Immortality: Raise an ant queen and add some immortality

Chapter 8 Fertilization at the Intermediate Farmer Level

The next day, when he got up in the morning, he checked his cultivation level, which was 22/100 at the first level of mortal.

It has increased by 0.8, which is really great.

It felt like all the nutritional essence that the old wolf had accumulated for decades had been absorbed by him.

According to this trend, it shouldn't be a big problem for him to reach the strength of a strong adult with the help of this wolf corpse.

After checking his personal cultivation, he checked the queen ant's condition.

Energy dropped from 131 to 126.5.

This speed is quite scary.

I'm really worried that it won't last until the last moment.

According to experience, it takes about twenty-one days from laying ant eggs to hatching and becoming worker ants capable of foraging.

This is quite a long process.

It consumes 2 energy points per day. It spits out saliva to accelerate the hatching of ant eggs. Each ant egg consumes 0.5 energy points per day.

The total adds up to 4.5 energy per day.

As young ants are born, energy consumption will further increase.

If it cannot last until the last moment when the worker ants grow up, it will run out of energy and starve to death.

Qin Niu's dream of becoming a bug master rests on it, and he really doesn't want it to fail.

It took a whole day to deal with the wolf carcass yesterday, and I couldn't even take care of the work in the fields.

He came to the field to check on the condition of Baogu.

Wow, Luya'er finally broke ground!

The first batch of planted corn seeds have sprouted green buds. Although there is only one cotyledon, it is dotted in the soil, which still makes Qin Niu feel extremely happy.

After checking, I found that a total of 210 corns had been planted in Sanlong Field, and the germination rate was 100%.

Such a high germination rate surprised Qin Niu.

According to past planting experience, the germination rate of Baogu is only about 80%.

The seedling success rate is less than 70%.

After he became proficient in sowing and watering skills, he actually increased the germination rate to 100%, which also means that his planting skills in this area are no worse than those of veteran farmers.

Germination is only the first step, and the next step is to look at the seedling rate.

Although some seeds germinate, they may produce weak, incomplete, or deformed seedlings.

These all need to be cleaned up.

Because these problematic seedlings are useless no matter how much they are cultivated, they cannot produce buds, or they can produce very small buds. It's basically a waste of fertilizer, labor, and land.

The corn seedlings have grown up in these three fields, and the weed seedlings have also grown up.

There are films and films, which give people a headache just looking at them.

His current weeding skills are somewhat advanced and he can clean them very cleanly, but it is extremely time-consuming.

Once the corn seedlings have grown, it’s time to fertilize.

There is no chemical fertilizer in this world.

Fertilizer for crops comes from three sources.

The first type, human feces and urine, is called domestic fertilizer.

Second, livestock manure, especially cow manure and pig manure, are excellent fertilizers.

Only landlords and wealthy families can afford to raise livestock, while ordinary families can only raise one or two fat pigs. We can't afford to raise any more. Pigs eat more food than people every day.

Then poultry manure such as chickens and ducks is also a good fertilizer, and most people will raise it.

The third type is plant ash and humus soil.

This kind can be obtained from the woods on the mountain, or the leaves and roots of crops can be piled together to rot and ferment.

Also a good fertilizer.

Qin Niu was alone and had accumulated some wealth, but not much.

There is simply not enough fertilizer for crops on one acre of land.

Cow dung and dog excrement you encounter on the road can be collected and used as fertilizer. However, there are not many that can be collected.

Many shepherd boys from landlord families will bring a basket with them when they go out to herd cattle. When they see a cow pooping, they will immediately go over and shovel it into the basket. This can be sold for money. If you take it back, the landlord will give you extra rewards.

Neither domestic manure nor livestock manure could be easily obtained by Qin Niu. He could only choose the third type, humus soil.

If nothing else happens, other corns he sows will sprout and grow one after another.

Preparations must be made early to fertilize them.

He rushed to the mountains carrying a large bamboo basket, preparing to bring back some humus soil.

Just in time to see the queen ant.

When passing by the door of Fu Wang's house, Wang Wanyan's delicate face peeked out from the window on the second floor.

Smiling like a flower.

Aniu, thank you for the wolf meat you gave me yesterday. It was delicious!

Then eat more!

Qin Niu looked up at her and said seriously.

Hmm, I feel a lot stronger after eating it, and I don't get sleepy easily when reading. Today I specially asked the kitchen to make braised pork for me to eat. Are you planning to go into the mountains again?

Before Qin Niu could answer, Rich Wang's voice came.

You girl, study as long as you study. Aren't you afraid of being criticized by others when you shout like this? If you dare to do this again, I will have this window nailed shut!

Mr. Wang would never allow his daughter to have too much contact with A Niu.

In the future, his daughter will fly on a branch and become a phoenix instead of marrying a poor boy.

Wang Wanyan stuck out her sweet tongue at Qin Niu, blinked, and then retracted her head.

Qin Niu lowered his head and hurried on, heading straight into the mountain.

Just because he is poor now does not mean he will be poor forever.

Life and destiny have changed little by little due to his efforts. I believe that there will be a day when he will stand out and stand out from the crowd.

It doesn't matter that Rich Wang looks down on him now.

According to the current speed of skill upgrading, in less than two years, it might be Wang Furen's turn to look up to him.

Not long after, he arrived at the queen's nest, where everything was as usual.

He did not disturb the queen who was concentrating on incubating the ant eggs, but began to look for suitable humus soil to collect.

He was attacked by a wild wolf yesterday, which made him act more cautiously today.

Since his cultivation has improved a lot, he can do these physical tasks much faster.

Fertilization +0.01! Labor point +0.01!

As soon as he collected a small pile of humus, he gained two attribute points.

The improvement of the four skills of sowing, watering, weeding, and loosening the soil has brought huge benefits. Will the improvement of fertilization skills make me collect fertilizer more efficiently?

His eyes couldn't help but light up, now he had accumulated a lot of labor points.

He tried adding 9.9 labor points to fertilization, and his fertilization skills were upgraded from beginner to proficient.

As this skill upgraded, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his skills and experience in how to fertilize crops, which fertilizer has longer lasting fertility and is more suitable for corns, and when to fertilize have been significantly improved.

The collected humus soil looked soft, light black, and seemed to be very fertile. However, as his fertilizing skills improved, he discovered that it actually had very little fertility.

Most of it has been washed away by the rain.

If you carry it back to the ground hard, it will only bring very limited help to the growth of crops.

Fortunately, I upgraded my fertilization skills. Otherwise, I would have to work tirelessly for more than ten days, but the fertilization effect would be very poor.

Seeing how important the fertilizing skill was, Qin Niu gritted his teeth and directly spent 90 labor points to upgrade it to another level.

Fertilizer is slightly reduced to 100/1000.

To upgrade to the next proficiency level, 900 labor points are required.

He now only has 170 labor points left and cannot advance to the next level.

But just planting corn, having such high fertilization skills is completely enough.

According to his understanding, the fertilization skills at the proficient level are equivalent to the top level of low-level farmers.

A little success should have reached the level of an intermediate farmer.

Intermediate farmers have the ability to grow some delicate cash crops instead of ordinary grains and ordinary vegetables.

Strong middle-level farmers can even help wealthy families take care of the flowers and trees planted in their courtyards.

Most flowers and trees are usually delicate, and producing beautiful flowers requires a high level of cultivation.

Rich people also have high standards of aesthetics and are particular about the shape, layout, etc. of flowers and trees.

This kind of job is not something ordinary people can take on.

Of course, as long as it is done well, the income will definitely be high, and the reward from the boss will not be small either.

And it’s much easier than farming.

Therefore, although being a farmer is a humble profession, as long as you practice your skills well, you can still enjoy a good life and live a prosperous life.

After Qin Niu's fertilizing skills had reached a moderate level, he looked at the small pile of humus he had just collected and felt that it was just a pile of 'garbage'.

This kind of fertilizer is not worth the effort to carry it down the mountain and apply it to the ground.

Also, there are many weed seeds in these humus soils, which need to be inactivated before application.

Otherwise, if you apply them to the ground, the grass seeds will germinate quickly, and weeds will become overgrown and compete with the crops for fertilizer and water.

Not only does it not help crops grow, but it brings them multiple 'strong enemies' that compete for nutrients, which is harming them.

Qin Niu has powerful weeding skills that can be used to inactivate these weed seeds.

There are at least three ways to inactivate him.

Decisively giving up on the small pile of humus he had collected before, he searched around the mountains and soon found it.

And along the way, he discovered that some soils are naturally excellent fertilizers.

Take them back, even if you just mix a little bit into the roots of crops, they can retain water and fertilizer, and they can also have a natural degradation effect.

The fertilization technology of the middle-level farmers is that of cattle, which is really not comparable to that of low-level farmers.

Qin Niu began to collect the fertilizer he was interested in.

The bract is now in the seedling stage, and it needs two types of fertilizers. One is fertilizer to grow the leaves, which requires humus rich in nitrogen. The other is fertilizer to help the roots grow quickly, and this is phosphate fertilizer.

The leaves of these dwarf pines and the humus formed after the fruits rot fit both of these requirements.

Then consider that the bract seedlings need to grow stronger to produce larger bracts, increase yields, and improve lodging resistance.

He also selected some potassium-rich humus soil and mixed it in.

This is equivalent to the ‘ancient version of chemical fertilizer’ prepared by yourself.

I believe that as long as they are used in the ground, those corn seedlings will surely grow vigorously.

Potassium fertilizer can promote photosynthesis of plants, help plants form more chlorophyll, and make the leaves and branches of plants stronger. At the same time, it can also improve the cold and disease resistance of plants.

Qin Niu quickly collected a large pile of humus and carried it down the mountain.

Because he drank wolf blood yesterday and ate wolf meat for the past few meals, he had a steady stream of energy.

With this high-intensity exercise, the body absorbs nutrients from the wolf meat and wolf blood that are eaten much faster. Many cells that are in a semi-sleeping state are activated. After they wake up, they frantically absorb the energy provided by the gastrointestinal tract.

His cultivation seemed to be growing rapidly.

Even he can feel it.

This feeling of getting stronger is amazing.

A basket of humus soil weighs seventy or eighty kilograms, and a strong man would have to rest seven or eight times while carrying it down the mountain.

Qin Niu carried it directly to the ground without taking a breath.

There is no rush to fertilize, but inactivation treatment first.

This requires weeding skills.

He discovered five basic planting skills, each with its own purpose and related to each other.

This correlation becomes more obvious after reaching the slightly minor level.

The days went by like this day by day.

After Wang Haikun took the wolf skin away by force, he never bothered him again.

This kind of person is unprofitable and can't afford to be early.

Without interests that interest him, he doesn't bother to come to Qin Niu's shabby house.

When fertilized, bracts planted in the ground grow incredibly fast.

It's really different from day to day.

A high level of fertilizing skills is really good.

According to the current growth situation of Baogu, the harvest in the first half of this year will not be worse than other people's fertile fields.

Twenty days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Niu had already eaten all the old wolf. The internal organs were not wasted and were eaten as well.

Even the wolf bones were boiled into bone soup and used to strengthen muscles and bones.

His cultivation level is growing like flying.

His body had gone from being skinny and thin to now actually having some muscles, and his six-pack abs were even more obvious.

Two chapters will be updated every day, and we will try to fix it around 10 a.m.. Please give me your encouragement and support if you like it. Thank you.

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