suppress the anger and disappointment in his heart and continue reading.

Ten dogs make one mastiff! In order to breed the best hounds, the hunters in the village will forcibly wean the puppies about ten days after they are born and keep them together. After starving them for three days, they will pour animal blood on them to induce them Kill each other. In the end, only one will survive, and all nine will become food for the survivors. The hounds bred by this method are fierce and tenacious, and can be fearless when encountering tigers and bears.

Humans are really cruel.

It takes a lot of effort to get a good hunting dog.

I used this method to cultivate poisonous bees, and it took me nearly seven years to obtain a poisonous bee with superior combat power. I used it to mate with a female bee, and after more than 7,000 failures, I finally obtained a mutated queen bee.

Although the Green Goblin did not write down the specific breeding process, it can be imagined that he put in countless efforts to cultivate a powerful poisonous bee.

After that, I used that queen bee to reproduce and developed several bee colonies with different abilities. Later, by chance, I tamed a green python wearing a black crown on its head. With its help, it took thirteen years to cultivate the first generation of green pythons. Demon bee. This bee is as big as a medicine pestle, has four steel wings, and its body is as hard as fine iron. It is difficult to be injured by ordinary weapons. Anyone stung by it will die of pus and blood within seven days, and there is no antidote.

However, the sky is unfair. The Luo Xing Sect sent immortal masters to kill me. In the end, it was difficult for mortals to defeat the immortal family. I knew I would die, so I left this volume of bee breeding scriptures to wait for someone who is destined. If the sky is willing to lend me another fifty years, I will We will definitely be able to cultivate a second generation, or even a third generation of Green Demon Bees, and dare to destroy the Immortal Family on a cliff.

Qin Niu could feel the powerlessness of mortals facing the immortal family from the words left by the Green Devil.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

The final shouting was indeed very domineering.

It's a pity that Tian was jealous of Yingcai and didn't give him another chance to live for another fifty years, so he was directly wiped out by the Immortal Family of Luo Xing Sect.

Otherwise, it is really possible for this person to destroy the Luo Xing Sect by himself.

Qin Niu was just an ordinary mountain man in the countryside. Although he had read a few books, he didn't know anything about the Seven Star Sect or the Luo Xing Sect.

I just vaguely knew that there was a larger sect above the local government, and that might be the Immortal Sect.

Or maybe not.

In this world, many ordinary people’s activities will not exceed a radius of ten kilometers in their lifetime. For example, in Shuangfeng Village, those who have the opportunity to visit Black Tiger City are considered to have seen the world.

Transportation is inconvenient, and ordinary poor people have to do farm work since they are born. They have no opportunity to receive education. It is very good to be able to make ends meet.

Thinking about going to the city every day? First of all, the money in my pocket can't support this idea, and then I don't dare to run around.

In this chaotic world, human life is like a piece of grass.

Qin Niu secretly thought it was a pity. It would be great if he could obtain the first generation of Green Demon Bees cultivated by the Green Demon!

Even if you only get one, your strength will immediately increase a hundred times a thousand times.

It's just that the Green Demon Bee can kill even the master of the Seven Star Sect. Even if Qin Niu encounters it, he won't be able to conquer it.

It would be good to escape with one life.

He continued to read further. Fortunately, the Green Goblin had some conscience and left behind a lot of beekeeping experience and insights. Many of these approaches are refreshing. Even the bee language was mentioned.

Unlike the silent communication methods of ants and termites, bees use their wings to make sounds to transmit signals.

Qin Niu now mainly masters ant language, but his attributes show insect language.

Now that he has seen the Green Goblin's experience communicating with various wild bees, he should be able to try to learn bee language.

Read page after page carefully, it's actually not much, only five pages in total.

One sentence of truth is preached, and thousands of books are falsely preached.

Cheats are usually very thin, with every word in detail.

Hey, the fourth page of the Green Devil's Bee Breeding Manual seems a little different!

As he was flipping through it, he made an unexpected discovery.


Control your rewards.

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