Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 60 One Qin Niu brother at a time

We two, that's called mutual perfection. You provided your skills and helped me grow fine tea. You were rated as an excellent farmer of the Yan family, with an annual salary of more than ten taels of silver. And I also received the Lord's blessing. Appreciation has left Yan Qi far behind, and my position has become more stable. Master Hu, the production and quality of the third batch of tea are entirely dependent on you, so you must work hard to stabilize it for me. It would be better if we could go to the next level.”

Butler Yan Er said with a smile.

Please rest assured that I will do my best to repay your kindness. After being rated as an excellent farmer, my family finally lived a prosperous life. I went to my father-in-law's family, and now I have a good son-in-law. I didn't have this kind of treatment before. .”

Master Hu is very satisfied with his current life.

Bid farewell to the poor days of the past, and now the food, clothing, and supplies are all of high quality. The wife no longer thinks he is incompetent, but is worried that her husband will divorce her and marry a younger man.

Now he is serving his husband in every possible way and greeting her with a smile, making him feel the glory and comfort that a man has never experienced before.

An ordinary farmer's salary is only three taels of silver a year, and with various benefits, he only gets three taels of silver. Excellent farmers can get a high annual salary of ten taels of silver.

The income is more than double that of ordinary farmers.

If you save a few more years, you can even buy a house in the city.

Qin Niu carried the fat on his back to the Yan family's second tea garden.

There is still a large hillside that was reclaimed and planted with tea trees.

It seems that the planting area is smaller than that of the first tea garden, and many tea trees have yellow leaves, and the top branches are messy and thin, like people with stunted growth.

I could vaguely see a farmer bending over to loosen the soil and weed among the tea trees in the distance.

Brother! Where is Butler Yan Qi?

Qin Niu shouted at the top of his lungs.

The farmer heard the sound, straightened up, then raised the hat on his head, and looked over following the sound.

It's Qin Niu!

When the farmer saw him, he immediately came towards him.

At first, Qin Niu thought this person looked familiar. He was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see his whole face clearly.

After hearing the other party's voice, he recognized it immediately.

Yan, Butler Yan Qi, I didn't expect you to work in the fields yourself!

Qin Niu was indeed extremely shocked.

Haha, why can't I farm in the fields? I started cutting pig grass when I was six years old, learned to herd cattle when I was seven years old, and learned various planting skills such as soil loosening and weeding when I was eight years old. I was able to be independent by the time I was ten years old. Planting corn or wheat. Although the superiors only dared to give me one acre of bad land for training, I still harvested more than 300 kilograms of corn and more than 200 kilograms of wheat that year.

Butler Yan Qi walked over with a big smile.

And he proudly introduced his growth as a child.

The Yan family will definitely not keep slaves in vain, and will let them learn various farm work from an early age.

Those with good talents will also teach them writing and arithmetic, and then take care of the Yan family's business. For example, working as a clerk in the Yan family's shop in the city, or staying in the Yan family to be responsible for counting the labor of workers.

No wonder you know so much about planting!

Qin Niu felt that this steward Yan Qi was different from the other stewards of the Yan family who were aloof and only knew how to dominate.

Housekeeper Yan Qi is not only kind and kind, but also able to endure hardships and stand hard work. He puts down his body and works in the fields himself, which is really admirable.

Seeing the look of admiration on Qin Niu's face, Butler Yan Qi couldn't help but smile proudly again.

Can this basket of fertilizer be used to grow tea trees?

It's absolutely no problem. One plant needs about a bowl of fertilizer. If you need to see the fertilizer effect as soon as possible, you need to bury it around the roots. It can help the tea tree grow fresh and tender leaves quickly, and it also has a certain effect on improving the yellowing of the leaves.

Before Qinniu formulated fertilizer, it deliberately strengthened the foliar fertilizer effect, reduced the fertilizer effect on flowering and fruiting, and then appropriately enhanced the fertilizer effect on root growth.

Great! Pour them here. If they work well, I'll buy them from you next time.

After hearing this, Butler Yan Qi showed joy on his face.

no problem!

Qin Niu poured the fertilizer mud into the designated fertilizer storage tank.

This is a clay jar buried in the soil, which is very good for storing fertilizer.

After pouring the fertilizer, Qin Niu looked at the slope.

Yan Qi saw it and immediately smiled.

Qin Niu, I know that your planting skills are very good. Regarding fertilization technology, I am a layman. If you have any good suggestions, you can give them some advice. As long as it is really useful, I will be rewarded.

Upon hearing this, Qin Niu pointed to the mountains above the slope.

The hillside used to plant tea trees is on the sunny side, and the terrain is flat. It is originally very good. However, the mountains above are quite steep. In addition, after planting the camellia trees, the workers worked diligently to remove the weeds and ferns under the trees. Everything has been cleaned up. Whenever there is a heavy rain, a large amount of rainwater will wash down the ground from top to bottom, which not only causes some soil erosion, but also easily causes flooding on the soil slope below.

Tea trees prefer dry, loose soil.

Spring is the peak season for tea picking, and it is also a season of heavy rainfall. At this time, the root system of the tea trees is damaged due to flooding, and the leaves turn yellow and the roots wither. No matter how much fertilizer is applied, it is useless. And the quality of tea will be greatly reduced.

After listening to Qin Niu's instructions, Butler Yan Qi's eyes were as bright as a bright light.

This is such a great insight! Listening to Brother Qin Niu's analysis is better than me studying for ten years. When spring comes, the soil on this slope is particularly wet, and I didn't pay much attention to it before. Now that I think about it, it turns out that That can also cause floods. Compared with real floods, it only floods the roots, while floods flood the entire tree. I have gained some knowledge today.

Butler Yan Qi reached into his arms and took out a piece of silver.

It is estimated to weigh five cents.

It's a little careful, please accept it from Brother Qin Niu!

His name for Qin Niu also changed.

Now there is a Qin Niu brother.

You know, he is the butler of the Yan family and belongs to the upper half of the hierarchy.

The status and status are at least four levels higher than those of ordinary farmers.

However, he took the initiative to lower his status to match the Qin Niu brothers, which convinced him of Qin Niu's planting skills.

I accept Butler Yan Qi's kindness. It's just a few words and worthless. If you use my fertilizer, the effect will be good. Please take good care of me in the future.

Haha, no problem, no problem.

I still have work to do in the fields, so I'll take my leave now.

After Qin Niu gave his instructions, he said goodbye and left.

Not accepting that half a tael of silver was his brilliance.

For him now, half a tael of silver is nothing. Any hunt will exceed this number.

Not accepting money would mean that Yan Qi had accepted a favor from him.

There will naturally be no ambiguity about where Qin Niu can be taken care of in the future.

That night, he took the termites and continued to eliminate pests in the corn field, not to mention.

The next day, Qin Niu slept until the middle of the day before getting up.

He spent two whole nights clearing away the pests in the field, which not only greatly improved his insect control skills, but also harvested a lot of insect eggs. This is a good thing, it can help the queen quickly improve her reproductive skills.

Although the food supplement method cannot be continued forever and the effect will become weaker and weaker, for Qin Niu, it is enough for now as long as it can help the queen ant improve her reproductive skills to a higher level.

Taking out the sword and taking a closer look, he found that the green mango inside the blade suddenly began to weaken again.

This knife is now in trouble.

You have to drink the blood of the ancient banyan tree every day. If you don't drink it for a day, you will get sick.

Just in time, go up the mountain to see if the termites have evolved? Today I am going to send a few termites into the area covered by the ancient banyan tree to try.

After eating three kilograms of bear meat, he hurriedly carried several jars up the mountain.

Because Ye Ming did not practice Changchun Gong these two days, his food intake was reduced by about half. Eating three kilograms of bear meat a day is enough. If you practice Changchun Gong, you will feel hungry even if you eat six kilograms a day.

The jars he carries are all used to contain banyan tree blood.

If that ancient banyan tree had spirituality and I saw it, I would be angry to death.

This human boy had a chance to escape last time, but instead of repenting, he brought so many jars to drain its blood.

It's really hateful.

After going up the mountain, Qin Niu went straight to the ant nest.

Children, come out!

Like a demon king, he calls to the ant colony.

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