Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 68 Puppet Worker Ants

When the sun was about to set, Qin Niu opened his eyes.

He has been practicing for more than five hours.

The cultivation level directly broke through from the second level of mortals to the third level of mortals.

In the second level, the lungs are strengthened, because the lungs are the source of hundreds of meridians and are also called the lung heads.

In the third level, it was his kidneys that were strengthened.

The kidney is known as the place where energy gathers. After it was strengthened, Qin Niu felt extremely energetic. It seems that there is endless energy and endless energy.

The eyes also became brighter and the vision seemed to be enhanced.

What's even more amazing is that he feels that his mental power seems to be growing continuously. Although it is very slow, it is indeed growing slightly.

He thought of something important and quickly checked the life span.

Lifespan: 66 years.

The lifespan was only increased by five years, which was directly cut in half compared to the first time.

It's right to think about it. It's too easy to upgrade from the second level of mortals to the third level of mortals.

If one could increase his life span by ten years with each small level of cultivation, this would be outrageous. Those masters of the tenth level of mortals, wouldn’t everyone be able to live to be over 150 or 60 years old?

The life-extending effect of Changchun Gong is much stronger than that of ordinary exercises.

He felt the powerful power in his body and was very satisfied.

From now on, I will come to practice under the banyan tree every day.

Seeing that the crown of the banyan tree was already pressing down, Qin Niu quickly put away the can.

Today's cut is obviously much deeper, but the banyan tree has a strong ability to heal itself. Therefore, the amount of banyan tree blood received was only a little more than yesterday.

The water flows slowly, and it is quite good to receive so much banyan tree blood every day.

If he squeezed it too hard and killed it, it would be difficult for Qin Niu to find such a good training place again.

After coming out with the basket on his back, he hurried back with the termites.

It seems like it's going to rain. It's very dark today.

When we arrived at the ant nest, it was very quiet. There were only two ordinary soldier ants guarding the entrance of the nest.

When he left in the morning, he ordered the second-level tiger-striped soldier ants not to go out to attack the enemy, but to just stick to the nest.

It seems to work pretty well.

They were very obedient to their master Qin Niu.

Hurry in!

Qin Niu put the queen, Laosi and other termites back into the nest.

At this time, a termite with a big head crawled out, its body was light green.

Qin Niu's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw it.

Isn't this kid the worker ant who feeds the blood of the Thousand-Eyed Tree? Now that it can crawl out on its own, it seems that it has completed its evolution.

Looking at it carefully, I found that not only its head had become larger, but its antennae had also become much longer.

View its properties on the spot.

Puppet Worker Ant: Lifespan 5 years, special ability (has a certain probability of controlling other insects. The lower the level of the person being controlled, the easier it is to succeed.)

Judging from the description, the general meaning is that it can control insects with lower levels than itself. If you want to control a bug with a higher level than it, the stronger the opponent, the higher the failure rate.

This is another special ant species!

I don’t know what the ‘thousand-eyed tree’ is called?

Its tree blood actually has such a powerful effect. I will collect more of its blood next time I have a chance.

Qin Niu even regretted cutting down so many trees.

Because this kind of ‘thousand-eyed tree’ has never been seen anywhere else. It is only found under the ancient banyan tree.

Most likely a rare breed.

It's too late today. Let's see what you can do tomorrow.

Qin Niu discovered that the soldier ant that also drank the blood of the Thousand Eyes Tree had not yet completed its evolution.

It feels like the evolution of soldier ants is slower.

As soon as I came out of the mountain with the basket on my back, the rain started to fall.

He quickened his pace home.

The window of Miss Wang's attic was closed tightly. Usually when Qin Niu passed by below, she would stick out her head and say hello to him with a smile.

Even though he was scolded many times by Mr. Wang, he still refused to change his attitude.

As soon as Qin Niu walked under the eaves of his house, he found that the mechanism had been touched.

When he opened the tea door, he saw pancakes wrapped in oil paper placed in a hidden corner.

One look at the exquisite wrapping technique, and I knew it was the work of my neighbor Wang Wanyan.

He bent down and picked it up carefully, and a piece of paper fell down.

A few beautiful small characters jumped into view.

I'm very happy to hear that you can make money selling fat. Come on!

No signature.

She is a smart girl and knows that Qin Niu is also smart.

Just by looking at it, you can tell it's the note she left.

This Miss Wang treats me very well. If she is in trouble in the future, I will take care of her.

Qin Niu is now getting stronger and stronger, and his confidence is much greater than before.

The only regret at the moment is that I haven't been able to cultivate a third-level insect pet.

He hoped to get the identity of the insect master before Baogu harvest.

Insect masters not only receive a monthly salary from the government, but also receive a certain amount of land tax exemption. Corvee service is completely exempted.

After unlocking the door and entering the house, he was not polite. He washed his hands directly and took out the sesame cakes sent by Wang Wanyan to eat them.

The taste is very good.

But in terms of nutritional value, bear meat and wolf meat are definitely much higher.

This rain lasted for three days.

And it was pouring rain.

The rain this year has been too abundant. The heavy rain has poured down on the earth in the past three days, which may cause floods and submerge some low-lying areas.

The Shuangfeng Village where Qin Niu lives, as you can tell from the name, belongs to the highlands.

If Shuangfeng Village is submerged, it is estimated that most of the entire Black Tiger City and Yuxi Town will become a vast ocean.

In the past few days, there have been heavy rains, thunder and lightning, and Qin Niu has been huddled at home, unable to go anywhere.

There is no way to practice Changchun Gong.

He could endure the loneliness. He closed the door and sat at home to read the Green Demon Bee Breeding Sutra and Changchun Gong over and over again.

Simply realizing a method of practicing cultivation by bathing in moonlight is definitely not enough!

On rainy days when there is no moon, he cannot practice.

On the fourth day, the heavy rain began to lighten up, and the rain had the potential to stop and the wind stopped.

Unexpectedly, at night, it started thundering and raining heavily again.

According to Qin Niu's life experience, heavy rain for more than five consecutive days will definitely cause floods.

If it rains heavily for more than ten days in a row, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the world.

Unexpectedly, it really came true.

Just like human beings angered the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the heavy rain kept falling.

On the fifth day, it still didn’t stop.

Needless to say, floods are bound to happen.

All the villagers stayed at home and no one wanted to go out.

Occasionally, farmers go to the fields to check the water conditions and need to clear blocked ditches.

He also goes out wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat.

Qin Niu held the Changchun Kung and studied it repeatedly, and he realized something again.

He was clumsily trying to practice according to that glimmer of understanding.

Just like practicing in the moonlight for the first time, it is completely like crossing the river by feeling the stones.

He sat cross-legged in the room, looking at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, keeping his mind on his Dantian, and slowly breathed in and out according to a trace of the cultivation method he had learned in Changchun Gong.

There was nothing gained at first. All I breathed in was ordinary air, and then I exhaled the waste gas from my body.

Gradually, he seemed to have a feeling.

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