Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 51 Hard Bones

Because the process of making a contract does not require contact between the two parties, in theory, as long as it remains quiet and does not capture it, it can also be conquered.

Qin Niu was still carefully observing the royal platform surrounded by drones.

I have two plans to conquer in my mind.

The stupidest way is to capture the new queen bee and bring it home to tame it.

If you do this, even if you conquer the queen bee, you will still face many problems.

The clever and trouble-free method is to take advantage of the opportunity when it climbs out of the throne, seize the fleeting opportunity, and conquer it.

Bees and ants are social creatures and will die quickly if they leave the group.

A single new queen bee simply cannot survive in the highly competitive nature.

Therefore, capturing the new queen bee without destroying the colony is the best option.

The situation is different if you are taming wasps or bumblebees.

Wasps have extremely strong survivability, and the queen bee can build a nest, lay eggs, and raise young bees alone. Then the population continues to expand, eventually forming a bee colony.

Bumblebees are similar. A single queen hides in a cave for the winter. After sucking nectar from flowers the next year, she starts laying eggs to establish a colony.

The decision to acquire a queen bee as a pet is based on many considerations.

While he was observing secretly, there seemed to be a slight movement in the bee swarm.

Worker bees flew out of the nest one after another and flew around the pine tree.

Did you find me, an uninvited guest, and want to attack me?

He subconsciously checked the homemade simple 'helmet', or a head shield that would be more suitable.

A hat-shaped hat made of woven rattan, with the edges simply sewn using old patterns to protect the neck and face inside.

Soon, he found that he was thinking too much.

A bee with a darker color and a long and narrow body flew out from the depths of the nest.

After it leaves the nest, it flies around the hive.

Oh! It's the queen bee!

Insect identification proficiency +0.01.

Qin Niu wanted to slap his thigh, but he made a mistake.

I didn't expect that there was a new queen bee inside. Now that it has flown out of the hive, it is impossible to tame it again.

After flying around for a few times, it quickly flew away into the distance.

Then there are a large number of worker bees following.

Miscalculation, miscalculation, I didn't expect them to secretly cross Chen Cang.

Qin Niu watched the swarm fly into the distance and tried to catch up, but he couldn't catch up.

He had already lost one chance to conquer the new queen bee, and he didn't want to lose it a second time.

He was sure that there was a new queen about to fly away from the throne at the bottom of the nest.

If one gets away, we must keep an eye on this one.

But nothing can go wrong again.

Time passed little by little and he waited patiently.

He even climbed into a pine tree to get closer to the throne of the hive.

Because his mental power is still very weak, the closer he gets when conquering the bugs, the better.

Theoretically speaking, close to the eyebrow is the best distance.

Obviously, it is unrealistic to want the new queen bee to stick to his eyebrows and wait for him to conquer her.

All we can do is try to shorten the distance between the two parties.

When he climbed to the waist of the tree, the guard bees in the swarm had already noticed him.

There are obvious signs of attack.

Qin Niu was very cunning and could not move while climbing the tree.

When the guard bee relaxed its vigilance, he slowly moved upward.

In this way, we get closer to the hive.

The distance seems to be less than two meters, which is already the limit distance.

If you get any closer, the swarm will probably explode.

The position he chose is very good, with both feet having a foothold, which can save energy.

In order to facilitate the upcoming collection work, he tied himself to the tree with a belt. As the time gradually approached noon, the king's platform that he was staring at finally made some changes.

The worker bees drive the drones away.

Then, not long after, a darker bee poked its head out.

Slowly crawled out from behind the throne.

Qin Niu recognized it as the queen bee almost at a glance.

Insect identification +0.01.

The golden opportunity is now.

Not to be missed.

He bit the tip of his tongue decisively and sprayed a mouthful of blood directly on the activation area of ​​the low-level contract talisman. As it was successfully activated, it spontaneously ignited in the wind and turned into a golden light that enveloped the new queen bee who was about to leave the nest.

After its body trembled slightly, it struggled hard, seemingly unwilling to be surrendered by the power of the contract.

Qin Niu stared at it nervously.

I didn't expect this new queen bee to be so strong-willed.

Of course, this is a good thing.

He still dislikes the queen bee who is too weak.

The body of the new queen bee keeps trembling, just like a newly emerged bee that keeps trembling in order to accelerate the hardening of the body.

It was struggling desperately to get rid of the shackles of the golden light.

It can be seen that the golden light wrapped around its body has a tendency to dissipate.

What an awesome queen bee.

Qin Niu's eyes shone brightly. The more powerful it was, the more Qin Niu liked it.

With some reluctance, he quickly took out the only low-level talisman left in the wooden box, and activated it directly without any hesitation.

The second golden light enveloped the queen bee.

This time, the golden light was obviously much stronger.

It also appears thicker.

Although it is easy to conquer termites with just one low-level talisman, some people encounter difficulties and eventually fail after consuming seven or eight low-level talismans.

Level 1 bugs are a little better. If they are the kind of strange bugs that have evolved special abilities, the difficulty of conquering them will definitely be hellish.

Let alone a mortal, even a monk would have a hard time conquering them.

Some monks even failed to subdue them and were killed by strange insects.

Generally speaking, the difficulty of conquering ordinary bugs is much lower than that of beasts.

Wild beasts, especially ferocious beasts, are the hardest to tame.

Qin Niu held his breath and waited silently.

The only two talismans are all used up. If it still resists fiercely and refuses to surrender, then the conquest will fail.

You have to find a way to break its will.

Surrendering to me will make you stronger!

Qin Niu learned bee language and tried to communicate with it using his mental power.

It is still fighting tooth and nail.

Obviously, it is unwilling to surrender to any living being. It wants freedom and dignity.

I can make you live longer!

Its resistance was a little weaker.

Submit yourself, and you will outlive any queen bee.

Immortality seems to be more attractive to it.

I don't know if the power of the two talismans is too strong, or if Qin Niu's persuasion weakened its will to resist, and you can see that its trembling gradually weakened.

But the tug-of-war continues.

Qin Niu did not dare to expend too much mental energy to communicate with it, because it required a lot of mental energy to conclude a contract.

If it consumes too much now, even if it is willing to surrender later, it may still fail to conclude the contract due to insufficient mental power.

Many worker bees are flying outside the hive, waiting for the new queen bee to take them to build a new nest.

But something happened to the new queen bee, lying there motionless, making these worker bees who wanted to separate the family become anxious.

Time passes little by little.

The golden light on the new queen bee began to fade again.

Qin Niu was extremely depressed.

It’s hard to come across such a top-notch creature, and it’s a pity that we can’t conquer it.

That is to say, there is not enough money, otherwise I will definitely buy a few more low-level talismans and put them on me.

Rich Wang has been putting off buying fertilizer, otherwise this would be a good way to make money.

And as long as Wang Furen buys it and uses it well, Xu Zhenchang may also buy it from him. Then you will have money to buy talismans.

Submit! I will treat you with sincerity!

Qin Niu had no choice but to make his last effort.

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